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[Special Edition] Trafalaxy - Cr@w Map [Quenched]

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Re: [Special Edition] Trafalaxy - Cr@w Map

Postby EBConquer on Thu Jan 10, 2019 8:25 pm

iancanton wrote:EBConquer analysed game numbers 18186410 to 18510383.

EBConquer wrote:Out of the last 30 1v1 standard games:

The person who won went first in 16 games.
The person who won was a higher rank 19 times

in these 30 games, every single bonus was held successfully by the winner in at least 4 different games, while every bonus except for the fiaris flagship was the first bonus held by the winner in at least 1 game. the first player to hold a bonus won 23 games of the 30.

given the evidence that, not only are there numerous ways of winning games, but comebacks are possible over 20% of the time, we can conclude that the beta period is, barring any last-minute objections, nearing its end.

after the map moves from beta into full play, it is the responsibility of the mapmakers to ensure that they respond to further feedback in a timely and constructive manner. to this end, it will be helpful for the primary mapmaker to nominate a map trustee to act on his or her behalf should it happen that, for an extended period at some point in the future, the mapmaker can no longer be contacted by the foundry.

ian. :)

Great extra stats, thanks Ian! I will certainly nominate a trustee if I depart, plenty around here have my number. :)
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Re: [Special Edition] Trafalaxy - Cr@w Map

Postby iancanton on Fri Jan 18, 2019 6:30 pm


the Beta period has concluded for the Trafalaxy map. all objections have had their time. the Foundry and i hereby brand this map with the Foundry Brand. let it be known that this map is now ready to be released into live play.

congratulations, EBConquer and IcePack, your shiny new medals are well-earned! =D>

Conquer Club, enjoy!


ian. :)
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Re: [Special Edition] Trafalaxy - Cr@w Map [Quenched]

Postby EBConquer on Fri Jan 18, 2019 6:48 pm

Very nice! \:D/

Thanks, Ian!
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Re: [Special Edition] Trafalaxy - Cr@w Map [Quenched]

Postby HitRed on Fri Jan 18, 2019 8:45 pm

*fireworks* *music* *dancing* =D>
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Re: [Special Edition] Trafalaxy - Cr@w Map [Quenched]

Postby uckuki on Tue Feb 19, 2019 11:26 am

good work
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Re: [Special Edition] Trafalaxy - Cr@w Map [Quenched]

Postby Donelladan on Thu Mar 25, 2021 9:59 am

Does a flagships count as one ship or two ships toward a fleet bonus ?
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Re: [Special Edition] Trafalaxy - Cr@w Map [Quenched]

Postby rockfist on Thu Mar 25, 2021 9:18 pm

One I think
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Re: [Special Edition] Trafalaxy - Cr@w Map [Quenched]

Postby bamage on Fri Oct 01, 2021 10:09 am

With all due respect to the creators of this map, sincerely - members like you make CC a great place - this map has 952 plays in the past 2.5 years. It's likely that the number of games that were happily and intentionally joined (as opposed to just getting thrown into one as part of a tournament) is far lower.

It may be tempting to say, "Leave it... it's not hurting anyone." But the reality is that it does hurt the CC experience. I literally avoid "randoms" out of fear of getting this map, and I'm not the only player.

It's tedious.
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Re: [Special Edition] Trafalaxy - Cr@w Map [Quenched]

Postby riskllama on Sat Oct 02, 2021 10:28 pm

bamage wrote:With all due respect to the creators of this map, sincerely - members like you make CC a great place - this map has 952 plays in the past 2.5 years. It's likely that the number of games that were happily and intentionally joined (as opposed to just getting thrown into one as part of a tournament) is far lower.

It may be tempting to say, "Leave it... it's not hurting anyone." But the reality is that it does hurt the CC experience. I literally avoid "randoms" out of fear of getting this map, and I'm not the only player.

It's tedious.

how exactly, does it "hurt the CC experience"?
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Re: [Special Edition] Trafalaxy - Cr@w Map [Quenched]

Postby Hooch on Tue Oct 05, 2021 1:41 am

After nearly 3 years, still a fine map and I enjoy getting it in Random.
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Re: [Special Edition] Trafalaxy - Cr@w Map [Quenched]

Postby Iron Maid on Sat Oct 09, 2021 10:35 am

Avoiding Random because you are afraid of Trafalaxy?

Trafalaxy is a balanced map. In a 1v1 you won't get a advance with a bonus drop (like Pearl Harbor or WWII Ardennes, which likely will give the first player giving advantage). It also has some special features (One way assaults & bombardments).

I'm more a fan of geographical & historical maps. But why afraid of Trafalaxy? There are maps like Patch Wars or Hive. First one makes no sense to me and Hive is taking ages. So if you get Hive at random I think it is even worse. Or you play a skilled tournament and maps like Luxemburg, Madagascar or Doodle Earth show up on random. Also probably not the ones you want.

So my statement is that Trafalaxy isn't that bad at all. It's a pity that some newer maps are not played that often, but I think we can be happy that we have a lot of maps to chose from on CC. Chance to get a map Random will be only 1 out of 240-250. So the box of chocolates is diverse enough. :D
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Re: [Special Edition] Trafalaxy - Cr@w Map [Quenched]

Postby Dukasaur on Mon Oct 11, 2021 4:31 pm

Iron Maid wrote:But why afraid of Trafalaxy? There are maps like Patch Wars or Hive. First one makes no sense to me and Hive is taking ages. So if you get Hive at random I think it is even worse.

Hive is definitely worse. But just because there's worse out there doesn't make this an ideal experience.

I would definitely rank this among the horrible four, alongside Hive, Waterloo, and First Nations Americas.

Now, obviously I hate big maps, and not everybody does. I come home after a long day at work, I just want to de-stress, drink a couple beers and start clicking on some shit without investing a great deal of thought into it. If I wanted to make difficult decisions, I'd go back to work and at least get paid for making difficult decisions. Some other people have, I suspect, easier jobs where they come home at the end of the day with unused mental energy still available and they want to show it off. That's fine; I get it. Back when I used to get seasonal layoffs, I also used to want to tackle complex war-games to burn off my mental energy.

There are different reasons why the horrible four stand head-and-shoulders above other large maps and are particularly difficult. Generally these things involve visual confusion.

Trafalaxy is based on Trafalgar, and for a couple reasons is significantly more difficult to grasp. The first is naming. On Trafalgar, if the log says someone took Indomptable from you, even if you don't know where Indomptable is, you know immediately from the spelling that it's a French ship and so you only have to scan through the blue ships to find it. On Trafalaxy, if the log says someone took Gosorin from you, there's no indication of what kind of ship that might be, so you pretty much have to search the entire map before you find it. Also, after a few games on Trafalgar, you start to learn where the various ships are, whereas no number of games on Trafalaxy will ever make the made-up names feel familiar.

More important, however, is the riot of colour. On Trafalgar, the attack lines are a pale pastel. The ship colours leap out at you. Right at first glance, you immediately see where the major ships are and you get a vague idea of the strategic significance of the various commands. You still have to look at the attack arrows to see how to get to them, and it is a little confusing at first, but you get a sense of what's happening.

On Trafalaxy, by contrast, the attack arrows are rendered in bright, vivid colours and pretty much drown the ships out. I have stared at the map and tried to figure out roughly which area corresponds to which fleet, but the brightness of the many-coloured arrows always drowns out the ships and I'm soon bewildered. The only exception, I guess, is that area in the bottom left, which corresponds to the British reserve squadron and where all the ships and arrows are red. A little island of sanity in a nightmare of flashing lights. The last time I saw this many bright arrows, I was at a disco in Stuttgart, Boney M's 'Rasputin' was the Number One song, and acid was still popular.

For these reasons I rank Trafalaxy as much more difficult than Trafalgar, and I put it 4th overall on the list of CC's most difficult maps.

Lest you confuse me with the OP -- I am not afraid to play Random. A 1/60 chance of drawing one of the horrible four doesn't scare me. :lol:
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Re: [Special Edition] Trafalaxy - Cr@w Map [Quenched]

Postby HitRed on Mon Oct 11, 2021 5:48 pm

Great post!
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Re: [Special Edition] Trafalaxy - Cr@w Map [Quenched]

Postby IcePack on Tue Oct 12, 2021 4:08 pm


Honestly, this is pretty interesting to me and shows me that the whole "beauty in the eye of the beholder" sort of thing (tho not strictly speaking about beauty here, obviously)

Trafalaxy is based on Trafalgar, and for a couple reasons is significantly more difficult to grasp

To me, Trafalaxy is significantly easier to grasp and that was the entire focus.

The naming conventions for Trafalgar while might be more clear to those experienced with it, French and Spanish are both similar and thus the names aren't always easily identifiable as French vs Spanish and some of the French ships aren't obviously French like "Fougweux" but might even sound English (Swiftsure, Redoubtable, etc)
I dont remember the naming convention discussion behind Trafalaxy, but ultimately we were going with fantasy space map so unless we went into IP / trade mark and copy right type stuff (which we would never get on the popular known ones) it wasn't going to be known properties regardless.

Regarding the picking up on major ships and their strategic value, for me its x1000 clearer on Trafalaxy > Trafalgar, and the pale pastel guides and connections on Trafalgar make me avoid it like the plague because while I can learn the connections using mouse over technique when necessary, some of them have no lines at all and connections are super unclear (like where Swiftsure, Colossus, and Bahama are smashed together but provide no lines but there are plenty of examples of where two or more ships are near and no lines indicating positional attacks)

The colors and arrows and such for Tralaxay again are so much clearer to me on what attacks, what bombards, what connects to what, etc. And the colors are very clear, and while Trafalgar has three colors, they are not very clear at a glance (to me, theres not much difference between the red and yellow, the legends are in brown / yellow hues, and then you have French ships (blue) on a blue water background... )

I'm not saying your view is wrong, again I'm just saying its really interesting seeing someone elses perspective because while some of the ships / lines are bright, to me its a bit of a positive and helps make the things I hate about trafalgar so much clearer.

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Re: [Special Edition] Trafalaxy - Cr@w Map [Quenched]

Postby Dukasaur on Tue Oct 12, 2021 8:45 pm

IcePack wrote:I'm just saying its really interesting seeing someone elses perspective

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