Nucker wrote:1) can all the silly ones be deleted?
Like the start and finish immediately. These just lead players to think the rest are also terrible.
i believe they were created by bigWham himself to surprise any unwary players.
Nucker wrote:2) Can older ones that are not played but still worthwhile be put into a ranking system which has New scenarios at the top. This will means players coming in will see action.
yes, provided a suitable ranking system is devised. if there's enough support in the suggestions forum link below), then it'll reach bW.
Nucker wrote:3) The whole Scenario positioning needs to be revisited if it is to have any effect. Someone went to the trouble of creating the scenario maker
Who can I contact in this regard?
unsure what scenario positioning is.
Nucker wrote:4) When does a scenario in beta get moved to the main site?
after several games have been completed by several players without problems. the fewer the number of human players that are required to play a scenario, the quicker it will start.