by MagnusGreeol on Wed Nov 16, 2022 12:07 pm
Email that I received from Paulie, This was sent a while ago to me,,, within past couple months, I talked to him and he told me first that he wrote a letter to BW, then emailed it to me,,when he says"before he dies",, I took it as he is old and only has so many years left,, In reality it was he knew something that he did not tell me right away"(> Anyways, for what it is worth, Which to me is priceless❤️
I am writing you for 2 reasons.
First, I would like to apologize to you for the trouble I have caused Conquer Club and you personally. I
am almost 70 years old now and have learned a few things in my old age. Conquer Club is your site. You
have the right to set the rules and administer policy as you see fit. I can disagree but must always
remember it is your site and I must abide by your decisions. It has taken me a while to understand this
but in the wisdom that comes with more years on this earth, I now have a better perspective.
Second, I don’t know how much longer I have to live, but I would very much like to enjoy life while I’m
here, and Conquer Club gave me considerable enjoyment during the 7+ years I was able to play on your
site. I would like to humbly ask if there is any possibility you might allow me to play again?
I believe I have learned a valuable lesson. I can promise you several things:
1) I will not cause trouble for you or the admins or any of the other individuals you rely on to run
and coordinate the site.
2) I will not engage admin or players in arguments in the forums.
3) I will abide by all rules of the site.
4) I will try to foster a positive atmosphere of harmony.
I would like you to know I do not believe I ever intentionally violated and rules on CC. I did write the
same text in several forums at one time but did not realize it was considered spam. I was punished for
this and accepted my punishment. I was accused I think of “farming” other players for points, but even
King Achilles said I could not be found guilty of this as I played Generals, Brigs and other higher ranked
players very often and usually played games with players who had experience on the map in question. I
never had more than 1 active account on CC at the same time…never! I realize the biggest grievance the
mods had with me was that I was a nuisance to them and took up far too much of their time. You even
told me this yourself. For this I sincerely apologize and promise not to be in the future.
I feel the additional punishments I received while on CC were pretty severe. I was removed as Leader of
the Clan I myself had created and removed from the clan itself by moderators. Medals I had worked
hard to earn were stripped away. I was not even allowed to respond to allegations and defend myself at
times. I was not allowed to finish games I was in which resulted in many lost points for me and the
players I was in team games with. These were but a few of the punishments I received for being a
“nuisance” but I accept them as something you allowed and felt was warranted.
Besides the frustration I caused you and the mods, there was much I contributed to CC that was of a
positive nature. I suggested many changes which were later implemented as new policy. I personally
paid for many player’s memberships who could not afford them. I created a clan which while I was there
offered some very stimulating competition with the others. These are but a few.
I It has been over 4 ½ years since I have been allowed to play on CC. I am sincerely remorseful about the
way I handled things in the past and give my word to you I will not do so again. I just want to once more
be able to enjoy the site I love before I die.