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Closed JohnGboy [ka]

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JohnGboy [ka]

Postby Rasberry on Mon Aug 16, 2021 2:02 pm

this my first time reporting anyone please let me know if i did it properly ?

i cannot find the game number anywhere ?

2021-08-16 07:09:59 - JohnGBoy: Pathetic Raspberry faggot

Be sure before you accuse someone!

I am pretty sure "faggot "is not allowed

chat abuse



he also screamed in every to9her game we hAD

The accused are suspected of:abuse using the f "bomb"

i get called faggot all the time i told yas that!

Severe PM Abuse

THIS is our other game together

2021-08-06 18:26:20 - JohnGBoy: Nice ambush Red! Payback is a bitch !
2021-08-11 06:36:57 - JohnGBoy: Red, you are a moron
2021-08-14 07:24:20 - JohnGBoy: You tried invading Alaska ?
2021-08-15 07:26:01 - JohnGBoy: Rasberry, you’re an ass attacking me every round in every game!
2021-08-15 07:26:48 - JohnGBoy: I’ll do the same bud!
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and this is the third game we are playing but hes screaming at the other player not me

021-08-12 22:30:03 - JohnGBoy: Ok Red, you want to lose jackass ?
2021-08-12 22:32:48 - JohnGBoy: I’ll gut you next time punk, and we can both lose. I don’t give a shit
2021-08-13 11:19:19 - hklee: Wow Blue....there is nothing personal here. I'm just trying to win the game as you are.
2021-08-13 20:16:49 - JohnGBoy: Win the game? You’re being vindictive or maybe just stupid. Notice Green has twice our number? You are completely ignoring balance of power
2021-08-13 20:18:47 - JohnGBoy: You are losing more troops than your are gaining
2021-08-14 14:47:35 - hklee: I think I understand your point Blue. Perhaps I'm not as well versed in this game as you, but I'm trying the best I can.
2021-08-14 20:13:05 - JohnGBoy: We both need to hit green, you need to rotate your stacks into use

Game number(s):I cannot find the game number i searched for hours


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Sergeant 1st Class Rasberry
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Re: JohnGboy

Postby Rasberry on Mon Aug 16, 2021 2:28 pm

ok i found the game numbers here is the number for his faggot comment !

#21068010 this is the "faggot "game

2021-08-16 07:09:59 - JohnGBoy: Pathetic Raspberry faggot

And this is the other two games where he is screaming


this one is just "ass" and "moron " which is not as bad as "faggot" !

2021-08-06 18:26:20 - JohnGBoy: Nice ambush Red! Payback is a bitch !
2021-08-11 06:36:57 - JohnGBoy: Red, you are a moron
2021-08-14 07:24:20 - JohnGBoy: You tried invading Alaska ?
2021-08-15 07:26:01 - JohnGBoy: Rasberry, you’re an ass attacking me every round in every game!
2021-08-15 07:26:48 - JohnGBoy: I’ll do the same bud!
and this the game where he is screaming at the other player


this game is just "gutting the other player" who he has called stupid and vindictive not sure of threatening to "gut "is allowed or not >?

2021-08-12 22:30:03 - JohnGBoy: Ok Red, you want to lose jackass ?
2021-08-12 22:32:48 - JohnGBoy: I’ll gut you next time punk, and we can both lose. I don’t give a shit
2021-08-13 11:19:19 - hklee: Wow Blue....there is nothing personal here. I'm just trying to win the game as you are.
2021-08-13 20:16:49 - JohnGBoy: Win the game? You’re being vindictive or maybe just stupid. Notice Green has twice our number? You are completely ignoring balance of power
2021-08-13 20:18:47 - JohnGBoy: You are losing more troops than your are gaining
2021-08-14 14:47:35 - hklee: I think I understand your point Blue. Perhaps I'm not as well versed in this game as you, but I'm trying the best I can.
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Re: JohnGboy

Postby Rasberry on Mon Aug 16, 2021 8:38 pm

funny thing is I was serving a chat violation myself for last two weeks

so I was unable to answer him when he was calling me "faggot"


2021-08-16 16:54:49 - JohnGBoy: Big time fail raspberry
2021-08-16 16:55:31 - JohnGBoy: Lol. What an ass! Basement geek !
2021-08-16 16:55:51 - JohnGBoy: Vixxer! Wanker !


2021-08-16 20:10:35 - JohnGBoy: Dude is closet gay or something
2021-08-16 20:14:39 - JohnGBoy: Like a little tattle brother whining to mommy

at least he was right about the closet but I came out 20 years ago lol

here is his answer when I finally was able to answer him and my gagg was over lol!
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Re: JohnGboy

Postby king achilles on Tue Aug 17, 2021 10:34 pm

JohnGBoy is now on a short vacation and during this time, he can't start or join new games. I'm sure you can relate.
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Re: JohnGboy [ka]

Postby Rasberry on Wed Aug 18, 2021 11:08 am

yes feel very connected to that out come

thank you achilles!
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