The CD Team are now issuing these plaques using the following rules.
None of these are unyielding rules, but are basic parameters to be followed. If deemed appropriate by the CD Team, they can be altered in the future; whether for a specific event or an entire "type" of event.
These will be the rules used to issue the plaques from 2009 through the present. This will take a bit of time to do; issuing for just the first few Clan Leagues and CC 1 and 2 took hours, so please do be patient.
Major Clan Events
These events simply require a minimum of 5 clans, for Clan League that's per division. Only Conqueror's Cup and Clan League qualify as of now. *No bronze if only 5 or 6 clans.
Clan League
- Premier - Platinum for 1st; Gold for 2nd; Silver for 3rd; Bronze for 4th*
- Second - Gold for 1st; Silver for 2nd; Bronze for 3rd*
- Third and Beyond - Silver for 1st; Bronze for 2nd
- 5-7 participants - Platinum for 1st; Gold for 2nd
- 8-15 participants - Platinum for 1st; Gold for 2nd; Silver for 3rd and 4th and Bronze for "Quarterfinalists with at least 1 win" (If the clan had a bye, for instance and did not need to win the previous round to get to this stage, they will not receive the plaque)
- 16+ participants - Platinum for 1st; Gold for 2nd; Silver for 3rd and 4th and Bronze for 5th-8th
Significant Clan Events
Open Enrollment, at least 8 clans playing and at least 123 games minimum to win the event. **A 2nd bronze will only be given out if there are 16 or more clans playing OR if under 16 in certain tournament formats, such as knock-out tournaments, that do not distinguish between 3rd and 4th place.
- Gold for 1st
- Silver for 2nd
- Bronze for 3rd
- Bronze for 4th**
Secondary Clan Events
At least 6 clans playing and at least 82 games minimum to win the event.
- Silver for 1st
- Bronze for 2nd
Minor Clan Events
At least 4 clans playing and at least 41 games minimum to win the event.
- Bronze for 1st place only
Special Clan Events
Special Limited Events with Open Enrollment; these will be determined on a case by case basis. They will have the same participant requirements listed above. Any additional awards will be determined by the CDs. So far the only that qualify are CR@W and Clue, and both of those will be awarded only a gold for 1st place.
- Determined on a case by case basis
Plaques for Individual Clan Wars are debatable and will be up for further discussion in CAT shortly.