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I don't need help to access this restricted site

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Re: Restricted by apple

Postby mookiemcgee on Fri May 31, 2019 5:55 pm

Dukasaur wrote:
mookiemcgee wrote:Do you recall if it was a the OS prompting you for the password, or if it came from your browser? It does seem like either adblocker software or antivirus software or some kind of firewall settings being different on the two devices would explain this.

Or it could be you just opened a portal into the CC of a parallel dimension. just saying...if you see owen post its probably a sign your in the parallel dimension since he hasn't been seen on the site in ages.

Yeah, you have to go all the way back to May 28th!

You sir, are clearly posting from the other dimension.
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Re: Restricted by apple

Postby 2dimes on Sat Jun 01, 2019 12:01 am

I presume my wife and I set the iPad to not allow restricted sites on here back when we set it up for our daughter. I don't really care when we did that, so I'm not going to look look into it, figure it out or even estimate when.

The point is moderators here used to scold and punish people for misbehaving on the forums hoping to keep the site from betting blocked by employers and schools.

I was just mentioning that it has made it to a naughty list.

Now that I'm using this iPad a bit more on occasion things come up "restricted site" then I just click allow and enter the code.

It's kind of amusing that part of a site is opened yet a Po Boy menu is restricted. Again I'm guessing a crawler bot found a word or phrase it did not like and set a restriction.

I could probably set the device differently but I don't think it will get conquer club off the list. It would just mean this single iPad would sign in like it does since I entered the code to allow the site.
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Re: Restricted by apple

Postby Symmetry on Sat Jun 01, 2019 12:37 am

2dimes wrote:I presume my wife and I set the iPad to not allow restricted sites on here back when we set it up for our daughter. I don't really care when we did that, so I'm not going to look look into it, figure it out or even estimate when.

The point is moderators here used to scold and punish people for misbehaving on the forums hoping to keep the site from betting blocked by employers and schools.

I was just mentioning that it has made it to a naughty list.

Now that I'm using this iPad a bit more on occasion things come up "restricted site" then I just click allow and enter the code.

It's kind of amusing that part of a site is opened yet a Po Boy menu is restricted. Again I'm guessing a crawler bot found a word or phrase it did not like and set a restriction.

I could probably set the device differently but I don't think it will get conquer club off the list. It would just mean this single iPad would sign in like it does since I entered the code to allow the site.

Oh for FFS- we get it- you own an iPad and your family is suffering terribly. Maybe don't spread the utter misery of listening to people boasting about their owning Apple tech to others.

Seriously Apple fans are the worst. :roll:
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Re: Restricted by apple

Postby 2dimes on Sat Jun 01, 2019 7:33 am

My family is suffering because conquer club is restricted, how so.

I'm totally boasting about owning an iPad mini that is no longer supported by Apple.

Interesting that people keep trying to "help" me access the forum. Thanks, I suppose.

I simply entered a code that I set on this iPad when we set it up and then a restricted web site loaded and I made this thread where for some reason people think I am somehow experiencing an issue, instead of attempting to inform conquer club their website is restricted as per the title.
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Re: I don't need help to access this restricted site

Postby mookiemcgee on Sat Jun 01, 2019 1:14 pm

CC is not restricted on your device because of something CC did. It's something you/yourwife/wourchild did on the device to make it super restrictive. Its not because of language in the forum, or cus CC has been deemed bad by some crawler because of language. It's more likely because that menu uses flash or some other software to populate it's menu and apple things there is a possible security leak through that software (the same way apple will probably restrict any sites using flash since stever jobs hated flash.

So again you family is suffering because of what your family did, and because you couldn't splurge and buy and android device ;)
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Re: I don't need help to access this restricted site

Postby 2dimes on Sun Jun 02, 2019 4:15 am

mookiemcgee wrote:CC is not restricted on your device

Right, it never was. It also loads it on this one since I entered the code.

Makes you wonder how many young folks with Apple products, can't access the site to discuss turn based strategy games.
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Re: Restricted by apple

Postby Symmetry on Sat Jul 06, 2019 4:03 pm

2dimes wrote:My family is suffering because conquer club is restricted, how so.

I'm totally boasting about owning an iPad mini that is no longer supported by Apple.

Interesting that people keep trying to "help" me access the forum. Thanks, I suppose.

I simply entered a code that I set on this iPad when we set it up and then a restricted web site loaded and I made this thread where for some reason people think I am somehow experiencing an issue, instead of attempting to inform conquer club their website is restricted as per the title.

Yeah we get it- you have an iPad. You've said that already, several times, and as often as possible. Next you'll mention the model and do a humlebrag. Just a guess.

iPad owner- I salute thee! You certainly own an IPad.
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Re: I don't need help to access this restricted site

Postby 2dimes on Sat Jul 06, 2019 5:02 pm

Yeah, it's because of our immense wealth. I have an old iPad valued at several dollars Canadian. I also have a laptop with Windows XP but I generally run Linux lite on it.

Anywho I'll let you get back to posting stuff on the public computers in your library, you pleabe.
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Re: I don't need help to access this restricted site

Postby nietzsche on Sat Jul 06, 2019 7:02 pm

yeah 2dimes, i don't even own a tablet.

stop bragging.
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Re: I don't need help to access this restricted site

Postby Symmetry on Sat Jul 06, 2019 7:31 pm

2dimes wrote:Yeah, it's because of our immense wealth. I have an old iPad valued at several dollars Canadian. I also have a laptop with Windows XP but I generally run Linux lite on it.

Anywho I'll let you get back to posting stuff on the public computers in your library, you pleabe.

Oh no! An old iPad!

Thanks for not so casually mentioning your laptop though, even though nobody asked.
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Re: I don't need help to access this restricted site

Postby KoolBak on Sun Jul 07, 2019 7:36 am

What an entertaining thread :lol:

And your stupid iPad spelled "plebe" wrong. Rotf....

As an aside, the starter went out in my wife's car the other day. I blame Apple.
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Re: I don't need help to access this restricted site

Postby DoomYoshi on Sun Jul 07, 2019 4:15 pm

Where did you get the code?
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Re: I don't need help to access this restricted site

Postby nietzsche on Sun Jul 07, 2019 6:42 pm

i think people is missing the point and my OCD is kicking in a bit.. if I was sure it was all trolling i'd let it slide.. but TG is so thick you never know.

1. 2dimes got an ipad mini for the kids.

2. He set it up (with permission of the wife) so that it would restrict adult content. Asked wife to type a password.

3. His own ipad broke. (He has two.. take taht Symmetry, get a job instead of fucking volunteer for stupid causes)

4. Took ipad from kids to check CC, saw the access to the site was restricted.

5. Asked wife to input the code (he does this every time he wants to use that ipad to check CC)

6. He's telling us, that apparently Apple has decided CC's content is not safe for kids, and won't show it on devices with adult content filters. Unless you have the code. (Which he does not, but the wife does).
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Re: I don't need help to access this restricted site

Postby DoomYoshi on Sun Jul 07, 2019 6:53 pm

If that is the case, it clarifies things a lot.
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Re: I don't need help to access this restricted site

Postby Dukasaur on Sun Jul 07, 2019 8:32 pm

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Re: I don't need help to access this restricted site

Postby CatchersMitt14 on Sun Jul 07, 2019 9:00 pm

nietzsche wrote:6. He's telling us, that apparently Apple has decided CC's content is not safe for kids, and won't show it on devices with adult content filters. Unless you have the code. (Which he does not, but the wife does).

And we're supposed to be surprised by the news because??
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Re: I don't need help to access this restricted site

Postby nietzsche on Sun Jul 07, 2019 9:12 pm

maybe you aren't.

maybe they aren't.

2dimes thought that admins would like to know that apparently Apple adult content filters detect CC as a site not safe. That could be of interest of bigWham, kids being potential customers.

That's all 2dimes is trying to say. And he's not getting the message clear that either admins don't care and he should shut up about it, or that they'll take a look into that. He feels his concern was unappreciated, and instead he was made fun of.

By TeeGee, Duk and also Symmetry.

2dimes is a good guy.
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Re: I don't need help to access this restricted site

Postby Dukasaur on Sun Jul 07, 2019 9:23 pm

nietzsche wrote:maybe you aren't.

maybe they aren't.

2dimes thought that admins would like to know that apparently Apple adult content filters detect CC as a site not safe. That could be of interest of bigWham, kids being potential customers.

That's all 2dimes is trying to say. And he's not getting the message clear that either admins don't care and he should shut up about it, or that they'll take a look into that. He feels his concern was unappreciated, and instead he was made fun of.

By TeeGee, Duk and also Symmetry.

2dimes is a good guy.

Of course 2d is a good guy.

And I did not make fun of him. Only person I made fun of was mookie.

And TeeGee did make a joke, but then immediately apologized and did say that he was concerned and that he would pass it along to admins.
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Re: I don't need help to access this restricted site

Postby KoolBak on Sun Jul 07, 2019 10:40 pm

I made fun of him :lol:

One would think if it was an apple issue, it would have surfaced, since for 13 years I'd imagine a huge portion of the thousands of users historically have utilized a device manufactured by Apple.

Dimey's being a hoser. Trapped in his igloo under snow 363 days a year in the great white north has obviously driven him insane.

And nyetz must be into the 'quilas again....
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Re: I don't need help to access this restricted site

Postby DoomYoshi on Mon Jul 08, 2019 3:11 am

nietzsche wrote: He feels his concern was unappreciated, and instead he was made fun of.

Until you explained it, I don't think anyone knew what his concern was.
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Re: I don't need help to access this restricted site

Postby 2dimes on Mon Jul 08, 2019 7:26 am

Thanks for jumping in Nietzsche.
I can't blame anyone for expecting I am just trolling. All day, everyday...

nietzsche wrote:i think people is missing the point and my OCD is kicking in a bit.. if I was sure it was all trolling i'd let it slide.. but TG is so thick you never know.

1. 2dimes got an ipad mini for the kids.

2. He set it up (with permission of the wife) so that it would restrict adult content. Asked wife to type a password.

3. His own ipad broke. (He has two.. take that Symmetry, get a job instead of fucking volunteer for stupid causes)

4. Took ipad from kids to check CC, saw the access to the site was restricted.

5. Asked wife to input the code (he does this every time he wants to use that ipad to check CC)

6. He's telling us, that apparently Apple has decided CC's content is not safe for kids, and won't show it on devices with adult content filters. Unless you have the code. (Which he does not, but the wife does).

Nietzsche, can read and comprehend. He is very close.

This iPad is what I generally go online with. I think it is the second model they made. It froze because on occasion Apple devices do that. I finally got it to boot up by attatching it to the laptop with Windows XP.

It had not done that for quite sometime and as for the hardware, I must admit it is quite excellent. It was even made in China.

When it would not work, I decided to use the iPad mini, my daughter bought, she paid for it with money she saved up. Now she has a newer tablet which is only two or three years old. We bought that one because it is not an apple so we could afford it.

Since it was so long ago and she was a little girl we set the iPad mini up for her.

Before the crash I was only using the iPad mini for karaoke and did not need the code to access YouTube.

More importantly this.
nietzsche wrote:2dimes thought that admins would like to know that apparently Apple adult content filters detect CC as a site not safe. That could be of interest of bigWham, kids being potential customers.

I only made it a thread incase someone reading might have suggestions to help out. Otherwise I might have sent a PM. Also the admins seem too busy or something. I never got a response years ago when I asked about other things.

Nietzsche might have this last part wrong.

2dimes is a good guy.
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Re: I don't need help to access this restricted site

Postby nietzsche on Mon Jul 08, 2019 8:00 am

Dukasaur wrote:
nietzsche wrote:maybe you aren't.

maybe they aren't.

2dimes thought that admins would like to know that apparently Apple adult content filters detect CC as a site not safe. That could be of interest of bigWham, kids being potential customers.

That's all 2dimes is trying to say. And he's not getting the message clear that either admins don't care and he should shut up about it, or that they'll take a look into that. He feels his concern was unappreciated, and instead he was made fun of.

By TeeGee, Duk and also Symmetry.

2dimes is a good guy.

Of course 2d is a good guy.

And I did not make fun of him. Only person I made fun of was mookie.

And TeeGee did make a joke, but then immediately apologized and did say that he was concerned and that he would pass it along to admins.

what a surprise, Dukasaur backing off.
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Re: I don't need help to access this restricted site

Postby 2dimes on Mon Jul 08, 2019 8:45 am

If it was my site I would like all the Apple users to be able to get on here. As one poster points out those folks are not afraid to spend money.
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Re: I don't need help to access this restricted site

Postby nietzsche on Mon Jul 08, 2019 8:57 am

yeah and they kind of kidnap your credit card and have it in the system and you're always one missclick away from a purchase.

or that's android tv? both do it i think. i somehow manage to avoid that in both.

yeah because i have a mac.

yes Symmetry, I have a macbook pro retina.

people with real jobs can have macs if they want to Symmetry. Have you tried getting a real job instead of shaming 2dimes'???

I also have an iphone. My new iphone hasn't frozen, but if it did, I'd use my old iphone. it has a code too, but not for adult content filtering, it's just the lock screen. the new iphone uses my fingerprint but i can also use a code.. in case my left thumb is sticky or something.

Macbook and iPhone are both Apple products. I used to have an Ipod too. 2 ipods, one broke the other i lost.
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Re: I don't need help to access this restricted site

Postby 2dimes on Mon Jul 08, 2019 9:08 am

This iPad has a code to lock the screen. So does my phone.

I had an iPhone once, possibly the first gen, bought it used. The touch screen quit because I knocked it off the counter and it landed in a bowl of water for my dog. My wife had a couple we bought new.

I did not enjoy the way iTunes treats music. After moving files off a CD, I still had to use iTunes to play those files. So after this iPad even though the hardware was great, I decided it was time to divorce Apple.

Sony is even worse. I never bothered putting music on my PSP because I refused to buy the software to get it off my CDs.
Last edited by 2dimes on Mon Jul 08, 2019 9:13 am, edited 1 time in total.
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