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Powerless mafia, mafia win

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Re: Powerless mafia, Day Three

Postby dgz345 on Tue Oct 01, 2019 12:07 am

Everyone had blacky at top 1 or top 2 lynch.

Other there where a top 1 dgz vote and a top BuJ vote.

So could we just follow through before the afk people get back because then we will go back to argue if we going to lynch skoffin blacky or someone else for 5 weeks...
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Re: Powerless mafia, Day Three

Postby strike wolf on Tue Oct 01, 2019 12:15 am

Vote Blacky
Maxleod wrote:Not strike, he's the only one with a functioning brain.
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Re: Powerless mafia, Day Three

Postby Ragian on Tue Oct 01, 2019 1:18 am

@dgz, I agree with most of what you've said as stated. However, I fear that BuJ is scum. That's my issue. I don't know with whom, but something's off. I'm going to vote blacky now to end my misery (and you'll see BuJ hammer and perhaps win the game for scum).

vote blacky
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Re: Powerless mafia, Day Three

Postby dgz345 on Tue Oct 01, 2019 1:22 am

Ragian wrote:@dgz, I agree with most of what you've said as stated. However, I fear that BuJ is scum. That's my issue. I don't know with whom, but something's off. I'm going to vote blacky now to end my misery (and you'll see BuJ hammer and perhaps win the game for scum).

vote blacky

Only way BuJ wins is that you or strike is scum. And right now I'm like w/e

@BuJ do not vote blacky if one of the afk comes back.
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Re: Powerless mafia, Day Three

Postby BuJaber on Tue Oct 01, 2019 1:52 am

They're not back
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Re: Powerless mafia, Day Three

Postby BuJaber on Tue Oct 01, 2019 1:56 am

unvote vote blacky
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Re: Powerless mafia, Day Three

Postby dgz345 on Tue Oct 01, 2019 4:17 am

That should be a lynch then.

If 2 of you active are scum congratulations.
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Re: Powerless mafia, Day Three

Postby Ragian on Tue Oct 01, 2019 5:58 am

If so, the Scandis have been buttfucked by non-participating townies.
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Re: Powerless mafia, Day Three

Postby dgz345 on Wed Oct 02, 2019 12:54 am

Agee is slow...
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Re: Powerless mafia, Day Three

Postby Ragian on Wed Oct 02, 2019 1:00 am

Aage is an Danish old guy name, so maybe he's just having computer issues :)

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Re: Powerless mafia, Day Three

Postby dgz345 on Wed Oct 02, 2019 3:03 am

Did you just post content you don't own??

The government will come for you
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Re: Powerless mafia, Day Two

Postby aage on Wed Oct 02, 2019 5:34 am

Didn't expect you guys to lynch so quickly.

Metsfanmax -
dgz345 -
BuJaber -
blacky365 - dgz345 Strike Ragian BuJaber (4)
Ragian -
Strike Wolf -
Skoffin -

blacky is lynched, he was town.
Skoffin and Mets are modkilled as per rule 11. They were both town.

With 4 alive and 2 scum, town is endgamed. Ragian and dgz345 are both killed, both town.

Congrats to Strike Wolf and BuJaber.

I'll post my thoughts on the game at some point later today, don't have time for more right now.
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Re: Powerless mafia, Day Three

Postby dgz345 on Wed Oct 02, 2019 7:07 am

I assumed that was the case
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Re: Powerless mafia, Day Three

Postby dgz345 on Wed Oct 02, 2019 7:08 am

I'm actually just happy that the game is over...
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Re: Powerless mafia, Day Three

Postby aage on Wed Oct 02, 2019 8:19 am

dgz345 wrote:I assumed that was the case

If you assumed that, why did you go along with it?
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Re: Powerless mafia, Day Three

Postby dgz345 on Wed Oct 02, 2019 8:41 am

aage wrote:
dgz345 wrote:I assumed that was the case

If you assumed that, why did you go along with it?

My scum pairs where mets and strike


BuJ and blacky.

I thought it would take 1-2 days to persuade BuJ to vote.
But it was an easy vote so either 2 scum got lynched or scum was both together on the vote.

But assume was maybe wrong wording. Figured might been better wording.
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Re: Powerless mafia, Day Three

Postby dgz345 on Wed Oct 02, 2019 8:43 am

But as Ragian said. Might been easier if not every town was afk.
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Re: Powerless mafia, Day Three

Postby dgz345 on Wed Oct 02, 2019 8:44 am

strike has been high on my list for a while.

Using the same wording as he uses. Rubbing me the wrong way.
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Re: Powerless mafia, Day Three

Postby strike wolf on Wed Oct 02, 2019 10:21 am

I was actually exceedingly genuine in this game until day 3 when i just didnt care any more. :p. You just didnt like me because I didnt go with the no lynch plan.
Maxleod wrote:Not strike, he's the only one with a functioning brain.
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Re: Powerless mafia, Day Three

Postby aage on Wed Oct 02, 2019 10:54 am

OK so a few notes on the game.

I didn't actually read a lot of the stuff you guys posted after day 2 so maybe this is inaccurate, but it seemed like most of you assumed the AWOL players were more likely to be scum. This seems like a really faulty theory to me (albeit my reasons are a bit metagamey). Scum would be the most motivated to keep playing, therefore the most motivated to post during every game day. They're the only ones who know anything beside their own role. I think you guys can now all attest to the fact that power roles are fun to play, and gathering information through them makes the game more fun and interesting. The town in this game has nothing to go on, I am not at all surprised and honestly do not blame any of you who kinda gave up. Except Skoffin, of course.

Regarding the gameplay, I don't think it was a good idea to push the no lynch day 1 so fast. I think it was already clear before the game started that there was gonna be a no lynch on day one. All the math had been brought out. You guys knew there was gonna be a night kill though, so you were basically condemning someone to have played one game day without discussing anything meaningful. I think more discussion on day one would have improved town's chances, if only so they had a foothold on day 2. That's the thing that you guys were really missing: arguments, cases, strong reasons to be suspicious of players that convince others to vote with you. The only way you can get those in this game is just by talking, doesn't even matter what about.

All in all the game kinda went as I expected it to. Like I said I am not surprised people got disinterested or demotivated. This game was kind of an experiment, I guess, to see how you fare without power roles to carry the town. I think you did good, all things considered. It's simply very hard to get a grip on the other players when nothing out of the ordinary happens. In the closed setups we've been playing the past few games, there's always been some sort of unexpected or weird role that gets everyone theorizing about the setup, or gets people suspicious about claims or actions. There needs to be a bone to throw the town, a clue to solve the puzzle. And I think that's fair enough.

What do you guys think? Do you have any comments about the setup, things you liked, things you hated? What do you think about the need for power roles?
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Re: Powerless mafia, Day Three

Postby dgz345 on Wed Oct 02, 2019 11:10 am

Well not so fun with mostly me and Ragian being active
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Re: Powerless mafia, Day Three

Postby dgz345 on Wed Oct 02, 2019 11:12 am

Post Count in thread
dgz345 118
Ragian 90
BuJaber 47
aage 33
Pikanchion 30
strike wolf 29
Skoffin 20
DirtyDishSoap 19
blacky365 17
Metsfanmax 16
Razorvich 9
dakky21 6
jfm10 3
Bernie Sanders 2
Tobikera 2
2dimes 1
DoomYoshi 1
TheForgivenOne 1
ZaBeast 1
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Re: Powerless mafia, Day Three

Postby Ragian on Wed Oct 02, 2019 11:43 am

First and foremost, thanks for hosting, aage. Despite my hands in the air towards the end, I did enjoy the "town has nothing to go on" game because it feels like genuine mafia rather than "I don't know, let's hope some PRs get lucky." That said, it's really important that people actually play. Too many people didn't. And while aage seems to think it's understandable that people lost interest, I don't. Why sign up if you're not going to okay? It's not like the game mechanics were obscure. (I understand that real life can get in the way, though.) Moreover, I didn't necessarily find that the AFKs were scum.

To me, this feels like a win because I had BuJ pegged as scum, and I would've voted him if it wasn't for the fact that I knew that we couldn't get four people in here to vote (especially knowing that SW would've never voted for him - I didn't think SW was scum, though).

Anyway, thanks for hosting. I wouldn't mind doing a similar game if people would actually participate.
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Re: Powerless mafia, Day Three

Postby strike wolf on Wed Oct 02, 2019 2:19 pm

I do regret one part of my strategy in this game. Ive kinda noticed from past games thar when people dont follow Pikas strategies, he eventually seems to get frustrated and lose interest in making arguments. It was intentionally a part of our strategy to make Pika less productive to town.
Maxleod wrote:Not strike, he's the only one with a functioning brain.
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Re: Powerless mafia, Day Three

Postby Ragian on Thu Oct 03, 2019 1:46 am

Funny. I did the exact opposite as scum last game with the exact same result.
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