Conquer Club

Multis: Octapede[BUSTED] / Bryson-Ross[CLEARED]

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Moderators: Multi Hunters, Cheating/Abuse Team

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Multis: Octapede[BUSTED] / Bryson-Ross[CLEARED]

Postby kcharles on Wed Feb 20, 2019 1:59 pm



The accused are suspected of:

Being Multis

Game number(s):

Others against other opponents

As soon as I clicked to join this game, I realized it was a scam. Both players were brand new logins signing up only 10 minutes apart and joining the same game with no previous CC experience. They took their turns fighting with me over a territory that didn't make sense to their overall strategy. By then I am in third place, then Bryson-Ross invades me knocking me so far down that I am out of the game and can't come back. Meanwhile they have very loose borders with each other and take their turns only minutes after each other. I accuse them of cheating. They have similar responses and then start to play a slower game.
Even after I miss two turns, Bryson refuses to attack Octapede, attacking me instead after I had abandoned the game. Octapede then attacks Bryson and knocks he so far down he can't recover. Octapede takes 46 points off me with his question mark rank.
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Re: Multis: Octapede / Bryson-Ross

Postby Evil Semp on Wed Feb 20, 2019 2:20 pm

Octapede was BUSTED with BrandonCampbell.

I believe Octapede and Bryson-Ross are friends. It looks like you joined a game that was supposed to have another one of their friends play.

Your complaining about the points you lost brings up this question. Why were you joining a game with to cooks?
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