In game Game 19626993, I played against knife-edge, squishycurtains and mussbusss. Knife-Edge was dominating, I asked SquishyCurtains, who was also doing poorly, for a truce on a mutual border, so that we both might have a chance of winning, and they instead moved hard against me, making the win easier for knife-edge. When I went to look at their prior games, I saw that almost all of the games involve the three playing together, also with Thunder Donkey, who I have never played against.
I accused them in the game of working together or being a multi, and got no response. Today, within ten minutes, I got 4 angry posts on my wall for rating them low. Two of the posts are from Thunder Donkey, who I have never played against. See screenshot attached.
Something seems fishy here. I have left the comments up for now, so that they are easily findable.
Thunder Donkey
The accused are suspected of:
Being Multis
Conducting Secret Diplomacy