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need help with map "Krazy Kingdoms"

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need help with map "Krazy Kingdoms"

Postby sm8900 on Sun May 09, 2021 2:02 pm

need help with map "Krazy Kingdoms." can you please tell me how this map actually works? thanks.
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Re: need help with map "Krazy Kingdoms"

Postby Donelladan on Tue May 11, 2021 4:38 am

I replied already in your map question, but I thought might be useful to leave it here as well for other SoC people.

First, if you're using the map inspect - forget about it.
This map used conditional border, and the map inspect doesn't understand it, therefore it's useless.

show: Conditional border

So you start with a kingdom and two special features, ( can be more kingdom/special features depending on number of players).
The special features ( regions on the right side of the map, Aquatic, Barbarian, etc... ) are "useless" region.
They are only here to indicate you which one you got, but you cannot attack them, or attack from them, and if you only got special feature you lost.

The kingdom.
From your kingdom you can attack your favored territories.

For example, if you have kingdom Human, letter P, from that kingdom you can all P territories on the map, P1, P2, P3, P4.
BUT ! You can only attack a territory from your kingdom if you have no territory on the map.
Therefore as soon as you take any of P1, P2, P3, P4 from you human kingdom, then you cannot attack from the kingdom anymore. Except if at some point in the game you have no more territory on the map, then again from kingdom you can attakc any of the 4.

First step is therefore to carefully choose which one of your 4 favored territory to attack.
Depending on your special feature some can be more interesting.
For example, let's say you have Kingdom Human P, and Cosmic special feature.
Cosmic special feature give you a +1 bonus for each region with a nuclear symbol. And P4 has a nuclear symbol. So if you have this combination of special feature and kingdom, take P4.
This is just based on your drop, sometimes you don't have any interesting region to take first.

Also, some special feature give you special path to attack. Dwellers, Aquatic ( allows you to take water region, but those revert to neutral), Cosmic, Demonic, Barbarians, and wizard.
All those special features give you special path to attack and are therefore, imho, the best special features. I won't describe each of them but you can find it in this thread somewhere pretty sure.

Blood towers
To finish the game, you need to take the Forbidden Lands, a 30 neutral that can bombard everything, including kingdoms. That is the only way to bombard someone kingdom.
To be able to attack the forbidden lands you need to have two territories that border two different blood towers.
Blood towers is for example the red dot with black circle between P2 and M2, or between V4 and F2.

To attack forbidden lands, if you have P2 and M2, you have two territories bordering the same blood towers, therefore it doesn't work.
If you have P2 and V4, then you have two territories bordering different blood towers, you can now attack forbidden lands.

Tip : don't bother about forbidden lands until you have full control of the map, there is no point taking it before that. ( unless you're playing escalating then to do a sweep ofc).
Forbidden lands is a 30 killer neutral, ( it resets ).

Last thing to know, you also have chasms, for example between M1 and S4, or between S4 and J1.
You can use this chasm to attack only if you are on your favored territory.
If you have P human kingdom, you can't attack M1 from S4 or S4 from M1.
But you can attack T4 from P1. ( not sure if you can attack T4 from P1 if you have P human kingdom, think so but didn't play the map since a while).
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