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Biden & Harris cause Crisis at the US-Mexico Border

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Re: Biden causes Crisis at the US-Mexico Border

Postby jusplay4fun on Tue Sep 21, 2021 1:48 pm

jusplay4fun wrote:
Duk speaks of "highly motivated cheap labour

Duk said:
Yes? What of it? Do you deny it?

Do you have any idea what it means to sell every single fucking thing you own so you can pay a smuggler to get your over the border, leave your home with nothing but the clothes on your back and the contents of your pockets, leave behind all your friends and relatives, walk 2000 miles in the blazing heat, face the prospect of little or no food, little water, the ground for a bed and a rock for a pillow, the chance of being robbed, raped, or murdered by various criminal gangs and corrupt cops along the way, the strong chance of ending up in a jail or a forced-labour camp, the strong chance of never seeing any of your family again, and walk to a place you don't know in search of a new life and a fresh hope? And you think someone motivated to do all that has an end goal of sitting in a motel room drawing welfare? Seriously?

Get your head out of Rush Limbaugh's ass and open your eyes. In any community, the most earnestly hard-working people you will find are the recent immigrants. The ones leaning up against a post are the ones who are born there.

What are you talking ABOUT? You do realize that Rush Limbaugh is DEAD, right?

And Duk, you can stop with the ad hominem attacks. That is certainly below your usual standards.

Of course I know that recent immigrants are hard-working. That was not what I denied.

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Re: Biden causes Crisis at the US-Mexico Border

Postby Dukasaur on Tue Sep 21, 2021 4:49 pm

jusplay4fun wrote:
jusplay4fun wrote:
Duk speaks of "highly motivated cheap labour

Duk said:
Yes? What of it? Do you deny it?

Do you have any idea what it means to sell every single fucking thing you own so you can pay a smuggler to get your over the border, leave your home with nothing but the clothes on your back and the contents of your pockets, leave behind all your friends and relatives, walk 2000 miles in the blazing heat, face the prospect of little or no food, little water, the ground for a bed and a rock for a pillow, the chance of being robbed, raped, or murdered by various criminal gangs and corrupt cops along the way, the strong chance of ending up in a jail or a forced-labour camp, the strong chance of never seeing any of your family again, and walk to a place you don't know in search of a new life and a fresh hope? And you think someone motivated to do all that has an end goal of sitting in a motel room drawing welfare? Seriously?

Get your head out of Rush Limbaugh's ass and open your eyes. In any community, the most earnestly hard-working people you will find are the recent immigrants. The ones leaning up against a post are the ones who are born there.

What are you talking ABOUT? You do realize that Rush Limbaugh is DEAD, right?

Yes, I'm well aware (and quite grateful) that Rush Scumbag is DEAD. (Is being DEAD in all-caps more permanent than just being dead in lower case?)

I'm also aware that you and all the other brain-washed right-wingers are still parroting his talking points, now and probably forever. Fifty years since he started poisoning America with his hatred and still the fountain of all right-wing thought. I haven't heard any one of you goose-steppers say anything, ever, that Rush didn't teach you to say.

"The immigrants are coming to steal our jobs! Waaaaaah! Waaaaahh! Wahhhhhhhhhh!" "The immigrants are coming to sponge off welfare! Waaaaaah! Waaaaahh! Wahhhhhhhhhh!" You can't even keep internal consistency between your lies. Are they coming to steal your jpbs, or are they coming to sponge off welfare? Which is it? If they're lazy and coming to sponge off welfare, how can they steal your job? Or can they steal your job and still collect welfare on the side? Do you collect welfare while you're doing your job? Is that legal?

jusplay4fun wrote:And Duk, you can stop with the ad hominem attacks.

Why would I? I'm an immigrant. When you're attacking immigrants, you're attacking me. Why would I refrain from returning the favour? You can dish it out but you can't take it? Go blow a fat goat.

You live in a country where every significant structure from the Verrazzano Narrows to the Golden Gate, was built by exploiting cheap immigrant labour, but still you're going to parrot Rush Scumbag's line that immigrants are just coming here to suck off the taxpayer's tit. The Central Pacific railroad was famously composed of something between 80 and 90% Chinese labour, paid shit wages for some of the most difficult and dangerous work imaginable. What is less well-known is that the Union Pacific, building out to meet the Central Pacific, did not have Chinese labour. Contrary to evidence, the Board of the Union Pacific believed that Chinese bodies were too frail to survive the harsh conditions of rail construction. Does that mean they hired local labour? Hell, no! That would have meant paying a decent wage! Instead, they imported poor sharecroppers from famine-prone Ireland, who like their Chinese counterparts on the other side of the Great Divide were desperate enough to sign up for brutal labour at subsistence wages.

I've told you often enough about the years when I was a truck driver in the agricultural sector. A Mexican crew could unload my truck (by hand) in 90 minutes. A local-born Canadian crew would accomplish the same task in six hours. The Mexicans would just put their heads down and work. The equivalent Canadians would first need a piss break, and then a smoke break, and then some joshing-around time, and then a quick break to check their Twitter feed, etc., etc. Anytime I arrived at a place with no Mexicans, I knew I was in for a long day.

I have nothing but respect for our Mexican brethren. I know the reason I can go to the grocery store and buy a basket of tomatoes for $2.88 is that there is a hard-working Mexican in the fields, who hasn't seen his family in four months and just keeps his head down, working and working and dreaming of the day when he can make a better life for them. The blonde kid in the next row of plants is scratching his balls and checking his Instagram. If he was in charge, my basket of tomatoes would cost $23.50.

You have no fucking clue just how great is your debt to these people whom you hate.

And as the icing on the cake, you claim to be a Christian, but you harden your heart and want to send these people back to die. One common thread that runs through ALL major religions is the duty to give refuge to those fleeing from wars and famines and persecution, but you want to shut your heart and your hearth and send them back to die. And you want to act righteously offended when I respond with some angry words to your callowness and heartlessness? Go blow a fat goat.

Do you have any idea of what these people are fleeing from?

I watched a gangland execution in Nogales, once. They took the man in broad daylight, right in front of his wife and kids. Tied his ankles together, hitched him behind a pickup truck, dragged him down the street until the gravel ground his face off and opened his brain. In front of his kids. Just like in the cowboy movies, where they drag the guy behind his horse. Except this wasn't Hollywood, this was real. It's almost comical when it's a manikin in a movie. Not so comical in real life. One of those sights that is burned into my mind and no matter how much I pound my head on the desk I can't make it go away.

"He must have deserved it," you cry! Of course. Probably stole $5 from the wrong person. People take great risks when they have hungry children.

But good little Christian schoolteacher jp4f wants to send more people to that corner, because it's "Protection" for migrants, and he's sure they'll be safe there because his orangutan told him so. Such a great charitable man you are!

Let me tell you something else that's burned in my memory. Little village in Guatemala. Too small and insignificant to even have a name, but after much searching I found it on the map. We were there in '76. Some very hungry-looking people. We bought a little copper trinket at the general store for 50 cents. They almost pissed themselves in gratitude. Then the Mormon missionaries showed up in their clean white shirts, waving stacks of American dollars in the air. They wanted babies. $20 for 1, or $50 if you have a matched pair. They take them back to the U.S., sell them to childless rich assholes for adoption. They're listed as orphans, their parents 'deceased' or 'unknown'. Except they're not deceased, except maybe in spirit. The Mormons found a customer. Young couple, three children obviously not well-fed, the youngest a newborn. The father handed over the baby, the Mormons handed over $20. The mother fought like a she-lion, but her husband was too strong. He clamped his arms around her neck and held her back while the Mormons drove away with their prize.

She was still sobbing when we left the village an hour later. For all I know, she's sobbing still. I found the place, thanks to Google maps. I'll give you the GPS co-ordinates. 17.0092793,-89.3110616. Plug that into Google maps, you'll see the village. I can't get the co-ordinates any closer to the house, but you can see it. When you plug in those GPS co-ordinates, you'll find yourself on a little dirt road. The house is about 50 yards WSW of the place the GPS will take you. It's a little house, flat roof and green fascia. The weeds have grown up and almost cover the entrance. I imagine she wants the weeds to grow, to hide her shame from the world. Look at that house, you insensitive asshole. LOOK AT IT, before you dare to address me again.
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Re: Biden causes Crisis at the US-Mexico Border

Postby jusplay4fun on Tue Sep 21, 2021 4:55 pm

I am an immigrant too.

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Re: Biden causes Crisis at the US-Mexico Border

Postby jusplay4fun on Tue Sep 21, 2021 4:58 pm

Social costs, revisited:

AND I did not use Rush Limbaugh. I do MY OWN THINKING.

Further, MOST of the quotes and comments you attributed to Rush Limbaugh I NEVER SAID.

The Fiscal Burden of Illegal Immigration on Californians estimates that about 3 million illegal aliens resided in the state as of 2013. In addition, there were about 1.1 million U.S.-born children of illegal aliens living in California who, like other U.S.-born children, may participate in means-tested programs and benefits. Though these children are U.S. citizens, they would not be in California if not for the fact that their parents violated U.S. immigration laws.

Among the report's key findings:

The estimated illegal alien population plus the U.S.-born children constitutes at least 10.7% of the state’s population in 2013.
Taxpayer-subsidized in-state tuition extended to illegal alien students costs more than $102.7 million.

The California Student Aid Commission reportedly planned to award about 6,000 Cal grants, a new financial aid program, to illegal alien students in the 2013-2014 school year — amounting to about $19.5 million.

Incarcerating deportable aliens amounts to nearly $1.5 billion in net annual costs.

Emergency medical treatment to illegal aliens provided by the state cost taxpayers an estimated $1.3 billion each year.

Total state and local public assistance funding received in the CalWorks and school meal programs amounts to an estimated $791.6 million annually.

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Re: Biden causes Crisis at the US-Mexico Border

Postby jusplay4fun on Tue Sep 21, 2021 5:02 pm

I've told you often enough about the years when I was a truck driver in the agricultural sector. A Mexican crew could unload my truck (by hand) in 90 minutes. A local-born Canadian crew would accomplish the same task in six hours. The Mexicans would just put their heads down and work. The equivalent Canadians would first need a piss break, and then a smoke break, and then some joshing-around time, and then a quick break to check their Twitter feed, etc., etc. Anytime I arrived at a place with no Mexicans, I knew I was in for a long day.

I have nothing but respect for our Mexican brethren. I know the reason I can go to the grocery store and buy a basket of tomatoes for $2.88 is that there is a hard-working Mexican in the fields, who hasn't seen his family in four months and just keeps his head down, working and working and dreaming of the day when he can make a better life for them. The blonde kid in the next row of plants is scratching his balls and checking his Instagram. If he was in charge, my basket of tomatoes would cost $23.50.

You have no fucking clue just how great is your debt to these people whom you hate.

You are WRONG again; I do not HATE them. I have MANY at my Church and I and we respect their work. I have seen them work and have worked beside them. They DO put native-born Americans (those born in the USA) to shame when it comes to work. I agree with Duk ON THIS POINT.

And yes I have A CLUE, so get off your high horse (or high 18 wheeler) of CONDESCENSION.

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Re: Biden causes Crisis at the US-Mexico Border

Postby mookiemcgee on Tue Sep 21, 2021 6:12 pm

jusplay4fun wrote:Social costs, revisited:

AND I did not use Rush Limbaugh. I do MY OWN THINKING.

Further, MOST of the quotes and comments you attributed to Rush Limbaugh I NEVER SAID.

The Fiscal Burden of Illegal Immigration on Californians estimates that about 3 million illegal aliens resided in the state as of 2013. In addition, there were about 1.1 million U.S.-born children of illegal aliens living in California who, like other U.S.-born children, may participate in means-tested programs and benefits. Though these children are U.S. citizens, they would not be in California if not for the fact that their parents violated U.S. immigration laws.

Among the report's key findings:

The estimated illegal alien population plus the U.S.-born children constitutes at least 10.7% of the state’s population in 2013.
Taxpayer-subsidized in-state tuition extended to illegal alien students costs more than $102.7 million.

The California Student Aid Commission reportedly planned to award about 6,000 Cal grants, a new financial aid program, to illegal alien students in the 2013-2014 school year — amounting to about $19.5 million.

Incarcerating deportable aliens amounts to nearly $1.5 billion in net annual costs.

Emergency medical treatment to illegal aliens provided by the state cost taxpayers an estimated $1.3 billion each year.

Total state and local public assistance funding received in the CalWorks and school meal programs amounts to an estimated $791.6 million annually.

JP... what kind of argument are you actually making?

Previously you suggested illegal immigrants are an added a social cost, now you are posting that US CITIZENS qualify for those benefits but we should count it as a burden because they were born of illegal parents? They are US citizens, if you argument is that they shouldn't be US citizens then make that argument but don't try and disguise it as a 'cost of illegal immigrants', these people are Americans. Regardless, ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS STILL DON'T QUALIFY FOR THOSE BENEFITS.

There is a small cost to CA for the children of immigrants to attend school, by CA standards its a very small cost.

In regards to emergency health care costs... illegal immigrants are COMPLETLY BARRED from purchasing health care insurance in the USA. - Imagine the cost saving if we just let them buy it? They are already here, working hard making money... barring them from purchasing it was a republican demand and it's basically the equivalent of offering them free healthcare. How stupid is that!

CA revenue generated from illegal immigrants: $3 billion/year combined in state and local taxes in the state of California... this is just the state level taxes, and does not include FEDERAL TAXES they pay or SSI payments.
source: ... -analysis/
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Re: Biden causes Crisis at the US-Mexico Border

Postby bigtoughralf on Tue Sep 21, 2021 6:34 pm

Duk must have been sat there for quite some time if he managed to watch the whole process of a man's head changing from intact to meat crayon purely from being rubbed up and down the road. I guess there was no TV in whatever house he was staying in that night.

That said I see we can add Mexicans to the list of people jp doesn't like, alongside Muslims, the Chinese and saxitoxin. Almost 3 billion people - not a very exclusive list.
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Re: Biden causes Crisis at the US-Mexico Border

Postby jusplay4fun on Tue Sep 21, 2021 6:41 pm

bigtoughralf wrote:Duk must have been sat there for quite some time if he managed to watch the whole process of a man's head changing from intact to meat crayon purely from being rubbed up and down the road. I guess there was no TV in whatever house he was staying in that night.

That said I see we can add Mexicans to the list of people jp doesn't like, alongside Muslims, the Chinese and saxitoxin. Almost 3 billion people - not a very exclusive list.

You, sir, are FULL OF POOP. (And for those who prefer: ralf, your FULL of SHIT.)

smallsoftralf, you do not know me and you do not know what I BELIEVE nor what I do. You are CLUELESS about me.

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Re: Biden causes Crisis at the US-Mexico Border

Postby jusplay4fun on Tue Sep 21, 2021 6:44 pm

bigtoughralf wrote:Duk must have been sat there for quite some time if he managed to watch the whole process of a man's head changing from intact to meat crayon purely from being rubbed up and down the road. I guess there was no TV in whatever house he was staying in that night.

That said I see we can add Mexicans to the list of people jp doesn't like, alongside Muslims, the Chinese and saxitoxin. Almost 3 billion people - not a very exclusive list.

Free Palestine?

NOW we KNOW what you are about. You are biased anti-American Palestinian. Do you hate those in the U.K., too? Enuff said, small-soft-ralf.

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Re: Biden causes Crisis at the US-Mexico Border

Postby bigtoughralf on Wed Sep 22, 2021 3:45 am

Disagreeing with a few US Government policies doesn't make me anti-American. The world isn't the binary 'us vs them' that you seem to believe, we are a global community. Although judging by your comments about Mexicans in this thread I'm guessing you have a long way to travel before you realise that.

I just believe in people not being oppressed, and supporting those who need help. According to you that makes me an extremist. You must have previously worked on the UK's Prevent programme.
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Re: Biden causes Crisis at the US-Mexico Border

Postby jusplay4fun on Wed Sep 22, 2021 4:13 am

bigtoughralf wrote:Disagreeing with a few US Government policies doesn't make me anti-American. The world isn't the binary 'us vs them' that you seem to believe, we are a global community. Although judging by your comments about Mexicans in this thread I'm guessing you have a long way to travel before you realise that.

I just believe in people not being oppressed, and supporting those who need help. According to you that makes me an extremist. You must have previously worked on the UK's Prevent programme.

You, sir, are FULL OF POOP. (And for those who prefer: ralf, your FULL of SHIT.)

smallsoftralf, you do not know me and you do not know what I BELIEVE nor what I do. You are CLUELESS about me.

You are wrong about me in nearly every assessment, ESPECIALLY when it comes to my employment. Those allegations shows your lack of understanding and shows how you overstate your case. You FAIL to acknowledge the possibilities that I suggest. ALL your attacks are ONE sided and you do not offer rational analysis of any issues. You show yourself to be partisan and biased in all your main points. Again, you are CLUELESS about me, other than my views that you often misrepresent. You twist my comments to weave a false narrative about me and about most of those issues.

I will agree with you that this is not a binary world. I have thought so FOR A LONG TIME, before you ever showed up on CC.

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Re: Biden causes Crisis at the US-Mexico Border

Postby jusplay4fun on Wed Sep 22, 2021 4:48 am

ralf, are you an immigrant? if so, that explains much of your opinions here in this thread. That is not a criticism and that question does not make me anti-immigration.

ralf, are you a Palestinian? the same applies with regards to this question and your status.

ralf, are a Muslim? same as above.

I suggest that

1) it is Muslim extremists that I criticize and raise alarms about. You take that to mean that I am an Islamophobe, Such name calling and ad hominem attacks are characteristic of many leftists and is an easy attack and allegation to make. I am not anti-Muslim and not an Islamophobe.

2) I have already said that I believe that the vast majority of Muslims are good and peaceful people. You never acknowledged that I even posted such a comment before today.

3) I will not be shamed by those who think on a cursory level. You offer little depth in your arguments.

4) I will not be shamed by those who engage in similar tactics as yours, shallow and full of (apparent) vitriol.

5) Try presenting a more balanced, less biased, less emotional allegations and perhaps we can advance a dialogue and civil discussion; you have offered little of either.

6) I have met several persons from Palestine and found them to be good respectable people. I have met both visitors and those who live here. Some are in my community. They are businessmen and at least ONE teacher, who wears the traditional headwear when she teaches. She has been so for at least 3 years now, and I have encouraged her to do what she does, teach and represent her culture and her community in a positive manner. I sought her out at the start of her 2nd year to offer more encouragement.

7) Nearly ALL immigrants whom I have met in my lifetime are good and hard-working people. I am happy that they have arrived in the USA and are good citizen, good community members, and good workers.

8) As I said, I too am an immigrant to this country.

9) What is occurring at the US Southern border is an INVASION and we cannot allow any and ALL such persons to enter.

10) A similar situation is occurring in Europe as SO many flee the Middle East and Africa. Does the EU and UK allow ANY ONE to enter from other nations? I went to Europe and had to show a passport. Before entering the UK from France, I was ASKED if I planned to leave. Why was that question necessary? AND I was brought to that port of entry on a tour bus with a tour group.

11) I am not a right wing extremist or anything close. Besides the BODY of evidence posted in this Forum, let me pose 2 questions.

(a) How many right wing extremists do you know argue that man-made Global Warming is real?

(b) How many right wing extremists do you know argue against anti-vax Liars and confront their LIES in a vociferous manner?

12) I do not close my eyes or my mind to the evidence around me. I do not ignore the ABJECT and dire poverty that occurs in this world. I do what I can. WHAT have YOU done to alleviate and mitigate poverty?

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Re: Biden causes Crisis at the US-Mexico Border

Postby bigtoughralf on Wed Sep 22, 2021 5:43 am

Where did I call you right wing? You seem to be projecting something, although I'm not sure what.

Well done for posting some positive statements about Muslims without immediately qualifying them, maybe you are growing. Does that mean you now also agree that bans on travellers from Muslim countries, European bans on headscarves and building minarets, anti-extremism programmes that sweep up young Muslims simply for discussing Israel, the media focusing on terrorists' demographics only when they are Muslim etc are Islamophobic and symptomatic of Western society's Islamophobia?
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Re: Biden causes Crisis at the US-Mexico Border

Postby riskllama on Wed Sep 22, 2021 10:23 am

jp gettin' rag dolled in this one, ouch!!!
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Re: Biden causes Crisis at the US-Mexico Border

Postby riskllama on Wed Sep 22, 2021 7:47 pm

wow, duk i think you may have shut him up for good... :lol: :lol: :lol:

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Re: Biden causes Crisis at the US-Mexico Border

Postby jusplay4fun on Wed Sep 22, 2021 9:15 pm

There is no need to comment about garbage. Move along, nothing new here. You are wrong again, Llama.

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Re: Biden causes Crisis at the US-Mexico Border

Postby riskllama on Wed Sep 22, 2021 9:38 pm

well, a llama can dream, can't he? wb, jp - now pick yourself up, dust yourself off & get back in there!!!
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Re: Biden causes Crisis at the US-Mexico Border

Postby HitRed on Wed Sep 22, 2021 10:34 pm


Nothing meant just remembered I had it.
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Re: Biden causes Crisis at the US-Mexico Border

Postby jusplay4fun on Thu Sep 23, 2021 3:50 am

You offer no plausible argument. There is no reason for me to respond to YOUR GARBAGE, other than to point out that what you offer is GARBAGE.

And I disagree that I was knocked down. There is no need to get up as my arguments are still valid. Most of my 12 point analysis and refutation is largely ignored by the TROLLS. Comments thereafter are largely GARBAGE. Those 12 points are not a refutation of one person only, but offer analysis of several posts by several individuals.

Duk and I can disagree and there not be a clear winner and clear loser. We can both present good arguments and agree to disagree. Your "analysis" is too simple. (I am not sure your comments meet the level of analysis. You are behaving as a TROLL.) Or perhaps you cannot think beyond two dimensions, that your thinking is much too myopic and much too narrow to be even called analysis. HENCE your arguments are merely the GARBABE of a TROLL.

NOTE further that ralf:

1) was suggested by Razorvich and me of being a multi of mrswdk. ralf does not respond, does not ask why the accusation is made, AND does not even ask who mrswdk is.

2) ralf offers very limited criticism of Muslim mistreatment. For example, he does not mention the treatment of the Muslims in Myanmar. He only wants to criticize so called persecution of Muslims in Europe and the USA.
The Rohingya people are a large Muslim group in Myanmar; the Rohingyas have been among the most persecuted group under Myanmar's military regime,

3) ralf makes undocumented allegations of discrimination of Muslims, for example, the wearing of scarves or headdress. We finally learn that such actions ARE not in the USA but somewhere in Europe. He paints a false narrative of MASSIVE discrimination against ALL Muslims in the USA.

4) ralf never addresses the issue of Muslim EXTREMISTS and that most of Muslims who are good people. Actions taken to curb violence and terrorism by Extremist is not actions against ALL Muslims.

5) ralf attempts to offer me small, even back-handed, praise for saying most Muslims are good people. He ignores the fact that I was reiterating what I already posted and that he chose to ignore. I did not grow; he merely SUDDENLY realized that I was NOT critical of the vast majority of Muslims. small-soft-ralf is finally growing (a wee bit) and, for once, is not speaking strictly from the viewpoint of a myopic and narrow-minded individual.

6) Llama and ralf are TROLLS as far as I am concerned and there is no need for me to continue to IMMEDIATELY respond to ALL the GARBAGE they put out. Nearly all of their comments are not worthy of comments by me or, frankly, by most readers here.

7) When I say GARBAGE, what I mean are LIES, misinformation, misleading statement, and false narratives. They are both attempting to lower themselves to the cesspool level of saxi.

8) Because I do not respond immediately to GARBAGE does not mean I was knocked down. I know that I need not respond to every spurious and superficial comment.

9) TROLLS love to confuse things and people and to offer OBFUSCATION. So let me get back to the main point here.

10) President Biden caused the crises at the US Southern border and continues to mismanage that entire situation. I see that his appointed "fixer" of the problem, VP K Harris has only made comments about alleged "whipping" of Haitians. THAT is very effective and helps solve the CRISES. THANKS Kamala.

11) Biden's mismanagement of the border crises is approaching the level of mismanagement and incompetence that he demonstrated in the withdraw from Afghanistan. THANKS BIDEN.

12) My previous 12 points are now bolstered by 12 new points.

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Re: Biden causes Crisis at the US-Mexico Border

Postby jusplay4fun on Thu Sep 23, 2021 3:57 am

riskllama wrote:well, a llama can dream, can't he? wb, jp - now pick yourself up, dust yourself off & get back in there!!!

Dream? do you have good ones? I am glad that you want to suggest that you have such a capacity.

And your dreams are that I was knocked down? Hardly. Your comments are a mere irritation, swatted and killed as one would squash a mosquito.


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Re: Biden causes Crisis at the US-Mexico Border

Postby jusplay4fun on Thu Sep 23, 2021 4:16 am

mookiemcgee wrote:
jusplay4fun wrote:Social costs, revisited:

AND I did not use Rush Limbaugh. I do MY OWN THINKING.

Further, MOST of the quotes and comments you attributed to Rush Limbaugh I NEVER SAID.

The Fiscal Burden of Illegal Immigration on Californians estimates that about 3 million illegal aliens resided in the state as of 2013. In addition, there were about 1.1 million U.S.-born children of illegal aliens living in California who, like other U.S.-born children, may participate in means-tested programs and benefits. Though these children are U.S. citizens, they would not be in California if not for the fact that their parents violated U.S. immigration laws.

Among the report's key findings:

The estimated illegal alien population plus the U.S.-born children constitutes at least 10.7% of the state’s population in 2013.
Taxpayer-subsidized in-state tuition extended to illegal alien students costs more than $102.7 million.

The California Student Aid Commission reportedly planned to award about 6,000 Cal grants, a new financial aid program, to illegal alien students in the 2013-2014 school year — amounting to about $19.5 million.

Incarcerating deportable aliens amounts to nearly $1.5 billion in net annual costs.

Emergency medical treatment to illegal aliens provided by the state cost taxpayers an estimated $1.3 billion each year.

Total state and local public assistance funding received in the CalWorks and school meal programs amounts to an estimated $791.6 million annually.

JP... what kind of argument are you actually making?

Previously you suggested illegal immigrants are an added a social cost, now you are posting that US CITIZENS qualify for those benefits but we should count it as a burden because they were born of illegal parents? They are US citizens, if you argument is that they shouldn't be US citizens then make that argument but don't try and disguise it as a 'cost of illegal immigrants', these people are Americans. Regardless, ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS STILL DON'T QUALIFY FOR THOSE BENEFITS.

There is a small cost to CA for the children of immigrants to attend school, by CA standards its a very small cost.

In regards to emergency health care costs... illegal immigrants are COMPLETLY BARRED from purchasing health care insurance in the USA. - Imagine the cost saving if we just let them buy it? They are already here, working hard making money... barring them from purchasing it was a republican demand and it's basically the equivalent of offering them free healthcare. How stupid is that!

CA revenue generated from illegal immigrants: $3 billion/year combined in state and local taxes in the state of California... this is just the state level taxes, and does not include FEDERAL TAXES they pay or SSI payments.
source: ... -analysis/

My main point is that there is a cost to society of ILLEGAL immigrants, something that apparently some ignore.

As to specifics:

Previously you suggested illegal immigrants are an added a social cost, now you are posting that US CITIZENS qualify for those benefits but we should count it as a burden because they were born of illegal parents? They are US citizens, if you argument is that they shouldn't be US citizens then make that argument but don't try and disguise it as a 'cost of illegal immigrants', these people are Americans. Regardless, ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS STILL DON'T QUALIFY FOR THOSE BENEFITS.

I find your point here confusing. Are you saying ILLEGALS are US citizens? Are you confusing MOST ILLEGAL aliens (or immigrants) with those called Dreamers or DACA persons?

There is a small cost to CA for the children of immigrants to attend school, by CA standards its a very small cost.

No matter the EXACT amount and Characterizations, education is NOT without costs. It costs lots of money to educate children. That is a social cost.

In regards to emergency health care costs... illegal immigrants are COMPLETLY BARRED from purchasing health care insurance in the USA. -

The same with health care. Even if they are not eligible for SOME health care, they still receive it FREE at hospitals and emergency rooms across the US. THAT too is NOT FREE and is also a social cost.

Some argue that immigrants, legal and illegal, add many benefits to the USA. NO DOUBT. I am merely saying that it costs society money to educate, feed, house and offer health care to them. ILLEGAL ALIENS are not entitled to ALL THOSE benefits. Many get many such benefits because of patchwork laws and because Americans are a generous people.

And to expand the argument here, ALL the MONEY LIBERALS want to spend are done so as a deficit and those STUCK with the bill will be my children and especially my grandchildren as the debt and debt service grows. POOR fiscal policy is NOW happening as Liberals spend money like drunken sailors AND will have major consequences. The very recent raising of the Federal DEBT LIMIT by the US Congress is the tip of the iceberg of the looming debt crises. (Please note that my children and grandchildren are meant to be representative of all in their generation, to avoid confusion.)

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Re: Biden causes Crisis at the US-Mexico Border

Postby bigtoughralf on Thu Sep 23, 2021 6:59 am

Ralf: 'Muslims are treated unfairly in the West'

jp: 'BuT wHaT aBoUt MyAnMaR??'

Never mind the 0/10 attempt to shift focus onto another country, there is also a pretty clear road leading from Indian, Myanmese, Chinese etc Islamophobia straight back to the US War on Terror, and how Islamophobes around the globe took it as a green light to persecute Muslims under the pretext of 'anti-extremism'. So, I guess, thanks for supporting my point?

Your responses continue to boil down to 'it's not true', 'okay it is true, but extremists' and then finally 'well someone else is worse'. It's actually a pretty similar structure to your posts discussing US emissions; are you using a template?
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Re: Biden causes Crisis at the US-Mexico Border

Postby jusplay4fun on Thu Sep 23, 2021 1:58 pm

bigtoughralf wrote:Ralf: 'Muslims are treated unfairly in the West'

jp: 'BuT wHaT aBoUt MyAnMaR??'

Never mind the 0/10 attempt to shift focus onto another country, there is also a pretty clear road leading from Indian, Myanmese, Chinese etc Islamophobia straight back to the US War on Terror, and how Islamophobes around the globe took it as a green light to persecute Muslims under the pretext of 'anti-extremism'. So, I guess, thanks for supporting my point?

Your responses continue to boil down to 'it's not true', 'okay it is true, but extremists' and then finally 'well someone else is worse'. It's actually a pretty similar structure to your posts discussing US emissions; are you using a template?

you are full of POOP. the type that stinks all the way out the other end

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Re: Biden causes Crisis at the US-Mexico Border

Postby Dukasaur on Thu Sep 23, 2021 2:05 pm

Doesn't sound like you want to actually address the points that were made.
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