Moderator: Cartographers
HitRed wrote:Will The Yards calculation take into consideration the extremely high possibility of holding The Fort? If you could add this calculation on another line that would be great.
HitRed wrote:To make the spread sheet complete please include a Battery.
HitRed wrote:Considering the valid defense of 2s in the streets it might be necessary to stack a turn or two. And then you have to face the other player. The small bonuses might be the real way forward.
iancanton wrote:shouldn't the text for church street and princes street (which i presume refers to more than one prince, instead of prince's street) run roughly west-to-east rather than north-to-south?
jusplay4fun wrote:Question: on the map at the top of this page, what is the meaning of the Red dotted lines?
iancanton wrote:the v15 xml uses "King St." and "B'Way" as street names. in the next xml version, try using "King Street" and "Broad Way" instead, in case the punctuation makes a difference.
The Docks B and Two Broad Way B (the regions with anchors) should start neutral n2, to reduce the chance of someone starting with a bonus.
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