the warrior65
The accused are suspected of:
Other: Attacking irrationally and improperly to help a friend rather than try to win
Game number(s):
Game 18987008
Comments: Assassin game. Green is chasing Pink. Pink is chasing Red. Red is chasing Yellow. rest not relevant. I, as Red have built a massive lead in terrs and armies surrounded my target. Meanwhile Green has reduced Pink to the point that he has 1 territory with 10 armies. I have gotten in the way of Green so green can't finish pink off. The turn before I would've eliminated Yellow and won, Pink attacks me from Nares Strait (only terr) to Baffin Bay, putting himself directly next to the 9 that Green left in Lancaster Sound. This puts himself directly in a position to be killed by Green who will be deploying 7-8 armies in addition to the 9 on Lancaster and can really easily take out the 7 that Pink now has left over, both directly bordering Green now. If Pink had not attacked, he would've had 13 instead of 7 left and could've survived an assault from Green. Pink's move absolutely did not help him win the game as his 13 armies had ZERO shot at fighting my 46 or so on the board. His move was clearly designed to prevent me from winning but help Green win. Green is Kevi and and the 2 of them have played 214 games together previously. It's patently unfair to make moves that don't help you win but assist your friend in winning instead of someone who might've won.