Devante wrote:This somehow managed to get weirder and more off topic than it already was from originally. None of this is relevant to the topic at hand and should have its own topic set-up if any of you wish to continue. it’s irrelevant. At this point the mods will have a look and make a call, at which point I will respect and drop the matter whichever way that decision goes.
Here on the farm if it looks like a duck, sounds like a duck, well damn, chances are it’s a duck. Hence, I posted the report.
I’m sure the accused might be a nice guy; he has been in his responses where I have not. I type like I talk and it ain’t for everyone, I get that. Again, to me the personalities and character are irrelevant. My accusation was based on the actions I saw.
This started with K2, but I made report only after reviewing history and asking around. I was invited to a game randomly teamed up with a bunch of people I don’t know and teammates reserved with no ranks just the question mark status. I like the map, but I decline as these guys wouldn’t make good teammates and in my opinion shouldn’t be thrown in a game like that but not my call I didn’t set it up. Then asked how about teaming up together. Offered playing a poly instead to remove the concerns I was seeing. Again, invited to a game all reserved with same concerns on pre-selected players. Again request that just leave spots open instead of throwing in low ranked experienced players. Yada yada and this continues so I start looking at history and don’t like what I see. Nothing to do with rank or anything else anyone has said here other than the events and posts between myself and the accused and from looking over his game history and chat. That is what lead to posting the report.
All of this in between is irrelevant and let’s just let the mods do their thing without the extra bullshit. Myself and the accused have posted where we’re at on this so just let the mods make their call and let's be done with it.
"If it looks like a duck, sounds like a duck, well damn, chances are it’s a duck."
I agree on that one!
But it's not a farm here anymore, it's already a zoo (an establishment which maintains a collection of wild animals, typically in a park or gardens, for study, conservation, or display to the public)
and let's be done with it and play games