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The Championship Team (Finals)

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Re: The Championship Team (score till r9 update)

Postby Mad777 on Wed Apr 22, 2020 7:47 pm

JPlo64 wrote:Can we get an update to the Challonge standings soon?

you can check here, Championships Team post...after all games complete the round is going to scoring...awaiting 2 games in round 12 to finish.
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Re: The Championship Team (score till r9 update)

Postby Caymanmew on Thu Apr 23, 2020 3:27 am

JPlo64 wrote:Can we get an update to the Challonge standings soon?

99% sure you guys got through, should be either 2nd or 3rd depending on Semi-Centurions final round.
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Re: The Championship Team (score till r9 update)

Postby iAmCaffeine on Thu Apr 23, 2020 3:21 pm

can we swap bigjohn for xgenic?
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Re: The Championship Team (score till r9 update)

Postby Swimmerdude99 on Fri May 01, 2020 1:48 pm

benga wrote:Settings:
  • No limits on player and map/settings used (with exception to settings mentioned above)

In the finals brackets does this mean that you could potentially send (as the home team) 3 sets of the same map? So 3 dubs of classic, 6 trips of classic and 6 quads of classic? Just wanting to clarify how much we need/can vary our maps for each set of 5.

benga wrote:Teams:
  • After Round Robin Phase finishes teams will choose 1 double, 2 triples and 2 quad teams
  • You can set different teams for your away games by posting here in thread before the next round starts

If you choose to change maps between sets, do the teams have to remain the same? Can you have different players play different maps each set, or must the same players remain on that "team".

benga wrote:Bracket Phase
  • 8 Team Bracket
  • Seeded by Previous Round Wins
  • To be Played in Sets (1 Doubles, 2 Triples, 2 Quads)
  • Each Team Picks Map & Settings & Teams Before Each Set
  • Higher Ranked Teams HR) Have Home Advantage vs Lower Ranked (LR)
  • Quarterfinals - Best of 5 Sets in this order HR-LR-LR-HR-HR
  • Semifinals - Best of 7 LR-HR-HR-LR-LR-HR-HR
  • Finals - Best of 9 HR-LR-LR-HR-HR-LR-LR-HR-HR
  • Due to additional tribe scoreboard all sets will be played, even if the series has been decided

Will the bracket phase be played in sets and scored as sets? Or will they be scored in overall games? From what I can tell, there will be 25 total games for the QF, 35 for the SF, and 45 for the Finals.

So to frame the question another way, will this be a best of 25 for QF, or is it best of 5 sets?
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Re: The Championship Team (May 6th update)

Postby benga on Wed May 06, 2020 8:08 am


swimmerdude99 wrote:
benga wrote:Settings:
  • No limits on player and map/settings used (with exception to settings mentioned above)

In the finals brackets does this mean that you could potentially send (as the home team) 3 sets of the same map? So 3 dubs of classic, 6 trips of classic and 6 quads of classic? Just wanting to clarify how much we need/can vary our maps for each set of 5.

benga wrote:

  • After Round Robin Phase finishes teams will choose 1 double, 2 triples and 2 quad teams
  • You can set different teams for your away games by posting here in thread before the next round starts

If you choose to change maps between sets, do the teams have to remain the same? Can you have different players play different maps each set, or must the same players remain on that "team".

benga wrote:Bracket Phase
  • 8 Team Bracket
  • Seeded by Previous Round Wins
  • To be Played in Sets (1 Doubles, 2 Triples, 2 Quads)
  • Each Team Picks Map & Settings & Teams Before Each Set
  • Higher Ranked Teams HR) Have Home Advantage vs Lower Ranked (LR)
  • Quarterfinals - Best of 5 Sets in this order HR-LR-LR-HR-HR
  • Semifinals - Best of 7 LR-HR-HR-LR-LR-HR-HR
  • Finals - Best of 9 HR-LR-LR-HR-HR-LR-LR-HR-HR
  • Due to additional tribe scoreboard all sets will be played, even if the series has been decided

Will the bracket phase be played in sets and scored as sets? Or will they be scored in overall games? From what I can tell, there will be 25 total games for the QF, 35 for the SF, and 45 for the Finals.

So to frame the question another way, will this be a best of 25 for QF, or is it best of 5 sets?

Before playoffs start you pick 1D, 2T, 2Q as you wish, they can all be the same, you can repeat the maps from RR etc.
But when you pick those, those maps will always be your home set and it's always best of set.

Also note cause this is also tribe event all sets must be played so everyone gets equal chance of scoring points.
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Re: The Championship Team (May 6th update)

Postby josko.ri on Wed May 06, 2020 8:13 am

I think more fun would be if maps cannot be repeated or at least not repeated in the same game type (but in different game type ok). just my opinion.

it would show that a team who wins are strong overall across various CC maps, not just on 2-3 specialists maps.
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Re: The Championship Team (May 6th update)

Postby Swimmerdude99 on Wed May 06, 2020 11:27 am

josko.ri wrote:I think more fun would be if maps cannot be repeated or at least not repeated in the same game type (but in different game type ok). just my opinion.

it would show that a team who wins are strong overall across various CC maps, not just on 2-3 specialists maps.

I agree, I can see how the current setup would make it easier for the people running the event. However 5 rounds and 4 rounds of the same home maps in the finals might be kind of lame. Would be down to have something that switches per round. But will happily respect whatever decision is made.
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Re: The Championship Team (May 6th update)

Postby mdhill on Wed May 06, 2020 11:37 am

I think doing what josko and swimmerdude suggest with map limitations would be a fundamental change to the rules everyone signed up for. I don't know exactly what our team will do on maps, but the tournament was designed in a way--with home maps used throughout the round robin phase--that favored exactly the type of map specialists Josko suggests we now disadvantage. That's the point of the home games in the playoffs, too. Let's not switch things up as the tournament reaches its end. The time for significant rule changes was at the beginning, before people chose to enter or not enter the tournament based on the rules setup.

Looking forward to the playoffs!

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Re: The Championship Team (May 6th update)

Postby Mad777 on Wed May 06, 2020 1:05 pm

The rule being pretty open for a reason, it is up to you all Team Leaders to prevent creating 5 games on the same map, however some team doesn’t play as much as others in Clans therefore they may not have the luxury to have 5 good home maps to choose.
Now, and this is my personal opinion, the only tweak that could be working is perhaps to have map in the previous round not to be use for subsequent round, meaning if you selected 3 different maps in quarter final, you won’t be able to use those for the semi final nor the final.
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Re: The Championship Team (May 6th update)

Postby mdhill on Wed May 06, 2020 3:02 pm

A key factor from the original rules that drove our selection of our team was this: "No limits on player and map/settings used (with exception to settings mentioned above)."

Considering a map burned once it is used in the playoffs would create a real problem and be very different from the rules we signed up for and used in selecting our teams. By the time the finals are reached, the teams will have burned through 5 maps in the quarterfinals and 5 more in the semis. Having the finals played on what could be the teams' 11th-through-15th favorite maps is a very different tournament from the one the original rules we all agreed to contemplated.

Let's let home maps truly be home maps--that is, picked by the home team without restrictions imposed by other teams' preferences, as was advertised. Teams shouldn't be able to gain advantages by lobbying for rules changes that better suit their teams. If some teams want to change up their home maps each round, they should be free to do so, but they shouldn't be able to change the rules to make everyone else do it.

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Re: The Championship Team (May 6th update)

Postby Caymanmew on Wed May 06, 2020 3:18 pm

Seems like Josko and Swimmerdude's teams would most benefit from these changes. My team wouldn't do well with having to changes maps consistently, like Mdhill's group we were not built for having to pick new sets of maps each round or set.

I think it would be very much unfair to change that rule now.
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Re: The Championship Team (May 6th update)

Postby elddir on Wed May 06, 2020 3:28 pm

I am bewildered as to why anyone would think it's appropriate to change the rules of a tournament that has been going on for as long as this one has.
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Re: The Championship Team (May 6th update)

Postby iAmCaffeine on Wed May 06, 2020 3:28 pm

Caymanmew wrote:Seems like Josko and Swimmerdude's teams would most benefit from these changes. My team wouldn't do well with having to changes maps consistently, like Mdhill's group we were not built for having to pick new sets of maps each round or set.

I think it would be very much unfair to change that rule now.

swimmerdude's team would very much not benefit from the changes
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Re: The Championship Team (May 6th update)

Postby benga on Thu May 07, 2020 1:18 pm

standings fixed, thanks josko

I do not intend to change rules, I said after the RR is over if all teams agree to map rule change we can change it, but it seems not all agree
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Re: The Championship Team (May 6th update)

Postby josko.ri on Thu May 07, 2020 10:20 pm

benga wrote:standings fixed, thanks josko

I do not intend to change rules, I said after the RR is over if all teams agree to map rule change we can change it, but it seems not all agree

How about if only two teams who play one match agree, can we just change it for that one match?
Also, can home maps be changed between sets of the same match? for example one quartefinals set has HR-LR-LR-HR-HR, so can teams change their maps between two HR or between two LR (which will be more than one month apart), if they wish so?
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Re: The Championship Team (May 6th update)

Postby Swimmerdude99 on Fri May 08, 2020 9:35 pm

It sounds like the intent is for them not to be changed from round to round within a match, or from match to match.

My initial question was not to cause dissension or to bring an air of disappointment with how it is being run. I'm enjoying it and happy to play as intended. Was just working on researching things if it was going to be necessary. It sounds like it won't be, so I'll spend my time catching back up on things I've left forgotten... 8-[
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Re: The Championship Team (May 6th update)

Postby Mad777 on Sat May 09, 2020 7:48 am

Most of the time, changing rule while tournament has been up and running for months it is not always well received, for now we have not the 8 qualified team known, also for those who are technically qualify there is no common ground and tus for legitimate reason from team who perhaps don't have the luxury to come up with many home map as other experienced team (from Clan world) has dozens of maps they could use and somehow experienced with.

We have laid ideas and those could potentially be use for the next edition as to tweak the second stage of the competition, for this edition rule will remain unchanged.

I plan on reviewing the scoring after benga who did it the other day and to ensure we have captured accurately the team performance. benga found one mistake the other day as well as josko after us.

Thanks to all and for those who will make the cut, good luck for the bracket stage!!!!

As a side note and about the team structure, keep in mind that the substitution rule still in effect, the goal is not to see a team revised at 75% of new players, this is not reflecting the spirit of the championships team, each has 2 subs (exception can be discuss if for instance a member went MIA or no longer Premium, and after the 2 subs were used).

Have fun folks! 8-)
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Re: The Championship Team (May 6th update)

Postby josko.ri on Sat May 09, 2020 9:01 am

josko.ri wrote:
benga wrote:standings fixed, thanks josko

I do not intend to change rules, I said after the RR is over if all teams agree to map rule change we can change it, but it seems not all agree

How about if only two teams who play one match agree, can we just change it for that one match?
Also, can home maps be changed between sets of the same match? for example one quartefinals set has HR-LR-LR-HR-HR, so can teams change their maps between two HR or between two LR (which will be more than one month apart), if they wish so?

I am certainly sure that benga already told "Yes" to these questions in this thread, therefore my questions are not asking to change rules but just asking for double confirmation of what has already been stated.
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Re: The Championship Team (May 6th update)

Postby Mad777 on Sat May 09, 2020 10:14 am

josko.ri wrote:
josko.ri wrote:
benga wrote:standings fixed, thanks josko

I do not intend to change rules, I said after the RR is over if all teams agree to map rule change we can change it, but it seems not all agree

How about if only two teams who play one match agree, can we just change it for that one match?
Also, can home maps be changed between sets of the same match? for example one quartefinals set has HR-LR-LR-HR-HR, so can teams change their maps between two HR or between two LR (which will be more than one month apart), if they wish so?

I am certainly sure that benga already told "Yes" to these questions in this thread, therefore my questions are not asking to change rules but just asking for double confirmation of what has already been stated.

meaning all 8 qualified team, not only the teams facing each other.

Let's not make things more complicated, a team will have his selection made prior bracket start and map & settings will remain unchanged, same rule we applied during the Round Robin.
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Re: The Championship Team (May 6th update)

Postby Mad777 on Fri May 22, 2020 10:15 am

17 games ongoing still prior setting up the bracket phase, hopefully by Sunday the last game in Round 13 to end so I can update the scoring and we would know more who mathematically advance to the next stage.
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Re: The Championship Team (May 6th update)

Postby Caymanmew on Mon May 25, 2020 2:51 am

Out of curiosity...

If my math is right it is currently 50 points Team Sofa, 49 points Iconic. 2 games left (that matter) undecided.

Game 19814600 Team Sofa vs Iconic
Game 19874438 Ducks and Friends vs Iconic

If Iconic wins the game vs Team Sofa but loses vs Ducks and Friends than Iconic and Team Sofa are tied at 50 points. Additionally, they'd have gone 3-3 in their matchup. What is the tiebreaker in this case?
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Re: The Championship Team (May 6th update)

Postby josko.ri on Mon May 25, 2020 2:57 am

Whoever of them advances, that team will anyway lose in quarterfinals because they will face unbeatable Skillfull Croadians who had all 14 wins in Round Robin ;)
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Re: The Championship Team (May 6th update)

Postby Mad777 on Sun May 31, 2020 10:46 am

josko.ri wrote:Whoever of them advances, that team will anyway lose in quarterfinals because they will face unbeatable Skillfull Croadians who had all 14 wins in Round Robin ;)

i think Duck Hunters will be your 1/4 final opponent seen they will have the lowest points from round robin as your team got the most.

EDIT: Not sure why the seeding bracket is crossing groups and if this is on purpose, will ask benga for clarity
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Re: The Championship Team (May 6th update)

Postby josko.ri on Sun May 31, 2020 10:51 am

Mad777 wrote:
josko.ri wrote:Whoever of them advances, that team will anyway lose in quarterfinals because they will face unbeatable Skillfull Croadians who had all 14 wins in Round Robin ;)

i think Duck Hunters will be your 1/4 final opponent seen they will have the lowest points from round robin as your team got the most.

EDIT: Not sure why the seeding bracket is crossing groups and if this is on purpose, will ask benga for clarity

It is logical that it will cross groups. I think benga meant it that way.
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Re: The Championship Team (May 6th update)

Postby Mad777 on Sun May 31, 2020 10:54 am

josko.ri wrote:
Mad777 wrote:
josko.ri wrote:Whoever of them advances, that team will anyway lose in quarterfinals because they will face unbeatable Skillfull Croadians who had all 14 wins in Round Robin ;)

i think Duck Hunters will be your 1/4 final opponent seen they will have the lowest points from round robin as your team got the most.

EDIT: Not sure why the seeding bracket is crossing groups and if this is on purpose, will ask benga for clarity

It is logical that it will cross groups. I think benga meant it that way.

i can see the reason and to prevent « redo » match happened during round robin and to play other group to affirm champion has played as many different team along the competition so this would make sense.
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