Ok my last post as I presented enough defensive arguments already, just to reply to your last lame attempts to show me as abuser.
Donelladan wrote:Therefore, more than triple more often (61%) did I join games as team 2 on map/settings chosen by high ranked opponents, than how much did I invite high ranked opponents to my hive games (20).
You invited to more than 20 games, you said it yourself, you invited top 100 players, just only 20 accepted.
But, I agree with you, a fair share of your games aren't on hive against invited players.
hive games that I created are only 20% of games that I played in the last two months. the other 80% of games I joined games on maps and settings that someone else created and I challenged him/her or his/her team on their chosen map/settings.
This is not even close to REAL abusers (PaulatPeace etc) who created 100% of their games as team 1 on very special map/settings and massively invited players on 5 games at once (in my case 1 game at once). Furthermore, PaulatPeace did not invited everyone from top 100, he only invited the ones that he knew have no experience on antarctica. Contrary to him, I invited everyone one by one. Furthermore, I did not invite 100 players at once but about 20 games were opened in the beginning and I went down the scoreboard inviting everyone without exception. My created games have eventually all got filled until I reached somewhere around 100th ranked player. You may also put my playing of 80% games as team 2 into context and comparison with what narutoserigala is doing, I dont thing he even remembers when did he last time join any game as team 2, where map and settings were chosen by opponents. So similarly like PaulatPeace, around100% of his games are on specialists map/settings which he creates. How these practice can even be compared to me who played about 80% of my games in the last two months on map/settings chosen by my opponents? This comparison is insulting a common sense.
Donelladan wrote:Therefore, when i invest so much time in planning and in actually playing, then i desire that my time is spent in efficient way versus opponents who are skilled,
If that was your purpose, I think you failed, since lot of the people you invited don't have any skills at playing the hive map unlimited, that's the main thing I'm saying in the first post.
I'm pretty sure there are several majors that would give you a much harder time at hive unlimited that the players you actually faced here.
Look for example at _untouchable, he only 4 times played hive unlimited quads or poly-4, every time versus me, first time quads - he lost, second time poly-4 - he won, third time quads - he lost, fourth time poly-4 - he won. Total score 2-2. His two losses in quads may partially be attributed to the fact that his 3 teammates werent that good at the map as my 3 teammates who play it regularly, but his two wins in poly-4 (one of them achieved with second start) are definitely deserved by his excellent strategizing. Why should not be more players like _Untouchable among brigadiers or generals, who can quickly adjust their strategy to new map/settings? Furthermore, if these players are also clanless, then bingo!, I have potential new recruit to my clan. If I am forbidden to invite them to my games, how could i ever know that they are talented and versatile strategists? If I did not send that Hive unlimited quads in our clan wars which _Untouchable joined for the first time, maybe we would never know that he is such talented for playing hive with unlimited forts. My point is, you cannot know how much is someone experienced or inexperienced if you dont try to play versus him, as _Untouchable already scored two wins out of four games on hive unlimited in his lifetime (excluding trench).
Donelladan wrote:Why should I make public games and wait for anyone who wish to join?
Make private games and share the password among the 3k + player, I don't care. Organize a tournament with a points limit, I also won't care.
massively inviting players, I think it's abusing the invite system. Especially if you end up playing a majority of players that have no clue what they're doing.
But, this is just my personal opinion.
Do things how you see fit of course.
Though if you keep going through the invite methods, I'll probably be gathering the games and make a more clear cut case than this one.
LOL, this suggestion make me laugh.
How is it essentially different if I make public game and share pw among 3k+ players, or directly invite them?
Case 1) 3k+ player receives game invite from me, think about map settings and decide to join or not to join.
Case 2) 3k+ player receives private message from me with password to join my game, think about map settings and decide to join or not to join.
How are cases (1) and (2) essentially any different, except that communication is through private messages rather than through direct invitation? Also, sending private messages require additional amount of job from me to spend than just clicking a single invite button so I prefer convenience.
Anyway, too much nonsenses from you and beating the dead horse just to spoil me, when I did nothing wrong.
Everyone from top 100 players were invited, not selectively, and everyone had democratic chance to decide whether to accept or decline my invite.
Players who are such high ranked are not stupid to not be able to make their own judgement whether they feel confident to play my game or not.