well sad to say this guy did it yet again left site with many open games . dropping several ranks as per usual and dumping thousand plus points
2020-05-25 01:54:23 - alfombra has a score of 2677.
alfombra Rank:Sergeant SergeantScore:1330 as of today 1347 points dumped to db
plus 26 open games
missing many turns adding days to each game
https://www.conquerclub.com/game.php?game=20010212 2020-06-21 10:39:43 - alfombra missed a turn
https://www.conquerclub.com/game.php?game=20001091 2020-06-20 19:38:00 - alfombra missed a turn
just 2 examples out of a vast number of missed turns in active games
he has been warned less then a month ago removed from the scoreboard and continues to dead beat games miss multiple turns in 24 hour games .
i understand real live gets in the way for sure but this members abuse to us all has to stop its disrespectful to all who join a game this guys in and dumping points like this just manipulates the scoring system example top 5 on score board running for medal for monthly leader and one has say 8 games open with him it gives that player 8 easy wins vs the others who are playing hard and the time wasted by this member warrants a cc holiday.
now as a low rank upon his return he takes large points off our members playing a rank well below his skill level