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Auto Tournaments

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Auto Tournaments

Postby benga on Wed May 05, 2021 8:39 am

Time to open auto tournaments to public!

How to Auto Tournament

To start an Auto Tournament to do the following:
  • open a thread here
  • make sure to put in title [AT] Name
  • fill out the form below

Code: Select all
Number of Players (minimum 16)
Number of Rounds (3 to 5)
Best Of (number of games per round)
Allow Through (how many players advance in each round)
Reset Score (does the score resets after each round)
Opponent Rules (radnom or by score)
Map: List Map/s
Players: 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12
GameType: S (Standard), C (Terminator), A (Assassin), P (Polymorphic)
SlotsPerPlayer: 1, 2, 3, 4 (if poly)
InitialTroops: E (Automatic), M (Manual)
PlayOrder: S (Sequential), F (Freestyle)
BonusCards: 2 (Escalating), 3 (Flat Rate), 4 (Nuclear), 5 (Zombie), 1 (No Spoils)
Fortifications: C (Chained), O (Adjacent), M (Unlimited), P (Parachute), N (None)
WarFog: Y (Yes), N (No)
TrenchWarfare: Y (Yes), N (No)
RoundLimit: 0, 20, 30, 50, 100
SpeedGame: N (24 Hours)

  • There can be only one tournament request per player, once the tournament is filled, the player can ask for new tournament
  • Make tournamets clean and simple, if you wish to run a more complicated tournament go here
  • Have patience, things might go slow at first
  • Since the tournaments are automated there will not be a medal for organizing tournaments
  • Tournament winners will be awarded a medal
  • AT will be created by TD
Last edited by benga on Fri May 07, 2021 5:31 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Auto Tournaments

Postby DBandit70 on Wed May 05, 2021 4:58 pm

very very nice this is wonderful
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Re: Auto Tournaments

Postby shoop76 on Thu May 06, 2021 3:06 am

Thanks Benga, this is a really great update.

Just a couple questions.

Does the AT require you to set the player limit to a specific number or can you leave it open for signups and close it when you want?
If it does require a set number can you host signups in the old fashioned way and the later set it up as auto?
If you run a bracket style event does it allow byes if you don't have a round number of players to allow for perfect bracket style?
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Re: Auto Tournaments

Postby benga on Thu May 06, 2021 3:47 am

shoop76 wrote:Thanks Benga, this is a really great update.

Just a couple questions.

Does the AT require you to set the player limit to a specific number or can you leave it open for signups and close it when you want?
If it does require a set number can you host signups in the old fashioned way and the later set it up as auto?
If you run a bracket style event does it allow byes if you don't have a round number of players to allow for perfect bracket style?

I will use this an example as it worked. ... t_id=10101
It filled up pretty quickly without announcement anywhere.

Regarding your request, for starters I would like to see how much of interest is there before starting more complicated things.
AT can make up a 'bracket' using Opponent Rules (radnom or by score), so you will not be able to see the whole bracket.
Using AT as part of TO tournament can be used, but has a lot of restrictions on how to use it.
I am open to suggestions, but as I said want to start simple for now.
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Re: Auto Tournaments

Postby shoop76 on Thu May 06, 2021 3:55 am

Ok, I think I understand. We make the request, including filled out form. Then you, or someone will create that tournament based on our specs. We won't actually create them ourselves.
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Re: Auto Tournaments

Postby benga on Thu May 06, 2021 4:16 am

shoop76 wrote:Ok, I think I understand. We make the request, including filled out form. Then you, or someone will create that tournament based on our specs. We won't actually create them ourselves.

Yes, for now this is the only way.
If enough interest then I can make a plea to change things.
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Re: Auto Tournaments

Postby Mad777 on Thu May 06, 2021 7:29 am

shoop76 wrote:Thanks Benga, this is a really great update.

Just a couple questions.

Does the AT require you to set the player limit to a specific number or can you leave it open for signups and close it when you want?
If it does require a set number can you host signups in the old fashioned way and the later set it up as auto?
If you run a bracket style event does it allow byes if you don't have a round number of players to allow for perfect bracket style?

AT can’t support « bye », each game has to be filled, certainly there is a way to manually input score and updating player status (eliminated for instance), but at this point the casual tournament would be the best still since it’s more time consuming to manually update an AT once it started than running a casual AT.

I have plan later this year to continue with Beta testing about player replacement, team games and others, once I’m ready I will engage benga and him and I will how AT may surprise us ;)

On the other hand, I have tested AT style starting with round robin and switching to bracket style, there is few bug in terms of group assignment and here again it needs manual input/reversion...

I have a good draft list for BW and for the time he is ready to upgrade this tool...but not sure if this will happen one day.
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Re: Auto Tournaments

Postby Davie.K on Thu May 06, 2021 8:23 am

Potentially great addition =D>

Re.Bracket toruneys I am presuming the max amount of players would be 32 ? being number of rounds are 3-5.
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Re: Auto Tournaments

Postby Davie.K on Thu May 06, 2021 9:29 am

...oh and I forgot...can you make them all freemium or members only or a mix
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Re: Auto Tournaments

Postby benga on Fri May 07, 2021 2:16 am

Davie.K wrote:...oh and I forgot...can you make them all freemium or members only or a mix

Depending on the tournament setup, but it's possible to be strictly freemium or premium.

Davie.K wrote:Potentially great addition =D>

Re.Bracket toruneys I am presuming the max amount of players would be 32 ? being number of rounds are 3-5.

We start small, later on we can expand depending on interest.
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Re: Auto Tournaments

Postby Davie.K on Fri May 07, 2021 8:21 am

Cheers for the feedback :)
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Re: Auto Tournaments

Postby shoop76 on Fri May 07, 2021 8:52 am

Is there an option to run them privately or with minimal requirements such as score.
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Re: Auto Tournaments

Postby Mad777 on Fri May 07, 2021 9:49 am

shoop76 wrote:Is there an option to run them privately or with minimal requirements such as score.

privately no but there is setup possible for entry (score, attendance, and more)
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Re: Auto Tournaments

Postby t4mcr53s2 on Sat May 08, 2021 11:20 pm

great !!!!
I wish either my father or my mother, or indeed both of them as they were in duty both equally bound to it, had minded what they were about when....

If 2 player fog game,please allow 12 hour snap courtesy, or post what I could have seen.... Thank you
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Re: Auto Tournaments

Postby MrBoom on Sun May 09, 2021 4:55 pm

Brilliant look forward to using this
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Re: Auto Tournaments

Postby Craig25 on Mon May 10, 2021 12:49 pm

Hi All

1st Post here :)

I had actually posted a thread on Auto Tournaments elsewhere. Very much looking to see if I can help any and/or get other ideas on how to improve them.

I had really high hopes when I heard of them, but I discovered there was quite a few limitations to them. However, they are the future, so it would be great to have an input on shaping the future.

Here was the limitations I found, and PROPOSED changes. I am of course very aware that every change is a commercial decision. However, there is 1 improvement which I can see which offers a massive improvement on capability. Anyway, for what it's worth:

1. ALL GAMES in a Round must complete before the next games can start.

This means Leagues are practically impossible. EVERY Player in every League is restricted to play at the speed of the SLOWEST Player in the Tournament. Imagine 200 players playing at the speed of the slowest player? - You get the picture.
To put a scale to the problem,
To make it clear, If I polled the Super League and said, do you want a scheduled start time where a Round starts every 4 days or do you want to wait until all games complete in a round before the next round starts? The reply will be around 210 versus Zero. In favour of the Scheduled start. That is how unsuitable waiting for every game finishing is to a League system involving Circa 200 Players. It is common sense really.

POSSIBLE IMPROVEMENT: Facilitate games being scheduled to start by date, or day frequency, every 4 days, every Week, etc. Benefits: Much Better Tournaments, Faster Tournaments, Leagues.

2. Players cannot select their own Maps.

So in Tournaments where you see HOME MAPS for example and it is 1v1. These cannot be ran as Auto Tournaments. Just be aware, when you know this, you can shape your tournament accordingly.
Although Benga did point out: "true, for your example your tournament is using round robin and that's not an option,
however it is an option for 6 man escalaing games where each player picks a map for his group/entire tournament"

3. Tie Breakers
Any Tournament with Tie Breaker games are used to split players who are drawn. Also No can do. Be aware. Shape your Tournaments accordingly.

4. Game Start Process
All players must be included in games at the game setup stage. Inviting 1 player to a multi or 2 player game and the Tournament Organiser manually inviting their opponent/s later is not possible like you can do in player set up games. No possibility for 'Home' and 'Away' games utilising Fog as Home advantage. No biggie, but just be aware.
POSSIBLE IMPROVEMENT: Have option to start games with 1 player spot filled and grant Tournament Organiser permission to invite other players. If this is a simple fix (Can currently do it in Player set up games), then do it, if not, Organisers should be aware it is not possible.

AT's are practically only suitable for relatively simple Tournaments. I would love to see AT's being capable of running 90% of player led Tournaments. That ain't going to be overnight, but, if we can pick the right improvements hopefully we can make this tool a lot more useful.

There are 2 suggested improvements above. The 1st is huge because it infinitely increases the capability of existing Tournament capabilities. The 2nd suggestion may be a simple fix as the capability already exists in player set up games.

Hopefully someone finds this helpful and I get feedback and other ideas from Tournament Organisers.


On the previous thread, there was a notable response from GeneralFault, to save him re-posting, here is his post:

GeneralFault wrote:Well, I'm a littlebit caught in the middle with this.

Auto-tournaments are probably created to serve a single purpose and as a step of making lives easy, but they are not flexible to create certain tournaments.

I think it is a better plan to create an API ( with topic ( and the explanation of topic (

With an API (perhaps even secured by a login and password) you give the flexibility to create games for tournaments automatically from a PHP-website, an App or an Excel-sheet.

Currently, for the Super League or the Champions League of Craig25, I created an Excel to manage the players, scores, draw and sequence. To give an example, we fetch the scores of results from the CC-API and automatically we calculate the scores and the standings. It should be a very big bonus to also create games, because this reduces the workload to a minimum and it makes the lives of so many volunteers quite easy. This means that for instance 6400 games can be setup with the click of a button.

There also lies sometimes the downside. I can totally understand that Tournament Directors or the Owners of CC want to prevent creating hundreds of games that lead to potentially pollution of databases and the risk of overcompute, overstorage and overnetworking (the 3 major components of hosting prices in general).

Again, this is probably worth the risk but this feature lies in the hands of the entrepeneurs (those who are willing to take calculated risks to raise more involvement) or the maintainers (those who keep the current status quo alive)...

time to choose sides; are we entrepeneurs or maintainers....
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Re: Auto Tournaments

Postby nkholley on Fri May 28, 2021 4:11 am

Don't see my name in the list. What happened?
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