Call Out!!!
Sent: Tue Dec 03, 2019 5:45 pm
by Bwana
Dear zeus,
I am not sure what your real issue is other than I am sure therapy is required. You know nothing about me but you've clearly displayed who you are. I would like to call yuou out and as I am sure you are too great of a coward to meet in person, how about we meet on the field of battle so I can kick your ass.
This is a callout, you pick the location.
P.S I do have some friends who are therapists in canada if you'd like some names, just let me know. They are expert in deprogramming trolls.
is this guy threatening ole zeus pick a location ???
given the time of year im going to just foe and move on here but its coming dangerously close here to rl threats . i have zero desire to give this member time of day the wording here is clear he wants to fight the mighty zeus, lmfao . there is no need for this type of abuse nor is there time in life for people who who cant solve issues with words sad is this is his recent bust shows the character of this member the threats are just not needed. i log on to play catch up with m8s not to be name called or threatened in any way .
to bwana i say careful dude
my issue is i hate cheaters saw your bs and exposed it as stated above i have zero desire to give you time of day and suggest you just play on . i get it your salty cause ya got exposed but m8 your lucky to remain on site if it was my call you would be on vacation for 12 months . so to your stable of banned accounts i say merry christmas !! to even suggest a real life encounter to meet up over online risk suggests you are just truly sad bwana. may the spirit of the season sooth your soul .
just one question how can u steal points from siblings?? is not a fathers job to teach our children the right way in life . what kind of example does this set to son and daughter .
not so sure im the one in need of therapy here m8 but hey i am a lil nutz for sure ...