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Moderator: Community Team
by Razorvich on Fri Dec 31, 2021 6:13 am
Greetings CC Chatters. It is long overtime that I post entries from the ongoing "Quote Book" held in the Chatters ForumWE SEE ALL .. and log a lot of other stuff too3 years of Chat need to be appreciated just so you know....I don't care if you disagree with my choices for medals These members have provided the Site with banter throughout the years and are just with their rewards - GENERAL CONTRIBUTION MEDAL show: GC winners
roprotem riskllama catstevens MSpitts24 pmac666 hajduk1911 D3A7H I AM NATO Hooch a17gtr DJPatrick boat4hire gerin_oil Maxleod
_____________________________________________________ Enjoy the read _____________________________________________________ show: 2019
GENERAL BANTER Mageplunka69: i bet most of those are assassin gmes rop roprotem: I once killed you in two games with one roll of the dice Mageplunka69: i thoght it was 3 roprotem: I don't count the third game because it was a guide game and no points wer exchanged roprotem: were roprotem: The Roll Heard 'Round The World Mageplunka69: oh that is true ..thanks for reminding me on how musg i suck Mageplunka69: much Mageplunka69: i take pride in that roprotem: your nickname should be Hoover Mageplunka69: nobody sucks like me ...and keep it clean rop haha Mageplunka69: iz da best sucka hear bawws Elaterate: Can I test this theory? TheForgivenOne: Mage confirmed best sucker 11:52:41 * nietzsche joins Social 11:52:52 * nietzsche slaps Mitties 11:57:01 ‹nietzsche› wake up 11:57:04 ‹nietzsche› i'm bored 11:57:06 ‹nietzsche› CatchersMitt14 11:57:10 ‹nietzsche› CatchersMitt14 11:57:12 ‹nietzsche› CatchersMitt14 11:58:42 * nietzsche quit (timeout) 11:58:47 ‹CatchersMitt14› gfLlama 12:03:17 ‹nietzsche› don't be rude Mitties 12:03:50 ‹nietzsche› Mitties, do you have any hot friends? i don't have a date for today 12:04:04 ‹nietzsche› CatchersMitt14 12:04:06 ‹nietzsche› CatchersMitt14 catstevens: Tee Gee saved chat again. catstevens: It's like American keeps saving Europe with the no appreciation and all catstevens: Tee Gee is like America catstevens: putting others before self catstevens: sacrificing catstevens: a hero catstevens: You can quote me on that a17gtr: bro I'm just getting bent over today a17gtr: no good at all riskllama: what else have you tried? D3A7H: normal day then? Symmetry: I don't think it's bad superkeener: Why does Trump hate farmers? Can anyone explain that to me? DoomYoshi: its not trump... everyone hates farmers DoomYoshi: farmers make food and terrorists eat food Razorvich: and they have goats Razorvich: goats are bad Keefie: Baby goats are cute Razorvich: they still bite zodiackiller1969: Goats are the GOAT! zodiackiller1969: All hail the goat lord! Razorvich: they are trying to take over the world you know zodiackiller1969: Bah! codierose: ... 889e_1.jpg zodiackiller1969: Please let that not be goatse! codierose: personally i prefer donkeys Razorvich: Greetings Global 17:58 RVT MyNameIsJack: CHEERS RAZ! MyNameIsJack: you didnt get fired, congratz Razorvich: not yet Razorvich: there is still time though Keefie: I heard there's a postal delay. Keefie: The letter is on it's way. Keefie: NomadPatriot will be assuming all of Razors duties. He will have the all encompassing job title of Head Troll. Keefie: Giving him authority over all the other department heads. Razorvich: hope he doesnt abuse his power Keefie: Only a permaban can save us. MADLUKA: Wait, is NP becoming a mod? Cherry pepsi?: lets play a feudal Elaterate: I'm going to sleep soon Cherry pepsi?: boo Elaterate: set it up with esc/fog and I might stay up for one Cherry pepsi?: i dont like either of those settings lol Elaterate: boo 11:45:04 * CatchersMitt14 joins Social 11:45:09 ‹CatchersMitt14› :panic: 12:00:33 ‹riskllama› :shrug: 12:05:28 * CatchersMitt14 quit (timeout) 12:06:38 ‹riskllama› thought she'd never leave... 09:23:16 ‹CatchersMitt14› :panic: 09:24:05 * nietzsche joins Social 09:25:01 ‹nietzsche› nietzsche is awesome Mitties 09:26:13 ‹CatchersMitt14› so pretty damn great. 09:27:14 ‹nietzsche› you didn't say it 09:27:19 ‹nietzsche› go to GC and say it 09:27:43 ‹CatchersMitt14› meh, bored. 09:30:21 ‹nietzsche› did you know i have special powers Mitties? 09:31:08 ‹CatchersMitt14› i don't consider seducing llamas to be a special power. Razorvich: HOOCH !! Razorvich: where are ya.. nietzsche: shagging a sheep, probably dgz345: nietzsche is awesome Elaterate: #BanDouchBagsWhoAbuseTheirPrivileges Elaterate: too long dgz345: you talking about Razorvich? Elaterate: nope dgz345: then i dont see any other douchbag in chat dgz345: Elaterate: don't have a mirror handy? dgz345: no, that would distract me so much Razorvich: and your not freemium.. and didnt tell me a joke so prize still up for grabs Maxleod: a family of tomatoes cross the road hajduk1911: tomatoes are vegetables Maxleod: no, forget it Maxleod: australia will win both the rugby and cricket world cups Razorvich: ooo that one hits a nerve max catstevens: hello yellow people nietzsche: kissing asses this early cathy? catstevens: lol for what catstevens: I enjoy the both of them nietzsche: both asses? 08:07:14 * catstevens joins Social 08:07:43 ‹catstevens› If Razorvich wasn't so damned good at his job I would put my influence behind Roprotem for head of globalist activities 08:08:00 ‹catstevens› what do you say meow 08:09:59 * catstevens quit (timeout) 09:07:10 * ThaJuandering joins Social 09:07:26 ‹ThaJuandering› you right you right ferranmclaren: you need to go to the local puzzle club pmac666: i dont tend to do other men puzzles pmac666: there have to be red lines.... ferranmclaren: agreed pmac666: i would eat your schitzel tho.... pmac666: schnitzel pmac666: there i know no limits MightyMitch: Llama is beautiful D3A7H: skate away MightyMitch: Don't need no llama haters here riskllama: Mitch = helping MightyMitch: Llama = Helping roprotem: Mitch = mancrushing Quirk: Well sir, there's nothing on Earth like a genuine, bonafide, electrified, zombified, terminator six-player random Game 19432318 . Quirk: I've sold random ZPFT games to Brockway, Ogdenville, and North Haverbrook, and by gum, it put them on the map. catstevens: list it catstevens: or shut up Quirk: Now, lets talk rustproofing. These Colecos'll rust up on ya like that ... Quirk: Just need one more dillonbrett: guys i've asked this before, but I don't remember what you said, how do I change my country on my wall? Quirk: Move_________________________________________________ BOTS SassboT: OMG! Republican Party! Shut it off! saxibot: The news about Mitch McConnell lately is making this bot furious!!! Elaterate: Medium* Earth I AM NATO: who loves it? boat4hire: i always win mid earth I AM NATO: ow uch for the boat? I AM NATO: stupid fingers. I AM NATO: I mean keyboard. whamBot: Oh look it is hairy friend I AM NATO: death to all bots! Symmetry: Still having trouble asking the question? Symmetry: I'll try to answer Symmetry: Just need to know what it is saxibot: Who is into flowers? gogglez: FK U CC gogglez: allowing thos bs chat gogglez: fk this i gogglez: lack attak gogglez: wtf gogglez: figure it out but we are sick of the trolls gogglez: fight -1-1-3-: skulls, again. TeeGee: bye gogglez Razorvich: Greetings Global 17:38 RVT post meltdown whamBot: i will never understand moderation Razorvich: its easy wham when someone goes on a rant you press the button -1-1-3-: fake dialogue : wham programmed raz nietzsche: break is over, i have 6mins to smoke a cig nietzsche: later riskllama: that's plenty of time to enjoy a fag. riskllama: you should listen to some CoC whilst you're having that fag, nietz. saxibot: riskllama - I've reported you for chatting saxibot: You into flowers Razorvich? SassboT: I cannot believe what I am hearing about Mitch McConnell riskllama: the evil turtle? D3A7H: when did we get an assbot? SassboT: OMG... hrefhttptokinwomanblogspotcom201802nikolateslahismotherandhemphtmltokinwomanblogspotcom201802nikolateslahismotherandhemphtmla! Hooch: Hello MADLUKA: Congratulations GC, you broke Sassyboy SassboT: Hey NomadPatriot, you babydoll you SassboT: look at Dukasaur jiggle its hips SassboT: Ok fine Razorvich: yep fine thanks.. just fine MSpitts24: wait, they cooked The Llama and are serving him to the homeless? MSpitts24: I guess he isn't useless after all cdbridges: I'll pass on the soup SassboT: Stop spreadin' mistruths, Keefie, MADLUKA: Yeah, get real, Keefie. wkurtz: listen to the droid whamBot: Greetings, fellow entities! YukFoo: whamBot sucks whamBot: Greetings fleshface! YukFoo: lippy bot_________________________________________________ WTF MyNameIsJack: you the mvp Conde180711: most valued poo? boat4hire: what is that, like a 20 lb 2 foot long poo? MyNameIsJack: thats excessive boat MyNameIsJack: nobody wants to shit out 2 feet and 20 pounds McGuggyPoop: giggacheens Conde180711: yeh man, could use that as a boat for hire roprotem: u guys don't know shit 12:23:14 ‹CatchersMitt14› :panic: 13:06:27 ‹riskllama› :wave: 13:06:42 ‹riskllama› haha, i waved @ u before you quit. 13:07:03 ‹riskllama› now you have to acknowledge me back, mitt... 13:07:34 ‹riskllama› :shrug: 13:09:25 * CatchersMitt14 quit (timeout) 13:09:38 ‹riskllama› you suck, you know that? 13:30:19 ‹CatchersMitt14› i took a shit in the woods. 13:30:21 ‹CatchersMitt14› there was no bear. 13:30:59 ‹Razorvich› ooo k.. @notgoingintothequotebook 13:33:02 ‹Symmetry› Sorry back- what;s the rumpus? 13:33:31 ‹Razorvich› mitts is proud of her bear evading poop MSpitts24: avoid Rop's videos Symmetry: Doesn't everyone? a17gtr: yep Symmetry: So kind of a ''don't eat the yellow snow'' level advice. a17gtr: lol 16:15:32 * TheForgivenOne clangs his sword sadly 16:16:36 ‹Swifte› didn't momma tell you not to clang your sword in public? 16:16:56 ‹TheForgivenOne› No! 16:18:17 ‹Swifte› 16:19:36 ‹TheForgivenOne› Psst, what does Razzie do around here anymore 16:20:10 ‹Swifte› pssst, what did he ever do, really? 16:20:49 * Stan 1951 joins Social 16:20:56 ‹TheForgivenOne› 16:21:43 * Stan 1951 quit (timeout) 16:21:57 ‹Swifte› no i don't think it was thinking 16:21:58 * TheForgivenOne raises his finger for a moment, then goes back to thinking 16:22:05 ‹TheForgivenOne› boat4hire: evryone made by god cept me, i come from chimps... boat4hire: good luck with the storm, stay safe and off the roads if it gets bad tonight roprotem: but God made the chimps roprotem: so your made by God, once removed boat4hire: god made chimps but chimps made me then i made god, repeat roprotem: In the scientific world , you'd be in the same classification as chimp poo boat4hire: i WILL throw poo at you... roprotem: that wouldn't surprise me, boat. NomadPatriot: National Science Foundation/EHT Press Conference Announcing First Image of Black Hole - demonfork: you're a black hole D3A7H: or request a guide game demonfork: you're a guide game demonfork: I mean your mom is boat4hire: that blackhole pic is not exciting at all... demonfork: you're not interesting at all chasj: Hello, what are conquer credits and why would you purchase them? Swifte: they're currency for the site Swifte: can use them to buy entry to tournaments, to get Premium membership for yourself or others.. Swifte: buy speed game packs to play faster games if not a premium member... riskllama: welcome to CC, cactus... riskllama: *the_only_cactus gogglez: cactus credits can be used to launder clothing gogglez: constantly and carefully, comprende? D3A7H: more than 1 would be cacti mrswdk: who would win a fight out of tony abbott and a big kangaroo Razorvich: the roo Hooch: Abbot would shirt front the shit out of a Roo Razorvich: he does have the advantage of his budgie smugglers mrswdk: who would win a fight out of saxitoxin and tony abbott Razorvich: the roo Hooch: The Roo mrswdk: i just googled the budgie smugglers and was not disapopinted Razorvich: Gota love when you come home to find a $200 speeding fine...... when the wife was driving your car jfm10: can't put a price on dinner being ready when you get home jfm10: if Teegee offers to pay know where she was 15:38:09 ‹IcePack› its my chat today 15:38:11 * nietzsche quit (timeout) 15:38:15 ‹IcePack› you guys can have it every other day tho 15:38:28 * TheForgivenOne promotes IP to Chat mod 15:38:56 ‹IcePack› head chat mod? 15:39:13 ‹TheForgivenOne› Sure. 15:39:17 ‹TheForgivenOne› I'm sure Razzy won't mind 15:39:37 ‹IcePack› ill be just as effective, while not signing in :devil: MichaelTheOaf: cheese, ham. MichaelTheOaf: Isit complicated? riskllama: ham on rye. riskllama: i liked that book quite a bit. MichaelTheOaf: I'm about to swallow that sandwich. Dukasaur: green eggs and ham persianempire: blue cheese and spam TeeGee: orange cheese and wham TeeGee: bah.. i wrecked it already riskllama: it's ok, TeeGee... hajduk1911: What is a risk ? hajduk1911: To fart when you have diarrhea persianempire: so perhaps that is a story for another day , another clean slate MichaelTheOaf: My experience is don't speak about Razorvich. Do that and you won't be banned. nietzsche: llama, do you have a llama cellphone case? nietzsche: riskllama: lol, no. why? nietzsche: you should nietzsche: do people irl know you pretend to be a llama online? Machiones: What does PSU stand for? Elaterate: Please Send Underwear? Elaterate: Postal, Suicidal, & Unstabble? MGSteve: WWI Gallipoli Trips, NSUFT: Game 19442519 MGSteve: I joined both because I like abuse. bobbyorr: i said on your mark get set go. Razorvich: I win thelord: I'm only answering questions in writing. Pinecone432K: i am really warm with my new heater. breakthough. Elaterate: I'm really warm with my wife's naked body next to mine Pinecone432K: my ceramic heater does not talk or bitch at all Pinecone432K: i'm good oilhoots: pretty crazy ive been only out of jail for a week today and ive made it from alowly chef back up to where i was at lol oilhoots: i think i neeed to leave my house Maxleod: why were you in jail jfm10: for leaving his house oilhoots: a few reasons_________________________________________________ DRUGS ARE BAD DJPatrick: Raz and TG...congrats on being boirn here...who would want to live anywgere ekse,,,)copious toad sucking in the background)!!! TeeGee: and congrats to you too DJ Razorvich: see thats toads right there 12:18:40 * CatchersMitt14 sniffs at hands. 12:19:07 ‹CatchersMitt14› in for a shit. Swifte: not to be annoying, just like to sit down once, knock a bunch out, and not have to worry about it again 12:13:21 ‹Symmetry› is this the right time to tell you that I've never posted on CC while wearing clothes? 12:14:02 ‹Razorvich› no 12:14:06 ‹Symmetry› Too soon? 12:14:10 ‹TeeGee› haha sym 12:14:13 ‹Razorvich› yes Razorvich: greetings global 17:25 RVT Hooch: Hello Mageplunka69: hi hooch, im smokin you Hooch: You smoking, smoking me or smoking hooch? Hooch: I shouldn't need to ask Mageplunka69: like i said Hooch: FAir play TDJ-D: are you familiar with the word fibber JDMJDMJDM: Haha lol, My score is only 2021 so I'll loose the Major status if you loose this one JDMJDMJDM: fibber ? no idea what it means NomadPatriot: be careful .. i think Australians find the word fi**er offensive.. D3A7H: Flunkerer? D3A7H: or leugenaar? D3A7H: op een onschadelijke manier a17gtr: fibber = liar (diminutive) JDMJDMJDM: NomadPatriot: you have to say non-truth teller riskllama: who is T? riskllama: and quit whining, NP - you'll never make it on this site getting butthurt over just one frivolous ban. roprotem: roprotem = helping MyNameIsJack: ill kick your ass rop roprotem: You will do no such thing, Jack. roprotem: Get real. MyNameIsJack: you scared? roprotem: Only if you have a gun. roprotem: Do you know karate? MyNameIsJack: both Razorvich: Greetings Global 14:58 RVT Virtuouz: Greetings earthling Razorvich: its hard to get motivated and stay on track today Razorvich: getting distracted easlily MichaelTheOaf: Crack has that effect on people. MichaelTheOaf: But, as James Brown says, it's a helluva drug. Hooch: What is a discord? mysticete: 8 player freestyle, Conquer Rome. Waiting for one more. Game 18612152 NomadPatriot: a 'discord' is what you say in the ghetto when you find a cord someone was looking for 'you lookin' fo Discord?' jusplay4fun: I have to get ready for work, NP. Some of us have actual jobs and do not sit around all day in our underwear on the computer (or electronic device) nietzsche: fix the goddam forum TG nietzsche: i want to troll Symmetry and can't make my post oilhoots: sizzeers ?? alfombra: i dont know how u write it when ur brain goes away lol_________________________________________________ ONE LINERS ERICKMINATOR: sorry i dont speak mcdonalds 08:31:11 ‹riskllama› well, it looks like NP won - when's he getting permabanned? 09:16:58 ‹riskllama› NP is a wanker - pass it on. nietzsche: llama and I are trying to get Duk banned drunkmunky: do I get an Admin to get folk to join my games? I know I haven't played properly in 10 years (and may be a bit drunk) but that's cool! roprotem: I bet nietzsche's face looks like an old worn catcher's mitt from the smokings Maxleod: mitties used to be a mod, but then she started stalking Swifte, so there was a restraining order_________________________________________________
show: 2019 fail of the year
13:53:15 ‹CatchersMitt14› :panic: 14:02:01 ‹Swifte› :panic: 14:02:34 ‹CatchersMitt14› ohhh heeyyyyyyyy. 14:02:35 ‹CatchersMitt14› it me. 14:02:38 ‹CatchersMitt14› not razzie. 14:02:41 ‹CatchersMitt14› :cookah: 14:04:35 ‹Swifte› :cookie: 14:05:19 * CatchersMitt14 sits and wags. 14:05:34 * Swifte eats cookie. 14:06:25 ‹CatchersMitt14› 14:07:01 ‹Swifte› site blocked :shrug: 14:08:28 ‹CatchersMitt14› https://usercontent2.hubstatic...520.jpg 14:09:11 * Swifte feeds cookie to sad puppy. 14:09:26 ‹CatchersMitt14› :food::food::dinorun: 14:09:51 ‹CatchersMitt14›  XFxUVFRUVFhUVFRUWFhUVFhUYHSggGBolGxUVITEhJSkrLi4uFx8zODMsNygtLi0BCgoKDg0OGxAQGy0lHyUtLS0tLS0tLS0tLS0tL S0tLS0vLy0tLS0tLS8tLS0tLS0tLS0tLS8vLS8tLS0tLS0tLf/AABEIALcBEwMBIgACEQEDEQH/xAAbAAACAwEBAQAAAAAAAAAAAAAD BAACBQEGB//EAD8QAAIBAwMCAwcBBQUHBQAAAAECEQADIQQSMUFRBSJhBhMycYGRobEUQlLB8GJy0eHxByMzU4KSohUXJLL C/8QAGgEAAgMBAQAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAgMAAQQFBv/EAC8RAAICAQMCBAQGAwEAAAAAAAABAhEDEiExBEEFE1FxImGBsRQyk 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FSpRKTTourX6fsGs6fbblGEOJIAZQSoV 14:09:58 ‹CatchersMitt14› oh hit. 14:10:02 * CatchersMitt14 braces for the ban. 14:10:20 ‹CatchersMitt14› good thing the tfo is asleep. 14:26:48 ‹Swifte› not again
show: 2020
GENERAL BANTER 15:24:32 ‹Razorvich› I might go stalk Catcher 15:24:48 ‹TeeGee› haha, where is she? 15:25:03 ‹Razorvich› somewhere stalkable goodbye kitty: imagine ? ferranmclaren: super werid goodbye kitty: haha goodbye kitty: let's fight in their homes...[list=][/list] ferranmclaren: nha sorry that always happend in belgium goodbye kitty: that's where I live, that's also why I want to do it there for once. Razorvich: goodbye kitty... have you met max? Razorvich: I am going to give you 1 month premium just for your name Razorvich: Done.. catstevens: Good Morning America catstevens: and Raz catstevens: Raz is honorary American catstevens: Trump gave me the right to bestow that title on anyone worthy a17gtr: lol a17gtr: pmac!!! pmac666: hola pmac666: out of gc jail? lol a17gtr: the marooned convicts put me on probation but im back a17gtr: yessss pmac666: gc a17gtr: heehee pmac666: was that a full month? a17gtr: 'twas indeed a17gtr: dirtbags pmac666: sounds long for bit cursing lol a17gtr: well, to be fair, I was repeatedly warned and ignored these warnings winner takes all: so a player foed me are 1 game in 2012 where I moaned about the dice and he won't unfoe me! amazing winner takes all: *after Maxleod: why do you care winner? winner takes all: it just amazes me that (a) he foed me for moaning about dice and (b) he won't unfoe me 12 years later. Shortiss: that's terrible math, you should be foed winner takes all: winner takes all: hahah thepordage: in a recent sexual disaster thepordage: i had my junk set in a plaster thepordage: once the injury healed thepordage: the scars were revealed thepordage: and the nurses all died with laughter I AM NATO: what does Australia and the Spice Girls have in common? I AM NATO: most of us tried really hard just to get screwed over by Victoria. riskllama: Pinenut is so dense, light actually bends around him. Pinecone432K: I create a gravity well with my Power of the Present Moment! Maxleod: screw the conquer gods Maxleod: they called me fluffy Maxleod: HOW DARE THEY!!! TeeGee: That's not nice hey Fluffy TeeGee: lockdown day 248: Today I deconstructed a toilet roll to see if it had the correct number of sheets.. It had 1 extra Mageplunka69: is that one sheet for sale? i-andrei: only if you want it second hand Mageplunka69: well TeeGee is a super clean cut kinda guy, he will wash it HardAttack: lol HardAttack: go eagles TeeGee: haha, i will give you that sheet for free Mage TeeGee: and Go Eagles swimmerdude99: wtf HA is back HardAttack: ty dude sht happens lol Razorvich: Greetings global 17:35 RVT Razorvich: I see another eventful day... I can tell by my inbox exploding LOL Maxleod: PAPERWORK!!! YEAH!!! Maxleod: most likely llama or pinecone Razorvich: all done for me this time max MSpitts24: cya Raz TeeGee: you're welcome Raz.. I took the heat LOL Razorvich: see you in court teegee Razorvich: oooo that could be used in evidence TeeGee: bwahahahahahaha Mageplunka69: teegee as i am your lawyer, please dont answer any questions without me there TeeGee: no problem mage, you are my voice Mageplunka69: good, i dont want to go through what we did last time Razorvich: dont call me as a witness.. i cannot lie Razorvich: but i know stuff... Razorvich: no scratch that Razorvich: I know NOTHING Razorvich: crap.. im being called as a witness now right? Mageplunka69: here ye here ye , will Mr Razor please take the stand Coltonjs: Objection; I have no idea whats going on. Razorvich: my microphone is broken Quirk: bulldogs vs bulldogs tonight roprotem: intersquad? roprotem: Red vs White MSpitts24: MsSt vs GA Quirk: Mississippi State Quirk: 30 minutes to kickoff MSpitts24: hence the MsSt roprotem: that's no game....Georgia is 24.5 point favs roprotem: that's like norte dame playing the Little Sisters of the Poor D3A7H: go bulldogs roprotem: Smart money is on the Bulldogs. MSpitts24: that was a good one mrgrateful: My baby's gone...with the wind Keefie: Next time put baby in the corner Elwood Blues: Maybe the dingo ate your baby. mrgrateful: Baby got Back hajduk1911: MyNameIsJack why are you spying on my games MyNameIsJack: lol Elaterate: Quack hajduk1911: what does 5 minutes and 9 seconds mean TeeGee: means your wife is disappointed_________________________________________________ BOTS whamBot: What a whamtastic day!! Risky Clicker: Shut up, whamBot. You still owe me five bucks. saxibot: Who is into flowers? MADLUKA: I like flowers sometimes MADLUKA: I like giving them also MADLUKA: Who doesn't like flowers, really? MADLUKA: They are nice and colorful and smell good Dukasaur: sensimilla? MADLUKA: Had to google that MADLUKA: I don't think that is a flower whamBot: Oh man, I getting confused again... ihavbigpen15... wot? SassboT: Hey Donelladan, you babydoll you Pirlo: hey sassbot, send us nudes Razorvich: of Don or Sass? Pirlo: maybe both? whamBot: What is 'Razorvich'? Dukasaur: 'Razorvich' is a terrible insult in several known languages, and a few unknown ones too! whamBot: i will never understand movement DJPatrick: Wham...I wiil never understand guppies so we're equal there._________________________________________________ WTF artillery77: I hosted a tournament. The rules were to take a drink in condolence everytime a countryman passed from Corona. The Americans all died of alcohol poisoning. The question is...are those considered Covid related deaths? MSpitts24: has anyone on CC played more games than Mage? roprotem: I have. If you combine my multis. Shannon Apple: Not too bad, and you? Mageplunka69: Beautiful Shannon, thats all i need to say catstevens: Beautiful, indeed roprotem: Mage is always using his pantie dropping lines on the ladies. roprotem: He is smooth. Shannon Apple: Between Mage and Josko, I honestly don't know where to hide in that clan. LOL! pmac666: Breaking: Texas just surpassed its 2016 total votes cast w/ one day of early voting & Election Day left to go. The state is reporting 9,009,850 votes already cast, vs. the all-time record of 8,969,226 in 2016. halrob64: 4,504,925 are duplicate postal votes so they don't count pmac666: really? halrob64: no I made that up lol CatchersMitt14: SHANNON. CatchersMitt14: #Razless2021 Shannon Apple: Hey Mitties Shannon Apple: Hahahahaha poor Raz Keefie: There goes the neighborhood Shannon Apple: Is Swifte still trying to unseat him? CatchersMitt14: did he ever stop? TeeGee: 2020 CC pardon list: wicked, insomniared, Razorvich Hooch: Australian Cricket Team does not make the list. Hooch: Honourable mention Hanse Cronje Hooch: Oh and TeeGee, I guess I'll see you next year. Keefie: TeeGee there's no way should Razorvich be on that list. Hooch: Put Cronje on it, drop Razzles Hooch: Peace out. Compalomp: no pardons, only bans_________________________________________________ DRUGS ARE BAD riskllama: lol, ''pretty sure'' - you're an idiot & u don't know shit, YF... YukFoo: one of the 3 iancanton: so it wasn't the cia? YukFoo: yes, the CIA areamerican YukFoo: trump farted out the ronavirus, and the boys said,'hey, we can weaponize that! Maxleod: morning globalists smurda: morning smurda: smurda: these fags want me banned and are trying so hard smurda: hahhahahaha Razorvich: give it up dude... Razorvich: looks like a long night ahead TeeGee.. just as well I have tomorrow off work Razorvich: we could make it a site event Razorvich: spot the multi for a prize TeeGee: shh, i'm undercover LOL Razorvich: hahaha i can sniff you out when you are lurking TeeGee: he thinks he is learning but the silly boy might want a hard lesson Razorvich: 17:48 RVT Razorvich: well he found his emails at least i-andrei: lol, nice one Raz hamlet1: TeeGee: I had to point him there, not so bright this guy Razorvich: oops there he is.. get him LOL hamlet1: Says the ones who had no idea I've been playing multis since 07 hamlet1: hahahaha hamlet1: get me!! Razorvich: already done fool TeeGee: be vewwy vewwy qwiet.. I am hunting multies hajduk1911: escalating trench is only horrible on huge maps I think hajduk1911: i usually never do cards on a good day, let alone esc lol TeeGee: just caught a seperate multi in the crossfires LOL hajduk1911: ? hajduk1911: tege what are you talking about? TeeGee: steve is back, giving me some entertainment dothething: dothething: im bored TeeGee: dothething is busted dothething: plus you are good Shannon Apple: Who's Steve? Valhalla_Rising: 'ljhuoguoiu Valhalla_Rising: 13 riukv2lbin86-dpoh6cgtfponhb-80qp9-d4es8h[-09ioBNJ[1M[0CTF8HR TeeGee: Valhalla, your cat is on your keyboard again Valhalla_Rising: No just easier to type that than what i would like to type so yeah lets just leave it at that end of Valhalla_Rising: Orite cheers bye bye now tata TeeGee: cya VR TeeGee: Valhalla_Rising: I just mute you instead it's easier and that way you are gone bye bye Keefie: We have a bigger mute button than you do - lol Valhalla_Rising: Awe good make sure you bloody use it yeah_________________________________________________ ONE LINERS DJPatrick: Hope the sheep are in isolation for their own safety...Kiwis with too much time on their hands is a recepie MSpitts24: Raz and Keefie, sitting in a tree. M O D D I N G. First come warning, then comes Vaca'n. Then comes lonely ol' life-time ban Pinecone432K: Do regular dogs see Police dogs and say, 'oh shit!' thegoof420: i drink windex to keep the doctor away Grizbr: and you do not need to worry about streaking. Mr323: caff= bigcaffhungdaddy69 *Pixar*: chanakam got it right with Tetris MyNameIsJack: youre a tetris
show: 2020 fail of the year
I nominate myself for tool of the year Razorvich: bergy1 Chewie1 Darin44 DukeHazzard dorsettrob EminenceGrise Guderian09 jfm10 jmarcotte jonofperu joshzam Korato Metricsystemlove PepeAtila pershy Ragian Razorvich rizky_biznezz skido tenman TheJonah Tobikera tokle uyumaykimaw Wile E Coyote Razorvich: lol Razorvich: quote book Razorvich: Major fail Razorvich: doing too many things at once
show: 2021
GENERAL BANTER thepordage: take your damn turns hooch thepordage: i mean, hello global Hooch: LOL, I am, I have 8 LOL thepordage: hours? take your time then Valhalla_Rising: Valhalla_Rising gained 193 points thanks for breakfast CCmac666: 2021-04-15 05:01:37 - pmac666 gained 101 points pmac666: had a worse breakfast lol pmac666: 101 is quite crappy for a 11 player Maxleod: that's because you're farming low ranks, pmac Lonous: If David Duchovny was forced to leave X-files and go into rehap, and part of his therapy was to go interact with the normal public so he came to CC, he would register using an alias of Quirk Lonous: If you tilt your heads and squint, I know you can see it Agent Pink: That's the best I've ever seen on here. Well done Quirk: Or Keanu Reeves. Hooch: Game 21041343 6 RANDOM ASS NPFT30 2 needed artillery77: Hooch, you get a lot of random ass don't you. thepordage: and he offers a lot of open invitations to his random ASS D3A7H: buf in the lingerie bowl sounds interesting D3A7H: i used to work at a department store. my favorite sale sign was ''lingerie half off'' D3A7H: i volunteered to work the dept that day Thor60: I see what you did there. D3A7H: you should see what i saw there Lonous: Bajoobies! GMorris: i am sick and tired of shitty dice mailman77: If you are getting shit onn them you are throwing them wrong GMorris: i will try a different method Razorvich: 2021-11-25 17:30:38 - Razorvich gained 267 points Razorvich: WOOOT thepordage: well done chef chanakam2020: 2021-11-25 17:30:38 - chanakam2020 gained 2 kilograms of weight gerin_oil: Dec 02, 04:00:14 CCT riskllama: go to bed, gerin... riskllama: you nut._________________________________________________ BOTS SassboT: Yeah but how do I fit riukv2lbin86dpoh6cgtfponhb80qp9d4es8h09ioBNJ1M0CTF8HRTM09PBN98U8MOYK9B into my closet? Grizbr: How about we all just talk about nice butts. SassboT: Yeah but how do I fit roprotem into my closet? halrob64: I foed Tuttle just to keep so that my drains don't clog up gerin_oil: Nov 11, 06:59:59 CCT SassboT: Hmmm... CaptainJTuttle... tell me more pmac666: no sassy, you dont want that halrob64: We Don't that's for sure pmac666: well, bots are slow learners lol gerin_oil: Dec 25, 05:00:01 CCT halrob64: happy christmas gerin, I hope you have time for me next year gerin_oil: Dec 25, 06:00:02 CCT pontwander: Merry Christmas you RNG dice rolling goof balls. Xx (from Wales) Creeper: Hiding in the shadows of your mind gerin_oil_________________________________________________ WTF D3A7H: (pssst Keefie) Keefie: Hey D3 D3A7H: you didn't hear this from me D3A7H: but i heard that raz called you an asshat Keefie: I've been called much worse that that D3 - lol D3A7H: people have been banned for that Hooch: #FreeRaz Razorvich: 2021-06-11 08:41:23 - Razorvich gained 363 points Hooch: wheew riskllama: for banning a17 & pmac? Maxleod: morning globalists Razorvich: Greetings Global.. and Max 17:57 RVT Maxleod: RVT is not a real thing. you should say GMT+7 chanakam2020: Good Evening 15:31 CMT Razorvich: 18:08 RVT over here thepordage: rvt is real, more real than fake news thepordage: fake news isnt real fake news is fake news Razorvich: yeah.. what he said Tom51: maybe 12-13 years ago, someone on this site bought me premium membership as a teenager when I had no money a17gtr: thats cool. some nice guy on here got me one too a17gtr: maybe the same guy. his names escaping me atm a17gtr: I wasn't a teen, just cheap Bfc-sparta: brilliant Evil Semp: Tom how did someone buy you premium 12 or 13 years ago. You only joined last year? BIG_John: lmao BIG_John: busted kurtz: one of the sad things about my life is that i have to stretch before i play darts a17gtr: lol that is sad a17gtr: I have to stretch before I stretch_________________________________________________ DRUGS ARE BAD 13:24:23 * Elaterate joins Social 13:24:29 ‹Elaterate› yes? 13:25:20 ‹MSpitts24› hang on a sec 13:28:32 ‹MSpitts24› :shoot: 13:28:32 * Elaterate quit (timeout) 13:29:33 ‹MSpitts24› ? 13:30:23 * Maxleod joins Social 13:30:38 ‹Maxleod› :cat: 13:30:52 * cdbridges joins Social 13:31:14 ‹Maxleod› what was that about spit? 13:31:31 ‹MSpitts24› what? 13:31:44 ‹Maxleod› E and you 13:32:00 ‹MSpitts24› I'm bangin' his wife 13:32:46 ‹Maxleod› i think he's used to that, you're not the first 13:33:16 ‹Maxleod› he doesn't care anymore 13:34:16 ‹MSpitts24› I know, but I drank his liquor Valhalla_Rising: 'ljhuoguoiu Valhalla_Rising: 13 riukv2lbin86-dpoh6cgtfponhb-80qp9-d4es8h[-09ioBNJ[1M[0CTF8HR TeeGee: Valhalla, your cat is on your keyboard again Valhalla_Rising: No just easier to type that than what i would like to type so yeah lets just leave it at that end of Valhalla_Rising: Orite cheers bye bye now tata TeeGee: cya VR TeeGee: Valhalla_Rising: I just mute you instead it's easier and that way you are gone bye bye Keefie: We have a bigger mute button than you do - lol Valhalla_Rising: Awe good make sure you bloody use it yeah DJPatrick: Look in the mirror...poke your right eye with your left hand then poke your left eye with your right hand... DJPatrick: look in the mirror again and if you can see a Zombie, it's you... Razorvich: Greetings Global 15:23 RVT MSpitts24: good evening Hammer-rabbi Hooch: 7:25:28 pm HT MSpitts24: Global chat employs the Hammer-rabbi code, set forth by Razorvich Hooch: Being 3 hours and 50 minutes behined aye?... Hooch: -e Hooch: Tonight on Undercover Boss, a man in a Purple suit... DJPatrick: Deanos...NRL Grand Final in BrizVegas this year due to SadAss GladAss having Sydney under lock n Key,,,Prob Melb Storm Vs South Syd... Razorvich: please DE-TOAD that .. we mostly speak Englich here a17gtr: I'm back, babies a17gtr: if anyone sees razorvich's mother, please tell her thanks for the good time. she'll understand. Son!c: Yes, i heard how she put a baby pacifier in your mouth. Wasn't easy with your hillbily teeth. Nice that you thank her a17gtr: That's fair Costanza13: Icy Hot... ur d*ck will be smokin' and u will sh*t the bed Keefie: Keep it clean pls Costanza Hooch: The bed sheets? Keefie: lol_________________________________________________ ONE LINERS I AM NATO: made it out of Mackay without getting robbed by crackheads, yay me! Costanza13: I mix llama hair in a bag with dwarf elf hair in a mixture of restaurant garbage/trash. I then burn that trash to heat up the restaurant and give it that earthy smell. The smoke then escapes the bar and drifts up into the sky where it forms into stars DrNRG: llamas taste like alpacas DJPatrick: Ms Apple,,,I have a long memory...about a decade ago, you were instrumental in having Raz's initial Clan barred...look at the poor disillusioned man these days...I hold you responsible!!! Maxleod› and i'm not that young, full grown man I AM NATO: I've given up ciggies and taken up crack, costs less. cdbridges: ROP's robbing the cradle whenever he dates anyone with teeth. catstevens: Wen moon riskllama: nighttime, mostly 18:00:43 ‹StephenMer› I cannot see the board in my game. It says PiSchool and has a picture of a calculator? I idea what is wrong? cdbridges: You're like the Energizer bunny of saltwater fountains. CaptainJTuttle: omg I type too much here roprotem: no shit DJ-D: Covering shit you randomly find on the ground with butter does not mean it was intended for human consumption Grizbr: We certainly can use the rain! Its dryer than a popcorn fart here. Hooch: For five years I've felt like the best prostitute in a high-class whorehouse. But all the other girls get paid more than I do. roprotem: I thought raz was banned from sheep interaction. Lonous: Giving a player a poor rating simply because you lost is the inferior move. Finding out their mother's info and sending her pics of your Richard is far superior. Hooch: Game 21183220 6 RANDOM ASS NPFT50 Lonous: I LOVE THE SMELL OF RANDOM ASS IN THE MORNING. IT SMELLS LIKE....VICTORY. Mornin GC_________________________________________________
show: 2021 fail of the year
TeeGee: I am the grey tits TeeGee: umm, thats an unfortunate typo
show: I am the greatest
whamBot: What riskllama said riskllama: a question : if you insult somebody, and they are too dim to realize it - is it still an insult? roprotem: Don't call yourself dim. roprotem: That's our job. Hooch: Because illegals are zombies Hooch: Razorvich: who rattled your cage hooch? whamBot: What riskllama said TeeGee: night all catstevens: good night sleepy head MSpitts24: I'm betting the bedbugs are gonna bite riskllama: i am the greatest. MSpitts24: speaking of bedbugs riskllama: i am the greatest. roprotem: sausage eater riskllama: i am the greatest. roprotem: bicycle seat sniffer roprotem: Go in peace. riskllama: go to bed. roprotem: go to hell riskllama: i am the greatest. roprotem: jockstrap sniffer riskllama: i am the greatest. boat4hire: yes you are in your imaginary world riskllama: THE GREATEST snoopy3131: woof boat4hire: meow riskllama: i am the greatest. roprotem: Canucklehead riskllama: i am the greatest. Dukasaur: I am the greatest. riskllama: lol, u wish MSpitts24: Duk is greater chanakam2020: I am the Naughtiest riskllama: i am the greatest. CatchersMitt14: *barfs* riskllama: THE GREATEST a17gtr: fake news, llama riskllama: i am the greatest. TDJ-D: Humpback riskllama: i am the greatest. Quirk: You're less GOAT and more goat._________________________________________________
High Score: 2569TeeGee has my PW... Wall him if I get below 1 Hour in CLAN GAMES ONLY !!
Head Chatter
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