Moderators: Multi Hunters, Cheating/Abuse Team
Nut Shot Scott wrote:Lol here it is again. Just sifting through to find something to complain about that has no effect whatsoever on you because someone disagrees with you on a forum. Look at the context of those games you knob. These are 1 v 1 speed games that ended faster because I db. If someone I played against wants to file a complaint, fine, but they dont because they play 1 v 1 speed games and they also db when the game is over. In speed games 1 v 1 poly, I get db'd against all the time. Get a fucking life. It's not wasting anyones time - they get the win they deserve faster than if I "played" it out. f*ck off. Oh, and the baltics games? Also over faster than if i forced my opponent to kill every single tert because the games are over - go pull almost any speed baltics game and you'll find dbs near the end.
riskllama wrote:can you provide any evidence of this "style of play" is actually ''driving away site members'' for us please, zeke? this reason seems to be a catch all for any sort of behaviour you take issue with around here. something else you seem to be doing these days is reporting people you simply "don't like". i have recently sent you a few clear cut examples of chronic db'ers and pottymouths i have come across organically in my CC travels and you have failed to live up to your current status as "resident CC hall monitor" & failed to report them. why is this? perhaps a warning for spurious, butthurt revenge reporting is in order here...*shrugs*
Nut Shot Scott wrote:Itll be a great day when you leave. Can't come soon enough. And what a hilariously pathetic attitude about yourself - "I made a lot of money playing cards this year, therefore you should like me and think I am awesome." Anyone impressed with that, ain't worth impressing. That includes yourself.
riskllama wrote:why do you only report people you don't like for infractions such as this, zeke? i gave you several other prime examples & you did nothing...*shrugs*
riskllama wrote:i'd say this is very relevant, zeke. you are constantly trying to pass yourself off in here as a do-gooder, "champion of the oppressed" type, whereas you clearly have an agenda/axe to grind w/most, if not all of the people you report. this is clearly an abuse, albeit a somewhat amusing one.
Nut Shot Scott wrote:Again, if someone who is involved with one of these games would like to file a complaint or better yet, just have an adult conversation with me where they say "hey, dont deadbeat games with me even if they're over and you're frustrated" then by all means I'll take a break from being an ass, be an adult and have those conversations. However, when I have some time I'll pull some games in which my opponents in those games cited have DB against me, proving that they don't care about this fake issue! This has nothing to do with you! They are more than welcome to foe me but they keep playing so, it must not be a big deal. I'm not deadbeating in multiplayer games where it has an effect on the outcome. I have had maybe 2 people ever say something to me about this - one was legit an accident - and both times I said ok and didn't do it again with them - or i got foed, dont remember. There is a thing called logic and context that can be applied to situations. This is simply you deciding that you don't like me because I disagree with you on things so you go in and find that I break an "unwritten rule" (how can an unwritten rule be enforced anyways?) that has zero impact on you nor does it concern you, for the sole purpose of feeling like you have some modicum of power over this ridiculous virtual community we both are a part of. Find me one person who has quit the site because they beat me in a 1 v 1 poly game in which I deadbeated and I will hit my own nuts and send you the video. Now, find me someone who has left the site because you can't stop meddling and I will slowly nod my head because that has definitely happened.
zeus111 wrote:i have ten years in the site and actually care when i see this type or any type abuse to our members
zeus111 wrote:
i can also assure you ppl have left over this issue...over and over again and again its killing our site frankly.
riskllama wrote:zeus111 wrote:i have ten years in the site and actually care when i see this type or any type abuse to our members
*didn't/doesn't care when i pointed out 11joan11 is guilty of doing the very same thing. hell, she even states she does it on her profile...
zeus111 wrote:
i can also assure you ppl have left over this issue...over and over again and again its killing our site frankly.
*personal opinion, not evidence...
zeus111 wrote:riskllama wrote:zeus111 wrote:i have ten years in the site and actually care when i see this type or any type abuse to our members
*didn't/doesn't care when i pointed out 11joan11 is guilty of doing the very same thing. hell, she even states she does it on her profile...
zeus111 wrote:
i can also assure you ppl have left over this issue...over and over again and again its killing our site frankly.
*personal opinion, not evidence...
not related to nss deadbeating in any way here again . 11joan11 if is dead beating report it why come to me , as for the other game u linked me to look into again why message me to post for you ? but most importantly why are you here ? i told you report me for abusing if you feel thatway but this isnt a discussion place and should be your last warning of this . god know all of these flame posts are really plugging up the system
Nut Shot Scott wrote:Im done arguing with some slobbed out tool who has nothing better to do. Im off to the beach, enjoy your pathetic life in a dungeon, P.T.
Do what youre gonna do admins but this is bullshit. It's apparently an unwritten rule - whatever that even means - that has been happening in speed games since i started playing them (not just by me). Its also a tag in the ratings, implying that it's simply negative association. Could see if this was a bunch of multiplayer games in which i was screwing up games but come on, these games are all over. Context matters. Also, its brought by some chode who has no reason to do it other than he doesnt like me. It should be dismissed based on principle and I can agree that I understand there is apparently an unwritten rule that says I shouldn't do that.
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