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Abusing the invite system - josko.ri

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Abusing the invite system - josko.ri

Postby Donelladan on Mon Oct 31, 2022 3:11 pm



The accused are suspected of:

Other: Inviting player that have none or few knowledge on his favorite map in order to reach conquer position

Note, most games are hive unlimted poly(4), and he invited freemium on 1vs1 since they can't do poly(4).

Game number(s):

Game 22045912 opppnent: Hawkeye Pierce 9 hive game played, never on unlimited poly(4) or quad.
Game 22045913 opppnent: waimana never played hive
Game 22038749 opppnent: alphael never played hive
Game 22036387 opppnent: fojimoto know hive map but never played with josko's favorite setting :
2022-10-24 18:47:18 - fojimoto: Thanks for the invite. I haven't played a poly game in some time so take it easy on me. ;)
2022-10-31 13:10:41 - fojimoto: Good game. Looks like I should stick with basic settings.

Game 22034403 opppnent: TanelEST never played hive
Game 22024852 opppnent: Vandal88 never played hive
Game 22024853 opppnent: 1Timur only played 4 hive

Game 22024246 opppnent: Lingfish only 1 hive map played priori to playing josko. josko got him to play 1 more on poly(3) unli.
2022-10-17 04:20:48 - Lingfish: snap taken - I've never played this map that I can recall but hey why not.

Game 22034404 opppnent: maburaad never played hive
2022-10-20 15:26:01 - maburaad: never played this before so should be a piece of cake for u :D


Unlike the infamous Paul case, I don't believe josko.ri is intentionally targeting inexperienced players, and he is probably not trying to convince people to join using pm.

You can also find other games where he invited and played more experienced players. ( although I'm not sure if those other games were with invites, and, if some of his opponents have hive experience, barely any of them have hive unlimited experience, which is quite a different way of playing the map. and to my knowledge only josko and a few S&M players actually play hive poly(4)/quad unlimited on a regular basis. ).
Anyway I guess to him it doesn't matter if his opponent has experience or not since he believe himself the best player on hive unlimited on the site. ( probably true)

He has been inviting many players above 3k points to his hive games in order to get the conqueror.
I don't think it's ok to massively invite people on your favorite map + setting in order to get the conqueror.
And as you can see, there are a substantial amount of totally unexperienced player that he invited to his games.

@josko.ri, as you'll probably be responding with a lengthy elaborate response.
Yes you're an extremely good CC player, and a lot of people probably think you deserve the conqueror spot more than the current conqueror.
This C&A isn't smthg personal against you - remember I've defended you on the previous case opened against you because I thought you weren't doing anything wrong there.
I just don't think it's ok to send dozens of invite to random people to play you on a map you master to the perfection in order to get to the conqueror.
Just open public hive, you'll probably still win all of them, it'll just be a slower method to get to the conqueror spot.

EDIT : Adding more games
Game 22024240 opponent ketzel never played hive
2022-10-31 20:55:49 - ketzel: Hadn't played this board before and was too slow to clue in on the impact of the max 12 armies. Well played.

Game 22024241 opponent peterw2020 never played hive
2022-10-16 22:13:26 - peterw2020: Hi Josko- I didn't mean to accept these poly games, I barely have time to play the regular games I'm in. I'll play them out but unfortunately won't have time to play at all well!

Game 22024232 opponent ballenus only 6 hive played, never poly(4) or unlimited

Game 22004597 opponent Jehosophat ( hive player but never unlimited - almost only ever played trench on hive)
2022-10-06 21:01:30 - Jehosophat: Your game. I have no idea what i am doing

Game 22003877 opponent jleonnn 3 hive game before playing josko.
Last edited by Donelladan on Mon Oct 31, 2022 4:46 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Abusing the invite system - josko.ri

Postby josko.ri on Mon Oct 31, 2022 4:22 pm

I do the same what Dukasaur did in this thread, invite top 100 players on the site on my favourite map:
contrary to Dukasaur who played unpopular slovakia map, I play map which is often used in clan wars, not only from my clan but from many others as well. Among them several players were my opponents in these games.

So, I am not selecting my opponents at all, I invited EVERY player who is ranked in top 100, except the ones who foed me or who previously asked not to play versus me (mostly some of my clan members asked).
Top 100 players on the site are usually enough intelligent to be able to judge whether they have chance to beat me or not.

I also invited you Donelladan, to a game where you can earn about 36 points points and I can earn about 12 points. You are not inexperienced on that map, however you declined my invite but you somehow find it intriguing I am at fault to invite other players who wanted to play versus me.

I also invited _Untouchable (he decline my invite) who recently beat me on exactly the same map/settings while having second turn, see Game 21921494. I also invited elddir (he decined my invite) who beat me on that map/settings in past see Game 21736311, and Fyrdraca, JPlo64, Jdsizzleslice, mdhill, Ferris Wheels, theflycassanova, loutil etc. who are known experts on hive map and some of them accepted my invites or proposed same map but different settings (by loutil), whose proposal I accepted and sent him chained no spoils settings.

I also invited mc05025, who beat me in 22024233. After being beaten by mc05025, I invited him to two more games on the same map Game 22038444 Game 22038445 and he beat me on both of them even having second start in both of them. Is it farming/ranching/abusing spirit if someone beats you on some map, and then you invite him again to two more games on the same map, where he again beats you?

PaulatPeace was inviting inexperienced players who dont know the map and simultaneously he invited them to 5 games to harvest tons of points before these players learn how to play the map.
I am invited ALL top 100 ranked players (same as Dukasaur did) plus some others who mostly asked me to invite them, and I invited almost all of them to ONE game.
To more than one game was invited only mc05025 (who beat me in first game, what surprise to reinvite someone who beat me?), and random21 and Lingfish who expressed interest in that map/settings, but their invites were done 1 by 1 game so that they can become better strategists in second game. Lingfish second game was 1v1 hive and in 1v1 mode that map is nothing really special in featured, just ton of bonuses around but gameplay is very basic one and anyone who understands logic can play it well.
Also, see Lingfish wall, page 6, my message saying: 22024237 I am inviting top 50 players on my favorite map/settings, as you are in top 50 you are also invited. if you dislike to play then just reject the invitation.
Therefore, he could freely choose whether to join or not and my motivation why I am inviting him is clearly stated.

Also, some of my opponents asked me if I will play rematch on their chosen maps/settings, which I accepted, see aaronvollrathGame 22043380 Game 22043381, peterw2020 22042673. the game chosen by peterw2020 is even a 6-player multiplayer game which is not my piece of cake at all, but it is piece of cake of all other 5 players playing in that game as they play it on a regular basis. Then, Caymanmew refused to play my hive map but instead challenged me on his preferred map in the point distribution where I can lose around 40 points but gain only 10 points, see 22036217. I accepted Caymanmew's offer and joined his game, without requesting him to join my hive game as a counterfavor. How is it beneficial for me to accept requests to play on map chosen by very experienced opponents from TOFU clan, where I can gain 10 points but lose 40 points?
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Re: Abusing the invite system - josko.ri

Postby josko.ri on Mon Oct 31, 2022 4:34 pm

Adding reply, now I saw new games in the "EDIT: Adding more game" column.

I will comment on Jehosophat...
Donelladan mentions Game 22004597 like Jehosophat does not have clue what he is doing on hive but if you check his games, he has played hive map more than 500 times, how someone with 500 games on the map, ranked Colonel, would not have clue what he is doing?

Also, at the same time when I invited Jehosophat to that hive game, I also joined two games on his map/settings gallipoli Game 22002374 and Game 21996515 which were my first lifetime games on gallipoli map with adjacent settings and strategy is very much different when it is adjacent. On contrary, Jehosophat almost exclusively play that map in 1v1 with adjacent settings, so he is very much experienced there and knows very well what he is doing. Finally, even if I won 2-1 vs Jehosophat playing two his maps and one my map, I would lose more points than how much I would gain.

Then, jleonn is mentioned Game 22003877. It is true that I won but at the same time as inviting him to hive, I also joined eurasia Game 22003868 as I saw that recently jleonnn played eurasia escalating poly-3 versus some other player (see Game 21979032). As a result, I won hive (10 points) but lost eurasia (36 points) so practically I am also accused here for playing games where I lost more points than gained. Really Donelladan? =D>
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Re: Abusing the invite system - josko.ri

Postby Donelladan on Mon Oct 31, 2022 4:43 pm

I also invited you Donelladan, to a game where you can earn about 36 points points and I can earn about 12 points. You are not inexperienced on that map, however you declined my invite but you somehow find it intriguing I am at fault to invite other players who wanted to play versus me.

I am inexperienced on unlimited on hive. 6 games played, 4 defeats, and 2 win on poly against low ranked players. I wouldn't call that experience.
And that's precisely because I got an invite that I was intrigued.

Top 100 players on the site are usually enough intelligent to be able to judge whether they have chance to beat me or not.

Although, as I said, I don't think what you're doing is really comparable to Paul case, he used similar excuses, saying he was inviting high ranked player. It was still considered farming. So I don't think it can be seen as a valid point here as well.
Also some chat I've pasted show that several players joined knowing they had just no chances of winning and no clue how to play the map. They just got the invite and probably though, hum, playing a field marshall on a new map ? Why not.
If you send 100 invites, I do think it's abusing the system.
Why did you do that if not to get more points quickly ? :)

About rest of your counter arguments, playing other games against other players doesn't mean it's not wrong to massively invite players the way you did. ( maybe it is NOT wrong indeed, and this C&A will be closed, but I think it's at the very least a very borderline behaviour).

Also, you're saying here you've done 100, and maybe you'll stop now to invite people to hive, but if you keep doing so, well, then issue remain and become bigger. I've no way to know what you're planning to do.

About Jehosophat, yes playing hive trench and hive unlimited it's totally different game play.
Guy say himself he has no clue what he is doing.
Don't be silly and argue that a hive trench player is a good hive unlimited player. You know better. But ok, feel free to remove him from my list, there is still a long list of other players I've mentionned.

I'm not going to go in a lengthy debate with you. At best we'll go into circle quickly, at worst we'll get the thread closed.
I've made my case, I'll stop there and let C&A mods decide if it's ok or not.
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Re: Abusing the invite system - josko.ri

Postby josko.ri on Mon Oct 31, 2022 4:51 pm

I just went from top of the scoreboard and invited everyone one by one, without even checking who has how much experience on the map. For freemiums I used 1v1.

To more than one game I only invited players who expressed interest to play more (Lingfish, random21) and who actually beat me (mc05025).

The fact that I reinvited players who beat me for rematch (and then lost two more times making it 3 losses) speaks for itself that my intentions are not to manipulate the point system.

Why should I or anyone be restricted on sending invites?

Top 100 payers who I invited are enough intelligent to decline invite, as you did, if they consider that they have no fair chances against me.
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Re: Abusing the invite system - josko.ri

Postby josko.ri on Mon Oct 31, 2022 6:04 pm

definitely, after being beaten by mc05025 in Game 22024233 and then inviting him to two more games Game 22038444 Game 22038445, where he again beat me twice more with having second starts, is enough of a proof that I am not abusing the system here, just playing the map/settings that I enjoy versus wide variety of opponent.

Anyone who wants to manipulate the scoreboard system would definitely not be willing to reinvite players who showed abilities to beat him to new games.
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Re: Abusing the invite system - josko.ri

Postby Major Lee Fkd on Mon Oct 31, 2022 7:34 pm

I got a few of those invites.I found it a bit curious at first.I have never played Hive.Don't really get into poly games.they make my head bleed.So i declined a couple and got a couple more or so.I have never really bought into the idea that it is a crime to farm.Why in the world would i want to invite a cook and risk 80 points to earn a little math here....I would have to win 20 games in a row in such a case to overcome the risk.Plus I don't want to play the cook anyway.I can, however see the point of the rule.Newcomer, big deal to get an invite, might win 80 points, even if its just luck...sure why not give it a shot.Then they loose almost every I get it.

With that said.Just talking about myself and the invites that I received from Josko for hive poly games.Fact is,I'm not too new, not too bad at the game sometimes, sometimes i suck at it, but one thing i can say for myself is that if i'm stupid enough to accept that invitation then i deserve to loose. I highly doubt that anyone gets into the top 100 who does not understand this.I am absolutely positive that I am 100% capable of making the decision for myself.

There may however be one circumstance where I might have accepted.Perhaps I don't really care if i loose 10 points but really want to learn how to play. Should i go ask the cook to teach me? No sometimes I join games with people who are far better than me so that i can learn from them.As stated he is willing to change the settings to accommodate people, so maybe we could not do it in the fog the first time so i can see the map? See what i'm getting at here? I just joined a game with our friend Caffeine on world 2.0 fog poly 4 trench nuke.(wasn't farmed i found it on the board btw) Totally out of my element.never play those settings.will most likely loose.i chose to play deliberately to be out of my element and to learn.So.....I don't really feel like I'm the victim here.I suppose i could just stay in bed with the covers pulled over my head if i'm afraid.
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Re: Abusing the invite system - josko.ri

Postby Caymanmew on Mon Oct 31, 2022 7:35 pm

josko.ri wrote:I do the same what Dukasaur did in this thread, invite top 100 players on the site on my favourite map:
contrary to Dukasaur who played unpopular slovakia map, I play map which is often used in clan wars, not only from my clan but from many others as well. Among them several players were my opponents in these games.

So, I am not selecting my opponents at all, I invited EVERY player who is ranked in top 100, except the ones who foed me or who previously asked not to play versus me (mostly some of my clan members asked).
Top 100 players on the site are usually enough intelligent to be able to judge whether they have chance to beat me or not.

I also invited you Donelladan, to a game where you can earn about 36 points points and I can earn about 12 points. You are not inexperienced on that map, however you declined my invite but you somehow find it intriguing I am at fault to invite other players who wanted to play versus me.

I also invited _Untouchable (he decline my invite) who recently beat me on exactly the same map/settings while having second turn, see Game 21921494. I also invited elddir (he decined my invite) who beat me on that map/settings in past see Game 21736311, and Fyrdraca, JPlo64, Jdsizzleslice, mdhill, Ferris Wheels, theflycassanova, loutil etc. who are known experts on hive map and some of them accepted my invites or proposed same map but different settings (by loutil), whose proposal I accepted and sent him chained no spoils settings.

I also invited mc05025, who beat me in 22024233. After being beaten by mc05025, I invited him to two more games on the same map Game 22038444 Game 22038445 and he beat me on both of them even having second start in both of them. Is it farming/ranching/abusing spirit if someone beats you on some map, and then you invite him again to two more games on the same map, where he again beats you?

PaulatPeace was inviting inexperienced players who dont know the map and simultaneously he invited them to 5 games to harvest tons of points before these players learn how to play the map.
I am invited ALL top 100 ranked players (same as Dukasaur did) plus some others who mostly asked me to invite them, and I invited almost all of them to ONE game.
To more than one game was invited only mc05025 (who beat me in first game, what surprise to reinvite someone who beat me?), and random21 and Lingfish who expressed interest in that map/settings, but their invites were done 1 by 1 game so that they can become better strategists in second game. Lingfish second game was 1v1 hive and in 1v1 mode that map is nothing really special in featured, just ton of bonuses around but gameplay is very basic one and anyone who understands logic can play it well.
Also, see Lingfish wall, page 6, my message saying: 22024237 I am inviting top 50 players on my favorite map/settings, as you are in top 50 you are also invited. if you dislike to play then just reject the invitation.
Therefore, he could freely choose whether to join or not and my motivation why I am inviting him is clearly stated.

Also, some of my opponents asked me if I will play rematch on their chosen maps/settings, which I accepted, see aaronvollrathGame 22043380 Game 22043381, peterw2020 22042673. the game chosen by peterw2020 is even a 6-player multiplayer game which is not my piece of cake at all, but it is piece of cake of all other 5 players playing in that game as they play it on a regular basis. Then, Caymanmew refused to play my hive map but instead challenged me on his preferred map in the point distribution where I can lose around 40 points but gain only 10 points, see 22036217. I accepted Caymanmew's offer and joined his game, without requesting him to join my hive game as a counterfavor. How is it beneficial for me to accept requests to play on map chosen by very experienced opponents from TOFU clan, where I can gain 10 points but lose 40 points?

To be fair here, you first attempted to gaslight me into thinking I am good on Hive (I am 5/20 on the map). Only after I challenged you to a map and settings you like did you stop trying to gaslight me. Had you simply taken my rejection as is and not tried to trick me into the game with you, I wouldn't have felt the need to bait you into the game I did, resulting in you losing about 40 points.

I personally have no problem with the initial invite, but trying to convince someone they are good at the map so they will join when you know they don't stand a chance isn't cool and shouldn't be ok.

Just because you play some games with a handful of experts as a cover doesn't make it ok to gaslight non-experts.
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Re: Abusing the invite system - josko.ri

Postby Donelladan on Mon Oct 31, 2022 7:54 pm

@Major Lee Fkd
when a user is farming, the victims aren't the ones that have been farmed. It's the rest of the players that are playing by the rules to climb the scoreboard.

I am absolutely positive that I am 100% capable of making the decision for myself.

Sure, but would any of the invited players would have played a hive game if they hadn't been invited ? Doubt it. ( probably not the one with 0 hive game played).
Yes they may have joined knowing they'll likely lose the game and didn't care.
But, as I said above it's not really about them.
Because, make it a 100 invites, each player giving 10 points, then you have one player earning a 1000 points and we've got a new conqueror.
Is that how it's supposed to be done ? Maybe yes, then move along, there is nothing to see. But I'm questioning it.
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Re: Abusing the invite system - josko.ri

Postby josko.ri on Mon Oct 31, 2022 8:10 pm

at Caymanmew, if i remember correctly you had last three 1v1 hive wins, one of them vs groovysmurf who played that map vs my team in the championship (and I think she won) so obviously good at it, so I concluded you might be good at the map.

Well, two reasons much in favor of inviting new faces are:

1) I may discover potential new recruit for our clan. this is exactly how we discovered Lingfish. He was mostly multiplayer freestyle escalating player with no medal in quads and bronze medal in dubs triples and i think bronze or silver medal in poly. yet, some clan members including me played with and versus him several games and we discovered that he is very versatile and accomodative to various maps/settings/gameplays. today he is one of the most important players in our clan.

Why shouldnt I try some new faces whose names I dont even recognize (such as abovementioned Jehosophat for instance), and potentially find new players for our clan. Yes, he played hive more than 500 times and yes, mostly in trench. but if he is versatile player and can accommodate to different settings on a map that he knows well then bingo!, we have potential newcomer in our clan.m

2) I have 357 zombie kills so neew only 43 mode for gold zombie medal, therefore i am medal hunting. I cannot medal hunt versus players who I already beat multiple times in past, so I need to play versus new faces if I want to get that medal. If I choose new faces among low rankers then xroads will quickly jump here and accuse me of framing/ranching, so I am searching for new faces among high rankers.
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Re: Abusing the invite system - josko.ri

Postby Caymanmew on Mon Oct 31, 2022 8:24 pm

josko.ri wrote:at Caymanmew, if i remember correctly you had last three 1v1 hive wins, one of them vs groovysmurf who played that map vs my team in the championship (and I think she won) so obviously good at it, so I concluded you might be good at the map.

Right, I beat her 1v1 in the CC Olympics on the map, with weird settings. The other two wins you mention include a cook... Every other game played over the last 4 years was a loss.

You were hardly inviting me to a 1v1 adjacent forts (the ones I somehow won) game either, You wanted me to play you on poly 4 unlimited, which you knew I wouldn't stand a chance against you on, and even after rejecting you on the premises I suck at the map and can't win, you still tried to convince me "I know the hive map very well".

Again, my problem isn't the random invite, it is the trying to convince me I am good when my words and stats say otherwise. That, to me, is a bit predatory.
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Re: Abusing the invite system - josko.ri

Postby josko.ri on Mon Oct 31, 2022 8:43 pm

Caymanmew wrote:
josko.ri wrote:at Caymanmew, if i remember correctly you had last three 1v1 hive wins, one of them vs groovysmurf who played that map vs my team in the championship (and I think she won) so obviously good at it, so I concluded you might be good at the map.

Right, I beat her 1v1 in the CC Olympics on the map, with weird settings. The other two wins you mention include a cook... Every other game played over the last 4 years was a loss.

You were hardly inviting me to a 1v1 adjacent forts (the ones I somehow won) game either, You wanted me to play you on poly 4 unlimited, which you knew I wouldn't stand a chance against you on, and even after rejecting you on the premises I suck at the map and can't win, you still tried to convince me "I know the hive map very well".

Again, my problem isn't the random invite, it is the trying to convince me I am good when my words and stats say otherwise. That, to me, is a bit predatory.

So, what do you think I would prefer, play you on 1v1 hive adjacent forts or play you on your map conquer rome doubles in point distribution which gives me 10 points for win and 40 points for loss?

Of course between these two options a 1v1 adjacent hive would be better solution for me yet I accepted your map conquer rome. So I accepted option which more favored you, isnt it? Why do you then call me out for not proposing you the 1v1 hive, which would be better for me than conquer rome.

Try ask narutoserigala if he will play doubles vs you on map/settings chosen by you when your team has less than 5000 points combined, I am very curious what wil he respond. ;)

Of players who objected on my map/settings, turnout is like this:
Arkangelnz and loutil asked for same map but changed settings, I accepted both
aaronvollrath and peterz asked for rematch on their map/settings, I accepted both although peterz's invitation was for a 6-player multiplayer game which I rarely play but other five players play often.
Caymanmew asked me to switch to his map/settings, without even offering to also play on my map/settings (maybe not hive but some other map of my choice) and I accepted

Is this attitude of a cheater who wants to abuse the system, to accept modified maps/settings/gametypes by opponents, even playing on their chosen maps or gametypes?
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Re: Abusing the invite system - josko.ri

Postby Caymanmew on Mon Oct 31, 2022 9:05 pm

josko.ri wrote:
Caymanmew wrote:
josko.ri wrote:at Caymanmew, if i remember correctly you had last three 1v1 hive wins, one of them vs groovysmurf who played that map vs my team in the championship (and I think she won) so obviously good at it, so I concluded you might be good at the map.

Right, I beat her 1v1 in the CC Olympics on the map, with weird settings. The other two wins you mention include a cook... Every other game played over the last 4 years was a loss.

You were hardly inviting me to a 1v1 adjacent forts (the ones I somehow won) game either, You wanted me to play you on poly 4 unlimited, which you knew I wouldn't stand a chance against you on, and even after rejecting you on the premises I suck at the map and can't win, you still tried to convince me "I know the hive map very well".

Again, my problem isn't the random invite, it is the trying to convince me I am good when my words and stats say otherwise. That, to me, is a bit predatory.

So, what do you think I would prefer, play you on 1v1 hive adjacent forts or play you on your map conquer rome doubles in point distribution which gives me 10 points for win and 40 points for loss?

Of course between these two options a 1v1 adjacent hive would be better solution for me yet I accepted your map conquer rome. So I accepted option which more favored you, isnt it? Why do you then call me out for not proposing you the 1v1 hive, which would be better for me than conquer rome.

Try ask narutoserigala if he will play doubles vs you on map/settings chosen by you when your team has less than 5000 points combined, I am very curious what wil he respond. ;)

Of players who objected on my map/settings, turnout is like this:
Arkangelnz and loutil asked for same map but changed settings, I accepted both
aaronvollrath and peterz asked for rematch on their map/settings, I accepted both although peterz's invitation was for a 6-player multiplayer game which I rarely play but other five players play often.
Caymanmew asked me to switch to his map/settings, without even offering to also play on my map/settings (maybe not hive but some other map of my choice) and I accepted

Is this attitude of a cheater who wants to abuse the system, to accept modified maps/settings/gametypes by opponents, even playing on their chosen maps or gametypes?

I am calling you out for attempting to convince me I play hive "very well" when that is clearly not the case and I had already said I wouldn't stand a chance. Again I have no problem with the invite, I have a problem with you not respecting the decline and trying to manipulate me into taking the game anyways.

The fact you failed to manipulate me doesn't mean your attempt to do so wasn't wrong.
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Re: Abusing the invite system - josko.ri

Postby josko.ri on Mon Oct 31, 2022 9:18 pm

Also, playing hive map has only one special feature, that drop is capped at 12 per 36 and every bigger regions. All other gameplay is completely basic, equal bonuses of 3 6 and more regions evenly spread around the map. Furthermore, I play it sunny so there is no any special strategy in fog to trick my opponents. Only that I add is zombie spoils but that is due to medal hunting, I dont really remember that zombie spoils in my hive games ever turned the game around to other player or team given that the map is so huge and chances to nuke particular important regions are extremely low.

My way is similar as inviting players to play world 21 with unlimited fort, just on a bigger scale (hive has triple more starting regions than world 21 for quads). In fact, in some of my recent games (about five of them) I did not only invite players on hive map but also on world 21 map with the same settings. If I am not wrong, Major Lee Fkd was invited on world 21 map, where he previously beat me in dubs.

So what is wrong here, Donelladan? Invite low rankers - farmer, invite high rankers on quite basic gameplay map (unlimited fort exists since the site started) with sunny settings - abuser.

Maybe you prefer a way of narutosetigala who opens not-basic but very hard and special maps and make it public, so that noobs can easily join? If he meet some skilled player capable of beating him then he foes him and by time only few capable players remain as his potential opponents. In my case, I lost one game vs mc05025 and then invited him to two more games (again list both). Do you realize the fundamental attitude diffference?

Then, games of narutiserigala have huge possibility to not be competitive if some lower skiled players join just because they are willing to play vs conqueror. Even narutoserigala himself admitted in game chat of Game 22030098 that most of his recent opponents were clueless.
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Re: Abusing the invite system - josko.ri

Postby Nut Shot Scott on Mon Oct 31, 2022 9:18 pm

This seems pretty thin. Just saying. In order to go anywhere, I'd think it would need to be clear and obvious - like overturning a play via review. Seems like josko is trying to get some games going on his terms (I don't see why that's wrong) and is willing to play others terms as well. These arent new players with 40 games played nor are they unsuspecting cooks who he stealing 1 point at a time from. Are we really going to get this granular about who someone plays and when and how and why?

I'm on board with clear cases. I'm no josko lover but this appears pretty 'meh'. I got two invites, thought about it because maybe, then declined and there it is. Just going w my experience - I wasnt pressured but I didnt initiate dialogue about it. My guess is those of you who said "josko, I'm not taking this game because of _____" were then subjected to him trying to convince you to play. Which in my mind is a totally fair thing to do. Now, if he is spamming you and constantly begging you to play these crazy games, that might be another story.
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Re: Abusing the invite system - josko.ri

Postby josko.ri on Mon Oct 31, 2022 9:32 pm

Caymanmew wrote:
josko.ri wrote:
Caymanmew wrote:
josko.ri wrote:at Caymanmew, if i remember correctly you had last three 1v1 hive wins, one of them vs groovysmurf who played that map vs my team in the championship (and I think she won) so obviously good at it, so I concluded you might be good at the map.

Right, I beat her 1v1 in the CC Olympics on the map, with weird settings. The other two wins you mention include a cook... Every other game played over the last 4 years was a loss.

You were hardly inviting me to a 1v1 adjacent forts (the ones I somehow won) game either, You wanted me to play you on poly 4 unlimited, which you knew I wouldn't stand a chance against you on, and even after rejecting you on the premises I suck at the map and can't win, you still tried to convince me "I know the hive map very well".

Again, my problem isn't the random invite, it is the trying to convince me I am good when my words and stats say otherwise. That, to me, is a bit predatory.

So, what do you think I would prefer, play you on 1v1 hive adjacent forts or play you on your map conquer rome doubles in point distribution which gives me 10 points for win and 40 points for loss?

Of course between these two options a 1v1 adjacent hive would be better solution for me yet I accepted your map conquer rome. So I accepted option which more favored you, isnt it? Why do you then call me out for not proposing you the 1v1 hive, which would be better for me than conquer rome.

Try ask narutoserigala if he will play doubles vs you on map/settings chosen by you when your team has less than 5000 points combined, I am very curious what wil he respond. ;)

Of players who objected on my map/settings, turnout is like this:
Arkangelnz and loutil asked for same map but changed settings, I accepted both
aaronvollrath and peterz asked for rematch on their map/settings, I accepted both although peterz's invitation was for a 6-player multiplayer game which I rarely play but other five players play often.
Caymanmew asked me to switch to his map/settings, without even offering to also play on my map/settings (maybe not hive but some other map of my choice) and I accepted

Is this attitude of a cheater who wants to abuse the system, to accept modified maps/settings/gametypes by opponents, even playing on their chosen maps or gametypes?

I am calling you out for attempting to convince me I play hive "very well" when that is clearly not the case and I had already said I wouldn't stand a chance. Again I have no problem with the invite, I have a problem with you not respecting the decline and trying to manipulate me into taking the game anyways.

The fact you failed to manipulate me doesn't mean your attempt to do so wasn't wrong.

Who am I to aveluate your capability on any map? Did we play often in past? No. My opinion about you is that you are a versatile player as you were one if the bests in ATL and now recruited by TOFU so obviously you have some good skills. We can argue whether you are good on, say, Eurasia map. I would assume yes because eurasia does not have many special gameplay and your versatility aows you to modify your strategy effectively. So, my thinking was Caymanmew is versatile player therefore he is good at hive which is not a very special map. But of I am wrong and Caymanmew is not versatile player then my apologize for wrongly thiking that you are a versatile player.

I must admit, it is an iteresting attitude when others think highly of you but you put yourself down =D>

Maybe, I should have told that not only on hive but in general on every map you are quite weak player, and then you would finally be happy? :roll:

Nut Shot Scott wrote:Now, if he is spamming you and constantly begging you to play these crazy games, that might be another story.

I so much spammed Caymanmew that finally I accepted to play game on map of his choice. What a spamming, isnt it? Also, Caymanmew wanted to know who will be my teammate in dubs ti ensure that I wont invite a lower ranked player to decrese my team score. Imagine, I agree to play on his chosen map/settings vs his team who combined have lower than 5000 points while I alone have 5200 points. But, all that was not enough for Caymanmew, he also wanted that my teammate does not have low rank so he asked who willbe my teammate and whether I will invite someone low ranked to deflate my team score. What a sportmanship, isnt it? =D>
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Re: Abusing the invite system - josko.ri

Postby Caymanmew on Mon Oct 31, 2022 11:55 pm

josko.ri wrote:
Caymanmew wrote:
josko.ri wrote:
Caymanmew wrote:
josko.ri wrote:at Caymanmew, if i remember correctly you had last three 1v1 hive wins, one of them vs groovysmurf who played that map vs my team in the championship (and I think she won) so obviously good at it, so I concluded you might be good at the map.

Right, I beat her 1v1 in the CC Olympics on the map, with weird settings. The other two wins you mention include a cook... Every other game played over the last 4 years was a loss.

You were hardly inviting me to a 1v1 adjacent forts (the ones I somehow won) game either, You wanted me to play you on poly 4 unlimited, which you knew I wouldn't stand a chance against you on, and even after rejecting you on the premises I suck at the map and can't win, you still tried to convince me "I know the hive map very well".

Again, my problem isn't the random invite, it is the trying to convince me I am good when my words and stats say otherwise. That, to me, is a bit predatory.

So, what do you think I would prefer, play you on 1v1 hive adjacent forts or play you on your map conquer rome doubles in point distribution which gives me 10 points for win and 40 points for loss?

Of course between these two options a 1v1 adjacent hive would be better solution for me yet I accepted your map conquer rome. So I accepted option which more favored you, isnt it? Why do you then call me out for not proposing you the 1v1 hive, which would be better for me than conquer rome.

Try ask narutoserigala if he will play doubles vs you on map/settings chosen by you when your team has less than 5000 points combined, I am very curious what wil he respond. ;)

Of players who objected on my map/settings, turnout is like this:
Arkangelnz and loutil asked for same map but changed settings, I accepted both
aaronvollrath and peterz asked for rematch on their map/settings, I accepted both although peterz's invitation was for a 6-player multiplayer game which I rarely play but other five players play often.
Caymanmew asked me to switch to his map/settings, without even offering to also play on my map/settings (maybe not hive but some other map of my choice) and I accepted

Is this attitude of a cheater who wants to abuse the system, to accept modified maps/settings/gametypes by opponents, even playing on their chosen maps or gametypes?

I am calling you out for attempting to convince me I play hive "very well" when that is clearly not the case and I had already said I wouldn't stand a chance. Again I have no problem with the invite, I have a problem with you not respecting the decline and trying to manipulate me into taking the game anyways.

The fact you failed to manipulate me doesn't mean your attempt to do so wasn't wrong.

Who am I to aveluate your capability on any map? Did we play often in past? No. My opinion about you is that you are a versatile player as you were one if the bests in ATL and now recruited by TOFU so obviously you have some good skills. We can argue whether you are good on, say, Eurasia map. I would assume yes because eurasia does not have many special gameplay and your versatility aows you to modify your strategy effectively. So, my thinking was Caymanmew is versatile player therefore he is good at hive which is not a very special map. But of I am wrong and Caymanmew is not versatile player then my apologize for wrongly thiking that you are a versatile player.

I must admit, it is an iteresting attitude when others think highly of you but you put yourself down =D>

Maybe, I should have told that not only on hive but in general on every map you are quite weak player, and then you would finally be happy? :roll:

Nut Shot Scott wrote:Now, if he is spamming you and constantly begging you to play these crazy games, that might be another story.

I so much spammed Caymanmew that finally I accepted to play game on map of his choice. What a spamming, isnt it? Also, Caymanmew wanted to know who will be my teammate in dubs ti ensure that I wont invite a lower ranked player to decrese my team score. Imagine, I agree to play on his chosen map/settings vs his team who combined have lower than 5000 points while I alone have 5200 points. But, all that was not enough for Caymanmew, he also wanted that my teammate does not have low rank so he asked who willbe my teammate and whether I will invite someone low ranked to deflate my team score. What a sportmanship, isnt it? =D>

You didn't spam me, never said you did.

Let's be clear, you agreed to my demands because you thought you'd win. You have an 77% win rate over 137 team and poly games on Conquer Rome with those settings. Unlike you, I actually challenged you to a game you knew.

If you think being able to compete with you on hive unlimited is a thing most "versatile" players can do then I don't know what to say. Only maybe a dozen people on the site can realistically complete with you in hive unlimited.

As I've said repeatedly, I have no problems with invites, but I personally think trying to manipulate people into games they have little chance of winning is crossing a line, or at least should be.
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Re: Abusing the invite system - josko.ri

Postby josko.ri on Tue Nov 01, 2022 2:50 am

Caymanmew wrote:
josko.ri wrote:
Caymanmew wrote:
josko.ri wrote:
Caymanmew wrote:
josko.ri wrote:at Caymanmew, if i remember correctly you had last three 1v1 hive wins, one of them vs groovysmurf who played that map vs my team in the championship (and I think she won) so obviously good at it, so I concluded you might be good at the map.

Right, I beat her 1v1 in the CC Olympics on the map, with weird settings. The other two wins you mention include a cook... Every other game played over the last 4 years was a loss.

You were hardly inviting me to a 1v1 adjacent forts (the ones I somehow won) game either, You wanted me to play you on poly 4 unlimited, which you knew I wouldn't stand a chance against you on, and even after rejecting you on the premises I suck at the map and can't win, you still tried to convince me "I know the hive map very well".

Again, my problem isn't the random invite, it is the trying to convince me I am good when my words and stats say otherwise. That, to me, is a bit predatory.

So, what do you think I would prefer, play you on 1v1 hive adjacent forts or play you on your map conquer rome doubles in point distribution which gives me 10 points for win and 40 points for loss?

Of course between these two options a 1v1 adjacent hive would be better solution for me yet I accepted your map conquer rome. So I accepted option which more favored you, isnt it? Why do you then call me out for not proposing you the 1v1 hive, which would be better for me than conquer rome.

Try ask narutoserigala if he will play doubles vs you on map/settings chosen by you when your team has less than 5000 points combined, I am very curious what wil he respond. ;)

Of players who objected on my map/settings, turnout is like this:
Arkangelnz and loutil asked for same map but changed settings, I accepted both
aaronvollrath and peterz asked for rematch on their map/settings, I accepted both although peterz's invitation was for a 6-player multiplayer game which I rarely play but other five players play often.
Caymanmew asked me to switch to his map/settings, without even offering to also play on my map/settings (maybe not hive but some other map of my choice) and I accepted

Is this attitude of a cheater who wants to abuse the system, to accept modified maps/settings/gametypes by opponents, even playing on their chosen maps or gametypes?

I am calling you out for attempting to convince me I play hive "very well" when that is clearly not the case and I had already said I wouldn't stand a chance. Again I have no problem with the invite, I have a problem with you not respecting the decline and trying to manipulate me into taking the game anyways.

The fact you failed to manipulate me doesn't mean your attempt to do so wasn't wrong.

Who am I to aveluate your capability on any map? Did we play often in past? No. My opinion about you is that you are a versatile player as you were one if the bests in ATL and now recruited by TOFU so obviously you have some good skills. We can argue whether you are good on, say, Eurasia map. I would assume yes because eurasia does not have many special gameplay and your versatility aows you to modify your strategy effectively. So, my thinking was Caymanmew is versatile player therefore he is good at hive which is not a very special map. But of I am wrong and Caymanmew is not versatile player then my apologize for wrongly thiking that you are a versatile player.

I must admit, it is an iteresting attitude when others think highly of you but you put yourself down =D>

Maybe, I should have told that not only on hive but in general on every map you are quite weak player, and then you would finally be happy? :roll:

Nut Shot Scott wrote:Now, if he is spamming you and constantly begging you to play these crazy games, that might be another story.

I so much spammed Caymanmew that finally I accepted to play game on map of his choice. What a spamming, isnt it? Also, Caymanmew wanted to know who will be my teammate in dubs ti ensure that I wont invite a lower ranked player to decrese my team score. Imagine, I agree to play on his chosen map/settings vs his team who combined have lower than 5000 points while I alone have 5200 points. But, all that was not enough for Caymanmew, he also wanted that my teammate does not have low rank so he asked who willbe my teammate and whether I will invite someone low ranked to deflate my team score. What a sportmanship, isnt it? =D>

You didn't spam me, never said you did.

Let's be clear, you agreed to my demands because you thought you'd win. You have an 77% win rate over 137 team and poly games on Conquer Rome with those settings. Unlike you, I actually challenged you to a game you knew.

If you think being able to compete with you on hive unlimited is a thing most "versatile" players can do then I don't know what to say. Only maybe a dozen people on the site can realistically complete with you in hive unlimited.

As I've said repeatedly, I have no problems with invites, but I personally think trying to manipulate people into games they have little chance of winning is crossing a line, or at least should be.

If you just declined invite and told nothing (as NSS did), I would not try toconvince yyou in anything but you put argument that you are bad at the map, to which I argued tha thest 3 games by your on hive were won.

As about 77% winning rate of me in conquer rome, if I play with maroshka 100 games versus you and Nephilin with our current rank and I win 77 of 100, I would still lose more points than gain, so howis taking that challenge win-win for me?

Also, my 77%winning rate includes some wins vs lower ranked players so percentage vs decent players is definitely lower.
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Re: Abusing the invite system - josko.ri

Postby josko.ri on Tue Nov 01, 2022 3:10 am

Caymanmew wrote:
josko.ri wrote:
Caymanmew wrote:
josko.ri wrote:
Caymanmew wrote:
josko.ri wrote:at Caymanmew, if i remember correctly you had last three 1v1 hive wins, one of them vs groovysmurf who played that map vs my team in the championship (and I think she won) so obviously good at it, so I concluded you might be good at the map.

Right, I beat her 1v1 in the CC Olympics on the map, with weird settings. The other two wins you mention include a cook... Every other game played over the last 4 years was a loss.

You were hardly inviting me to a 1v1 adjacent forts (the ones I somehow won) game either, You wanted me to play you on poly 4 unlimited, which you knew I wouldn't stand a chance against you on, and even after rejecting you on the premises I suck at the map and can't win, you still tried to convince me "I know the hive map very well".

Again, my problem isn't the random invite, it is the trying to convince me I am good when my words and stats say otherwise. That, to me, is a bit predatory.

So, what do you think I would prefer, play you on 1v1 hive adjacent forts or play you on your map conquer rome doubles in point distribution which gives me 10 points for win and 40 points for loss?

Of course between these two options a 1v1 adjacent hive would be better solution for me yet I accepted your map conquer rome. So I accepted option which more favored you, isnt it? Why do you then call me out for not proposing you the 1v1 hive, which would be better for me than conquer rome.

Try ask narutoserigala if he will play doubles vs you on map/settings chosen by you when your team has less than 5000 points combined, I am very curious what wil he respond. ;)

Of players who objected on my map/settings, turnout is like this:
Arkangelnz and loutil asked for same map but changed settings, I accepted both
aaronvollrath and peterz asked for rematch on their map/settings, I accepted both although peterz's invitation was for a 6-player multiplayer game which I rarely play but other five players play often.
Caymanmew asked me to switch to his map/settings, without even offering to also play on my map/settings (maybe not hive but some other map of my choice) and I accepted

Is this attitude of a cheater who wants to abuse the system, to accept modified maps/settings/gametypes by opponents, even playing on their chosen maps or gametypes?

I am calling you out for attempting to convince me I play hive "very well" when that is clearly not the case and I had already said I wouldn't stand a chance. Again I have no problem with the invite, I have a problem with you not respecting the decline and trying to manipulate me into taking the game anyways.

The fact you failed to manipulate me doesn't mean your attempt to do so wasn't wrong.

Who am I to aveluate your capability on any map? Did we play often in past? No. My opinion about you is that you are a versatile player as you were one if the bests in ATL and now recruited by TOFU so obviously you have some good skills. We can argue whether you are good on, say, Eurasia map. I would assume yes because eurasia does not have many special gameplay and your versatility aows you to modify your strategy effectively. So, my thinking was Caymanmew is versatile player therefore he is good at hive which is not a very special map. But of I am wrong and Caymanmew is not versatile player then my apologize for wrongly thiking that you are a versatile player.

I must admit, it is an iteresting attitude when others think highly of you but you put yourself down =D>

Maybe, I should have told that not only on hive but in general on every map you are quite weak player, and then you would finally be happy? :roll:

Nut Shot Scott wrote:Now, if he is spamming you and constantly begging you to play these crazy games, that might be another story.

I so much spammed Caymanmew that finally I accepted to play game on map of his choice. What a spamming, isnt it? Also, Caymanmew wanted to know who will be my teammate in dubs ti ensure that I wont invite a lower ranked player to decrese my team score. Imagine, I agree to play on his chosen map/settings vs his team who combined have lower than 5000 points while I alone have 5200 points. But, all that was not enough for Caymanmew, he also wanted that my teammate does not have low rank so he asked who willbe my teammate and whether I will invite someone low ranked to deflate my team score. What a sportmanship, isnt it? =D>

You didn't spam me, never said you did.

Let's be clear, you agreed to my demands because you thought you'd win. You have an 77% win rate over 137 team and poly games on Conquer Rome with those settings. Unlike you, I actually challenged you to a game you knew.

If you think being able to compete with you on hive unlimited is a thing most "versatile" players can do then I don't know what to say. Only maybe a dozen people on the site can realistically complete with you in hive unlimited.

As I've said repeatedly, I have no problems with invites, but I personally think trying to manipulate people into games they have little chance of winning is crossing a line, or at least should be.

If you just declined invite and told nothing (as NSS did), I would not try toconvince yyou in anything but you put argument that you are bad at the map, to which I argued tha thest 3 games by your on hive were won.

As about 77% winning rate of me in conquer rome, if I play with maroshka 100 games versus you and Nephilin with our current rank and I win 77 of 100, I would still lose more points than gain, so howis taking that challenge win-win for me?

Also, my 77%winning rate includes some wins vs lower ranked players so percentage vs decent players is definitely lower.

Finally, you told here why didnt Iinvite you to a 1v1 hive. Your response to poly-4 invitation was that you dislike hive map (youbdidnt tell anything about unlimited fort) so it was logical to conclude that you willnot like hive 1v1 neither.

You shiuld be firat to support me as I kindly accepted your map without asking you to also join my map. I could also change to workd 21 poly-4 unlimited as i did with some other players and ask you to join that as my home map, but i only joined yours. And after all these, joining your map where i can win 10 points and lose 40 points, you dare to come here and call me out for farming attempt on you.

From my wall, Caymanmew asked: "Seems like an excuse to invite a low-ranking clan member to lower the average score. fight me one on one, poly 2. You scared?
by Caymanmew
on Fri Oct 21, 2022 5:30 am
On top of everything you asked me who will be my partner and whether my partner will be low ranked (like it is in any way your business) and on top of that you invited Lieutenant Nephilim as your partner with whom you never played conquer rome doubles before. All your ex partners in conquer rome doubles were ranked majors or above. So it is very obvious that you were applying point management versus me but also you were applying point management of my team by asking which will be rank of my partner, which you definitely are not entitled to do. Be ahamed for such unsportmanship!
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Re: Abusing the invite system - josko.ri

Postby Donelladan on Tue Nov 01, 2022 4:05 am

These arent new players with 40 games played nor are they unsuspecting cooks who he stealing 1 point at a time from. Are we really going to get this granular about who someone plays and when and how and why?

This was already discussed in previous C&A threads, the official answer was : it doesn't matter the rank of your opponent, it's just ranching instead of farming.
if josko play a lieutenant on hive poly(4) unlimited, or if he play a brigadier that never played on hive and never played a team/poly unlimited game before, the result will be the same, it's a 100% guaranteed win for josko.

If he was targeting his invite towards people with no experience to his hive game, it would definitely be an abuse no matter what rank they have.

But, as I said in the OP, I don't think he was targeting people without experience, just inviting lot of people ( from what he said here, the top 100). ]

I don't think we have to be very granular about who play who, but then throwing an 100 invites isn't granular either.
The invite system wasn't made for mass inviting people, that's not its purpose, and if josko would continue doing so on a major scale, it'll still be abusing the system even if he doesn't target people imo.

Also :
I got two invites, thought about it because maybe, then declined and there it is. Just going w my experience -

If a 100 invites are sent, most people will decline, few people that like challenge and know hive might accept, and a few unknowing players will accept. Most of the players I linked in my first post are such unknowing players. They may be colonel, but people with 200-300 games played, rarely receiving invite, probably not even knowing who josko is and not knowing that the actual chance of them winning the game is lower than 1% might accept.
Because you NSS, me and Caymannew, aren't the average joe on CC.
If you see the names I put in my OP, most of them are, I think, players you don't know about, that don't post in forum,

Now keep doing that invite thingy massively, you'll catch enough fish that it'll be worthwhile.

While you make some valid points, you maybe could try avoid saying such as "it's a way to recruit new clan player", maybe you did find one by chance, but that was probably not your intention while making those invites.
Also seriously, claiming that hive is an easy map is ridiculous. And hive unlimited poly(4) is harder than just hive.
if the map is basic, you don't get a 80% win rate ( I think your win rate on hive poly(4) unlimited is even higher than 80% but I didn't check).

I think just keeping it short and saying the truth only would be a better defense. You wanted some games going and you wanted to get the zombie medal, you invited the top 100 players without checking their skill.
Therefore I don't think you've been trying to cheat when sending all those invites in the first place.
But, as I said above, I don't think it would be ok to keep doing it intensively.
Last edited by Donelladan on Tue Nov 01, 2022 5:01 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Abusing the invite system - josko.ri

Postby josko.ri on Tue Nov 01, 2022 4:15 am

To conclude my defense, three obvious facts that I am not manipulating the scoring system are written below...

1) I am inviting everyone from top of the scoreboard regardless of their map knowledge. The ones who beat me (so far mc05025) I reinvited to another two games, which I also lost having first starts in both of them. This proves that I am seeking for good and exciting challenges, but not for easy wins. My maps are not only on Hive, several of them were also on a very basic map world 21.

2) I am not solely inviting others to my chosen maps, I also play on their chosen maps if they invited me even when their maps are far away from my usual preferences, such as multiplayed esalating 6-player world 21 game. In case of Caymanew, I did not even require that he plays my home map as a counterfavor of me playing his map but I joined his map with point distribution which bring me 10 points for win and losing 40 points for loss. And important to say is, every time when I play home and away map, there is big chance that I will lose points because result of 1-1 takes out a lot ofpoints from me.

3) The fact that everyone starting from top until 100+ ranked players one-by-one was invited also proves that I am not chosing opponents based on map knowledge. I welcome everyone to join, who wish to take the chance let him play, and who doesnt wish let him decline.

If we are to better define framework for abusing farming/ranching rules, we can also look that Donelladan played more than 2000 polymorphic triples trench of France 21 map (you said 100 invites are too much, yet you played your map 2000 times), and extremely strategic map to be pkayed on these settings. As his France 21 games are public then anyone can join them including noobs ranked lower than Lieutenant (1600). It should not be that hard ti calculate how much is winning percentage of Donelladan on France 21 polymorphic trench when playing vs players ranked lower than 1600 and how much points did he earn from these games, my guess would be more than he has 95% winning ratio. Thus, what is essential difference between a noob seeing speed poly game on France 21 and joining that game vs Donelladan, or a top 100 ranked player get invite from me and also (the same as that Donelladan's noob) has 100% free choice to either join my game or decline my invitation. We can just calculate who has bigger winning % in lifetime (or in last one year for instance), me on 1v1 and poly hives when playing versus players ranked more than 2900, or Donelladan on France 21 poly Trench when playing versus players ranked lower than 1600. I bet that Doneadan has far bigger winning % in this comparison.
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Re: Abusing the invite system - josko.ri

Postby pmchugh on Tue Nov 01, 2022 4:59 am

I have absolutely no dog in this case and i dont know any of the previous cases, so feel free to ignore. But I think an interesting comparison here is to the current conqueror, I think inviting all comers is certainly less toxic than foeing all good players. On a small website, foeing the specialists on your specific settings is worse because it has the same base effect (getting you easier games) without the hazards josko is facing in taking games from the good players too.
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Re: Abusing the invite system - josko.ri

Postby Donelladan on Tue Nov 01, 2022 5:10 am

If we are to better define framework for abusing farming/ranching rules, we can also look that Donelladan played more than 2000 polymorphic triples trench of France 21 map (you said 100 invites are too much, yet you played your map 2000 times), and extremely strategic map to be pkayed on these settings. As his France 21 games are public then anyone can join them including noobs ranked lower than Lieutenant (1600). It should not be that hard ti calculate how much is winning percentage of Donelladan on France 21 polymorphic trench when playing vs players ranked lower than 1600 and how much points did he earn from these games, my guess would be more than he has 95% winning ratio. Thus, what is essential difference between a noob seeing speed poly game on France 21 and joining that game vs Donelladan, or a top 100 ranked player get invite from me and also (the same as that Donelladan's noob) has 100% free choice to either join my game or decline my invitation. We can just calculate who has bigger winning % in lifetime (or in last one year for instance), me on 1v1 and poly hives when playing versus players ranked more than 2900, or Donelladan on France 21 poly Trench when playing versus players ranked lower than 1600. I bet that Doneadan has far bigger winning % in this comparison.

Good try at deflecting. But missing the point.
Inviting is the issue.
Win rate doesn't matter. Be winning 100% on hive, it's not cheating.
Only play cook because only cook join your game. It's not cheating.

Why didn't you create hive public game and wait for people to join ? Because they don't, or not the one you want. So you used (abused) the invite system.

Anyway, it is well known that opening public game and waiting for people to join isn't cheating even if you specialize.
And abuse cases related to the invite feature are also relatively well known.
Maybe you'll convince some unknowing bystander with that logic but you know the truth of it.
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Re: Abusing the invite system - josko.ri

Postby fishydance on Tue Nov 01, 2022 6:13 am

Donelladan wrote:Good try at deflecting. But missing the point.
Inviting is the issue.
Win rate doesn't matter. Be winning 100% on hive, it's not cheating.
Only play cook because only cook join your game. It's not cheating.

Why didn't you create hive public game and wait for people to join ? Because they don't, or not the one you want. So you used (abused) the invite system.

Anyway, it is well known that opening public game and waiting for people to join isn't cheating even if you specialize.
And abuse cases related to the invite feature are also relatively well known.
Maybe you'll convince some unknowing bystander with that logic but you know the truth of it.

You are correct. I believe the reason for Josko inviting players at this point is relatively simply: he set a goal of reaching conqueror by the end of the year. Waiting for players to join will take longer, so he's attempting to speed things up by sending invites. I advise that he removes the end of year deadline, thus eliminating the need to invite low ranked players to games. Conqueror is Conqueror whether he reaches it in December or March.
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Re: Abusing the invite system - josko.ri

Postby josko.ri on Tue Nov 01, 2022 7:30 am

Donelladan wrote:Why didn't you create hive public game and wait for people to join ? Because they don't, or not the one you want. So you used (abused) the invite system.

Ok, lets break my games in last two months, running scoreboard for october says that I completed 85 games that month, I also completed 1 games this month and I have 80 games going.

Breakdown of these 166 games played by me in last two months is as follows:
(1) Hive games that you are accusing me for abuse (including 1v1 poly-3, poly-4, everything on hive map): 33 games (20%) (of them, 3 are already lost, possibly more will be)
(2) World 21 triples and quads from pantry, where low rankers are both my teammates and opponents: 32 games (19%)
(3) Clan games and all other games where I almost every time join as TEAM 2 PALAYING ON MAP/SETTINGS CHOSEN BY MY OPPONETS WHO HOSTED THE GAME, where usually my team has bigger score and I can earn much less and lose much more than 20 points from these games: 101 (61%)

So, in more of 50% of cases (some games in category (3) are my home games in clan wars) I join versus high ranked opponents on their chosen map settings and beating them more often than they beat me. In these 101 games in category (3), more than 90% of them are versus high rankers, low rankers are included only in case that I want to beat them ONLY ONCE for purpose of unique kill in doubles and triples platinum medal hunting, which I did not earn yet. Therefore, more than triple more often (61%) did I join games as team 2 on map/settings chosen by high ranked opponents, than how much did I invite high ranked opponents to my hive games (20).

Why should I make public games and wait for anyone who wish to join? You might do so if you wish by yourself, but it is not your right to make policies that everyone should follow your way. Playing Hive poly-4 game until the end requires at least 1 hour spend only on clicking on the map making deployment, attacks etc. (not counting the time how much is needed for planning the moves). Therefore, when i invest so much time in planning and in actually playing, then i desire that my time is spent in efficient way versus opponents who are skilled, and there is much bigger chance that i will find these ones among high ranked players. I like strategic competition and outsmarting each other, therefore playing versus low rankers and scoring easy wins is definitely not what I want from this site. If I play versus low ranked players (say, if I create public games) then fun of playing and competing would be lost, which is definitely not what I want.

Anyway, I am not the only one on CC who despise playing vs low ranked player. It is not rare that team of iamcaffeine, Trafalgarlaw and company (see Game 21997707) etc. abandon their waiting team games after one or more of low ranked players fill the team 2 spots, so my attitude that playing public games vs anyone (who might be low rankers) is not isolated.
Last edited by josko.ri on Tue Nov 01, 2022 8:43 am, edited 1 time in total.
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