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Re: Super League - Season 13 *** FULL***

Postby Tviorr on Mon May 01, 2023 9:40 pm

Tin Trumpet wrote:Hi guys
Iā€™m missing a game. Only got 3 invites. L5

Possibly Guzmanuk accepted his invite after you wrote this for the last one. - In any case its there now:

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Re: Super League - Season 13 *** FULL***

Postby weaselshane on Tue May 02, 2023 12:48 pm

FFS. I thought my rank would finally make me one of the higher seeds yet no, Iā€™m 9th again. Iā€™m bloody 8,9 or 10 every season :)
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Re: Super League - Season 13 *** FULL***

Postby Tviorr on Sun May 07, 2023 5:59 pm

League 2 Openings.

Very early days still, of course, but some shaky and close standings are emerging.

1. uyumaykimaw 5 points but 4 finished games. - So nice, but not exactly running away from the pack. Decent start though and decent position to work from in a closely populated top of the league.

2. Tviorr: A very mixed start for yours truly. Ill have to keep my spirits up a bit by being so good looking and sexy. Managed a homegame win and an away win for 4 points, which was the end of the good news. The away game against Devante turned out to be as interesting as predicted. Mogul also being Devantes home field (from this season) should yield some answers as to how strong I can expect to be in Mogul in the sharp end of the competition. - Depressing answers as it turns out. Devante pulled 2 first turns and while I will claim that I kept the pressure on, especially in one of them, he never lost control or the initiative, so 2 well deserved games to him there. I almost managed to turn some good starts into a point with the other two games, but one of those moments that all of us are certain happens to us every game and never to the other guy tipped one of the games decisively. 10-3 turned to 3-2 trying to break those 3 units and a 5 bonus at a pretty crucial point of the game, and he never looked back from there ;). Draw turns to 2 points for Devante and none for me and I have a sinking feeling that that extra point will turn out to be important at the end. Also I have to hope for first turns in my home game as it looks uphill to wrestle anything from Devante on Mogul. As Im looking at a probable 1 point against Nimrod closing my Moguls, but having no luck with the randoms, Im probably placed deceptively high in the standings still, though I hope to continue to play a role in the mix.

3. Matt2007 3 points for 2 games in a troubled 3rd as a loss against Geeks is waiting for him in game 4 (currently behind 3-0). A good 4th game will easily see hm catch both second and third place, though.
4- Wizz00 also 3 points for 2 games, so really sort of joint 3rd. - Almost as troubled though as he is currently trailing 1-2 to Devante at home. Even if he cant make the draw, he is still in the same position as Matt as a good 4th game will see him contend for top spot.
5. aaronvollrath 3 points for 2 games so also kind of joint third and as nothing registers for the remaining games yet on the League site, those results of could bump him all the way into the lead or see him struggle to keep up the pace. - Everything to play for.

6. GeeksAreMyPeeps 2 ponts for 1 match. A pending win with a 3-0 lead and trailing another away against Devante 2-1, a further 2-4 points will be added when 3 games are done. If we call it 3, that equals the current first place with a game in hand.

/. Devante. 2 points for 2 games and leading the 2 remaining 2-1. With another 2 points guaranteed and a possible 4, a big jump ahead is secured and its probable that it will be to the very top places of League 2.

8 Nimrods Son 2 points for 2 games and probably taking 1 point more against me (though not more than 1), also in the mix. He will need a decent result in the 4th game to keep pace with the top.

9. Killerz999 1 point for 3 games makes for an uphill beginning. Some points in the coming games will be needed not to fall permanently behing the pack.

10. Runeldo 0 points for 3 games and seemingly an uphill struggle to get out of last place ahead. Only good news is that its still early days.

It will be interesting to see the next couple of games register. Right off, Im going to point the finger at Devante as placed deceptively low in the current standings and likely to mix it up at the very top if he can close his two ongoing leads to wins.
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Re: Super League - Season 13 *** FULL***

Postby Tviorr on Sun May 07, 2023 7:10 pm

League 1 openings.

League 1 is opening at a bit of a slow pace and very little is emerging as of yet. There are a number of games registering on the League site, but most are 1-0 leads, then a couple of 1-2s and a 3-0 lead for Molespe, so:

1. Loose Canon 6 points for 3 games. Great start in anyones book. Looks like the one to beat even at this early stage.
2. molespe 4 points for 3 games and a 1-2 lead in hand. - Right now pretty much the only contender.
3, DBandit70 2 points for 1 game. Trailing 2 matches 0-1 and 1-0.
4. weaselshane 2 points for 2 games

5, greengo, 6. elswick 1 point for 2 games

7.-10. All 0 points, 0,0,1,2 games played.
Mass Miracle
Scarlet Lady

Not much in it at present as not enough games are in, but Loose Canon is off to an amazing start with Molespe trailing a bit behind and Dbandit possibly not far behind if he can turn 2 trails into results. Very early days due to the turtle pace ;)
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Re: Super League - Season 13 *** FULL***

Postby Tviorr on Wed May 10, 2023 7:07 am

He. Setting up very close. League 2 currently has 9 players with 4 or 5 points. - Most have played 4 or 5 games. Devante has however only played 2 games and Matt only 3, so with both of them on 4 points, they are likely the actual front runners.

But still 9 players within a point of each other =D> 8-[
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Re: Super League - Season 13 *** FULL***

Postby Tviorr on Mon May 15, 2023 1:19 pm

League 2 with a slightly bigger spread, but still close and now fielding all 10 players as the bottom spots made some good points and caught up or jumped up.

Due to the slight difference in played games, its currently setting up as a small group edging very slightly ahead, a large middle group and a couple trailing slightly at the bottom, but its so very close that 1 or 2 good games will turn it upside down. - The very best games do seem hard to come by though as only 4 players have managed to rack up a 4-0 sweep so far and no player managed 2 yet.


1. Wizz00: 8 points for 6 games. - The front runner because of one of the aforementioned sweeps.
2. Tviorr: Also 8 points for 6 games. Looking decent for yours truly, the handsome tiddler, but having to look just as much behind as ahead, especially with the first 6 games completed and people with 1 or 2 games behind rumbling.
3. Devante: 7 points for 5 games. - As predicted Devante moved up and into position, but hasnt jumped as high up as feared. He is currently 1-1 in his game 6 away, so depending on how that finish he could edge ahead, draw even or stay a point behind the top spot.

Then comes the large middle group that need a little bit of oomph to catch up the top group or could sink if the results dont come. They all have 1 point per game played.

4. Runeldo: 6 points for 6 games and back from a horrible start with a roar. From 0 points in 3 games, he did indeed make good on points in the next 3 games with a total of 6 points including a sweep. Time will tell if he can keep up that pace.
5. uyumaykimaw: Also 6 points for 6 games, coming to it a bit more conservatively and with no sweep involved. Both 6 pointers now waiting for the games in hand from below.
6. Matt2007: 5 points for 5 games. Nothing registered for game 6.
7. GeeksAreMyPeeps: 4 points for 4 games and up 0-2 in his away game against Killer. Potential for a big jump.
8. aaronvollrath: Also 4 points for 4 games and currently tying Devante 1-1 at home in the Forbidden city. Potential here as well.

And the 2 trailers at the bottom closing the league without leaving a gap, though the only players currently with less than 1 point per game.
9. Nimrods Son: 4 points for 5 games
10. Killerz999: 4 points for 5 games and currently behind 0-2 at home in game 6. Looking uphill, but can still move forward with some optimism as even if losing game 6, he has caught up to the pack after a nasty start to the season. As Runeldo proved, theres a way out from the back door with a couple of good games.
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Re: Super League - Season 13 *** FULL***

Postby Clanlord Carl on Mon May 15, 2023 4:35 pm

Enough mucking around.
This season league and cup double - maximum destruction.

Then we need a world cup where we challenge other risk sites so i can give them a kicking too.
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Re: Super League - Season 13 *** FULL***

Postby igotaished on Thu May 18, 2023 10:04 am

What happens if the 12 hour fig rule is violated?

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Re: Super League - Season 13 *** FULL***

Postby Craig25 on Fri May 19, 2023 1:13 am

Read the Rules at the very start of this Forum and that will reveal all.

Have you heard of HOME and AWAY games though?

igotaished wrote:What happens if the 12 hour fig rule is violated?

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Re: Super League - Season 13 *** FULL***

Postby Tviorr on Thu May 25, 2023 4:59 pm

Well, Midseason Madness is drawing to a close Most players have completed most of the games so far and make for a board with mostly 10 completed games and a good idea of estimating fairly accurately to 11 games. Its been topsy turvy with almost everyone bidding for the interesting placings, but Im going to have to admit that The Mouth may have a (1 - one) point. Its a dangerous precedent, i know, but you know the saying about blind chicken.

In any case, the dominance on Mogul has come to a more or less crashing halt. - The point of the Mouth - that the first turn player wins on Mogul - is starting to show through at this end of the tables with experienced and dedicated players that dont make many mistakes. Its possible to make a big fuzz and keep the pressure on as a second turn player, but its an uphill battle all the way.

In any case, its close, close and closer coming out of Mid Season Madness and names have moved up and down in small increments and bigger leaps. Geeks is still one of the few remaining big questions with few matches completed. Time will tell if theres a big jump to the front here.

1. Tviorr: 13 points for 10 matches. - Just barely edging back into the fight for first position with a couple of good results after a short stint of lacking results. - Game 11 has just finished but isnt registered yet. - It was against the current second, Matt and was a belter. Early on I had a very good feeling of aiming for a 1-3, but then Matts spectators invaded the turf and it looked decidedly like a 3-1 instead. Fortunately my spectators got involved and burned down one of the stadiums and it ended 2-2, a result that both player will be slightly unhappy with and have very limited use for at this point. Still, the 14 points after 11 matches is likely to be a shared first, though also likely to be shared by several players. All that can be said for sure is that with that draw, the current front duo is NOT running away with anything ;)
2. Matt2007: 12 points for 10 matches which will become 13 points for 11 mathces. Will probably mean a position just behind the lead where the lead could be shared by several teams, so likely a small slide back to still breathe down the neck of the first spot.
3. Runeldo: 12 points for 10 games and 1-0 ahead at home against Geeks. A win will see him tied for first. A rare League 2 sweep would see him pull ahead.
4. Devante: 12 points for 10 games and nothing registered for game 11 yet. A closely fought loss against yours truly keeps him a little bit in check presently, but a win in game 11 will tie him up at the front and as with Runeldo, a sweep would see him pull ahead of yours truly.
5. Wizz00: 11 points for 9 games. Slightly behind right now, but with a crucial game in hand. Trailiong 1-2 to Geeks at home and ahead 1-2 away at Aarons, its just possible for him to tie up at the predicted lead of 14 points, but that does require him to win the two remaining ongoing games.

6. uyumaykimaw: 11 points for 10 games sees him trailing slightly behind the populated top. With nothing registering for game 11, a sweep could still see him tying the predicted lead of 14 points. A win would see him just behind on 13 with Matt, the current second spot.

7. Nimrods Son: With 9 points for 10 games, Nimrod is the first player with currently less than 1 point per match, thus creating a small game to the leading 6 players. Its by no means over though. With game 11 currently tying against geeks away, the gap will still be there with 11 games played and while small, will still require hard work to close up. 7 games left to create a bit of magic to close a 3-5 point gap. Certainly doable, but it requires putting a number of good games together which few players have managed in league 2 so far.

8. GeeksAreMyPeeps: With 7 points for 6 games the remaining wild card and deceptively "hiding" in 8th spot for now. More than 1 point per game sees him slightly off pace with the top of the league. - But if he ups the score a bit and goes 7 points for the next 5 games it lands him on the predicted lead of 14 points after 11 games. 4 of those games are registering on the board. - Currently Geeks is tying one home game against Uyum, ahead 1-2 and 0-1 away against Wizz and Aaron and trailing Runeldo also away 1-0. A possible 9 points, without looking at the games individually a realistic ... 5? points which would see him at 12 points and a game in hand to get to 14 for 11 games. In other words, the current 8th spot could be the actual top spot if his next 5 games goes reasonably well.

9. Killerz999. With 6 points for 9 games and ahead against Aaron away 1-2, the 9th spot is the first player really struggling behind the pace of the rest of the league. Its looking like an uphill struggle for the rest of the season, where it will likely be a fight to stay out of last place and a question of whether the top teams will lose points here and how many. - Killer has racked up one of the rare sweeps of League 2s season 13, so if the latter half of the season makes for points accrued mainly in surgical strikes too, it could well offset and decide the struggle at the top of the league.
10. aaronvollrath 4 points for 8 games. Aaron is fighting to get out of last place. Currently trailing away 0-1 against Geeks and 1-2 against Wizz and Killer, its looking like a very uphill struggle to get away from last place for our Mr. Nice and Polite.

7-8 players still in the mix with a very realistic chance to take the top spot. Its going to be a season to keep your eyes on. :shock:
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Re: Super League - Season 13 *** FULL***

Postby Tviorr on Thu Jun 01, 2023 3:04 pm

League 2

Looking ahead to the End Season Games

We are not quite at the closing matches yet, but we can more or less see them. - 12 games have been played by most and Game 13 can be predicted vaguely or even conclusively for most. Its close, close, close still. Especially as several players having clawed their way to the top spots are looking at a fairly unproductive game 13.

1- Wizz00 16 points for 12 games and the top spot if only because of having sweeps and thus clinching the tiebreaker after the "goal score" Wizz is currently behind 2-1 at Devantes place and thus looking at max. 1 point for game 13.
2. Tviorr Also 16 points for 12 games. Game 13 away against Nimrod isnt registering yet, but its going to be a 3-1 loss. The Baltics have not agreed with me this season. Both opening turns seeing no enemy units killed and one of them going 0-10 for the first 2 rounds. Hard to go anywhere with that and Nimrod made no mistakes in cruisiing home. At this point it requires missed turns and probably more than 1 to mess with the result. - So in other words while Wizz isnt running away during game 13, Im going absolutely nowhere.
3. Devante 15 points for 12 games, but leading Wizz 2-1 at home. - At least 1 point which will see him draw even with me in the current second place though with a slightly worse goal dif. If he takes the last game, Devante is the one going into the lead with 17 points for 13 games. If he doesnt Wizz will do it in stead. Whichever of them goes into the lead, the other one goes just behind with me.

4. uyumaykimaw 15 points for 13 games, trailing the very top ever so slightly while waiting for games in hand mostly from behind.
5. Runeldo 14 points for 12 games and nothing registering for game 13. A sweep can see him jump into the joint lead. A win puts him just behind with me and 1 more.
6. Matt2007 13 points for 12 games and ahead 2-1 at home against Geeks. Getting a win will see him trailing 2 points off the lead, a draw will see him needing to catch up 3 points in the last 5 games. Still in contention including for the trophy, but he will need good points from the last 5 games.

7.Nimrods Son At 11 points for 12 games, he is traling somewhat behind the very top, but isnt far from the pack, especially as he is clinching a 3-1 win against me in game 13, which will take him to an unassuming 13 points for 13 games. Trophy dreams arent completely gone, but he is probably more or less waking from them as 4 points behind the top spot with 5 games to go is unlikely to be anything but uphill. Still everything to play for in so far as moving up the table. There will be plenty interesting spots within reach of 2 points.
8- GeeksAreMyPeeps 10 points for 10 games is pretty much on par with and in the same position as Nimrods Son. - Maybe even a bit better as 2 away games are registering one behind 2-1 against Matt and one ahead 0-2 against Aaron. - With a further unregistered game to make the number of played games 13, 3+ points for those 3 games seem plausible.

9. Killerz999 8 points for 12 games and nothing registered for game 13. The bottom is falling substantially behind the pack. Seems like one of those seasons that Killer would rather forget along with the drops and the dice and simply spend the rest of the season at the pub waiting for season 14. The main thing to play for is to avoid last place as everything else will require accumulating heavy points.
10. aaronvollrath 7 points for 11 games. - A game in hand on Killer, but currently he is behind 0-2 at home against Geeks, so unlikely to take much from match 12. Match 13 isnt registering anything yet, so looks like a fairly close battle against Killer to avoid last spot.
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Re: Super League - Season 13 *** FULL***

Postby Tviorr on Mon Jun 05, 2023 6:30 pm

Dang, the premier is close. - Except for Shoop pulling ahead suddenly with 3 points. Most of the league 3-4 points behind vying for who will catch him if he stumbles.

Possibly its all part of Craigs tactical master plan ;) Im thinking I could use some advice to formulate one of those in league 2 as a down period threatens yet again and if its as bad as feared there will be precious little time to apply final pressure.

Betting its going to be almost as exciting a finish as Runes tennis match yesterday (monday).
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Re: Super League - Season 13 *** FULL***

Postby Scarlet Lady on Tue Jun 06, 2023 2:05 pm

Tviorr wrote:
Betting its going to be almost as exciting a finish as Runes tennis match yesterday (monday).

That match was insane :o
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Re: Super League - Season 13 *** FULL***

Postby Tviorr on Thu Jun 08, 2023 4:13 pm

yup. Very much so. Unfortunately not much more left against Ruud and couldnt find his usual game at all in the first 2 sets, so end of the line in the quarter final. Still, he has come very far in a short time and done well for the clay part of the season, so Im guessing that the Rune-Ruud match up will have a number of matches over the coming years that will be close. Looking forward to them.
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Re: Super League - Season 13 *** FULL***

Postby Tviorr on Thu Jun 08, 2023 4:53 pm

League 2

Heading into the end season.

Well, it has been close and still is in many places, but since my last update, its also become clear that a couple of good games or a couple of bad games will send you up or down the standings so fast. Its not completely clear as for once, theres some varied game pace that sees a lot of games in hand.

Personally Im very depressed. Coming from some varied but generally mediocre results, I was hoping for more. - But home against Geeks I pulled 3 second turns, 2 of them in Mogul and thats still proving too hard a mountain to climb. - I will claim to my dying day that I got one of them close, but Geeks played well and is clinching a 1-3 that only a missed turn will change (possibly 2). Away against Wizz, I got a pretty decent start with decent dice more or less all round. Figured I had a decent chance in all 4 games, but little went right from there. Wizz did play especially well on his home turf, but I dont think I really made mistakes as such though some gambles were needed and very much didnt work out ;) . Another 3-1 loss to the handsome Tiddler who is not done dropping until game 15 registers and maybe not even then.

At the other end uyumay pulled a couple of good ones out of the hat and with mediocre results from pretty much everyone that clawed their way to the top spots means that he is suddenly very much the one to catch. Im going to go out on a limb and say it aint going to be me. Game 16 is underway presently against Runeldo and we split the first turns. Runeldo go 2 on mogul though and will likely complete the trend and boot me straight out of the city :lol:. So much for Mogul Monopoly.

In any case

1. uyumaykimaw 20 points from 15 games. I never saw him coming, but there he is and he is looking good for the trophy.
2. Devante 19 points for 15 games just registering game 15 recently and coming out of a threatening slump to go right behind uyumay.
3. Runeldo 17 points for 15 games trailing some and needing to make up ground if he is to take the trophy. Currently playing away against me (just started), so Id like to say that will be uphill, but from the last few games it could be much more easy going that Id like. - 2 first turns for Runeldo on Mogul and 2 first turns for me on the randoms.
4. Wizz00 16 points for 13 games. 1 of the remaining games only needs to finish for him to register another 2 points. With another game not yet registering in hand, he will be into the mix at the top. The second game in hand will decide if its right at the top or a bit behind.

5. Tviorr 16 points for 13 games, but the 2 games in hand are both losses, so that will become 16 points for 15 games and barring small miracles take me out of the running for the trophy. Im facing some top players in the final 3 games, so that could help a bit if I can manage a good points harvest for pretty much the first time during season 13. Dont hold your breath though. - Im not. ;) Goal will be to climb a bit.
6. Matt2007 15 points for 14 matches and leading Aaron 1-2 away. Could well push past me, but will also be in a position where the endgame has to yield something special or its a struggle to get into secondary placings.
7. Nimrods Son 14 points for 14 games. Nothing registering for the game in hand against Geeks, so generally speaking much the same position as me and Matt.
8. GeeksAreMyPeeps 12 points for 12 games and 3 games in hand to do an amazing jump with. - Its likely going to be decent, but not likely to be amazing though. - Shortly he will clinch a 1-3 win away aginst me for 2 points but is behind 1-2 against killer at home. Game 15 against Nimrod hasnt registered anything. All in all, the probable place he will land after 15 games is around my position - say very likely within a point of me as Im guessing him at 15-17 points after 15 games.

9. aaronvollrath 9 points for 14 matches and behind 1-2 at home against Matt. - Looks like a season to promptly forget and deny ever existed.
10. Killerz999 8 points for 13 games but is up 1-2 away against Geeks and with nothing registering for game 15, looks like he is currently in the best position to push past Aaron before the endgame, though he will also need something extra from the endgame to look at placings 8 and above.
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Re: Super League - Season 13 *** FULL***

Postby Tviorr on Sat Jun 10, 2023 12:20 pm

Hmmm Ouch I suppose although I saw it coming. - League 2 is too close to call and not too much added on the above from the endgames yet, but my part is almost decided. - Ending with one of the most decent 3 game period of the season and getting 5 points from the last 3 games. Pretty much only missed turns will change this. - Lands me on a total of 21 points and a very unlikely trophy chance. - Still it might change a few things at the very top as Im getting 2 wins against uyumay and Runeldo hampering their chances and my pending draw is against Aaron which may help him in the last place battle against Killer, but wont affect the trophy battle.

Im probably looking at 4th maybe fairly close behind the front runners. Runeldo needs a sweep in his last game to get to 21 points. For the other 3, they have to finish horribly to get/stay behind me. uyumay will need 0 points for 2 games, Devante will get to exactly the same score with 2 draws and a loss in the last 3 and Wizz needs 3 points in 4 games to push past me.

Possible that one of them gets screwed sufficiently by the endgame to fall behind me, but probably 1000-1 that all 3 would ;)

Trophy should be found between the 3 front runners. Its super close, but Im thinking slight advantage Devante? Pretty much a 3-way toss up, though.
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Re: Super League - Season 13 *** FULL***

Postby Devante on Sat Jun 10, 2023 12:28 pm

Tviorr wrote:Hmmm Ouch I suppose although I saw it coming. - League 2 is too close to call and not too much added on the above from the endgames yet, but my part is almost decided. - Ending with one of the most decent 3 game period of the season and getting 5 points from the last 3 games. Pretty much only missed turns will change this. - Lands me on a total of 21 points and a very unlikely trophy chance. - Still it might change a few things at the very top as Im getting 2 wins against uyumay and Runeldo hampering their chances and my pending draw is against Aaron which may help him in the last place battle against Killer, but wont affect the trophy battle.

Im probably looking at 4th maybe fairly close behind the front runners. Runeldo needs a sweep in his last game to get to 21 points. For the other 3, they have to finish horribly to get/stay behind me. uyumay will need 0 points for 2 games, Devante will get to exactly the same score with 2 draws and a loss in the last 3 and Wizz needs 3 points in 4 games to push past me.

Possible that one of them gets screwed sufficiently by the endgame to fall behind me, but probably 1000-1 that all 3 would ;)

Trophy should be found between the 3 front runners. Its super close, but Im thinking slight advantage Devante? Pretty much a 3-way toss up, though.

Nope. Devante is crashing and burning it seems. Between the other two I think
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Re: Super League - Season 13 *** FULL***

Postby hjelp on Sat Jun 10, 2023 2:11 pm

I have to ask, what about fog rules in this tournament?
BR :)
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Re: Super League - Season 13 *** FULL***

Postby Tviorr on Sat Jun 10, 2023 4:31 pm

hjelp wrote:I have to ask, what about fog rules in this tournament?
BR :)

Not sure what you mean. - All games in the Leagues are "fogged up" so to speak. - In the Cup, I think the home/away games are fogged up and the random maps are sunny.

If you mean the widespread 12 hour rule of giving the opponent 12 hours before you start in a fog game, it doesnt apply here as thats the home game advantage in this tourney. - You simply accept and play.
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Re: Super League - Season 13 *** FULL***

Postby Tviorr on Sat Jun 10, 2023 4:42 pm

Devante wrote:
Tviorr wrote:Hmmm Ouch I suppose although I saw it coming. - League 2 is too close to call and not too much added on the above from the endgames yet, but my part is almost decided. - Ending with one of the most decent 3 game period of the season and getting 5 points from the last 3 games. Pretty much only missed turns will change this. - Lands me on a total of 21 points and a very unlikely trophy chance. - Still it might change a few things at the very top as Im getting 2 wins against uyumay and Runeldo hampering their chances and my pending draw is against Aaron which may help him in the last place battle against Killer, but wont affect the trophy battle.

Im probably looking at 4th maybe fairly close behind the front runners. Runeldo needs a sweep in his last game to get to 21 points. For the other 3, they have to finish horribly to get/stay behind me. uyumay will need 0 points for 2 games, Devante will get to exactly the same score with 2 draws and a loss in the last 3 and Wizz needs 3 points in 4 games to push past me.

Possible that one of them gets screwed sufficiently by the endgame to fall behind me, but probably 1000-1 that all 3 would ;)

Trophy should be found between the 3 front runners. Its super close, but Im thinking slight advantage Devante? Pretty much a 3-way toss up, though.

Nope. Devante is crashing and burning it seems. Between the other two I think

Interesting. Depending on how much of a crash it is.

Nerding it a bit more, Im actually coming up with that I (and you) have a good goal score. Barring something really weird, equal points would play in my/our favour. This means that 1 point in the last 2 games wont be enough for uyumay to pass me. - He needs 2. It further means that if you (Devante) get 2 more points in the last 3 games it depends how you got them :shock: If you take them from 2 draws we have exactly the same results and it will go right down to the 5th tie breaker - combined game time for the season - where I dont know, but I think Ive probably played faster overall. - If you got the 2 points from a win, you clinch the earlier tie breaker of most 3-1 wins. If Wizz ends on 21 points, he would also lose the goal score tiebreaker, so he needs 4 points from the last 4 games to push past the 21 points that is seemingly (barring major mishaps) the least amount of points League 2 could theoretically be won with.

Could be a little funny if 4 players ended on 21 points and it had to go to tiebreaker 5 to decide it between the two top spots ;)
Very unlikely of course, but maybe not 1000-1 maybe more like 300-1 ;)

Edit: No. - Im mistaking Wizz. The number of games in hand means that with 3 points he will match the +6 goal score of me (and you if you end on 21 points) and he would then clinch it on most sweeps. So Wizz seems like the guy to put your money on as in case of equal points he should clinch it aginst all players.
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Re: Super League - Season 13 *** FULL***

Postby Tviorr on Sat Jun 10, 2023 5:02 pm

Hmmm yeah, and I see some of what you are talking about registering or starting to register. 4 interesting games putting information on the board.

You (Devante) are trailing Killer 2-1 away but leading Nimrod 1-0 at home. Final game against Matt not registering anything.

Wizz is trailing Killer 2-0 away and leading uyumay 1-0 at home not registering anything for 2 more games

uyumay will lose 3-1 to me and as mentioned behind 1-0 away against Wizz. 1 game not registering.

Makes for a very interesting endgame. Not even sure who to root for in the game between Wizz and uyumay. Really depends on what happens in the unregistered games:)

Edit: As Im assuming that I have to read the above note as some games not going well for Devante, it could still be nervewrackingly close :o
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Re: Super League - Season 13 *** FULL***

Postby Tviorr on Sun Jun 11, 2023 6:11 am

And final Tiddler games finished up. - Sees me jump briefly into first with 21 points. Using golf terms, Im sitting in the club house in the lead, waiting for the later players to come in. This one is more a question of how many will pass me rather than if, though. ;)

Edit: 1.17 points per match to beat. - 7 players can do it as the current 8th is at 1 point per game with games in hand. Nailbiting stuff here :D
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Re: Super League - Season 13 *** FULL***

Postby Tviorr on Sun Jun 11, 2023 4:09 pm

Hmmm. Looking into some of the ongoing games, its not a lot that can be gleaned from it, but a few games look very decided.

At an educated guess, I would say this is the likeliest top 4:

uyumay: 22 points
Wizz: 21 points
Tviorr: 21 points
Devante: 21 points

Runeldo should end on 20 points. Havent looked much at Matts games so he could interfere, but I think its on the unlikely side. Geeks and Nimrod will find points in their last games, but I dont think they will get enough to mess with 20+ points.
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