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List of Clans Who Have Tried to Poach from ICON

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Re: List of Clans Who Have Tried to Poach from ICON

Postby Caymanmew on Mon May 11, 2020 2:40 pm

So you've never poached anyone from other clans Caff?
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Re: List of Clans Who Have Tried to Poach from ICON

Postby iAmCaffeine on Mon May 11, 2020 2:57 pm

no, have you?
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Re: List of Clans Who Have Tried to Poach from ICON

Postby Caymanmew on Mon May 11, 2020 3:04 pm

iAmCaffeine wrote:no, have you?

No, I haven't

You have though lol, half your clan was poached.
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Re: List of Clans Who Have Tried to Poach from ICON

Postby iAmCaffeine on Mon May 11, 2020 3:07 pm

please enlighten me big man
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Re: List of Clans Who Have Tried to Poach from ICON

Postby Jdsizzleslice on Mon May 11, 2020 4:28 pm

Caymanmew wrote:
iAmCaffeine wrote:no, have you?

No, I haven't

You have though lol, half your clan was poached.

The following users are still in ICON who left other clans to join ICON:
MyNameIsJack came from TOP
TheTrueNorth came from A^

The following users are not in ICON but left other clans to join ICON at some point:
Trevor33 came from RET
dt03457 came from SOH
Conde180711 came from RET
BIG_John came from TOP

There are also a lot of current and previous players (around 10) from ICON that came from clans that decided to close (PHNX, PACK, ID, etc.).

So half of ICON was not "poached," but at least 6 members (35% of clan size) were "poached" from other clans to join ICON. That's a pretty significant number.

I can understand why many people assume a large percentage of ICON was "poached," due to the fact that a large percentage of players, current and previous, have come from active clans or clans closing down.
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Re: List of Clans Who Have Tried to Poach from ICON

Postby iAmCaffeine on Mon May 11, 2020 4:36 pm

you cant even state people's previous clans correctly but you can try and take ICON players, amazing

Jack was in FOED before ICON, with me, where he was never involved in anything

TheTrueNorth wasn't active in Ascension, he came to ICON since I'd obviously played with him a long time and I'm still friends with Ascension leaders/members, there is no issue and no poach

trevor and Conde were in RET, both unhappy and both wanted to leave, Conde actually was going to be leading ICON with me but real life issues came up and neither of them have ever played for ICON and currently, neither are even in the clan so you're showing how stupid you really are right now

big_john was clanless when I picked him up, but he's no longer in ICON either

dtnumbers was in SOH, a clan that was a complete mess at the time and he wasn't happy whatsoever, so we gave him somewhere he didn't have responsibilities and could just play, but again he is no longer in ICON

then we have aaron, donkey and hotfire who were all in PHNX, a completely inactive clan, but these 3 were keen to compete competitively again

4 U 2 NV was doing the best he could with a very small ID squad and simply put, it wasn't working out. i'd had casual talks with him in the past about a potential merge of some variety when I was leading atn/a^ but nothing series. i spoke to him again after ICON started because i could see things weren't much better. he came over in agreement with his core members, even 2 of them who were very happy to be at ICON but are currently inactive, yet their spot is sitting here for them

that leaves andrei, xgenic, cheffed, callmenorcal and nut shot scott who were all clanless when they joined ICON

so anything else you'd like embarrassing about? maybe i should post the PMs you've been sending here too?

you a fkin moose
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Re: List of Clans Who Have Tried to Poach from ICON

Postby Jdsizzleslice on Mon May 11, 2020 5:02 pm

iAmCaffeine wrote:so anything else you'd like embarrassing about? maybe i should post the PMs you've been sending here too?

Ah there's no need for you to post any PMs I have made, I'll do it for you and save you some work.

I didn't want to have to make this post, but here is my public response. I'll only be presenting PMs that I have made to others, not PMs that others have made to me.

Full context below:

Game 19814555

The comment in question is here:

2020-04-11 22:12:43 - iAmCaffeine: either way, one of you is a prick and you're both in a shit clan, so what do i care lol

The comments in this game came unwarranted, in my opinion.

I was talking to an ICON player at the time via PM about non-clan related things, and when this comment came into this game chat, I sent the player this message, almost verbatim (removing personal identifiers):

Jdsizzleslice wrote:why are you in a clan with a Clan Leader who talks to others this way?

I won't share their response, but my reply was this, almost verbatim (removing personal identifiers):

Jdsizzleslice wrote:if you ever get tired of it, and would like to change clans, please let me know.

The derogatory phrasing towards me was also used later in a team game in the team chat: Game 19829967:

2020-04-15 12:20:06 - iAmCaffeine [team]: you're a shit player in a shit clan, shut the f*ck up

The other 2 teammates we had in this game can verify this language was used, if they so choose.

Game 19814600 is also another game that show's iAmCaffeine's apparent hatred for me, and anyone in AFOS. Not to mention some specific forum posts that iAmCaffeine makes we will not mention here.

Is this really considered "poaching," especially after the way I have been talked to (both publicly and privately)? Sounds to me like someone is extremely sensitive, yet extrudes hatred in the same token. This essentially started the rampage iAmCaffeine is on right now. AFOS definitely did not try to poach any players from ICON.

You be the judge of who is in the wrong.


iAmCaffeine wrote:you cant even state people's previous clans correctly but you can try and take ICON players, amazing

Jack was in FOED before ICON, with me, where he was never involved in anything

TheTrueNorth wasn't active in Ascension, he came to ICON since I'd obviously played with him a long time and I'm still friends with Ascension leaders/members, there is no issue and no poach

trevor and Conde were in RET, both unhappy and both wanted to leave, Conde actually was going to be leading ICON with me but real life issues came up and neither of them have ever played for ICON and currently, neither are even in the clan so you're showing how stupid you really are right now

big_john was clanless when I picked him up, but he's no longer in ICON either

dtnumbers was in SOH, a clan that was a complete mess at the time and he wasn't happy whatsoever, so we gave him somewhere he didn't have responsibilities and could just play, but again he is no longer in ICON

then we have aaron, donkey and hotfire who were all in PHNX, a completely inactive clan, but these 3 were keen to compete competitively again

4 U 2 NV was doing the best he could with a very small ID squad and simply put, it wasn't working out. i'd had casual talks with him in the past about a potential merge of some variety when I was leading atn/a^ but nothing series. i spoke to him again after ICON started because i could see things weren't much better. he came over in agreement with his core members, even 2 of them who were very happy to be at ICON but are currently inactive, yet their spot is sitting here for them

that leaves andrei, xgenic, cheffed, callmenorcal and nut shot scott who were all clanless when they joined ICON

My fault, MyNameIsJack was in FOED, not TOP. That was an oversight on my part. He was still in another clan, though. The players that decided to join ICON from closing clans is completely fair. I'm not making an argument that it is immoral, or anything. Merges happen.

Ok, so let's give you the benefit of the doubt and say that the one player you say was clanless at the time was in fact clanless. That's still 5 players that left other clans to join ICON. There's hardly any room to accuse anyone of poaching on your part. We have already seen above that AFOS did not try to poach ICON's players. That leaves only FALL whom you have accused to poach ICON's players. Care to provide any backing evidence to make your accusation credible?
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Re: List of Clans Who Have Tried to Poach from ICON

Postby iAmCaffeine on Mon May 11, 2020 5:06 pm

1. you did try to poach
2. you are a bad player
3. i literally played a doubles with one of your members on my map, after that game, so make of that what you want

reach boy

nice pick up on jr24 by the way, a serial farmer, fits right in with you
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Re: List of Clans Who Have Tried to Poach from ICON

Postby Jdsizzleslice on Mon May 11, 2020 5:11 pm

iAmCaffeine wrote:1. you did try to poach
2. you are a bad player
3. i literally played a doubles with one of your members on my map, after that game, so make of that what you want

reach boy

nice pick up on jr24 by the way, a serial farmer, fits right in with you

1. I provided evidence and PMs proving AFOS didn't try to steal your players. Care to provide some evidence that we did? Or any evidence that FALL did? Care to show anything besides accusations?
2. Opinion.
3. What does that have to do with anything.
4. Thank you for your congratulations on AFOS adding a new player.
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Re: List of Clans Who Have Tried to Poach from ICON

Postby iAmCaffeine on Mon May 11, 2020 5:18 pm

1. if all you want to do is offer a safe haven and shelter home for ICON members why don't you PM them all the same thing?
2. well noticed, it is my opinion

2020-04-15 12:20:06 - iAmCaffeine [team]: you're a shit player in a shit clan, shut the f*ck up
this one was funny btw, 'cause you just made really terrible move in a quads game (which you joined but were never invited to), then you tried to justified said move rather badly which simply put i just don't have the patience for, with you specifically
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Re: List of Clans Who Have Tried to Poach from ICON

Postby Jdsizzleslice on Mon May 11, 2020 5:23 pm

iAmCaffeine wrote:1. if all you want to do is offer a safe haven and shelter home for ICON members why don't you PM them all the same thing?
2. well noticed, it is my opinion

2020-04-15 12:20:06 - iAmCaffeine [team]: you're a shit player in a shit clan, shut the f*ck up
this one was funny btw, 'cause you just made really terrible move in a quads game (which you joined but were never invited to), then you tried to justified said move rather badly which simply put i just don't have the patience for, with you specifically

Yeah, shit player, shit clan, bad move, boring, etc. I've heard it all before from you. Do you actually have any other type of insult you want to hurl my way? It's probably best if you just got it all out of your system now so you wouldn't have to spend all your time obsessing over how you want to insult me. May I suggest something elaborate and clever instead of the usual cookie-cutter insult? Everyone's been told they live off their parent's wealth before, so it just gets old after a while. I think we would all really like to see how creative you can be when it comes to insulting others. Particularly me in this case! I welcome your nastiness!
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Re: List of Clans Who Have Tried to Poach from ICON

Postby IcePack on Mon May 11, 2020 5:26 pm

Oye vye.
This matter was already discussed and resolved privately previously w Caff
But since it’s getting dragged out into the public, I’ll just say:

To be clear, FALL has a policy not to poach. It’s been there forever and something we’ve always taken seriously. If a player that is in a clan reaches out to us, we’re happy to discuss with them if its something they’ve initiated with us. That’s it, that’s our rule.

I don’t really want to go through another argument that was dealt with already, and have no idea why Caff choose to do so now - but as far as I’m concerned the matter is resolved.

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Re: List of Clans Who Have Tried to Poach from ICON

Postby iAmCaffeine on Mon May 11, 2020 5:32 pm

Jdsizzleslice wrote:
iAmCaffeine wrote:1. if all you want to do is offer a safe haven and shelter home for ICON members why don't you PM them all the same thing?
2. well noticed, it is my opinion

2020-04-15 12:20:06 - iAmCaffeine [team]: you're a shit player in a shit clan, shut the f*ck up
this one was funny btw, 'cause you just made really terrible move in a quads game (which you joined but were never invited to), then you tried to justified said move rather badly which simply put i just don't have the patience for, with you specifically

Yeah, shit player, shit clan, bad move, boring, etc. I've heard it all before from you. Do you actually have any other type of insult you want to hurl my way? It's probably best if you just got it all out of your system now so you wouldn't have to spend all your time obsessing over how you want to insult me. May I suggest something elaborate and clever instead of the usual cookie-cutter insult? Everyone's been told they live off their parent's wealth before, so it just gets old after a while. I think we would all really like to see how creative you can be when it comes to insulting others. Particularly me in this case! I welcome your nastiness!

i aint that stupid sorry. must be doing a number on you to remember them so much.

@ icepack true no current issue, but just gotta make sure the list is complete!
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Re: List of Clans Who Have Tried to Poach from ICON

Postby i-andrei on Mon May 11, 2020 6:29 pm

I wasn't poached. Caff asked me if i can play Sidney metro and i said 'sure!'
Asked him to take the other cooks also but he said ney.
Maybe you can recruit them in Afos.?

Game 17462349
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Re: List of Clans Who Have Tried to Poach from ICON

Postby willedtowin1 on Mon May 11, 2020 7:03 pm

I like Poached Eggs......
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Re: List of Clans Who Have Tried to Poach from ICON

Postby 4 U 2 NV on Mon May 11, 2020 9:43 pm

willedtowin1 wrote:I like Poached Eggs......

Hey! So do I. We have so much in common. Perhaps we can play some games together in a shared group? :D :lol:
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Re: List of Clans Who Have Tried to Poach from ICON

Postby i-andrei on Tue May 12, 2020 12:35 am

4 U 2 NV wrote:
willedtowin1 wrote:I like Poached Eggs......

Hey! So do I. We have so much in common. Perhaps we can play some games together in a shared group? :D :lol:

Poaching your eggs togheter in an organized group sounds fun Brian, count me out.
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