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constent harassement

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constent harassement

Postby zeus111 on Thu Mar 28, 2019 12:05 pm

ACCUSED xroads

i have to post this in here as this falls under the abuse section this fits into.. there will be a lot of info posted so ill try to keep it as short as possible ..recently as u all know im trying to do my part to get sites speed games back on track and in doing so i have a cc club stalker ..its this type of abuse to members that also causes players to leave site ,its reached new levels of extreme abuse currently and needs to be stopped ....heres what im talking about

viewtopic.php?f=5&t=230037 in here comes in to c$a name calls
viewtopic.php?f=6&t=230046 opens a thread with a poll attached
viewtopic.php?f=6&t=230071 claims to look in my game history and states i db several games .i linked games he stated and none were in fact db just spreading lies at this point .and harassing stalking

every thread i create there he is with more of the same and its been ongoing for several months ...i can post every single comment but here is the greatest hits ....

I think someone else hit it on the head, we are dealing with a 13 year old retarded kid.
will list people who basically ruins conquer club for everyone else.Todays ListZeus111
Can we just ban this douche bag now for behavior detrimental to the site?
Re: Daily Douche Bag ReportPostby xroads on Fri Mar 22, 2019 10:04 am Douche Bag....11 x called this now
Postby xroads on Fri Mar 22, 2019 7:03 pm I just couldn't take the Douchiness anymore and had to add a poll to see if I am the only one who thinks Zeus111 is a Douche.

to list a few of the many to keep this short

i am being constantly harassed stalked almost ..this is not acceptable on many levels ..i am doing my part to try and clean up speed game side off cc and for this i get nothing but abuse from xroads be harassed daily polls added and utter lies regarding my game play is not acceptable and this has to stop now!!! the threads linked need a quick glance through to see its simply abuse of a sites member..

members get banned for calling another wanker yet this guy can make polls on site ?? this type of harassment acceptable this allowed ....if so pls deactivate this account because if its allowed we have reached a new low one i dont want to be associated with ...


new development

yet another false statement by xroads who has stooped to new lows here look for your self changing original message s to better suit his need to justify the stalking perhaps ...

Re: why is there no speed game mod

Postby zeus111 on Thu Mar 28, 2019 8:28 am
need those linked timmy simply u cant be trusted !!!! lag is db ?? again technical issues 2017-07-05 03:35:29 - general cod eliminated zeus111 from the game no db timster ... 2018-06-16 16:41:41 - zeus111: cant play sorry have to run mouse hit join by accident gl in all gets in the way timmy

lmfao man u keep setting them up ill keep knocking them out of the park!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

now changing the original message timmy really ..................

I have a question for you Zues.

Looking back through your speed games, I found several where you yourself dead beated.
Why are you now so passionate about it, when you yourself have done it many times in the past? :?: :?: :?:

from this to that ....So looking at just a few games, look like you have broke the rules several times. I think you should start a C&A report on yourself. We cant have this type of rule breaking behavior on this site running people away. =D> =D> =D>

post no db games so had too change your story i see sad man just sad

u said .........Looking back through your speed games, I found several where you yourself dead beated. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :geek: :geek: :geek: :geek: :geek: :geek: :geek: :geek: :geek: :geek:

u make me lmao on a daily basis timmy thanks for that ....please dont change your making my time off shift very very amusing !!! my gf thanks u too she has never seen my in tears from laughing so much keep on keeping on could argue your just harassing ole zeus but hey it is funny
Last edited by zeus111 on Thu Mar 28, 2019 12:58 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: constent harassement

Postby Jdsizzleslice on Thu Mar 28, 2019 12:58 pm

Based on your logic, one could make the argument you are harassing him as well...
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Re: constent harassement

Postby zeus111 on Thu Mar 28, 2019 1:01 pm

Jdsizzleslice wrote:Based on your logic, one could make the argument you are harassing him as well...

defending my self with humor more like it but if u feel that way post it ..i dont go into his many threads like he does nor change my posts ... he went back in my game history for years searching for dbs post games and not 1 was db .thats a stalker dude ..changes to original message too boot ...i leave this for sites mods to determine whats what ..

thanks for stopping by
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Re: constent harassement

Postby Jdsizzleslice on Thu Mar 28, 2019 1:07 pm

zeus111 wrote:
Jdsizzleslice wrote:Based on your logic, one could make the argument you are harassing him as well...

defending more like it but if u feel that way post it ..i dont go into his many threads like he does nor change my posts ...i leave this for sites mods to determine whats what ..

thanks for stopping by

You do understand that none of what you said has any relevance to my previous statement... Replying to someone's treads, in and of itself, is not harassment. Looking up someone's game history is not harassment.

Someone like yourself that makes very bold claims sure cannot handle much pushback from other people.
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Re: constent harassement

Postby zeus111 on Thu Mar 28, 2019 1:17 pm

Jdsizzleslice wrote:
zeus111 wrote:
Jdsizzleslice wrote:Based on your logic, one could make the argument you are harassing him as well...

defending more like it but if u feel that way post it ..i dont go into his many threads like he does nor change my posts ...i leave this for sites mods to determine whats what ..

thanks for stopping by

You do understand that none of what you said has any relevance to my previous statement... Replying to someone's treads, in and of itself, is not harassment. Looking up someone's game history is not harassment.

Someone like yourself that makes very bold claims sure cannot handle much pushback from other people.

push back u say abusive harassment i say ...for what a posting legit questions like why no mod in speed games ... for bringing to light a real issue on site like dbs in speeders ....push back my ass..its abuse plain and simple ...
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Re: constent harassement

Postby Jdsizzleslice on Thu Mar 28, 2019 1:19 pm

zeus111 wrote:
Jdsizzleslice wrote:
zeus111 wrote:
Jdsizzleslice wrote:Based on your logic, one could make the argument you are harassing him as well...

defending more like it but if u feel that way post it ..i dont go into his many threads like he does nor change my posts ...i leave this for sites mods to determine whats what ..

thanks for stopping by

You do understand that none of what you said has any relevance to my previous statement... Replying to someone's treads, in and of itself, is not harassment. Looking up someone's game history is not harassment.

Someone like yourself that makes very bold claims sure cannot handle much pushback from other people.

push back u say abusive harassment i say ...for what a posting legit questions like why no mod in speed games ... for bringing to light a real issue on site like dbs in speeders ....push back my ass

And you thought everyone would have the exact same opinion as you, and not challenge your questions/comments at all?
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Re: constent harassement

Postby zeus111 on Thu Mar 28, 2019 1:28 pm

lets re cap i post on vale he comes in name calls then posts a poll on site regarding it ..goes into all my threads not just one does the same ..then goes through my game history says he finds several dbs post this.. lies.. is busted for it then changes the post posted are all dated and not one was intentional let alone several ... constant harassment for months has led us here ...

im done replying this speaks for it self
Last edited by zeus111 on Thu Mar 28, 2019 1:29 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: constent harassement

Postby xroads on Thu Mar 28, 2019 1:29 pm

Ah, the hypocrite

This started when I tried to drum up players to start the conquer cup. viewtopic.php?f=6&t=229088&hilit=cup&start=75

Zues started spewing garbage about the conquer cup being gambling and how it was going to shut CC down & Big Wham would be charged. He even went so far so to try and report CC to the gov't.



We have not heard from you regarding the email you sent back in December.We are very interested in pursuing this issue especially if minors are involved .This is something i am passionate about and is in need of looking into .Can u provide the name of the site please and any other screen shots u may have regarding the event both past and present.

Do you know what country the sites origin is or where the site servers are located .Its under the current country's laws the sites origin is licensed and located in that dictate were its prosecuted. I can look that up if you just provide me the name of the site. :?: :?: :?:

Best regards

As far as name calling, yeah I have, but he has been doing the same thing the entire time. Special ed Timmy in every post, even this the C&A post.

lmao timmy can use the dictionary =D> =D> =D> =D> =D> ... but still cant spell ..perhaps we should go back to basics

a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z learn these will talk soon heres a hint some sing a to z it helps to remember !!

here a little video to help u along
and one for you to learn how to subtract ...

now timmy thats a lot to learn today so just go slow sing along with both vids posted it helps to retain the information learned .. dont hurt your self and remember when riding your bike to always use a helmet you cant afford any more brain damage clearly...

Now he is all of the sudden on a crusade to report everyone who ever deadbeats in a speed game, except for the fact that he does it himself.

Game 17655250 deadbeats game after he had been beaten.
Game 17548586 deadbeats last 2 turns, opponent finishes the game
Game 17548581 deadbeats, and even says he DB in chat
Game 18343585 joins but deadbeats. Intentional point dumping?
Game 17417762 deadbeats
Game 17417717 deadbeats

So its ok to go on a crusade to eliminate deadbeating in speed games, when he does it himself?

Meanwhile he has argued with and insulted about every respectable member of CC, even going so far as accusing mods of cheating and playing favoritism.

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Re: constent harassement

Postby zeus111 on Thu Mar 28, 2019 1:35 pm

Game 17655250 deadbeats game after he had been beaten.
Game 17548586 deadbeats last 2 turns, opponent finishes the game
Game 17548581 deadbeats, and even says he DB in chat
Game 18343585 joins but deadbeats. Intentional point dumping?
Game 17417762 deadbeats
Game 17417717 deadbeats

not one timmy again just more of the same so its clear now for trying not to get site shut down u are stalking me ok thanks for clearing that up 3400 games played 6 u posted 5 are life getting in the way ....for coming into timmys post on cc cup to avoid site shut down is the reason good to know !!!!!!!!
Last edited by zeus111 on Thu Mar 28, 2019 1:39 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: constent harassement

Postby xroads on Thu Mar 28, 2019 1:39 pm

zeus111 wrote:Game 17655250 deadbeats game after he had been beaten.
Game 17548586 deadbeats last 2 turns, opponent finishes the game
Game 17548581 deadbeats, and even says he DB in chat
Game 18343585 joins but deadbeats. Intentional point dumping?
Game 17417762 deadbeats
Game 17417717 deadbeats

not one timmy again just more of the same so its clear now thanks for trying not to get site shut down u are stalking me ok thanks for clearing that up 3400 games played 6 u posted 5 are life getting in the way ....

You mean like you stalked Vale Abdel or hotitigers? So it is ok for you to check their games and call them out, but when someone does it to you it is stalking?

And how is it different for you to miss turns and deadbeat games, but not for others?
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Re: constent harassement

Postby zeus111 on Thu Mar 28, 2019 1:42 pm

xroads wrote:
zeus111 wrote:Game 17655250 deadbeats game after he had been beaten.
Game 17548586 deadbeats last 2 turns, opponent finishes the game
Game 17548581 deadbeats, and even says he DB in chat
Game 18343585 joins but deadbeats. Intentional point dumping?
Game 17417762 deadbeats
Game 17417717 deadbeats

not one timmy again just more of the same so its clear now thanks for trying not to get site shut down u are stalking me ok thanks for clearing that up 3400 games played 6 u posted 5 are life getting in the way ....

You mean like you stalked Vale Abdel or hotitigers? So it is ok for you to check their games and call them out, but when someone does it to you it is stalking?

And how is it different for you to miss turns and deadbeat games, but not for others?

posting on abuse of the game is asked from us timmy

5 games u linked out of 3400 ... not one is db ....

vales page one had 30 ish

hottiggers 90 percent attendance and 30 on page on is the difference ...glad u admitted to stalking me tho the rest speaks for it self

u just said for posting my views on gambling is why u do this .....u admit it clearly
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Re: constent harassement

Postby Jdsizzleslice on Thu Mar 28, 2019 1:45 pm

I suggest you two stop the bickering.
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Re: constent harassement

Postby zeus111 on Thu Mar 28, 2019 1:49 pm

Jdsizzleslice wrote:I suggest you two stop the bickering.

let him go on its proving my point ...for trying too save the site in my strong belief from getting shut down .. he has been stalking me in his own words ..creates a poll even yikes !!! what happens if some one else disagrees with him more of the same ????

for 7 yrs of game play i missed 6 games i guess and its compared to the above mentioned players .....this guy s out of control and all because we have different views on a topic double yikes!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Re: constent harassement

Postby TheForgivenOne on Thu Mar 28, 2019 2:11 pm

Game 1675072
2018-08-09 16:02:06 - Mageplunka69: its jamaica map and TFO that keep me on this site
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Re: constent harassement

Postby TeeGee on Thu Mar 28, 2019 4:52 pm

Just a heads up. If you are having an issue with someone in the forum there are 2 ways to deal with it and you can do either or both.

1. (recommended) use the FOE feature. click on their profile and choose "add foe" you will never see any posts by them again unless you choose too. It also has the added benefit of stopping them joining your games.

2. on the top of the offending post you will see an upside down triangle with a red ! sign in it. Click on that. This then reports that post to the moderation team. If a rule or guideline has been violated, then we will act on it.
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