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What Do the #'s in the "Power" & the "Spoils (est.)" Column'

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What Do the #'s in the "Power" & the "Spoils (est.)" Column'

Postby SkaTHatsIT on Sun Mar 28, 2021 11:03 am

>From a normal Game Page, interact with the Panel containing the, "Overview"; "Game"; "Map"; "Stats"; "Snapshots"; "Chat";
"Log"; "Setting's"; & "Help"
Tabs, by selecting the "STATS" Tab.
>Refer to the column's labeled, "Power"; & "Spoil's (est.)". Note the value's listed for each army, below those particular labels...
In one of my active game's, I have a "51" listed in the "Power" column; & "7.4" listed under "Spoils (est.)".

Would somebody please respond to this with the equation's that are used to calculate those #'s; & an explanation of what
exactly those figure's represent? Clearly this is not imperative information for one to be successful in the game, but I doubt
those column's would exist if the information they provide was useless...

-Thank you in advance for your thought(s) &/or clarification(s)!!!
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Re: What Do the #'s in the "Power" & the "Spoils (est.)" Col

Postby Nut Shot Scott on Sun Mar 28, 2021 11:39 am

Mine just says how many spoils each player has so the 7.4 is confusing to me. Not sure where you see that.

The power number calculation appears to be a combination of terts owned, bonuses held and total troops in relation to your opponents. It's all pretty useless imo. If you're playing fog, it tells you nothing at all because it only uses the data you can see and if you're playing sunny it tells you what you already know. If the system were more intuitive/complex I would say with fog it tries to extrapolate where you are in relation to your opponents based on previous turns but. I mean. It doesn't. Ha.

Come along and correct me if I'm wrong someone.
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Re: What Do the #'s in the "Power" & the "Spoils (est.)" Col

Postby SkaTHatsIT on Mon Mar 29, 2021 2:40 am

Thanks, "Nut Shot Scott" (lmao - my name happens to be Scott as well, btw, so I'm loving the fact that you were the one to respond).
The "7.4" I am referring to is in the column "Spoils est." - NOT the column "Spoils". My Spoils at the time read 3, which makes sense, obviously. "Spoils est." is obviously short for "Spoils Estimated"... which is absolutely baffling, if you ask me. Why t.f. would we need an "estimation" of the number of spoils that we have in our own damn hand... and how in The F*** does the game algorithm come up with an answer that not only exceeds "5"; but also goes to the 1st decimal place/the "tenths" position after the decimal??? 7.4...

-Somebody out there knows the answer, and I feel they are obliged to speak up lol
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Re: What Do the #'s in the "Power" & the "Spoils (est.)" Col

Postby Silly Knig-it on Mon Mar 29, 2021 2:51 am

I cannot find this "Spoils (est)" column either. I have, spoils, missed turns, troops, regions/calc, Power, Last, Troops due, Def Troops, Zones.

But I cannot find the one you are referring to.
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Re: What Do the #'s in the "Power" & the "Spoils (est.)" Col

Postby i-andrei on Mon Mar 29, 2021 4:27 am

Silly Knig-it wrote:I cannot find this "Spoils (est)" column either. I have, spoils, missed turns, troops, regions/calc, Power, Last, Troops due, Def Troops, Zones.

But I cannot find the one you are referring to.

You can't see it in Nukes or Zombies.

It appears in Flat Rate and Escalating.It shows some odd value represting a percentage of thew maximum troops you can get based on your spoil count and current spoil level (if escalating).

Power is the same. Based on troop count & deploy (? not sure about this).
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Re: What Do the #'s in the "Power" & the "Spoils (est.)" Col

Postby Dukasaur on Mon Mar 29, 2021 6:58 pm

estimated deploy, I think, in fog.

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Re: What Do the #'s in the "Power" & the "Spoils (est.)" Col

Postby DoomYoshi on Tue Mar 30, 2021 10:22 am

Spoils (est.) uses the following formula:
(Probability of Holding Card Set x Card Set Value) + (6 x Probability of Holding Card Set x (Territories Occupied / Total Territories on Map))

However, in BOB the Escalating spoils was never actually implemented, so it always just gave the flat rate values. I don't know if that has been fixed anymore.

Dukasaur should be an expert since he asked this very question and had it answered:


The formula for power is Troops + troops Due - (Regions*(2/3)); At least it was in BOB, back when the column was Strength.

I'm making an assumption that Wham used the same formulas when introducing the panels. That assumption could be mistaken. When Panels first came out, the column was still called strength. Now it is called power so there may be a new formula.
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Re: What Do the #'s in the "Power" & the "Spoils (est.)" Col

Postby SkaTHatsIT on Wed Mar 31, 2021 12:27 am

THAT was the answer I was looking for DoomYoshi! Or it’s darn close at the least. I figured the formula would be just slightly too abstract to figure out without doing some actual math or whathaveyou.
Thanks to everyone who contributed to the topic
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Re: What Do the #'s in the "Power" & the "Spoils (est.)" Col

Postby jusplay4fun on Wed Mar 31, 2021 1:43 am

Good one, DY. Well Done..!

That thread is buried on page 39 of this Forum.

DoomYoshi wrote:Spoils (est.) uses the following formula:
(Probability of Holding Card Set x Card Set Value) + (6 x Probability of Holding Card Set x (Territories Occupied / Total Territories on Map))

However, in BOB the Escalating spoils was never actually implemented, so it always just gave the flat rate values. I don't know if that has been fixed anymore.

Dukasaur should be an expert since he asked this very question and had it answered:


The formula for power is Troops + troops Due - (Regions*(2/3)); At least it was in BOB, back when the column was Strength.

I'm making an assumption that Wham used the same formulas when introducing the panels. That assumption could be mistaken. When Panels first came out, the column was still called strength. Now it is called power so there may be a new formula.

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Re: What Do the #'s in the "Power" & the "Spoils (est.)" Col

Postby Dukasaur on Wed Mar 31, 2021 1:57 pm

Yoshi! Yoshi! He's Our Man!
If He Can't Find It, No-one can!
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