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[CC] Official Tournament Handbook

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[CC] Official Tournament Handbook

Postby Lindax on Tue Jan 25, 2022 2:37 pm

Official CC Tournament Handbook
Version XII/21/Lx. Based on the original by Night Strike. Brought to by the Tournament Department.

This Tournament Handbook contains tips, advice, rules and guidelines regarding tournaments overseen by the Tournament Department, except Tribe Tournaments.

A.- The Tournament Department and Directors

1.- Tournament Department
2.- Medals and Other Prizes

B.- For the Players

1.- Playing Community-Run Tournaments
2.- Playing Auto-Tournaments

C.- For the Tournament Organizers (TOs)

1.- Organizing Community-Run Tournaments
2.- Organizing Private and Auto-Tournaments


D.- Notes

1.- All the Conquer Club site rules and standards will be in effect, unless otherwise stated.
2.- All rules and policies are subject to change whenever The Tournament Department deems it necessary.
3.- Any situation that is not described will be dealt with on a case-by-case basis.


E.- Appendix

1.- Revisions

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Tournament Department

Postby Lindax on Tue Jan 25, 2022 2:46 pm

Tournament Department
Contents: The Tournament Department/Tournament Directors/Tournament Organizer Usergroup/Tribes

Below the tasks and responsibilities of the Tournament Department and its Directors (TDs).

A.- The Tournament Department

1.- The Tournament Department oversees and facilitates the public, auto and private tournaments offered on CC. Tribe tournaments are also dealt with by the Tournament Directors, but are a different section. Clan tournaments are dealt with by the Clan Department.

2.- The Tournament Department approves tournaments organized by CC community members and user-groups, assists Tournament Organizers, issues tournament privileges, awards, medals and prizes, offers auto-tournaments, makes sure the rules are followed, makes decisions when issues or conflicts arise, moderates the tournament forums and generally strives to have all tournaments run smoothly.

B.- Tournament Directors (TDs)

1.- As Tournament Directors, we each have a limited amount of time that we can provide to Directing based on personal lives, running tournaments, and other responsibilities that we have. Each Director has taken on tasks that they know they can commit to without over-burdening themselves. In order to help you know who to contact with a specific question or concern, refer to the compiled list of duties that each TD is responsible for.

2.- Tournament Directors: Tasks and Responsibilities:
show: td tasks and responsibilities

3.- Players and Tournament Organizers can appeal a decision by a Tournament Director by contacting the Department Head. Appeals against the Department Head need to be directed at Admin.

C.- Tournament Organizers Usergroup

1.- The Tournament Department also runs a usergroup for TOs, called “Tournament Organizers”. Here TOs can exchange ideas, ask questions, come up with suggestions, etc.

2.- It’s a closed group so you will need to apply if you would like to join. To apply, please contact: Mad777

D.- Tribes

The Tribes section oversees and facilitates Tribe tournaments and events and is dealt with by the Tournament Directors, but separate from the rest of the Tournament Department, see Tribes.

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Medals and Other Prizes

Postby Lindax on Tue Jan 25, 2022 2:47 pm

Medals and Other Prizes
Contents: For the players/For the organizers/Note

Following a description of the medals and other prizes and the requisites.

A.- For the Players:

1.- In order to be eligible for a Tournament Achievement Medal, the following applies:

  • The player must have won a public tournament.
  • The tournament must have been approved by the Tournament Department.
  • The TO must have declared the winner.

2.- There will be as many medals awarded for a tournament as there are winners, up to 12 players from the winning team.

3.- Some tournaments offer extra prizes, provided by the TO or CC, or both. Those prizes can be Premier membership, CC-credits, stars, other types of medals, etc.

4.- Auto-tournaments are a little different. Typically, they offer Conquer Credits and/or Conquer Stars. Some do also offer a Tournament Achievement Medal.

B.- For Tournament Organizers (TOs)

1.- In order to be eligible for a Tournament Contribution Medal, the following applies:

  • The TO must have successfully completed a public tournament.
  • The tournament must have been approved by the Tournament Department.
  • The tournament must have a clear winner.
  • The tournament must adhere to the requisites and rules mentioned in the Organizing Community-Run Tournaments section.

2.- For Assistant TOs

In order to be eligible for a Tournament Contribution Medal, the above applies, plus the following:

  • The use of an Assistant TO must have been approved by the TDs.
  • The Assistant TO must be able to prove that a significant amount of work was done to help the TO bring the tournament to a successful completion.

3.- Other Medals and Prizes

TOs can ask the Tournament Department for other medals and prizes, such as a General Achievement Medal (for the MVP, for example), CC Credits and Conquer Stars. Those requests will be considered on a case-by-case basis.

TOs are free to buy and offer Premium Membership for winners or other accomplishments in their tournament. Premium can be bought in increments of 3 months.

C.- Note

The Tournament Department reserves the right to award, approve and take away medals and other prizes as they see fit.

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Playing Community-Run Tournaments

Postby Lindax on Tue Jan 25, 2022 2:48 pm

Playing Community-Run Tournaments
Contents: Joining a Community-Run Tournament/Participating in a Community-Run Tournament

This is a guide on how to join, and participate in, community-run tournaments.

A.- Joining a Community-Run Tournament

If you are looking to join a community-run tournament, consider the following:

1.- New tournaments, which are in need of players, can be found in the Create/Join a Tournament Forum. At the top of the page, you will also see the topic Requests for Immediate Players for Ongoing Tournaments. Here organizers post when they need a (replacement) player for an already ongoing tournament.

2.- Before you join, make sure you read the first post(s) to find all the information about the tournament. To understand how the tournament will work and see if it fits what you are looking for, make sure to check: Tournament Format, Game Type(s), Settings, Map(s), Prerequisites, etc.

3.- If you would like to participate you will need to post in the tournament thread. You may need to include additional information, such as choice of map(s) or settings.

4.- Now that you have made your post, you wait for the tournament to fill. Once the tournament is full and ready to start it will be moved to “Ongoing Tournaments”. You should get an invite for every game you need to join, make sure you check your “Invites” tab. You may also get a PM from the organizer telling you what to do next.

B.- Participating in a Community-Run Tournament

Following are some guidelines to help a tournament to go smoothly and be enjoyable for everybody:

1.- Follow the guidelines and instructions of the Tournament Organizer (TO).

2.- Join your games in a timely manner. If you cannot join a game immediately for any reason, let the TO know.

3.- Post the result when your game(s) has finished and check the results or standings posted by the TO.

4.- Communicate. If something is unclear or you have an issue, talk to the TO. If you have a problem with the TO, talk to a TD.

5.- Be respectful to the TO and your fellow players.

6.- Alliances with other players are frowned upon in tournaments.

7.- Do not delay games unnecessarily.

8.- Follow the tournament rules and the CC rules.

  1. 1.- Exception to the rule: "Throwing games, or deliberately benefiting from thrown games, is forbidden." Since any tournament can be seen as one big game, game play in an individual game that may have been considered "game throwing" may be considered acceptable in a tournament if the actions taken by the player can be reasonably thought to have been able to benefit them in the tournament.
    2.- It is not allowed to use this exception to manipulate the main scoreboard of a series of tournaments and/or events.

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Playing Auto-Tournaments

Postby Lindax on Tue Jan 25, 2022 2:49 pm

Playing Auto-Tournaments
Contents: Joining an Auto-Tournament/Participating in an Auto-Tournament

Below a guide on how auto-tournaments work.

A.- Joining an Auto-Tournament

1.- Available auto-tournaments can be found on the right-hand side of the Tournaments page.

2.- You can see prerequisites (if applicable) under the title of the tournament. It also typically requires you to “pay” stars and/or conquer credits to join. Make sure to check all the details of the tournament by clicking on “Details”. To join, you click on “Join” and then you confirm that any stars and/or conquer credits will be paid out of your account.

3.- If you would change your mind afterwards, you can click “Unjoin” and your payment will be returned. You can only do that if the tournament has not started yet. Once the tournament starts you will automatically be put in the games and you will receive a PM advising you that it has started.

B.- Participating in an Auto-Tournament

1.- This is a little different than with community-run tournaments. As the name suggests; everything is automated. When a round finishes, a new round starts, and again, you will be put in the games automatically and receive a PM.

2.- If you are a Freemium, you need to make sure you have enough slots open for the games, otherwise you will be left out of the games that exceed your open slots.

3.- At the end the player with the highest score is automatically declared the winner. For more information, see “Auto-Tournaments” under the Tournament Help tab.

4.- Section B, points 5 to 8, from Playing Community-Run Tournaments also apply to auto-tournaments.

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Organizing Community-Run Tournaments

Postby Lindax on Tue Jan 25, 2022 2:50 pm

Organizing Community-Run Tournaments
Contents: Tournament Design and Set-Up/Tournament Thread/Running Your Tournament/Abandoned and Rescued Tournaments Policy/Note

Following are the rules and guidelines for organizing a community-run tournament.

A.- Tournament Design and Set-Up

1.- Name: You will need a name for your tournament. It’s also a good idea to have a theme for your tournament, although it’s not a necessity.

2.- Format: Next you need to decide the format of your tournament. Is it going to be a team tournament, 1 vs 1, multi-player, polymorphic, terminator, assassin, etc.?

3.- Bracket: And you need a bracket type. Standard ones are like single-elimination, league style, round-robin, for example. There are also options like double-elimination, double round-robin, or incorporating a group phase and a knock-out phase.

4.- Seeding: You then need to decide how to fill the bracket, randomly or using seeding. Once you have a bracket style you can determine the number of rounds.

5.- Settings: Now you are ready to decide the game settings, such as:

  • Number of players
  • Troop Deployment
  • Map(s)
  • Play Order
  • Spoils
  • Reinforcements
  • Special Gameplay
  • Round Limits

6.- Requirements: You will need to keep in mind several minimum requirements that must be observed in order for your tournament to be considered a public tournament:

  • Minimum number of participants: 1vs1 and singles tournaments: 16 players, team tournaments: 8 teams (no more than 12 players per team.
  • The maximum point restriction allowed on a tournament is 2000+ points per player or team average.
  • The tournament format must cause the eventual winner to play at least 3 games.
  • The tournament must list all settings.
  • All players must be given at least 24 hours to join their games (preferably 48hrs), unless the tournament uses speed games.
  • At least 50% of the spots must be for open/public sign-ups and not filled with special invitations. Every player or one person from every team must post in the thread to enroll.
  • All players must be listed in the tournament thread in order to receive tournament privileges.
  • Each tournament should be designed to end within 1 year.
  • As a standard each organizer can have only 4 tournaments recruiting players at once. More requires approval by the Tournament Department.

B.- Tournament Thread (or Topic)

Once you have established all the details, you need to create a thread in the Create/Join a Tournament section of the tournament forums. Your tournament thread serves various purposes:

1.- It gives the TDs a chance to verify that your tournament fulfills the requirements and follows the rules. Once they have done that, it will be marked as “NEW”. From then you have 30 days to get your tournament filled. When your tournament is filled you write “FULL” behind the title and the thread will be moved to “Ongoing Tournaments” and privileges will be issued.

2.- It gives players a chance to see that you have set up a new tournament and a place to sign up for it. Once a player signs up, you add them to your player list. Many TOs also announce in the title how many players have signed up out of the number of players they are looking for, for example: (3/16). If you end up with more players than you need you can sign them up as reserves.

3.- It serves as a public means of communication. For TOs to answer questions and give status updates, such as: announcing new rounds starting, which players are through to the next round, update the bracket, announce the winner(s), etc. For players to ask questions, let the TO know when games are finished, report games not being filled, etc. For TDs also to ask questions, ask for status updates, help solve issues, etc.

C.- Running Your Tournament

1.- Start: Now that your tournament has been moved to “Ongoing Tournaments”, it is ready to start. You should have the “privileges” needed to create the games for your tournament. When you go to “Start Games” you should see the name of your tournament in the “Tournament” section. If it is not there you do not have the privileges yet. In that case, please contact a TD.

2.- Create Bracket: When everything is ready to go, you’ll need to create and post your bracket, determining who plays who, depending on how you designed your tournament. You can do this yourself, or you can use online providers such as “Challonge”. They have made everything easy for you and you can simply post a link to your online tournament bracket, results and standings in your tournament thread.

3.- Create Games: Time to create the games: Go to “Start a Game,” scroll to the tournament section and select the appropriate tournament name. Select the map and settings and other details that you choose for your tournament and create a password. You can also add a descriptive “Game Label” that will go after your tournament title, for example” “Round 1”. At this stage you can invite players, if applicable (see below). You will have to go through this process for each game you need, depending on your tournament format. Once you have done it a few times, you’ll find that it’s quick and easy. Make sure you register the game numbers and passwords you use, one easy way to do that is using an Excel-type spreadsheet.

4.- Invite Players: To get the players to join their games, you can use the “invite” feature. In many cases you can do that when you are actually creating the games. Depending your game format, you may have to do it afterwards with your created and “waiting” games. Invites last 24 hours, so you’ll need to check if the players joined their games. If not, you’ll have to resend the invite and maybe remind the player(s) by PM that they need to join. How often you do that depends on your own tournament rules. The same applies if a player simply never joins the game(s). If you need reserve players, you can post here: Requests for Immediate Players for Ongoing Tournaments.

5.- Keeping Track: You will need to go through this process (creating games and inviting players) for every round your tournament has. This means you will have to keep track of the games, results, who goes on to the next round, etc. You also want to post all that info in your tournament thread, so that the players can keep track as well. You can ask the players to post as well, when they won a game or a round, for example. Whether you post these updates in a specific post in your thread or in the website of an online provider, always post in your tournament thread that you have updated the bracket, results, etc. Many TOs also like to edit the title of their thread to reflect which round the tournament is in, for example. We recommend you do that.

6.- Finally: When your tournament is finished and you have a winner, you need to do the final updates in your tournament thread, bracket, etc. You then announce that your tournament is finished and, of course, who the winner is. Once you have done all that, edit the title and after the tournament name you write “COMPLETED”. If you have enough space, you can also add the name of the winner and/or the end date. The TDs can then award the medals and possible other prizes, remove your privileges and move the tournament thread to the “Completed Tournaments” section.

D.- Abandoned and Rescued Tournament Policies

1.- When a TO can no longer run a tournament, the tournament will be considered abandoned.
Tournament Department can also cancel a tournament or relief a TO of their duties, if deemed necessary.

2.- Nobody likes to see a tournament being discontinued; hence we have a policy that makes it possible to rescue abandoned tournaments. The TO that can no longer run a tournament can try to find someone to take over. A person interested to rescue a tournament can also volunteer to take over. In both cases the person needs to be approved as the new TO by the Tournament Department.
3.- In the Tournament Organizers Forum, we have a topic “Tournaments Needing Rescue”, in which we post tournaments that are up for rescue.

4.- In the past we had an extensive policy with punishment for abandoning tournaments and rewards for rescuing tournaments. Nowadays the Tournament Department deals with those tournaments and TOs on a case-by-case basis.

E.- Note

1.- Most tournaments run pretty smoothly, however, there can be occasions where a problem arises. Players leaving, players not joining a game, players not following the rules, etc. For most of those things you should already have a plan in place or, if not, you’ll need to make a decision on how to handle it. Don’t hesitate to ask the TDs, if you need advice. It can also happen that players do not agree with one of your decisions, in that case the TDs can help mediate or even intervene.

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Organizing Private and Auto-Tournaments

Postby Lindax on Tue Jan 25, 2022 2:51 pm

Organizing Private and Auto-Tournaments
Contents: Organizing Private Tournaments/Organizing Auto-Tournaments

Below a guide on how to organize private- and auto-tournaments.

A.- Private Tournaments

1.- For a Private Tournament for your social group the following applies:

  • Your social group must be active.
  • There can be a maximum 3 organizers per social group.

2.- To apply for privileges you open a thread in the forum Private & Auto-Tournaments, with the following:

  • The title of the thread like this: [PT] Name of your usergroup.
  • A link to the tournament thread.
  • The name of the tournament.
  • The name(s) of the TO(s).

3.- Notes

> You can have only one private tournament open per social group.
> The Tournament Department do not award TOs nor winners of private tournaments.

B.- Auto-Tournaments

1.- To start an auto-tournament you need to do the following:

Open a thread in the forum Private & Auto-Tournaments, with the following:

  • The title of the thread like this: [AT] Name of the tournament.
  • The form below filled in completely.

Code: Select all
Number of Players (minimum 16)
Number of Rounds (3 to 5)
Best Of (number of games per round)
Allow Through (how many players advance in each round)
Reset Score (does the score resets after each round)
Opponent Rules (random or by score)
Map: List Map/s
Players: 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12
GameType: S (Standard), C (Terminator), A (Assassin), P (Polymorphic)
SlotsPerPlayer: 1, 2, 3, 4 (if poly)
InitialTroops: E (Automatic), M (Manual)
PlayOrder: S (Sequential), F (Freestyle)
BonusCards: 2 (Escalating), 3 (Flat Rate), 4 (Nuclear), 5 (Zombie), 1 (No Spoils)
Fortifications: C (Chained), O (Adjacent), M (Unlimited), P (Parachute), N (None)
WarFog: Y (Yes), N (No)
TrenchWarfare: Y (Yes), N (No)
RoundLimit: 0, 20, 30, 50, 100
SpeedGame: N (24 Hours)

2.- Notes

> There can be only one tournament request per player, once the tournament is filled the player can ask for new tournament.
> Keep tournaments clean and simple. This is not for complicated tournaments.
> Tournament winners will be awarded a Tournament Achievement Medal.
> There will be no Tournament Contribution Medal for the TO.
> Auto-tournaments will be created by the Tournament Department.

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Postby Lindax on Wed Apr 13, 2022 2:55 pm

Contents: Revisions to this handbook

Below a list of revisions to the tournament handbook.

A.- Revisions, April 14, 2022

1.- The following rule was added to Playing Community-Run Tournaments, section B, point 8:

  1. 1.- Exception to the rule: "Throwing games, or deliberately benefiting from thrown games, is forbidden." Since any tournament can be seen as one big game, game play in an individual game that may have been considered "game throwing" may be considered acceptable in a tournament if the actions taken by the player can be reasonably thought to have been able to benefit them in the tournament.
    2.- It is not allowed to use this exception to manipulate the main scoreboard of a series of tournaments and/or events.

2.- Point 4 was added to Playing Auto-Tournaments, section B:

3.- shoop76 was added to the Tournament Department

  • TD Task Distribution List updated accordingly.

B.- Revisions, May 27, 2023

1.- Mad777 left the team and shoop76 took over as head of the Tournament Department

  • TD Task Distribution List updated accordingly.

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