oT fidn teh GOEDLN GEG, teh Forusm yuo muts saecrh.
viFe EGSG to fidn, taht wlil gvie yuo teh cleus yuo nede.
Egsg wthi scramebld cleus = GOEDLN GEG laotcion
lAl yuo dene si a tsraritng opitn.
eHre si hte slit fo ofrmus hwree het sgeg rea dhdine
- 1. tcaxnolobipilaetpaluenfatatirca
2. gteuorpbrs
3. olcaluts
4. tcaxnolobipilaetpaluenfatatirca
5. rignndarosocitguns
iFev ysad, ifve ucels
*CC Mods outside of the Chat Team, are welcome to give this a crack (pun intended)