019-08-26 08:03:32 - P*Funk!: OK, I'll take my last shot with you. I can't sit and let you get bigger than me and hope for something at the end, which will not happen with just four players we have left.
2019-08-26 08:08:20 - P*Funk!: I also don't like Gran's chaos style of using other players as pawns, it's creative and has been effective, but it's unenjoyable to play against. All fine, but if I'm going to lose, I don't want it to be through an overall plan of manipulation.
2019-08-26 08:16:14 - P*Funk!: So: Last shot to you FIRST OFFER TO ICEMAN!
2019-08-26 08:18:38 - P*Funk!: Who will team up with me to get the other two out? Completely, all efforts to take the other two out. If achieved, regardless who is stronger at the end of this, we will finish this game and the other team mate who didn't win will get a series of games
2019-08-26 08:20:10 - P*Funk!: against the winner of this game in which, the winner of this game, will lose on purpose to balance out the overall point total; I figure it will be five games or so. Makes sense? If more clarity needed, ask but on the clock.
2019-08-26 08:21:49 - P*Funk!: First to respond gets my undying loyalty!....at least until we've evened out the points ; )
2019-08-26 09:30:59 - flapja: GRey is in your head is all I have to say. Several rounds to go and you’re panicking
2019-08-26 09:35:31 - flapja: Ice, I’d sit tight if I were you as it looks like Funk is gonna suicide
2019-08-26 15:17:39 - P*Funk!: Oh man, he's playing you. OR, you're just trying to maintain your position and hope that it doesn't get challenged. Suicide eh? What is that you did in the 99 round game we're in?
2019-08-26 15:40:19 - MTIceman41: Can you give me 2 rds? Cup war against LHDD just started; need time to think this through
2019-08-26 17:24:25 - flapja: When you see the map, you tell me who went suicide
2019-08-26 17:26:25 - flapja: Actually, do go after me and Ice, he just handed you the game as I will show what a suicide is next round
2019-08-26 17:27:36 - flapja: Funk, our truce is still in effect everywhere but Central America is fair game. If you want to back door me, knock yourself out.
2019-08-26 17:30:49 - flapja: There is a reason I’m a 4.6 and this will be the 1st match I purposely just go after you to make sure you don’t win
2019-08-26 17:31:02 - flapja: Or anyone
2019-08-26 17:50:30 - P*Funk!: Flapja....easy.
2019-08-26 17:52:00 - P*Funk!: First off I would never break a truce, never had, never will. I would expect that you would play the same with someone who shows you the same respect. And correct, the only place I could hit you is through C. America.
2019-08-26 17:54:42 - P*Funk!: The only thing I did here was to offer you an opportunity before I may, or may not, hit you. Nothing wrong with that, actually I was letting you make the call but you chose not to. That's fine.
2019-08-26 17:57:03 - P*Funk!: I'd rather act on my own (which in one way is what I offered you) than have to be reactive to others, which is what is happening to us due to the actions of the Sly Gran Rey ; )
2019-08-26 17:59:38 - P*Funk!: I was only commenting on your view of what I was doing was "suiciding". I don't think I've ever done it, at least not in a looooong time. But what might seem like that to some is sending a message to others and how you play. Like I believe, rightfully,
2019-08-26 17:59:58 - P*Funk!: you are doing in our other game.
2019-08-26 19:51:51 - MTIceman41: Let’s make this fun...I’m down for a battle, sure pfunk your on
2019-08-26 20:15:50 - P*Funk!: Hot Damn, we may lose quickly Iceman, but it a lot more fun to do it now than in three months.
2019-08-26 20:24:49 - P*Funk!: Good Game Gran!
2019-08-26 20:35:43 - P*Funk!: Wow, fat stacks everywhere! Yeah, you were for sure going to win this one flapja; probably still will...maybe not.
2019-08-26 20:36:42 - P*Funk!: OK Iceman, Gran's gone and I broke all of flapja's bonus'...but he has a ton of troops.
2019-08-26 20:37:23 - P*Funk!: As we are now teamed up, and all on the level, here's the scouting report.
2019-08-26 20:41:11 - P*Funk!: Greenland, Finland and Poland each have between 203-215 and Mali has 248....but will all need to squeeze through the Iberian peninsula to get to me. Not sure what's on the west side of his mass; Greece, Chad, Nigeria, et al...
2019-08-26 20:42:09 - P*Funk!: Outside of Greenland, he has roughly 200 troops there as well. So I'm looking at roughly 1100 troops. He seems to have stacks
2019-08-26 20:42:39 - P*Funk!: of 200 just behind his enemy lines, so maybe there's a few more out there.
2019-08-26 20:44:57 - P*Funk!: He'll reconfigure after next turn, but perhaps we can position ourselves for attackers die next turn.
2019-08-26 20:46:29 - P*Funk!: Good luck on your turn, I hope to see you on the otherside. Whoever of us makes it through this turn and wins, if either, will make the other "whole" after.
2019-08-26 23:27:18 - MTIceman41: So it begins
2019-08-27 06:46:16 - flapja: 2019-06-15 07:07:01 - flapja: Ice & PFunk, u 2 interested in making that border a 3 way truce? 2019-06-15 07:10:08 - flapja [self]: snapshot round 8 2019-06-16 00:57:18 - P*Funk!: flapja; I'm in. Two turn notice. The one who breaks gets to be attacked fir
2019-08-27 06:47:01 - flapja: its one thing to do a 2 v 1 kind of attack with 3 left but another to break truce without warning as you just did Ice
2019-08-27 06:47:27 - flapja: You just lost a win in the other match so I hope the the 1/2 game is worth it for ya
2019-08-27 07:02:17 - flapja [self]: snapshot round 66
2019-08-27 07:29:36 - MTIceman41: Honestly didn’t remember where that 3! Way truce was; you could have reminded me...attacking and threatening men in another game is pretty bad man...if that’s your game thennwhaver
2019-08-27 14:16:13 - P*Funk!: Gonna be tight....
2019-08-27 14:18:17 - P*Funk!: Iceman, I see 401 in Central Australia and that's pretty much it. I have singles in the Norwegian and Australian Claim as well as a single in Java and two in W. Australia.
Its pretty clear in the chat here. MT decided he was on for the deal that PFunk proposed.
In a private chat, MT told me he would let me have the game if I let him win a "fair" game . Breaking the truce isnt was I was irked about, it was the fact they agreed to split the points
I told him I always try to win and to do what he thinks is correct. In another game that he and I were in a tight battle, right after this crap had happened in the match I was trying to win. I took out 10 armies and MT decided to suicide into myself by taking out over 600 armies and then lose a match he would have won had he kept his cool...which he didnt
https://www.conquerclub.com/game.php?game=19036288MT has decided to bring the rest of this drama into every match were in. Its this kind of thing I want to avoid going forward and if I choose to use my armies somewhere, that is my choice and MT can just foe me.