lusi wrote:PS enough punctuation poo?
yes, that's perfect lusi

Moderators: Multi Hunters, Cheating/Abuse Team
Macewg wrote:AAFitz,
I disagree with your post:
1) It's funny that Scott's told you the same thing but never left you any neg feedback. I think his negative feedback towards me was unwarranted. I was just playing the game...
2) Even poo-maker has stated that it probably wasn't a suicide considering all factors especially given KoE stated towards the end of the game that I was in position to win had Sauce not finished green off then made it to me after turning in again. KoE- "you miss this and mace wins". How do you explain this given all mentioned in posts above. I was in a position, and had to do what I did because even Scott has admitted that he was planning to win when his turn came. Sauce got damn lucky on those dice.
3) I agree with all your other sentiments though especially about the ignore list and annoying people who come out of the works.
Thanks for considering - it's just sad people are oblivious to the chat where scott says to KoE - "you trapped me" - "oh I moved em" "Thanks" What the hell do you call that...oh I know, don't nobody bother - it's all pretty crystal clear to me now...
Just a game - but let's be clear, I see how it is...I know who to play and not to play now...
Macewg wrote:AAFitz,
2) Even poo-maker has stated that it probably wasn't a suicide
poo-maker wrote:
It may not have been suicide, but it gave the game away.
Macewg wrote:AAFitz - I'm glad your willing to throwout the "suicide" or "throwing the game" interpretation of my strategy accusation given circumstances as explained. Regarding the unspoken agreement arrangement (secret alliance) I have posted on, I'm willing to agree that I could have handled the situation better (all new to me). Nonetheless, it was my observation throughout the game that they utilized their familiarity with each other to their advantage to not only manuever the board but also to not have to worry about unsuspecting attacks from one another. They really appeared as a team to me as the game unfolded, not sure if any other players in the game would agree but that's what I saw so I wrote about it to prevent other noobs or those outsiders to be aware of as an FYI. I have no idea about Wicked or the mods...not like i do this everyday, I'm just here for good times and a positive outlet. I typicall just play, leave positive feedback and occassionally join in chat for an rt. I consider the matter squashed and fair enough now...
To Poo - your still a poo factory and I hope you continue to drop your bs in live chat - considering we've played in the past and you didn't leave negative feedback for no reason to me as others suggested- you must be okay as i suspected before all this, I'll take you off my ignore list. Regarding the specifics of number of armies I don't know - i just remember when the smoke cleared I had 34 armies and Scotland had one - I knew he'd have to be eliminated before his turn in and I knew the possibility of me getting a chance to win was slim but greater with Scotland off the board - he was the strongest player in the game and the only guy who continued to threaten my buildup without actually hitting me - he was just waiting for his moment. Given the turn ins were close to 40 men the game was quickly coming to an end anyway so I have no regrets. Scott contrary to your post - I can think a few turns ahead - but I figured KoE would get the win if not you - personnally I like him more because he's more honest and above alot of the negative shit...To all the rest - you will remain on my ignore list - especially that damn Chessplaya who still won't accept my callout for a game of chess...the post will be coming down or getting cleared because its clear the overwhelming majority here disagree so its likely Wicked will agree with you all- matter is squashed in my eyes. - LATER
To Wicked - please ban me so I can get my life outside of risk and CClub back -lol! =) -get that rhinoldo guy out of here too because he's spends far too much time here!
hulmey wrote:Jesus would you would be Colonels get off your High horse and leave this guy alone. Scott-Land aint even close to being a excellent player....29% win rate aint all that....700 games and his points tally to show aint all that.
If someone stuck 20 armies next to me in a Escalating game damn sure i would knock them down or OUT. It was a aggressive move by Scott-Land and sometimes it pays off and sometimes it doesnt.
But for Scott-Land then to start swearing and abusing the player is what we dont want here at CC....If it was on a site were they were a Business im afraid Scott-Land would get a Chat ban.
hulmey wrote:What a great repsonse from a great person. I can see you had a good up bringing and make mummy and daddy proud
hulmey wrote:my god, which bitch threw u out of her smelly crack. If you werent so obbessed with the word cock it might be quite funny, but really your fascination with the male gender is quite scary!!!
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