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NR Farming, New Stats tab, Beep Update

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Re: NR Farming, New Stats tab, Beep Update

Postby Hooch on Wed Jul 22, 2020 12:52 am

In regards to NR's, is that 5 games inclusive of Guide games and/or Scenario?
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Re: NR Farming, New Stats tab, Beep Update

Postby thirdplanet on Wed Jul 22, 2020 1:14 am

Loving the update! Great job, glad to see it =D>
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Re: NR Farming, New Stats tab, Beep Update

Postby Mad777 on Wed Jul 22, 2020 6:40 am

shoop76 wrote:
Mad777 wrote:
shoop76 wrote:How come everyone´s stats update at a different time? Does anyone know what triggers the update?

Can you elaborate what makes you thinking this way? It would help bringing the question to webmaster and get a good answer for you.

It looks slightly better now as everyone was either updated on the 20th or 21st, but if you look at the stat leaderboards you see that some people are updated on the 20th while others on the 21st. Before mine were updated the last update was on the 16th. Just curious when the stat updates happen and if there is a way to trigger it.

Here you go:

bigWham wrote:it is on a rolling basis. so there are updates happening hourly, but not for every player. right now, every player should get updated daily.
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Re: NR Farming, New Stats tab, Beep Update

Postby ZaBeast on Thu Jul 23, 2020 9:27 pm

king achilles wrote:NR Farming
It's better late than never, with regards in addressing Farming of New Recruits if the player creating the game is an NR at the time, the 2 or 3 player game is initially created (not started) then it will be unscored - which means whether you win or lose, no points will be given or taken. If you join a waiting NR 2/3 player game, you will not farm him for points. You are there out of your good heart to play a game with the new player.

Unscored games (like guide games) do not count towards games totals right? So wouldn't that trap NR in playing unscored games or force them to play multiplayer games (or I guess joining games instead of creating them)? Or are they coded differently so that they still allow a NR to "rank up" to cook/sergeant after 5 unranked games have been played?
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Re: NR Farming, New Stats tab, Beep Update

Postby Hooch on Fri Jul 24, 2020 12:34 am

ZaBeast wrote:
king achilles wrote:NR Farming
It's better late than never, with regards in addressing Farming of New Recruits if the player creating the game is an NR at the time, the 2 or 3 player game is initially created (not started) then it will be unscored - which means whether you win or lose, no points will be given or taken. If you join a waiting NR 2/3 player game, you will not farm him for points. You are there out of your good heart to play a game with the new player.

Unscored games (like guide games) do not count towards games totals right? So wouldn't that trap NR in playing unscored games or force them to play multiplayer games (or I guess joining games instead of creating them)? Or are they coded differently so that they still allow a NR to "rank up" to cook/sergeant after 5 unranked games have been played?

Generally it is that they can still join what ever they like inside the perimeters of being a Hook, AKA
"New Recruits must earn a promotion to join Assassin games, Terminator games, team games, large games (6 or more players), Trench Warfare games and games on complex maps (they will be hidden from Join A Game and Game Finder listings). These restrictions do not apply to private games."
Assuming that is inclusive on being premium there are still those restrictions.
New Recruits must earn a promotion to join Assassin games, Terminator games, team games, large games (6 or more players), Trench Warfare games and games on complex maps (they will be hidden from Join A Game and Game Finder listings). These restrictions do not apply to private games.
So if it is a 4-5 player game, whether created by the Hook or otherwise, points are up for grabs.
If you create a 4-5 player game which is not a 'complex map' and a Hook joins, points are up for grabs.

That is my understanding.
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Re: NR Farming, New Stats tab, Beep Update

Postby agentcom on Sat Jul 25, 2020 1:03 pm

What are campaign victories? I'm happy to be #1 on the site (by a lot!), but it would be nice to know what for :D
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Re: NR Farming, New Stats tab, Beep Update

Postby Mad777 on Sat Jul 25, 2020 1:13 pm

agentcom wrote:What are campaign victories? I'm happy to be #1 on the site (by a lot!), but it would be nice to know what for :D

Campaign are using the auto tournament feature to create tournament or challenge and can create by member, games under Campaign are point free, meaning you don’t lose nor gain point from winning or losing games.
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Re: NR Farming, New Stats tab, Beep Update

Postby agentcom on Sun Jul 26, 2020 12:41 am

Oh that's right! I set up a bunch of those when they first came out.
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Re: NR Farming, New Stats tab, Beep Update

Postby Elwood Blues on Tue Aug 18, 2020 3:24 pm

king achilles wrote:NR Farming

Stats tabs
The webmaster has made a new STATS section that updates hourly. This gives you further information of how your CC career has been going. This can be seen under the Personal Menu -> Player Stats.

Mine just says page not found.
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Re: NR Farming, New Stats tab, Beep Update

Postby MrBoom on Fri Aug 28, 2020 5:58 pm

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