by Zorg_rsk on Sun Jun 17, 2007 1:50 am
Part 2 - Round 5:
The war had come quickly. Within days the skys were torn assunder under endless bombardments and battles for the skies, the ground itself faring no better, continents reduced to trenches. This was a war unlike any earth had ever encountered, and earth was losing...
Cheyco ran. Arrows clattered around him as he dived into the nearest trench, the angels may be using "inferior" technology but he knew better than to underestimate it. Those arrows could puncture tanks. Cheyco grabbed the nearest raido and nearly scremed into it: "Mayday, Mayday, our forces are down! DOWN! Requesting an airstrike now!" Without waiting for a reply he dropped the radio and was on his feet again. Seconds before a huge boulder crushed the very spot he had just been in. All around him soldiers cried out for help, he knew they were dead however, and stoping would cost him his life. And there, in front of him, the Dallas barracks the center of their operation. He nearly bowled over the door guards, and within minutes was in the control center. The front line had been pushed back all the way to barracks, not much time remained. Their only hope lay in reinforcements.
Then, on the radio, a sign of hope. A broken voice, hardly audiable reached Cheyco through the chaos around him. Reinforcements, minutes away. And above he could hear jets, they were here! They might win this battle yet! He ran outside, explosions nearly blinding him. There they were, the 1256th's. Thank the emperor! He watched his messenger run up to greet them. The messanger reached the nearest trench, but stopped suddenly, something was wrong. The next second he had a bullet in his head, the 1256th's captain lowering his weapon. Cheyco felt sick, what the hell was going on. The next second a missile hit the barracks behind him, throwing him to the ground. Blood flowed down into his eyes, as he franticaly wiped it away, in time to see the rest of his force slaughtered by their "allies". We're doomed, he thought. Then everything went black.
Darnor chuckled, humans were so easy to turn on one another. Just a small bribe and the promise of their lives. Lies of course, but useful none the less. Project X had allowed them to keep their strength and turn the human forces on each other. The west and north would soon be theirs.
Wolmaster sat on his mount, a dragon in all its might. Flying above the battle he saw his deamons storming the enmies trenches. They had avoided angel contact for now, and the humans were easy killing, esspecaily for... It. It had no name, no name would suitably fit it. The devourer of worlds some described it as, yet the name hardly gave it justice. A deamon, the size of a city, and armed to the teeth. It made his dragon look like a kitten in comparison. The humans didn't stand a chance. He watched as another squadron of jets came screming towards it, missiles firing like machine guns. Yet they impacted harmlessly on It's body, hardly making a dent. With It on their side the East and South would be theirs in no time. He returned to the show, humans after all were great fun to watch die, so much blood afterall.
Strider24 sat back in his chair. His force, through some miracle had proved victorious. But their victory would be shortlived, that much was certain. He was in deep thought, there must be something they could do, ANYTHING they could do. Yet answers escaped him, the doom of his race hanging upon him. They had lost contact with most other places already. One line still ran to Russia and Mongolia, and another to Canada. But such small contact was of little use, the reports were the same, huge losses - death tolls in the millions - no hope. He got up and walked outside, medics ran past him running to tend the injured whilst those able bodied soldiers were digging what basic trenches they could, Amsterdam stood - but only just. In the sky weird trails of light streamed, it was in a way beutiful. For a minute he lost himself in its intracate pattern. Astronomers would have been having a feild day with this if it was in any other situation. He shook his head, the afterimages of the light slowly fading. He went back to his office, he had better things to do than to star gaze....
The fight continues. This still falls under the rules of Part 2, however teams are being mixed around, as are locations. Good luck, the fate of earth is in your hands.