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Closed Do we tolerate this? [ka]

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Re: Do we tolerate this? [ka]

Postby Iron Maid on Sun Aug 20, 2023 9:48 am

2dimes wrote:What neighborhoods do you have in mind?

Please be specific,

That's free interpretation for your own mind. Point here is that a lot of things are said on the internet by people. Would be better to treat people here in the same way then when you would meet them in person. So why not being nice instead of the kind of language in the above game-chat?
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Re: Do we tolerate this? [ka]

Postby 2dimes on Sun Aug 20, 2023 9:54 am

You could have just wrote, "none".
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Re: Do we tolerate this? [ka]

Postby riskllama on Sun Aug 20, 2023 7:43 pm

meh, nothing to see here - pretty tame, imo. my advice is to harden up, Maid... ;) . if you can't, then perhaps you should consider finding some other place to spend your idle time than on the interwebz...*shrugs*
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Re: Do we tolerate this? [ka]

Postby Iron Maid on Mon Aug 21, 2023 3:54 am

riskllama wrote:meh, nothing to see here - pretty tame, imo. my advice is to harden up, Maid... ;) . if you can't, then perhaps you should consider finding some other place to spend your idle time than on the interwebz...*shrugs*

Yeah you're probably right. I better leave this site and let it for people like you. As your profile already says:

Location: deep inside Queen Charlotte.
Occupation: being the greatest. getting goatfucked. being hard & joyless, like a russian turnip.

More of these people needed here!

Conquer Club falling down to 1,000 players on the scoreboard. =D> =D> =D>
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Re: Do we tolerate this? [ka]

Postby IcePack on Mon Aug 21, 2023 10:41 am

Iron Maid wrote:By the way here is the chat (With comments in red):
2023-08-09 11:44:15 - Iron Maid: gl
2023-08-09 11:45:19 - whoknowsGI: i've asked you this before, why do you join games w/ materially lower ranks?
This wasn't asked before, there was only 1 game played earlier, which he won
2023-08-09 11:45:56 - whoknowsGI: does it feel fucking good to you that cc just fucking gives you games?
Twice using the word f@$#ing for what reason?
2023-08-09 11:45:59 - Iron Maid: I join games because I want to benefit
I made this comment as I was looking for unique kills for the Snowflake Festival
2023-08-09 11:46:11 - whoknowsGI: does being a point poacher boost your fucking fragile ego?
Where does this comment come from. No mild chat abuse in my opinion - Would call this gross abuse
2023-08-09 11:46:22 - whoknowsGI: you're a sad person
Also gross abuse to say this for no reason
2023-08-09 11:46:36 - Iron Maid: lol
2023-08-09 11:46:43 - whoknowsGI: you can fucking finish this on your own, and know that you'll be foed
Again f@$#ing and no nice language
2023-08-09 11:46:44 - Iron Maid: really?
2023-08-09 11:47:12 - Iron Maid: that's ok foe me
2023-08-09 11:47:17 - whoknowsGI: hope you're super happy now bitch
Calling me a bitch? Gross abuse again in my opinion
2023-08-09 11:48:00 - whoknowsGI: go play chess w/ a 3 year old and tell yourself how fucking dominant and smart you are
Again a totally unnecessary comment
2023-08-09 11:48:04 - Iron Maid: Thank you for your kind words
2023-08-09 11:48:22 - whoknowsGI: Iron Bitch
Gross abuse again
2023-08-09 11:49:01 - Iron Maid: You really need to seek help, you have serious mental issues
I gave some good advice here. Probably unheard
2023-08-09 11:55:24 - whoknowsGI: hope those 14 points made you feel smart and pretty, you're just a bitch w/ a real compensation issue that needs addressing
And again gross abuse

This is what I meant with if we tolerate this. And now you gonna say he was banned for deadbeating instead of this kind of behavior?
=D> =D> =D> =D>

Instead of me joining his game it could be some kids who also like to play on this site. Should people be exposed to this kind behavior? Yes of course it is part of the game. I would advice people that use that kind of language her to walk during the night in some American neighbourhoods and try their language out there. It would solve a lot of problems!

I did read the chat, I know there was cuss words used. Again, my own personal opinion aside chat like this is accepted on CC. It is fairly mild, isn’t racist or bigoted etc.

I totally understand your perspective and that it could be someone kid reading that chat. Doesn’t mean that it makes that against the rules. His punishment was deadbeat related. I was just making clarification because a lot of people use specific cases in the future to compare precedent etc and wanted to be clear w this case what the issue was.

Thanks, locked to avoid ongoing continuing chat (but if you want to start a discussion on changing rules in General Discussion area you’re free to link here)

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