Moderator: Tech Team
nikola_milicki wrote:sorry for intruding here but not reporting same problem again, maybe open this one again
still losing snaps from the list at some point of the game, I can see them in chat but not in snap menu
this is game 22251649 where snaps are all gone but the last one and they never reset back, why???
I couldn't be the only one with this problem...
Extreme Ways wrote:nikola_milicki wrote:sorry for intruding here but not reporting same problem again, maybe open this one again
still losing snaps from the list at some point of the game, I can see them in chat but not in snap menu
this is game 22251649 where snaps are all gone but the last one and they never reset back, why???
I couldn't be the only one with this problem...
This might not be what you are describing but still: I am pretty sure the interface only loads snaps that are present in chat before you click "load entire chat".
IcePack wrote:Post the console log data while trying to get the snaps
nikola_milicki wrote:IcePack wrote:Post the console log data while trying to get the snaps
sorry mate dont know what you're asking, dont speak IT
gimme some instructions
MTIceman41 wrote:nikola_milicki wrote:IcePack wrote:Post the console log data while trying to get the snaps
sorry mate dont know what you're asking, dont speak IT
gimme some instructions
Load the game chat and see original snaps there.
nikola_milicki wrote:IcePack wrote:Post the console log data while trying to get the snaps
sorry mate dont know what you're asking, dont speak IT
gimme some instructions
IcePack wrote:Are you talking about snaps (built in game) or BOB?
There are known issues w the scripts recently. Youāll need to turn greasemonkey off and use the panel snaps if you want them working properly atm.
The scripts have to be fixed
king achilles wrote:To clarify, this does not happen consistently, correct? And this likely only is happening in Team games, correct? In your non team games, snaps are working just fine for you, is that correct?
Icepack is only trying to help you. This is what he was referring to when he asked you about producing the"console log data" or "Web Console diagnostic information":
"/game.php?game=22251307:594 GET ... 3ekmvv.png 404
game.php?game=22251307:67 The AudioContext was not allowed to start. It must be resumed (or created) after a user gesture on the page."
CC,97 ms:gm_ConquerClubGame: Starting
game_interface.js?v=20230226:1316 CC,100 ms:gm_ConquerClubGame: Building the Settings Menu
game_interface.js?v=20230226:1316 CC,109 ms:gm_ConquerClubGame: Player IDs
game_interface.js?v=20230226:1316 CC,113 ms:processLog: Processing Log
game_interface.js?v=20230226:1316 CC,114 ms:getFullLog: requesting full log
game_interface.js?v=20230226:1316 CC,547 ms:processLog: Log Processing Info - Length :654
game_interface.js?v=20230226:1316 CC,547 ms:gm_ConquerClubGame: Map Analysis
game_interface.js?v=20230226:1316 CC,563 ms:updateMagicMap: Updating Magic Map
game_interface.js?v=20230226:1316 CC,572 ms:updateMagicMap: Attaching the hover handlers over the map
game_interface.js?v=20230226:1316 CC,582 ms:updateMagicMap: Attaching the handlers
game_interface.js?v=20230226:1316 CC,583 ms:colourCodeDD: Color Coding the dropdowns
game_interface.js?v=20230226:1316 CC,583 ms:gm_ConquerClubGame: Show Snapshots
game_interface.js?v=20230226:1316 CC,585 ms:chatToSnap: checking for snaps..
game_interface.js?v=20230226:1316 CC,589 ms:gm_ConquerClubGame: Update Indicators
game_interface.js?v=20230226:1316 CC,589 ms:gm_ConquerClubGame: Update Color Codes
game_interface.js?v=20230226:1316 CC,612 ms:gm_ConquerClubGame: Update Map
game_interface.js?v=20230226:1316 CC,631 ms:processLog: Log Processing Info - Length :653
game_interface.js?v=20230226:1316 CC,637 ms:updateMagicMap: Updating Magic Map
game_interface.js?v=20230226:1316 CC,642 ms:colourCodeDD: Color Coding the dropdowns
game_interface.js?v=20230226:1316 CC,643 ms:gm_ConquerClubGame: Update Panels
game_interface.js?v=20230226:1316 CC,644 ms:updatePanels: Rendering action bottom
game_interface.js?v=20230226:1316 CC,655 ms:updatePanels: Rendering basic attached
game_interface.js?v=20230226:1316 CC,656 ms:updatePanels: Rendering game attached
game_interface.js?v=20230226:1316 CC,657 ms:updatePanels: Rendering map attached
game_interface.js?v=20230226:1316 CC,658 ms:updatePanels: Rendering stats attached
game_interface.js?v=20230226:1316 CC,659 ms:updatePanels: Rendering snapshots attached
game_interface.js?v=20230226:1316 CC,660 ms:updatePanels: Rendering chat right
game_interface.js?v=20230226:1316 CC,663 ms:updatePanels: Rendering log attached
game_interface.js?v=20230226:1316 CC,667 ms:updatePanels: Rendering settings attached
game_interface.js?v=20230226:1316 CC,667 ms:updatePanels: Rendering help attached
game_interface.js?v=20230226:1316 CC,670 ms:gm_ConquerClubGame: Toggle Console
game_interface.js?v=20230226:1316 CC,671 ms:gm_ConquerClubGame: AutoScrollers
game_interface.js?v=20230226:1316 CC,682 ms:gm_ConquerClubGame: Done after request
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