6 Eggs are now hidden somewhere in the forums.
(They are not deep into the pages)
Each holds a clue to the GOLDEN EGG location
(The egg IS deep in the forums)
These clues include:
- The Forum name (if you can work it out)
- The year of the post (Should be able to get it from just this)
- A cryptic Clue (Stated in this post... but refined)
- The Authors name (Should be able to get it from just this)
- The forum URL (missing the most important thing)
- The thread No.(The forum URL would help here)
Put them all together and you will have the GOLDEN EGG location
Many questions .. so many questions
You have until CC Time: 2023-04-10 23:59:59

*ALL MODS are welcome to give this a crack (pun intended)
(Refer to the conditions of participation)