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Warned JLiverwurst [ka]

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JLiverwurst [ka]

Postby Devante on Fri Apr 01, 2022 1:12 am

First time accusing anyone so hopefully got this right. Would have let it go if not for the blatant misuse and BS. And we wonder why people arenā€™t being retained or joining the site and sticking around. This guy is obviously farming. And extensively doing so. Surprised not brought up before but searching for it is tedious so maybe missed it. Was open to play with him till I caught on to the general strategy. And it annoyed me honestly. And I believe itā€™s against the rules, if not disregard the post and sorry for wasting your time. If it is then nail this fucker cause if I was new to the site this is a piss off. I dropped the site in the earlier days because of shit like this, so being back for last year and seeing it struck a nerve. We want the site to grow to the size it was before when i left 2012/2013, we should not be handicapped by stupidity or dumb scrolling for points idiots, we have enough BS as it. Anyways hereā€™s what I got. Need more info let me know



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Check his games and history, it's blatant
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Re: JLiverwurst

Postby Devante on Fri Apr 01, 2022 1:17 am

Can't post on his wall since he Foed me when I asked him about it so if someone could link forum to his wall much appreciated, only fair he gets to see and a chance to defend himself
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Re: JLiverwurst

Postby JLiverwurst on Fri Apr 01, 2022 1:31 am

Oh my God. I set up multiple games to your specifications, and you demanded to know why I didn't accept your invites instead and posted profanity on my wall. If there's anything I'm doing wrong, I'll gladly stop whatever it is, but the last thing I want to do is get stuck in a team game with a teammate who wants to start an argument about everything.
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Re: JLiverwurst

Postby Devante on Fri Apr 01, 2022 1:47 am

That's BS and you know it. You foed me it seems so hopefully you see this. My issue was simple, you selecting games and picking opponents that are new to the site or have not played the complicated maps you dictated. that was all. when offered to play mano a mano not accepted, it's me, I get it, maybe scared, so a poly 3 on K2 seemed overwhelming, no worries, we get it, maybe you got personal shit to deal with and can't take the extra stress, problems with the wife or something, i'm here to help mate, anything goes, we been there, no biggie, IRL takes priority. Maybe you got scared or not use to poly, no worries mate. but going trips with experienced players on K2 and exclusively selecting them, on a different map, maybe, but on that one, didn't seem right. so i looked further, don't usually, and this not your first rodeo, so at the very least this post keep you from farming further I hope, otherwise what's the point of the site. after 2K+ games with a 70% kill rate, your a prize and clan worthy so expect your history to be looked at, when we're seeing you're games are what they are, expect us to ask, when you're defensive or neglected on it, expect us to ask why, and when you pull the shit you did with me, expect me to pull a first time c&A report.
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Re: JLiverwurst

Postby JLiverwurst on Fri Apr 01, 2022 1:58 am

I'm not really sure how not answering all your questions on my wall is "pulling shit," but I'm on this site to play friendly games with people, not argue with strangers. I've made a number of friends through the site and believe I play a wide variety of people here, but I'm really not interested in debating that. If anyone in charge here wants me to take a different approach, I'll be happy to.
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Re: JLiverwurst

Postby Devante on Fri Apr 01, 2022 2:13 am

Well maybe this can be solved without intervention then. suggestion one, post games open to public rather then players with five or less games or one game like I saw. suggestion two, when someone invites you to a game that you originally suggested to play and set-up and obviously was farming for points by invites, then refuse when the other played suggested remove the cooks, just accept and enjoy the challenge, instead of farming for points selectively. option 3, just stop the nonsense with the selectiveness. i get part of the site is designed to this purpose given the point ranking and conqueror status, but there a lot of good players spread across ranks because they play all types of games/tourneys/events. many a player on this site if labelled as a cook but given the name I know, i would hesitate given their known skillset, regardless of rank, but... that is not what is happening here. you are purposely selecting individualisƩ who have minimal game experience. that is wrong. simple. finite. capiche. whether site organizers look at this or not i ask you, just don't do it. it lessens the validity of the site and for someone like me looking for teammates to add to, is disappointing, aside from the ethical and moral issues. whether C&A looks at this i personally ask you...stop milking new people to this site... it ain't right. it ain't fair. just stop
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Re: JLiverwurst

Postby JLiverwurst on Fri Apr 01, 2022 2:20 am

The only two cooks I invited to the two games that are still live have played over 700 games apiece. I know one of them pretty well.

I hope this was all just an unfortunate misunderstanding. Have a nice day.
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Re: JLiverwurst

Postby Devante on Fri Apr 01, 2022 2:33 am

Not what i''m referring too, no worries, if nothing here then I'll apologize for the headache on everyone, just don't think that's the case
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Re: JLiverwurst

Postby SoN!c on Fri Apr 01, 2022 6:22 am

If i can squeeze in this discussion?

When i met Joey he was corporal rank going sarge and back to corporal. He is absolutely the most polite player i met on this site!. And yes a lot of cooks / private's / corporals are in his game's but they all know him very well and they play a lot of the same game's together because it's fun. And he was same rank when that happened so..

Joey was playing 1vs1 games on manual deploy when i met him - so totaly no farming there..

Now i play a lot of teamgames with him and i got to know his large group of friends. A lot of advice is being given in these teamgames.

I never refuse an invite of him or an invite coming from his friends. Yes He refused mine in the beginning so i hardly invite him anymore and just wait for the invites to come.

But is that farming? Declining invites?

If you would check game finder you will notice the first games i played against JLiverwurst were always 1vs1 games on manual deploy (that he set up and i joined on the "Join Games" page), so anybody could have joined these games even FieldMarshalls..

That would be a strange way of farming i'd say

Then after that we started to play a few doubles and i got to meet his very large group of friends on this site. So now we play triples or quadruples. Check game finder Son!c and Jliverwurst it's 84 game's sofar and feel free to read game chat's on all of those

Joey is Major rank now but not that long. He has 5.0 rating (rated by 139 players)! So look at his ratings and notice the 'helpful" comments.

"First time accusing anyone so hopefully got this right. Would have let it go if not for the blatant misuse and BS."

I dunno what happened between you guys

5.0 rating after 2126 games according to game finder i think that says it all Devante
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Re: JLiverwurst

Postby Sticky_Hatch on Fri Apr 01, 2022 9:18 am

I was introduced to CC by IRL friends during lockdown/quarantine. That interest has now waned a little from them but I keep playing. One day, Joey invited me to a game and I thought, why not? He's beaten me in a few games and then I got a few back.

He's taught me how to play Trench better plus a few new maps and I now consider him a good friend across the world. I couldn't say anything nicer about the guy and really don't feel this character assassination is really fair, Devante. I don't know you either and I found the following post quite a shock for a friend to be accused of.

Joey has said to me before he doesn't like automatic placement games and that's his choice and therefore I play other modes with other players. He's actually trying to build the community rather than destroy it.

I see you have invited me to a game, Devante. I look forward to getting to know you on the circuit!
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Re: JLiverwurst

Postby Chewie1 on Fri Apr 01, 2022 11:01 am

I'm just saying that the first few posts were great to read whilst eating popcorn.

Apologies for trolling but made i chuckle ;)
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Re: JLiverwurst

Postby Devante on Fri Apr 01, 2022 11:21 am

Sticky_Hatch wrote:I was introduced to CC by IRL friends during lockdown/quarantine. That interest has now waned a little from them but I keep playing. One day, Joey invited me to a game and I thought, why not? He's beaten me in a few games and then I got a few back.

He's taught me how to play Trench better plus a few new maps and I now consider him a good friend across the world. I couldn't say anything nicer about the guy and really don't feel this character assassination is really fair, Devante. I don't know you either and I found the following post quite a shock for a friend to be accused of.

Joey has said to me before he doesn't like automatic placement games and that's his choice and therefore I play other modes with other players. He's actually trying to build the community rather than destroy it.

I see you have invited me to a game, Devante. I look forward to getting to know you on the circuit!

Sticky_hatch I dropped that game, it was one of my attempts to set up a fair game with jliverwurst that was open and wasn't being selective on inviting inexperienced players on that map which he declined. If you're looking to play that map i'd welcome an invite or can send you one, feel free to wall or PM me, if you set it up just ask that it's open for anyone to join
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Re: JLiverwurst

Postby SoN!c on Fri Apr 01, 2022 3:16 pm

Devante, i know you as a very good player and partner of i am caffeine and i andrei, correct me if im wrong on that?

Again, i don't know what happened between you guys.. but must be something nuclear it seams?

If you want to increase fast on rank going to colonel or brigadier play 12 player games on escalating freestyle is my advice.

Joey is a radio host with quite a large bunch of friends and he likes to play manual deploy 1vs1. They (he and his bunch of friends) are stil learning and there doing pretty well (Joey went from Sarge to Major and a lot of his friends rised from cook to corporal / sarge even to captain doing so the last 8 months).

So what if he did not accept your invite on another setting? I can tell you: He's not ready for that so what?

If you want i'll accept your game invites anytime but just get along is my advice/ he's a very nice guy and he is just trying to get better with all of his friends and have a great time playing with a morning coffee to say hi and chitchat a bit. What's wrong with that? You should support him instead of this "nuclear thing" you have on him.

Again, he is just very new on Major rank and i can tell he's no match for you (even if your major rank too) on other game settings then manual deploy atm. So don't be the bully on the schoolyard please and allow other players to develop without destroying/bullying them.

Check his wall - i congratst him on his major rank just a few weeks ago..

You should be proud on such players trying to get better instead of what your doing here.

C'mon man - just get along and play some games together.

I invite you to a triples game with or against him (BUT JUST a game FOR FUN that's what they do)

King's Court II
9 Players
50 Rounds

Let me know if your in our team or in one of the other 2, i'll set it up like you want.

Again 5.0 rating after 2126 games according to game finder i think that says it all Devante

Remember your own words ""First time accusing anyone so hopefully got this right. Would have let it go.."

Stickie_hatch nailed it 'He's taught me how to play Trench better plus a few new maps and I now consider him a good friend across the world. I couldn't say anything nicer about the guy and really don't feel this character assassination is really fair, Devante. I don't know you either and I found the following post quite a shock for a friend to be accused of."

And then you did not even get to hear his bunch of friends who will defend him much more then me or Stickie. They absolutely love the guy.
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Re: JLiverwurst

Postby aad0906 on Fri Apr 01, 2022 6:34 pm

Looked at finished games and the accused DOES have a lot of wins against low ranked players and freemiums on KC2 but that doesn't necessarily mean much. Checked waiting games as well and interestingly all of the "reserved" spots are for again low ranked (cooks, recruits) and freemium players. I have no doubt that the accused is a great guy, friendly, teaches people, but we had that before, a long time ago. I don't think this is farming on a massive scale but I can see why it might raise eyebrows.
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Re: JLiverwurst

Postby TrafalgarLaw01 on Fri Apr 01, 2022 11:43 pm

Son!c wrote:If you want to increase fast on rank going to colonel or brigadier play 12 player games on escalating freestyle is my advice.

Hmm you haven't won any of those, u would realize not any player can make brigadier like that, usually the same players will win those.

As for the accused he has a lot of wins vs lowrankers but most of the maps have no complicated gimmicks, although some do
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Re: JLiverwurst

Postby SoN!c on Sat Apr 02, 2022 2:03 am

TrafalgarLaw01 wrote:
Son!c wrote:If you want to increase fast on rank going to colonel or brigadier play 12 player games on escalating freestyle is my advice.

Hmm you haven't won any of those, u would realize not any player can make brigadier like that, usually the same players will win those.

As for the accused he has a lot of wins vs lowrankers but most of the maps have no complicated gimmicks, although some do

Conquer Rome is not a 12 player freestyle ;-)

Also that's a skill map

Look at some players that go from sarge / leutenant to colonel / general all the time and see what maps they play, that's all

And ESCALATING being the key word ;-)

Being superfast to take your turn to eliminate anotherone for his cards and having a bit of luck is the biggest part of the strategy there (you do have to be watching the whole time when it's "money time") and these games rake close to 300 points so if you win a few of those..
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Re: JLiverwurst

Postby iAmCaffeine on Sat Apr 02, 2022 10:53 am

aad0906 wrote:Looked at finished games and the accused DOES have a lot of wins against low ranked players and freemiums on KC2 but that doesn't necessarily mean much. Checked waiting games as well and interestingly all of the "reserved" spots are for again low ranked (cooks, recruits) and freemium players. I have no doubt that the accused is a great guy, friendly, teaches people, but we had that before, a long time ago. I don't think this is farming on a massive scale but I can see why it might raise eyebrows.

but it's ranching, and is definitely not allowed.

basically his entire match history is inviting low ranks to play vs him in either team games or otherwise.

also why is someone who's peak score is 2300 talking about reaching high ranks lol
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Re: JLiverwurst

Postby SoN!c on Sat Apr 02, 2022 12:23 pm

iAmCaffeine wrote:
aad0906 wrote:Looked at finished games and the accused DOES have a lot of wins against low ranked players and freemiums on KC2 but that doesn't necessarily mean much. Checked waiting games as well and interestingly all of the "reserved" spots are for again low ranked (cooks, recruits) and freemium players. I have no doubt that the accused is a great guy, friendly, teaches people, but we had that before, a long time ago. I don't think this is farming on a massive scale but I can see why it might raise eyebrows.

but it's ranching, and is definitely not allowed.

basically his entire match history is inviting low ranks to play vs him in either team games or otherwise.

also why is someone who's peak score is 2300 talking about reaching high ranks lol

You got me caffeine ! Im busted =D> (Let's assume your talking about me as the "peak 2300" guy)

Ok i got it im a pretty worthless lowball player that should keep his mouth shut when the big boys talk.

But when i have the time 24/24 & 7/7 i really believe you can go easy to colonel rank playing like that. I just don't have the time to do it, nor would i want to do it. I just wanna play games, even on "sarge" or ""corporal" rank sjeesh

Can we have some fun and learn a bit while doing so?

But ok i should have stayed out of this discussion so my bad. I got your message Caff loud and clear, this "peak 2300 guy" is outta this topic
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Re: JLiverwurst

Postby Nut Shot Scott on Sat Apr 02, 2022 3:39 pm

So many people I know involved here, so exciting. I'd love to bring some logic and real talk but it wouldn't help.

I predict this ends with some kind of cleared/warning.
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Re: JLiverwurst

Postby fishydance on Sat Apr 02, 2022 4:01 pm

Nut Shot Scott wrote:So many people I know involved here, so exciting. I'd love to bring some logic and real talk but it wouldn't help.

I predict this ends with some kind of cleared/warning.

I concur with all the above
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Re: JLiverwurst

Postby SoN!c on Sat Apr 02, 2022 4:11 pm

Nut Shot Scott wrote:So many people I know involved here, so exciting. I'd love to bring some logic and real talk but it wouldn't help.

I predict this ends with some kind of cleared/warning.

I know you Nut Shot Scott - you rock & damnit you play your games well ! Your high noted in my book i can tell ya

Devante too as a matter of fact..

Sorry this low life "2300 peak guy" dares to even talk to you, he should not even be on this site that "dumb under 2300" MF what is he thinking?

Let's agree to disagree with Caff that rank is not everything and some people play just for fun or are in a learning process..

And if you mention a "under 2300 peak guy" then name me as Son!c if it's clearly about me - don't mention me as an anonymous "under 2300 dummie" because that is clearly the message here

Also you don't know the world good enough if you do that m8 & thats all im gonna say about that.

And if all dummies have to go.. (under 2300 score) there would not be much new players joining or even be on this site

That's all folks and enjoy the popcorn!

And let's get along and play ball
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Re: JLiverwurst

Postby SoN!c on Sat Apr 02, 2022 4:32 pm

fishydance wrote:
Nut Shot Scott wrote:So many people I know involved here, so exciting. I'd love to bring some logic and real talk but it wouldn't help.

I predict this ends with some kind of cleared/warning.

I concur with all the above

Love you honey! Now where is the smilie for french kissing?
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Re: JLiverwurst

Postby CastorWheels on Sat Apr 02, 2022 4:43 pm

I suspect I'm one of the new players allegedly getting farmed here. I know Joey off Twitter, where he invited me to games. I saw the games as a fun way to hang out with friends. I had no idea that anybody would even notice such games, let alone use them as basis for accusations. Besides, if he is farming points off of me, I don't think the scheme is going that well, as I've notched my share of wins against him.

I have considered joining up with open games, but I've been hesitant in part because I don't understand the unwritten rules around here and didn't want to get myself in trouble with a potentially unfriendly community. Based on what I'm reading in this thread, I am right to be concerned.
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Re: JLiverwurst

Postby SoN!c on Sat Apr 02, 2022 4:58 pm

CastorWheels wrote:I suspect I'm one of the new players allegedly getting farmed here. I know Joey off Twitter, where he invited me to games. I saw the games as a fun way to hang out with friends. I had no idea that anybody would even notice such games, let alone use them as basis for accusations. Besides, if he is farming points off of me, I don't think the scheme is going that well, as I've notched my share of wins against him.

I have considered joining up with open games, but I've been hesitant in part because I don't understand the unwritten rules around here and didn't want to get myself in trouble with a potentially unfriendly community. Based on what I'm reading in this thread, I am right to be concerned.

Yeah castorwheels i know what your saying, anybody under 2300 has to keep his mouth shut

Is this the kind of community we want guys?

LETS BELIEVE Castorwheels?

"I know Joey off Twitter, where he invited me to games. I saw the games as a fun way to hang out with friends. I had no idea that anybody would even notice such games, let alone use them as basis for accusations. Besides, if he is farming points off of me, I don't think the scheme is going that well, as I've notched my share of wins against him."

The only problem here is Joey made it to major rank...

"I have considered joining up with open games, but I've been hesitant in part because I don't understand the unwritten rules around here and didn't want to get myself in trouble with a potentially unfriendly community. Based on what I'm reading in this thread, I am right to be concerned.
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Is this really what we whant for new players?
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Re: JLiverwurst

Postby SoN!c on Sat Apr 02, 2022 5:06 pm

Let me send some messages to Joey's (Todd's) friends and see who wants to open his mouth
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