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Who is the MVP for this game?

Poll ended at Sat May 20, 2023 4:31 am

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Re: Prison Mafia DAY 5

Postby i-andrei on Wed May 17, 2023 9:18 am

Ragian wrote:What is this "thing" that I cooked up with Max?

Max saying he got saved to fish out the protective role then you pointing out that max survived:

Ragian wrote:Max visited me and survived. I wasn't alert that night. Are you reading this, pershy?

And some other posts from you 2 that i will put in order once i get home.
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Re: Prison Mafia DAY 5

Postby Dukasaur on Wed May 17, 2023 10:17 am

joshzam wrote:
pershy wrote:
joshzam wrote:Also, I would like to know this: your "hypnotized" post that you shared on D3, did you write that post yourself?

it's all in the thread - I'll go back and try and find the posts for you. I understand your idea it could be a ruse between us - but it would be a very elaborate one and also ballsy of me to make up a fake claim of hypnotiser on D1 when anyone else could be - and then cook it up at night with Duka - no I suspected him and have shared my many posts saying so. His hypnotised rant seemed townie so he was off the hook for a while then back on. The problem is first of all my investigation is hazy at best and secondly if I used it on a role that is immune to investigations then it's unreliable - so I don't know what to think. For me Duka is still not off the hook but his recent posts seemed genuine at least.

Razor wrote that post for him. I know cause it's my power and in my role description. Although if he had posted earlier the mod would have altered it I believe. Lemme find what has previously been stated just to clarify the action on Duka.

pershy, Dukasaur does not need you to be his personal defense attorney. He does not need you to answer the questions that were posed specifically to him. You don't even know the absolute truth here, you're only assuming. You not being able to control your urge to defend him speaks volumes.

Dukasaur wrote:
joshzam wrote:
Also, I would like to know this: your "hypnotized" post that you shared on D3, did you write that post yourself?

No, I did not.

Dukasaur, if you did not write that post, then how exactly did it get posted by you, under your name, from your account? Please share all the gory details because this is the one thing about your play that does not sit well with me.

I do not know.

I assume that Raz used special executive powers to post under my name. That's just a theory; I never asked him to confirm. But it's plausible given that our beloved dungeon master is also one of the most powerful mods on the site and has powers even I don't have.

I avoided asking because I'm trying to stay in the game and avoid going too meta.
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Re: Prison Mafia DAY 5

Postby degaston on Wed May 17, 2023 10:47 am

Dukasaur wrote:I do not know.

I assume that Raz used special executive powers to post under my name. That's just a theory; I never asked him to confirm. But it's plausible given that our beloved dungeon master is also one of the most powerful mods on the site and has powers even I don't have.

I avoided asking because I'm trying to stay in the game and avoid going too meta.

Just to be clear, you're saying that you did not post that message?
And you think the most likely explanation is that Raz posted to the thread and made it look like it came from your account?
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Re: Prison Mafia DAY 5

Postby joshzam on Wed May 17, 2023 11:20 am

Dukasaur wrote:
joshzam wrote:
Dukasaur wrote:
joshzam wrote:
Also, I would like to know this: your "hypnotized" post that you shared on D3, did you write that post yourself?

No, I did not.

Dukasaur, if you did not write that post, then how exactly did it get posted by you, under your name, from your account? Please share all the gory details because this is the one thing about your play that does not sit well with me.

I do not know.

I assume that Raz used special executive powers to post under my name. That's just a theory; I never asked him to confirm. But it's plausible given that our beloved dungeon master is also one of the most powerful mods on the site and has powers even I don't have.

I avoided asking because I'm trying to stay in the game and avoid going too meta.

OK, I'm just gonna come right out and call bullsh*t here. But I will preface my suspicions with the admittance that I don't think Razor or anyone else can hack into your account and post for you. If anyone knows of any special admin privileges here on Conquer Club that allow one person to post from another's account, please let me know and I will retract most of this and eat my hat.

So yeah, first off I don't think Razor posted this "hypnotized" message from Dukasaur:
Dukasaur wrote:TO BE ME..... Be calm, clear, correct and consistent, turn any negative experiences to account, don't dismiss everything people tell you, or believe everything you're told. Always try to discover the truth before you speak, and remember that, to make your judgment, it's never enough to have just one source of information.

What a work of art.

I think Dukasaur posted it himself as part of a scummy N2 plan with pershy and he just lied about Razor posting it for him. Why do I think this? Because Dukasaur was already online and posted in another thread (Re: the longest thread, thread - Occasionally NSFW) just 5 minutes before this post was made! Razor didn't post anything in this thread or any other thread until hours afterwards. And when I was silenced after visiting Pixar, Razor didn't post gibberish for me. He simply sent me a PM with instructions, telling me that I could only post gibberish. He told me what to post in a PM. That's how this works.

Then there is the hypnotized post itself. I'm not sure if anyone here has ever played a game of Mafia before that included a Hypnotist, but that's not how that role works! It was apparently invented 10 years ago on Reddit ( ... hypnotist/). It is clearly described on You can also find it on The hypnotized player is forced to explicitly state "I am mafia/town" in their very first post during the next day phase. They don't post some flowery and angsty poetic description of their innermost feelings, like Dukasaur did. And then pershy actually tried to pass this off as proof that Dukasaur was Town! Bumbling.

pershy supposedly tried to hypnotize someone every single night of this game, and yet the only time it "worked" was on Dukasaur. I'm not buying it.

So, that's why I've had pershy and Dukasaur at the end of my scummy list ever since that ridiculous message was posted. I've been trying to get info from them for days, but pershy is good at talking around questions and Dukasaur is good at simply not answering them.

I'm not happy with the i-andrei/Ragian situation. I don't think we have 2 Veterans in this game. But I'm also not convinced that the liar here is Mafia. I do trust andrei more than Rage, but Rage could be 3rd party for all I know. But pershy and Dukasaur would have to have coordinated for this fake claim, and only Mafia can meet and talk at night. That's why my vote is on Dukasar, and that's where I'm gonna leave it unless someone can convince me otherwise. Am I 100% positive about this? No. But it's the strongest gut feeling I've had this game.
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Re: Prison Mafia DAY 5

Postby joshzam on Wed May 17, 2023 11:26 am

And Dukasar's hypnotized post on D3 was not the 25th post of the day, as pershy claimed it was. It was the 76th. :roll:
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Re: Prison Mafia DAY 5

Postby Maxleod on Wed May 17, 2023 11:30 am

joshzam wrote:OK, I'm just gonna come right out and call bullsh*t here. But I will preface my suspicions with the admittance that I don't think Razor or anyone else can hack into your account and post for you. If anyone knows of any special admin privileges here on Conquer Club that allow one person to post from another's account, please let me know and I will retract most of this and eat my hat.

Raz can't hack into your account. But he can edit posts. Or he could simply have ordered duke to post whatever he wanted, as part of the game.
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Re: Prison Mafia DAY 5

Postby degaston on Wed May 17, 2023 11:33 am

Maxleod wrote:Raz can't hack into your account. But he can edit posts. Or he could simply have ordered duke to post whatever he wanted, as part of the game.
Thanks Max. I was trying to find out what Duk was going to say about it, but now that you've given him an explanation, I guess he can just use that. :roll:
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Re: Prison Mafia DAY 5

Postby Maxleod on Wed May 17, 2023 11:34 am

Also, Duka is lying when he says that Raz is a "more powerful" mod than himself. Duka has the same powers and more.
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Re: Prison Mafia DAY 5

Postby Dukasaur on Wed May 17, 2023 1:28 pm

Maxleod wrote:Also, Duka is lying when he says that Raz is a "more powerful" mod than himself. Duka has the same powers and more.

That's the third time you've called me a liar, and the third time you've been wrong. I'm starting to form the conclusion that you're a person who lies often, and is readily willing to ascribe that status to others.

Anyway, you don't know shit about mod powers. There are a few basics that everyone gets, but there are special powers that are given to only a few, and a few really unique powers only held by one. I'm only of only three mods, for instance, that can edit autotournaments (which Raz cannot) whereas he has access to some of the back-end parts of the forum engine that are opaque to me.

However, since you guys have got me thinking about it, I figured out how he did it. No, I'm not telling you, but I think I know how it was done.
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Re: Prison Mafia DAY 5

Postby Dukasaur on Wed May 17, 2023 1:42 pm

I'm still suspicious of Dunk90, but obviously nobody else shares that feeling, so it's a waste of time having my vote sitting on him.

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Re: Prison Mafia DAY 5

Postby Dukasaur on Wed May 17, 2023 1:48 pm

degaston wrote:
Dukasaur wrote:Why would Audie Murphy be in jail? He was never even accused of a crime in R/L. Absolute clean liver, refused to even play in cigarette or alcohol commercials because they set a bad example.

Wikipedia wrote:In May 1970, he was arrested in Burbank, California, charged with battery and assault with intent to commit murder in a dispute with a dog trainer. He was accused of firing a shot at the man, which he denied. Murphy was cleared of the charges.

Lynch Duk for lying! :lol:

I did not know that, lol.

Even the clean livers can have a bad day, I guess...:)

But he was cleared of the charges. ;)
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Re: Prison Mafia DAY 5

Postby degaston on Wed May 17, 2023 1:50 pm

If Raz is posting for players, then I think Raz needs to be mod-killed.
This would be a fundamental violation of my understanding of Mafia modding.
He could have just sent Duk a PM telling him what to post.

vote Dukasaur

If you're somehow telling the truth, then use your hunter ability to take Ragian with you.
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Re: Prison Mafia DAY 5

Postby Maxleod on Wed May 17, 2023 2:04 pm

degaston wrote:If Raz is posting for players, then I think Raz needs to be mod-killed.
This would be a fundamental violation of my understanding of Mafia modding.
He could have just sent Duk a PM telling him what to post.

vote Dukasaur

If you're somehow telling the truth, then use your hunter ability to take Ragian with you.

Let's do this.

Vote Dukasaur

One question for you though dega, you're wary of using your taser because you don't see how it could help town, but you somehow thought it was a good idea to hand out shanks Day 1 based on a hunch? Shanks that so far have only been used to kill town btw... Doesn't make much sense. Care to elaborate?
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Re: Prison Mafia DAY 5

Postby Dukasaur on Wed May 17, 2023 2:10 pm

Dukasaur wrote:
joshzam wrote:This would be a perfect time for you to provide your personal list of suspects, Dukasaur. Everyone who wants to help Town is doing it. And don't worry that pershy will get butthurt if you add him to your list - that's just how he gets. But it'd be especially good to know who you would possibly take down with you if you were lynched!

I've been pretty consistent. I FOSed Dunk90 long before anyone else did. Don't even remember why any more, but I just remember that instinctively I had a bad feeling about him from Day 1. I don't have time to scroll through 40 pages to gather evidence, and I've been going on instinct. But I think you're recall that I said I trusted JMAc, and JMac has turned out to be town. So I think my instincts are at least partially vindicated.
Pixar is obviously not town, though more likely 3rd Party than Mafia, as supported by his alliance with the DukHazzard.

f*ck, I'm late for work. This is what this does.

Okay, back to this that I didn't finish last time.
Dunk and Pixar, already stated.
You, joshzam. Seem mostly on the up-and-up, but you seem to quite often re-ask a question that's already been answered. As an example:
joshzam wrote:
i-andrei wrote:Also i think i already revealed my role.

Please refresh our memories. I can't find it anywhere.

I don't know -- I can see how it might be a legitimate scum-hunting technique, getting people to reassert something they already said to see if they trip themselves up. So it's not necessarily a bad thing, but it could be, if it serves as a smokescreen for something else. So you're mildly suspicious to me.
Darin44 -- he's less active than me, but never faces the kind of accusations that I face for my absences. Mildly suspicious.
Maxleod -- always calling me a liar on flimsy evidence. People tend to think of others what they are themselves, so it makes me think he's a habitual liar.
Ragian -- has put up a really lukewarm fight about the double veteran thing. Doesn't seem in character for someone who's really good with words. Also, not completely off the hook for the shank on a character without any strong evidence.
i-andrei -- seems townie. Putting him here just because if we're wrong about Ragian, then quite likely i-andrei is fake.
So, that's my suspicious list.

Not generally a fan of "Top 5" lists and such, but since others seem to be fond of putting things in order, I'll go top-to-bottom in suspicion:

On the other end of the spectrum, I would be extremely surprised to find any of the following scummy:
and obviously myself
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Re: Prison Mafia DAY 5

Postby Dukasaur on Wed May 17, 2023 2:30 pm

Okay, I'm up really early this afternoon because I couldn't sleep, but I'm working tonight so I'll probably pay for this tomorrow and be totally groggy.

So, I guess I need to make a decision now to avoid once again people calling me out for not voting.

Maxleod is at the top of my list, but nobody has their sights on him, and I don't want to keep wasting my vote on long shots.
Next is Pixar (how did he last this long?) but again nothing building.

Third is Ragian, and there actually does seem to be a case against him.

It does seem unlikely that there's two veterans. Even if I am mildly suspicious of the Audie Murphy claim, I'm even more suspicious of Ragian's lackluster defense. That and i-andrei seems to have been working real hard for town.
Second, Ragian's gunning for me and Pershy is suspicious. If he really did have the real veteran claim, it seems he would pull out all the stops to build a case on i-andrei.
Third, I do wonder if we whizzed past the shanking of actorday too quickly. Did he admit it only because there was no way to hide it (ie Dega handing out the shanks would know who it was) and was actorday really a meaningful target?

Anyway, I think I've decided.

Vote Ragian
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Re: Prison Mafia DAY 5

Postby Ragian on Wed May 17, 2023 2:38 pm

Lol... Last ditch attempt much? When Dukasaur flips scum, Pershy is next!

unvote vote Dukasaur
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Re: Prison Mafia DAY 5

Postby degaston on Wed May 17, 2023 2:58 pm

Maxleod wrote:One question for you though dega, you're wary of using your taser because you don't see how it could help town, but you somehow thought it was a good idea to hand out shanks Day 1 based on a hunch? Shanks that so far have only been used to kill town btw... Doesn't make much sense. Care to elaborate?

Just to be clear, handing out tasers was useful because it confirms Dunk as town. If he was scum, then he could hand them out to other scum, and they could use them to prevent their scum buddies from getting lynched and reach an endgame situation much sooner. For townies, there is no way to use them that benefits town.

Handing out shanks can have both both positive and negative effects:
  • It confirms me as town, because scum could just hand them out to each other and we would never know about them until they were used. Perhaps all on the same night to get to an endgame situation and make detection unlikely.
  • If any of the people I gave them to had found a scum to kill, then that would have eliminated a scum and at the same time almost certainly have confirmed them as town. The fact that they didn't does not confirm them as not-town, though.
  • However it's used, it creates concrete facts that can be discussed and analyzed, instead of just focusing on participation levels, which are poor indicators of scumminess.
  • If scum receives one, then they have to be careful how they use it. A townie knows they have it, so if they hang on to it too long that might be seen as suspicious, but killing a townie will not help them if they become a lynch target.
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Re: Prison Mafia DAY 5

Postby Dunk90 on Wed May 17, 2023 5:34 pm

My head is spinning. What is the vote count? This has dragged on way too long
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Re: Prison Mafia DAY 5

Postby degaston on Wed May 17, 2023 5:45 pm

Dunk90 wrote:My head is spinning. What is the vote count? This has dragged on way too long

By my count, Ragian is already lynched. Waiting for the official count.
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Re: Prison Mafia DAY 5

Postby degaston on Wed May 17, 2023 5:46 pm

Did you just delete a message, Max?
Tsk Tsk. [-X
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Re: Prison Mafia DAY 5

Postby joshzam on Wed May 17, 2023 5:47 pm

By my count, I believe there are only 4 votes for Rage. Possibly 5 for Dukasaur. 6 votes needed to lynch today.
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Re: Prison Mafia DAY 5

Postby joshzam on Wed May 17, 2023 5:50 pm

joshzam wrote:By my count, I believe there are only 4 votes for Rage. Possibly 5 for Dukasaur. 6 votes needed to lynch today.

That makes 9 votes in total. Darin hasn't voted at all today. And pershy quickly jumped off the Dukasaur vote when the vote count got too high. :lol:
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Re: Prison Mafia DAY 5

Postby Maxleod on Wed May 17, 2023 5:50 pm

degaston wrote:Did you just delete a message, Max?
Tsk Tsk. [-X

I wanted to quote stuff then say stuff but I did a bad job at it so I deleted it. I'll try to repost later. If you so it then you know that it was nothing.
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Re: Prison Mafia DAY 5

Postby Maxleod on Wed May 17, 2023 5:51 pm

*if you saw it
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