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So...If the dice are Truly Random

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Re: So...If the dice are Truly Random

Postby Dukasaur on Thu Oct 15, 2020 8:45 pm

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Re: So...If the dice are Truly Random

Postby HardAttack on Fri Oct 16, 2020 4:52 am

YukFoo wrote:
tpotter7704 wrote:Here is a better question

How whenever I play a player for first time are my dice less than my opponent

That is usually because they purchased a $4.99 "Improved Dice" cheat code off the dark web.

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Re: So...If the dice are Truly Random

Postby Extreme Ways on Fri Oct 16, 2020 4:07 pm

jfm10 wrote:Seriously considering drinking with the dice i have been seeing.

I would consider drinking with a friend, or if you have no one available maybe just a glass with yourself. Drinking with dice seems depressing.
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Re: So...If the dice are Truly Random

Postby armati on Sat Oct 17, 2020 10:48 pm

wow, an honust dice discussion.
I gave up long ago because people were adamant the dice worked well.

When I get the algo dice I basically just give up, end the game as quick as I can and start a new one.
Happens with most games.
My record is a single guy rolling 11 6s in a row on me. lol
Ya, thats chance.

More times than I can count a single guy rolls multiple 6s in a row, 3-6 in a row.

Many times the first rolls of multiple enemy units is, 6-5,6-3,6-6,6-2 etc

Maybe just take the 6 away from the defender would fix it.

There is no strategy to this game, it is "he who rolls the most 6s wins".
The game actually blows, I gotta be board to be playin it............................sad.
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Re: So...If the dice are Truly Random

Postby chiclet jr on Sun Oct 18, 2020 2:11 am

Mark me down in the "what's the use of strategy when you lose 2 troops in the majority of the first roll each turn." It's been a fun diversion during lock down but lately is just a source of frustration.

Do I need to wind down the games I've already started before turning off auto-pay? Or do started games allow me to exceed the 4-game freebie limit? I don't want to deadbeat on the games I'm in but don't think I'll be hanging around here much.
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Re: So...If the dice are Truly Random

Postby armati on Sun Oct 18, 2020 2:40 pm

chiclet actually paid to play this?
ok, 2 each his own.

I play another risk game online, it has the same dice algo, obviously it blows but, it has an equalizer option that prevents the defender from winning the ties.
It doesnt fix things entirely but it does improve the game.

Hasbro has the correct dice algo and I dont think anyone else can use it, copyright? patent? something like that.

The other game is world at war, WAW, for some reason its difficult to find, I think because so many other titles are world at war but if you dont give up looking you will find it.

It has a forum as well but very low activity, in any case, it is an option for risk players that get tired of cc.
I play both.
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Re: So...If the dice are Truly Random

Postby riskllama on Sun Oct 18, 2020 4:48 pm

freeloader... :roll:
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Re: So...If the dice are Truly Random

Postby Evil Semp on Sun Oct 18, 2020 5:02 pm

armati wrote:There is no strategy to this game, it is "he who rolls the most 6s wins".

I thought knowing when not to attack or to quit attacking was part of strategy.

I find it funny that the complainers only complain when the dice are going against them.

That's just my 2 cents worth. Keep the change.
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Re: So...If the dice are Truly Random

Postby armati on Sun Oct 18, 2020 6:08 pm


"I thought knowing when not to attack or to quit attacking was part of strategy."

You know when you will and will not roll 6s? Thats a big advantage. ;-)
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Re: So...If the dice are Truly Random

Postby mookiemcgee on Mon Oct 19, 2020 12:19 pm

armati wrote:ES

"I thought knowing when not to attack or to quit attacking was part of strategy."

You know when you will and will not roll 6s? Thats a big advantage. ;-)

If this is your understanding of strategy in risk it's no wonder you've won such a small % of games and never achieved a meaningful rank even after playing over 800 games.
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Re: So...If the dice are Truly Random

Postby Evil Semp on Mon Oct 19, 2020 1:58 pm

armati wrote:ES

"I thought knowing when not to attack or to quit attacking was part of strategy."

You know when you will and will not roll 6s? Thats a big advantage. ;-)

I' sorry that I don't have my crayons handy so I can't draw you a picture of what I meant. But I will try with a pencil in black and white. When you attack 8v3 and kill 2 on your first roll. Then 8v1 you roll but it gets down to 3v1. Do you [like me] keep rolling until it ends up 1v1? That is what I mean by saying you should know when to quit attacking.
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Re: So...If the dice are Truly Random

Postby chiclet jr on Mon Oct 19, 2020 11:16 pm

Evil Semp wrote:I' sorry that I don't have my crayons handy so I can't draw you a picture of what I meant. But I will try with a pencil in black and white. When you attack 8v3 and kill 2 on your first roll. Then 8v1 you roll but it gets down to 3v1. Do you [like me] keep rolling until it ends up 1v1? That is what I mean by saying you should know when to quit attacking.

I wanna hear more about this strategy where you attack 8v3 on the first roll and kill 2. The games I play I usually attack anything v anything and lose 2 on the first roll. And then try again and lose another 2 on the second roll. Then end the turn with no card and worse off than when I started. Crayons would be helpful.
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Re: So...If the dice are Truly Random

Postby armati on Tue Oct 20, 2020 1:44 pm

Evil Semp

Are you proud of your medals?

Do you show them to family members? mom maybe?

This game is simply he who rolls the most 6s wins, the algo sucking the major bone is unfortunate, yet on occasion there is an interesting game when the algo doesnt destroy it.

If you really want to play a stratagy game, as there is no stratagy to risk, I do understand that some people delude themselves into believing there is tho.

My proof is a simple thought experiment, lets say you use your master stratagy, I will simply roll 6s, who wins? Simple when you see it that way, no?
So much for stratagy.

Anyway, if you want to play a stratagy war game, try xeno games world at war, an extension to axis and allies.

That game has actually conquerd dice, the best stratagy will overcome bad dice.
Unfortunately you will need a couple friends into stratagy war games to play it with.

As for me not achieving any kind of your so sought after ranking (lol), when I roll on the first turn and the algo gives the defender 6-6.6-5. etc I consider the game over (ruined) and end it as quickly as possible so I can start another one.
I roll all my guys down to a single.
This happens about 50% of my games.

Evil Semp, if you really think a rank in cc has any importance, you need to get a life. Honust, find something of value for your time.
You will be happier.

Should I have used crayons for you?
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Re: So...If the dice are Truly Random

Postby Evil Semp on Tue Oct 20, 2020 3:16 pm

armati wrote:Evil Semp

My proof is a simple thought experiment, lets say you use your master stratagy, I will simply roll 6s, who wins? Simple when you see it that way, no?
So much for stratagy.

If it is that simple than why aren't you rolling 6"s.

armati wrote:Anyway, if you want to play a stratagy war game, try xeno games world at war, an extension to axis and allies.

That game has actually conquerd dice, the best stratagy will overcome bad dice.
Unfortunately you will need a couple friends into stratagy war games to play it with.

I think I will check it out.

If playing on Conquer club is that unenjoyable than why do you keep coming back here?

armati wrote:Evil Semp, if you really think a rank in cc has any importance, you need to get a life. Honust, find something of value for your time.
You will be happier.

I never said rank was important.

armati wrote:Should I have used crayons for you?

I know you would have but your keeper doesn't let you play with sharp objects.
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Re: So...If the dice are Truly Random

Postby kjsnyi on Wed Nov 11, 2020 7:54 pm

At what point do we actually discuss the dice on this site? I mean with hard evidence and objective study. I think we all have horror stories of absurd dice that should not exist in reality, but can we actually record it? I have a sample size of nearly 1 million outcomes and my attack luck is -3. Defense luck +3 on over 800,000 outcomes. On this kind of sample size there is so statistical reason why this kind of deviation from the mean should exist.

I have lost motivation to log in anymore. If this business is to survive it must do something to instill confidence in the fairness of the dice.

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To save time on the math, +3% defensively does not compensate for -3% offensively. Overall I'm negative thousands of troops from statistical probability.
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Re: So...If the dice are Truly Random

Postby hajduk1911 on Fri Dec 25, 2020 2:39 pm

hajduk1911 wrote:this is the game ...

Game 20561280

I lost 9 to 1 to a guy in first turn (3 fields with 3 troops each) then he made some reinforcements (poly 4) then I lost again with same result 9 to 1 ...

Now that is ok but my dice stats for last 5 battles with him say

for me
Assault +8%
Defend +28%
Total +23%

for him
Assault +3%
Defend 0%
Total +2%

It almost looks like dice stats have been reversed

I also think I didn't have that good assault (+8) but I can accept that it is my personal feeling. BUT for my defend stats I have calculated everything. It doesn't add up. Please fix these stats because if you don't do that I will lose my trust in dice being fair and stop playing this game forever ...

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Re: So...If the dice are Truly Random

Postby general cod on Mon Jan 25, 2021 9:48 am

Bad dice seems to come in phases, from days to weeks or even months. I'm sure we all complain about the dice and why not?? The amount of times 100's of pts depend on just decent dice, u get screwed then a player wins with crazy dice or mops up ur hard work or both. The dice must run on an algarithm andvas it's software ofc it can be manipulated by those who have the power but so what? This game revolves around dice and in 80% of games the 1st rnds decides it. The games processes work and lots of people enjoy playing.
Having said that since December i have dice fails in all multiplayer games but 1, such persistent crap dice is not normal, the neutrals are much stronger to the point i checked the stats to find since i started the neutrals have had better dice vs me, i checked other players and although my stats were the worst many had similar and a chosen few much better.
Swings and roundabouts i used to say but not so much now, my dice have been mostly rubbish since december so obv 'the change' has not been favourable.
Dice favouring the attacker used to be paramount but def not so much now.
Last point.... If it ain't broke don't fix it, has been fixed and the parameters changed.
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Re: So...If the dice are Truly Random

Postby Shannon Apple on Tue Jan 26, 2021 2:09 pm

armati wrote:chiclet actually paid to play this?
ok, 2 each his own.

I play another risk game online, it has the same dice algo, obviously it blows but, it has an equalizer option that prevents the defender from winning the ties.
It doesnt fix things entirely but it does improve the game.

Hasbro has the correct dice algo and I dont think anyone else can use it, copyright? patent? something like that.

The other game is world at war, WAW, for some reason its difficult to find, I think because so many other titles are world at war but if you dont give up looking you will find it.

It has a forum as well but very low activity, in any case, it is an option for risk players that get tired of cc.
I play both.

"correct dice algo" hmm!

You know that RNG isn't truly random, right? It's simulated randomness, because a computer is deciding what happens and no matter what that piece of code is, that code is still deciding what comes next. There are sophisticated systems that learn from randomness in sound waves, or from keystrokes. But it's still based on a set of code, so it's randomness is emulating something else.

You can restrict that simulated randomness to never allow x number of streaks and so on, but then, is it random at all? Are they just deliberately evening out the dice rolls to keep people happy, so that they won't complain about the dice? I suspect Hasbro would do that. It shuts people up for the most part if their luck levels never appear to change.

Ever coded an RNG just for fun? :|

Anyway, if the admin was to code a specific algorithm to decide the dice, then people would actually make it their business to figure out that algorithm. Then complain about how it was rigged and predictable. As far as I know, they are just using a regular old random numbers generator. I don't know for sure though, so don't quote me on that.

Maybe the dice have gotten streakier since I returned to CC last year. I'm not going to deny that the thought hasn't crossed my mind. But is it something to really complain about. I mean, I have gotten terrible streaks of dice at times myself, but then I get good dice too. It's not enough to make me stop playing my few games here.

Some people have won the lottery more than once. Not sure exactly what that says about true randomness. :lol:
Last edited by Shannon Apple on Tue Jan 26, 2021 2:21 pm, edited 1 time in total.
00:33:53 ‹riskllama› will her and i ever hook up, LLT???
00:34:09 ‹LiveLoveTeach› You and Shannon?
00:34:20 ‹LiveLoveTeach› Bahahahahahaha
00:34:22 ‹LiveLoveTeach› I doubt it
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Re: So...If the dice are Truly Random

Postby Nut Shot Scott on Tue Jan 26, 2021 2:21 pm

I can never tell who is trolling in this thread and who isn't, so nice work trolls. except the guy who is repeatedly spelling the word "strategy" as "stratagy". that guy is an idiot.
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Re: So...If the dice are Truly Random

Postby Chariot of Fire on Tue Jan 26, 2021 6:27 pm

Nut Shot Scott wrote:I can never tell who is trolling in this thread and who isn't, so nice work trolls. except the guy who is repeatedly spelling the word "strategy" as "stratagy". that guy is an idiot.

:lol: :lol: :lol: =D>
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Re: So...If the dice are Truly Random

Postby hlbart on Tue Jan 26, 2021 7:25 pm

Just ran this scenario in the website you linked to:

It's not 9 percent.

It's 0.007%
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Re: So...If the dice are Truly Random

Postby johnnycaffeine on Sun Jan 31, 2021 7:37 pm

The Surprising Frequency of Low-Probability Events: ... -arm-crcmp

Just to clarify, are some of you geniuses in this thread making the point that this article is wrong?
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Re: So...If the dice are Truly Random

Postby jiminski on Sat Mar 06, 2021 6:44 am

armati wrote:Evil Semp

Are you proud of your medals?

Do you show them to family members? mom maybe?

This game is simply he who rolls the most 6s wins, the algo sucking the major bone is unfortunate, yet on occasion there is an interesting game when the algo doesnt destroy it.

If you really want to play a stratagy game, as there is no stratagy to risk, I do understand that some people delude themselves into believing there is tho.

My proof is a simple thought experiment, lets say you use your master stratagy, I will simply roll 6s, who wins? Simple when you see it that way, no?
So much for stratagy.

Anyway, if you want to play a stratagy war game, try xeno games world at war, an extension to axis and allies.

That game has actually conquerd dice, the best stratagy will overcome bad dice.
Unfortunately you will need a couple friends into stratagy war games to play it with.

As for me not achieving any kind of your so sought after ranking (lol), when I roll on the first turn and the algo gives the defender 6-6.6-5. etc I consider the game over (ruined) and end it as quickly as possible so I can start another one.
I roll all my guys down to a single.
This happens about 50% of my games.

Evil Semp, if you really think a rank in cc has any importance, you need to get a life. Honust, find something of value for your time.
You will be happier.

Should I have used crayons for you?

heheh .. if you had an MRI would we see a bag of angry squirrels fighting over a hazel nut?
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Re: So...If the dice are Truly Random

Postby iAmCaffeine on Sat Mar 06, 2021 7:05 am

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Re: So...If the dice are Truly Random

Postby nice scott on Thu Aug 19, 2021 9:24 pm

I didn’t cheat you just suck really bad
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