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2dimes wrote:You are aware that iPads are made by Apple yes?
2dimes wrote:There used to be a game here where some posted things in the forum then would get scolded because the content might get the site blocked by employers, schools, etc.
I figured I would write this since I noticed it is being blocked by something now.
2dimes wrote:Why would I set conquer club as restricted? I don't even know why Apple would.
2dimes wrote:You think I set my device to restrict conquer club?
First my device is not working so I am on this one. Second...
Why would I set conquer club as restricted? I don't even know why Apple would.
2dimes wrote:Sorry to inform you of something you don't seem to care about.
My other iPad never did it either, presumably because it was never set up for a child like this one that used to belong to my daughter. Point is that someone, and regardless of what you and Owen figure, it was not me, set conquer club to show up as restricted on some iPads. I'm not upset.
I thought since I accidentally found out the site is restricted, someone here might want to know.
Seems I was wrong again.
TeeGee wrote:and apologies for making a bad joke about the situation
2dimes wrote:This is even more bizarre than people thinking I set CC as restricted.
A webcam I like from the local observatory is restricted.
Sports Illistrated is not.
I am thinking a crawler bot found bad words here but the webcam pointed up seems like a very strange thing to restrict.
Fascinating! Is fine, but don't click the Po Boy menu. That's restricted.
Dukasaur wrote: That was the night I broke into St. Mike's Cathedral and shat on the Archibishop's desk
mookiemcgee wrote:Do you recall if it was a the OS prompting you for the password, or if it came from your browser? It does seem like either adblocker software or antivirus software or some kind of firewall settings being different on the two devices would explain this.
Or it could be you just opened a portal into the CC of a parallel dimension. just saying...if you see owen post its probably a sign your in the parallel dimension since he hasn't been seen on the site in ages.
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