Conquer Club

Closed dlopez8 bwana writtergirl15 fogerenth [ka]

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Moderators: Multi Hunters, Cheating/Abuse Team

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dlopez8 bwana writtergirl15 fogerenth [ka]

Postby zeus111 on Mon Dec 02, 2019 6:19 am

as so much more has come to light i opened another case and added a 4 th member Dlopez8 first few weeks on site all 4 accused in this game 4 way games foggy assassins all 4 in multi player game foggy assassins all 4 in multi player game

the above games bwana won besides the first coliseum match all include dlopez8

dlopez8 has 69 games in 37 with the 3 accused coupled with first ever game on site . dlopez8 needs to be looked into and if discovered is family / friend he needs to be added to the block!!. looking at this over the last week its clear to me bwana is cheating has obtained a ton of easy points between games with sibling and dlopez8 the tally is high as for the medals what can we do . its been on going since 2018 to present in various games settings , 2019-10-01 01:31:19 - Bwana gained 7 points 2019-10-01 01:31:07 - Bwana gained 7 points 2019-10-01 01:30:15 - Bwana gained 8 points 2019-10-01 01:30:55 - Bwana gained 8 points 2019-10-01 01:30:06 - Bwana gained 8 points 2019-10-01 01:14:54 - Bwana gained 8 points 2019-10-01 01:13:48 - Bwana gained 8 points 2019-10-01 01:13:45 - Bwana gained 9 points 2019-10-01 01:13:33 - Bwana gained 9 points 2019-10-01 01:13:38 - Bwana gained 9 points

heads up 1 min games with fogenth . games were fogenth needed to be online to join yet in all not a turn taken 2019-10-17 22:57:42 - Bwana gained 31 points 2019-10-17 22:57:46 - Bwana gained 33 points 2019-10-17 22:58:11 - Bwana gained 34 points 2019-10-17 22:57:09 - Bwana gained 36 points 2019-10-17 22:57:29 - Bwana gained 36 points 2019-10-01 01:03:49 - Bwana gained 29 points 019-10-01 01:03:00 - Bwana gained 31 points 2019-10-01 01:03:39 - Bwana gained 30 points 2019-10-01 01:02:41 - Bwana gained 33 points 2019-03-31 15:48:02 - Bwana gained 22 points

the 20 games set in 5 game 1 min settings points need to be stripped as its the clearest case of theft out of the vast games listed
396 total . evil semp u made decision on ten 3 way games games as we can see its now a monthly challenge and easy over 60 games

looking in to the monthly challenge games the 3 have strong game count 29 7 player foggy games 18 won by the trio and wait for it ...... BWANA WINS OCTOBER MONTHLY CHALLENGE. :sick: viewtopic.php?f=786&t=231426&view=unread#unread

10 games out the 18 wins 8 more can be posted this is just fog games there are 69 total games in october using dates oct 1 through to oct 31 and a extremely high win rate when all 4 are in .

in game chat i find our members comments go miles like i have 3 assassins or i see a pattern here. when 4 play as one seeing through the fog its showing us whats what clearly. this members is out of control in my opinion and has abused the system. here is some others comments

Postby Bentelbow on Wed Nov 20, 2019 3:41 pm
Looking at the history of their games, something is definitely fishy. Looking at a couple assassin games they appear to work together to get one of them the win, including taking turns 30 seconds apart. Also a lot of speed games with the three of them where two of them deadbeat to gift Bwana the win in 3 rounds.

Postby Huyuk on Thu Nov 21, 2019 8:48 am
But its unfair for other players . In poker for example is three players with the same ip play in the same tables , these players are banned . They cant play together , They can create games with 3 players and play all they want. Doesnt matter they cheat or not. And i can see the games that play together are challenger games and tourneys games. That 's cant happened , you will win a medal with those games

Postby crrriles on Wed Nov 20, 2019 11:54 am :
A few days ago I noticed that these three very rarely attacked each other. I figured I'm relatively new to CC, I'm probably just being paranoid and seeing something that's not actually there. So I decided to just watch for a few days. I noticed a couple times that one would make a move that really didn't benefit themselves, but rather was a bigger help to one of the other two. Then I noticed that they'd leave territories completely unprotected next to each other and instead of making a move to easily break a bonus, they'd attack a territory that had no strategic value instead. At which point I definitely thought something was going on, maybe a secret diplomacy, maybe multis, something. I went back and looked closer at their previous turns in a few of our matches, in one noticed fogernth deploying in random areas, attacking in others to weaken it for writergirl15, then moving on, never trying to build any territory/bonuses for fogernth.

Postby Scarlet Lady on Mon Nov 25, 2019 7:40 pm
I have only just seen this thread but want to add the following:
I played 9 x 3-player Poison Rome games against Bwana and Writer Girl back in April for the monthly challenge and Bwana won all nine of them. They were obviously cheating as WG kept attacking me when B was clearly winning. I couldn't be bothered to file a complaint but have kept clear of them every since.
If I were still a member of Xi I wouldn't play with them in any of those games either and it is a shame to see the "honour and integrity" of that group blighted by their support of players that don't play fairly.

2019-11-14 02:22:31 - Elaterate: I still had 7 terts and get taken out by two players that don't even have me as their target.... awesome

2019-11-20 12:10:41 - crrriles: I've definitely noticed a pattern. I think writergirl15, fogernth, & bwana are up to something, I've reported you to the moderators. If I'm wrong I sincerely apologize.
2019-11-20 13:49:52 - riverj: Iv'e noticed a pattern as well.

Re: October 2019 Monthly Challenge - Christopher Columbus
Postby ConfederateSS on Wed Nov 27, 2019 12:50 am
-----------Now that things have settled down in C and A,by ES....How will things be settled here in the events,Grooysmurf and Duk???....As I said in C and A...Yes,I think Bwana was doing something wrong in speed games...With or without writergirl or Fogernth knowing...1 speed game could have been a mistake but so way to defend that...But as I said in C and A...I think the 3 of them in this Event played fairly...Although most of the time,I was playing in 100's of games ,zipping through them...A lot of others who played in them have super doubts...about collusion among the 3...Will you Event leaders be looking into the C and A report when handing out the awards,medals,prizes...???... O:) ConfederateSS.out!(The Blue and Silver Rebellion)... O:) ...Thank You Kindly... :D......As I've studied the games more clearly...... Something could be rotten in Denmark...;).....If that's the case...1st place should go to one with the letter b as the first letter in their name...Lower case "b",that is...b00060...Some, if wrong has been done in your eyes Groovy and Duk...Should not receive medals,etc...Everyone else moves up on the scoreboard...As if wrong doers were never there...if there are any..;).If your think such action is required...A few years ago one was abusing a Feb... challenge...Since nothing was done...see what I did as the only Honorable thing to was the Febenario 2016 Challenge.........You say your word is final...Then if wrong has been done...Let it be known...Wrong doing will not go unnoticed or unpunished......

look at the activity in october 2019 the games are all dated listed above bwana took several hundred points from his kids account showing us clearly he has 3 passwords coupled with player comments shows hes using them to benefit in multi player games as well its just too many games in question not to see it for what it is ,

We cant allow this member to be rewarded in any way as a result of cheating and ask the above games with points added be stripped the rightful winner of the October monthly challenge b00060 claim the straight up game play winner in October. i am not alone in this way of thinking ask you reconsider the decision not to apply a temporary site ban. this member has broken so many rules =D>

we need to send a strong message to cheat in this manner just wont be accepted . if bwana is allowed to keep points and a monthly challenge win obtained this way it really does not send the right message to all of us who play by the few simple rules the site has.
i think its clear the warn/block was warranted but a closer look justifies a ban for 30 days minimum . in a recent c@a forum a member was handed down 72 hour ban for deadbeating throwing games yet the above is by miles much worse .



Postby sniffie on Sat Oct 26, 2019 2:36 am
A 72 hour website ban was released

2019-11-24 17:55:27 - Bwana: suffice it to say, we may be leaving conquer club as the trolls seem to be the ones in charge. :o :o

Last edited by zeus111 on Mon Dec 02, 2019 10:09 am, edited 29 times in total.
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Re: dlopez8 bwana writtergirl15 fogerenth

Postby king achilles on Mon Dec 02, 2019 6:58 pm

All the games they played exclusively together but deadbeated and where bwana has won have been deleted. As for the games played with other players, we will leave them as be. It would also be unfair to nitpick only the games they won and leave the games where they lost. They have already been blocked from playing together from this point on.
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Re: dlopez8 bwana writtergirl15 fogerenth

Postby zeus111 on Mon Dec 02, 2019 7:07 pm

king achilles wrote:All the games they played exclusively together but deadbeated and where bwana has won have been deleted. As for the games played with other players, we will leave them as be. It would also be unfair to nitpick only the games they won and leave the games where they lost. They have already been blocked from playing together from this point on.

thats all that was asked for as they are the most direct theft . was dlopez 8 added to the block ?? sorry for information over load but there was so much ,
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Re: dlopez8 bwana writtergirl15 fogerenth [ka]

Postby king achilles on Mon Dec 02, 2019 7:13 pm

Yes, he was added in the block.
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Re: dlopez8 bwana writtergirl15 fogerenth [ka]

Postby zeus111 on Mon Dec 02, 2019 7:18 pm

king achilles wrote:Yes, he was added in the block.

ok thanks for assistance in this matter . ill leave the site ban be but feel its needed ,

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Re: dlopez8 bwana writtergirl15 fogerenth [ka]

Postby Otnal on Tue Dec 03, 2019 7:09 am

I have been following this somewhat since it started and was just curious about a current battle royale all 3 are in Game 19404413. If it is true that they are making moves to help 1 win (or in this case terminator so get points from easy kill) should they not be kicked from that game due to the recent block?
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Re: dlopez8 bwana writtergirl15 fogerenth [ka]

Postby zeus111 on Tue Dec 03, 2019 3:49 pm

Otnal wrote:I have been following this somewhat since it started and was just curious about a current battle royale all 3 are in Game 19404413. If it is true that they are making moves to help 1 win (or in this case terminator so get points from easy kill) should they not be kicked from that game due to the recent block?

yes you would think

i find it odd but member bwana did lose 396 points , lost ability to do this again so the last games they are in site is allowing it to continue it appears . i did my best to expose it .the rest was up to them .we all can see it so will just have to accept it and move on.

to the member who brought it forward...crrriles... i say amazing catch m8 . your instincts were spot on . =D> =D> =D>

to bwana

shame on you .lets wrap this up . you play as 4 in the fog but got caught . you stole points from children and got caught . be a man own it .do the right thing and come clean , its not as if you killed some one ya just got greedy and oh ya YA GOT CAUGHT!!! you had a hell of a run wait for it...till you got caught .

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