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Batman Mafia~~~GOTHAM WINS!!!!!!!!

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Postby Serbia on Fri Jun 15, 2007 8:25 pm

There's a lot for me to read up on, I don't have time tonight, and may not over the weekend, but I'll get back too it Sunday night (hopefully!)
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Postby Skittles! on Fri Jun 15, 2007 8:55 pm

So.. Much.. To.. Read on. But I managed.
Unvote ML. You did make a good reason for me to unvote you, and it's better than some people saying "I'm town, don't lynch me", which doesn't actually say much.

To everyone else: all your views are interesting, but I may have to read over again just so I have something interesting to add. All I know from reading this is that there may be a lot of roleblockers, docs.. Though in what Talapus said, the doc wasn't present (Or what I remember). So obviously the doc could not of saved CMC from being killed, so that means someone else did.
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Postby Skoffin on Fri Jun 15, 2007 9:07 pm

Okay I read through all this and then went to do something.. but then I forgot what I was going to say *hangs head*

Well for now I'd like to add that, if memory serves me right(I haven't seen batman for quite a while now) that the Riddler worked with Two-face, so those two could be a team with maybe a few minions.
And ML, brilliant thought about the possibility of Mr.Freeze, I never would of thought of that, and it makes sense.

Last thing, why are we leaving Derf alive? He's acting like a loon, and The joker was a complete loon. And say he is telling the truth, he even said he has to vote randomly. If he can't vote for whom everyone suspects to be scum, because that wouldn't be random, doesn't that make him completly useless to us?
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Postby pancakemix on Fri Jun 15, 2007 9:10 pm

Skoffin wrote:Last thing, why are we leaving Derf alive? He's acting like a loon, and The joker was a complete loon. And say he is telling the truth, he even said he has to vote randomly. If he can't vote for whom everyone suspects to be scum, because that wouldn't be random, doesn't that make him completly useless to us?

His win condition is speculated to be that he must be lynched (Jester), and that would waste a day.
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Postby Skittles! on Fri Jun 15, 2007 9:17 pm

I've already speculated over the difference between fool and jester. And it wouldn't be that he would win if he was lynched, but it's better not to lynch him because it's just a waste of a day.
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Postby Talapus on Fri Jun 15, 2007 9:37 pm

nagerous wrote:
vote replace willis

Willis has been prodded and will be replaceced by this time Sat. if we hear no response. If there are any other concerns or questions, let me know. Thanks!
DoomYoshi wrote:
vote talapus

You lying sack of cunt!
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Postby Skoffin on Fri Jun 15, 2007 9:40 pm

Where the heck is Spin? I haven't seen him make any post here since he replaced whatsit.
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Postby MountainLion on Fri Jun 15, 2007 9:43 pm

Skoffin wrote: Where the heck is Spin? I haven't seen him make any post here since he replaced whatsit.

I was just going to say that spinwizard has said that he will leave this site soon. Whether that actually happens or not, we may need a replacement for him.
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Postby Talapus on Fri Jun 15, 2007 9:47 pm

MountainLion wrote:
Skoffin wrote: Where the heck is Spin? I haven't seen him make any post here since he replaced whatsit.

I was just going to say that spinwizard has said that he will leave this site soon. Whether that actually happens or not, we may need a replacement for him.

Thanks, I'll look into replacing him as well...

Ok he's been prodded. Geez, this will be the third person to take over the roll....
DoomYoshi wrote:
vote talapus

You lying sack of cunt!
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Postby pancakemix on Fri Jun 15, 2007 9:49 pm

Talapus wrote:
MountainLion wrote:
Skoffin wrote: Where the heck is Spin? I haven't seen him make any post here since he replaced whatsit.

I was just going to say that spinwizard has said that he will leave this site soon. Whether that actually happens or not, we may need a replacement for him.

Thanks, I'll look into replacing him as well...

Ok he's been prodded. Geez, this will be the third person to take over the roll....

I had 4 people replace one role in Simpsons Mafia.
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Postby Talapus on Fri Jun 15, 2007 9:50 pm

pancakemix wrote:
I had 4 people replace one role in Simpsons Mafia.

It still doesn't make it easier... :wink:
DoomYoshi wrote:
vote talapus

You lying sack of cunt!
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Postby Talapus on Fri Jun 15, 2007 10:23 pm


With all the chaos in and around Arkham in the last few weeks,
it hardly seems fair that we must once again ask all of you to remain
vigilant. After breakfast in the cafeteria this morning, one of our day cleaners
stumbled across this note:


It would appear that the time for action draws closer.
I over heard the fat detective talking about a facility wide meeting.
I can think of no better time then that to move forward with our plan.
Soon, very soon, they will all be sorry.
Until then, continue laying low.
We don’t need to draw suspicious eyes our way.


This note confirms some of are darkest fears. With all the madness
going on right now, it truly does appear as if some of the inmates are conspiring
together. THIS CANNOT STAND! We will never have a handle on the situation
up here if we can’t control the inmates. Your jobs and your safety depend
upon being ever mindful of all that is going on around you. No detail is too
small and no odd occurrence with an inmate is irrelevant. DOCUMENT EVERYTHING!
We must gain control of this facility again.

Arkham Management
Last edited by Talapus on Fri Jun 15, 2007 10:25 pm, edited 1 time in total.
DoomYoshi wrote:
vote talapus

You lying sack of cunt!
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Postby kwanton on Fri Jun 15, 2007 10:24 pm

MountainLion wrote:FOS kwanton because he did two things that could be scummy:

kwanton wrote:There is no guarantee for anything. That's what I was trying to say. There are many ways to undermine CMK's ability. Even if he's telling the truth about his role we have to decide whether he is more of a liability than a help.

1. With this post he suggests that we can't necessarily trust CMC. Look at #3 in my thoughts list above. I think CMC is Pro-Gotham and kwanton is possibly trying to get him lynched.

kwanton wrote:Bye Joker!......erm....I mean derf.....

FOS:Derf for leaving and being joker (lol just the second reason really)

2. With this one he suggests derf is The Joker. I really doubt The Joker would have such a small role. The Joker should have a strong (probably strongest) Anti-Gotham role. He tried to kill CMC last night, right? This game takes place in an Asylum. I tend to think that derf is simply a nobody nut job with no powers or significance. Maybe kwanton is The Joker or is trying to "protect" the Joker by trying to make people think derf is the Joker.

I have no defense for the first one. Those are my legitimate beliefs on the CMK situation. But I did say that if CMK is telling the truth that is no reason to lynch him by any means. So if you do believe he is telling the turth don't vote him. Your decision. I was just saying don't trust everything he says as infallable as that is a dangerous thing.

In response to the second accusation you made, I was joking more than anything else. Please don't take it seriously. If I honestly believed he was the Joker I would have voted instead of an innocent FOS. At the begining Derf acted strange and fool-like which warrants an FOS but keep in mind I did not vote for him and was being facetious.
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Postby Skittles! on Fri Jun 15, 2007 10:27 pm

Interesting, very interesting. And interesting that you put it in the middle of a day.

So it seems there is an organised mafia, not just a few stragglers here and there.
I still have no major leads to vote someone. It is all comepletely insane
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Postby Talapus on Fri Jun 15, 2007 10:28 pm

Skittles! wrote:Interesting, very interesting. And interesting that you put it in the middle of a day.

So it seems there is an organised mafia, not just a few stragglers here and there.
I still have no major leads to vote someone. It is all comepletely insane

Simply wonderful isn't it... :twisted:
DoomYoshi wrote:
vote talapus

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Postby Skittles! on Fri Jun 15, 2007 10:30 pm

Talapus wrote:
Skittles! wrote:Interesting, very interesting. And interesting that you put it in the middle of a day.

So it seems there is an organised mafia, not just a few stragglers here and there.
I still have no major leads to vote someone. It is all comepletely insane

Simply wonderful isn't it... :twisted:

It's annoying. But the set up is wonderful.
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Postby kwanton on Fri Jun 15, 2007 10:30 pm

Skittles! wrote:Interesting, very interesting. And interesting that you put it in the middle of a day.

So it seems there is an organised mafia, not just a few stragglers here and there.
I still have no major leads to vote someone. It is all comepletely insane

Yes looks like I was wrong in my assumption of individual scum. Everyone lol at kwanton. I have my suspicions but I'd rather not say so a certain couple of people will act normally instead of knowing someone is watching them.
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Postby Skittles! on Fri Jun 15, 2007 10:32 pm

kwanton wrote:
Skittles! wrote:Interesting, very interesting. And interesting that you put it in the middle of a day.

So it seems there is an organised mafia, not just a few stragglers here and there.
I still have no major leads to vote someone. It is all comepletely insane

Yes looks like I was wrong in my assumption of individual scum. Everyone lol at kwanton. I have my suspicions but I'd rather not say so a certain couple of people will act normally instead of knowing someone is watching them.

I don't Lol at people.. So
And that's a good idea, but I'll read through again later. I do have a suspicion on one or two people, but that's about all.
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Postby MountainLion on Fri Jun 15, 2007 11:00 pm

Uh, I don't really see what the "MEMO TO ALL EMPLOYEES" has to do with anything at this point. The only thing I get from it is that Poison Ivy and the Mad Hatter are affiliated, and Ivy appears to have a higher role?
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Postby pancakemix on Fri Jun 15, 2007 11:02 pm

MountainLion wrote:Uh, I don't really see what the "MEMO TO ALL EMPLOYEES" has to do with anything at this point. The only thing I get from it is that Poison Ivy and the Mad Hatter are affiliated, and Ivy appears to have a higher role?

Hatter might have a traitor role if he's supposed to lay low.
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aage wrote:Never trust CYOC or pancake.
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Postby MountainLion on Fri Jun 15, 2007 11:05 pm

Talapus wrote:3:15am – Two shooters in one of the guard towers on the west side of Arkham, claimed they saw a figure all in black, running across the lawn towards them. Before they were able to identify the individual, the costumed figure climbed several feet up the tower and then used a whip latch on to the edge of the towers roof and swing over the perimeter fence of Arkham.

The "figure all in black" sounds like Catwoman to me...I believe she uses a whip :wink:
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Postby Skittles! on Fri Jun 15, 2007 11:12 pm

MountainLion wrote:
Talapus wrote:3:15am – Two shooters in one of the guard towers on the west side of Arkham, claimed they saw a figure all in black, running across the lawn towards them. Before they were able to identify the individual, the costumed figure climbed several feet up the tower and then used a whip latch on to the edge of the towers roof and swing over the perimeter fence of Arkham.

The "figure all in black" sounds like Catwoman to me...I believe she uses a whip :wink:

Did DC comics have Catwoman, or is that Marvel?
I know that DC made Batwoman... but the whip is Catwoman's tool.
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Postby MountainLion on Fri Jun 15, 2007 11:15 pm

I've been reading a little bit on possible characters in this game and I found a very interesting one: Ra's Al Ghul. "He views himself as above any preset laws which are governed by mankind. He has many followers, and heads a cult like organization filled with men who will do his bidding. He is extremely dangerous and cunning."

We may have a cult on our hands.
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Postby Skoffin on Fri Jun 15, 2007 11:17 pm

Catwoman was in Batman, she also worked with Penguin for a bit.

Who was the Mad Hatter? I don't remember such a character.
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Postby MountainLion on Fri Jun 15, 2007 11:21 pm

Talapus has been using pictures from the animated series from a few years ago. I used to watch this show for a was a few years ago, so I don't remember all of it, but some of it is coming back to me.

The Mad Hatter was a character in the series. His thing was mind control if I remember correctly.
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