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Re: Lets start the Conquer Cup

Postby zeus111 on Mon Dec 10, 2018 9:37 pm

xroads wrote:Still waiting for the actual law that says prizes in a contest is against USA law

good for u ...

Section 5362, Definitions
This section outlines definitions of gambling terms to be used throughout the act. The Act defines a bet or wager to include risking something of value on the outcome of a contest, sports event, "or a game subject to chance." The "game subject to chance" restriction is designed to include Internet poker in the act.[17] The Act then confuses the issue of skill by stating that betting includes purchasing an "opportunity" to win a lottery, which must be predominantly subject to chance. The Act expressly prohibits lotteries based on sports events. Some activities such as securities and commodities, including futures, that are traded on U.S. exchanges are, by statute, declared not to be gambling.[17] "Designated payment system" covers any system used by anyone involved in money transfers, that the federal government determines could be used by illegal gambling. "Financial transaction provider" is a very broad definition covering everyone who participates in transferring money for illegal Internet gambling. This expressly includes an "operator of a terminal at which an electronic fund transfer may be initiated" and international payment networks. "Interactive computer service" includes Internet service providers. "Restricted transaction" means any transmittal of money involved with unlawful Internet gambling. "Unlawful Internet gambling" is defined as betting, receiving, or transmitting a bet that is illegal under federal, state, or tribal law. The Act says to ignore the intermediary computers and look to the place where the bet is made or received.[17] To force casinos to report large cash transactions, federal law was changed to define "financial institution" as including large gambling businesses. All other definitions are standard.
Last edited by zeus111 on Mon Dec 10, 2018 9:44 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Lets start the Conquer Cup

Postby xroads on Mon Dec 10, 2018 9:40 pm

You are the genius spewing garbage, lets see you back it up with fact.
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Re: Lets start the Conquer Cup

Postby TeeGee on Mon Dec 10, 2018 9:42 pm

You do not have to pay cash to enter the Conquer Cup, in fact you can not pay cash to enter

you can get credits in many many ways, purchasing them is just 1 way.
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Re: Lets start the Conquer Cup

Postby riskllama on Mon Dec 10, 2018 9:48 pm

so CC ends by butthurt loser zeus111 getting banned for idiocy and ratting out CC to the feds? didn't see that coming... :-s
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Re: Lets start the Conquer Cup

Postby zeus111 on Mon Dec 10, 2018 9:52 pm

TeeGee wrote:You do not have to pay cash to enter the Conquer Cup, in fact you can not pay cash to enter

you can get credits in many many ways, purchasing them is just 1 way.

i get that teegee but buy in here is 500 cc credits a value of 7.35 to most all members ..the cash pay out is were issue lies m8 trust me i looked into this and as trivial as it seems its set up is considered gambling m8 for real

@ risk lamma the exact opposite irky trying to avoid it =D> =D> =D>
Last edited by zeus111 on Mon Dec 10, 2018 9:54 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Lets start the Conquer Cup

Postby xroads on Mon Dec 10, 2018 9:53 pm

man, you are full out retard arent you
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Re: Lets start the Conquer Cup

Postby TeeGee on Mon Dec 10, 2018 9:55 pm

where is the CASH payout?
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Re: Lets start the Conquer Cup

Postby zeus111 on Mon Dec 10, 2018 9:56 pm

xroads wrote:man, you are full out retard arent you

lol u just a stupid as i figured proved us law proved its gambling what else u want muppet the site shut down too
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Re: Lets start the Conquer Cup

Postby zeus111 on Mon Dec 10, 2018 9:57 pm

Dukasaur wrote:
esbiete wrote:Ok I'm going to join! I feel (well, I know) I'm not going to reach the end, but I'll be there.

Also, I think that due to cost everybody should get something back, for example: 13-20 2 Pink, 21-25 1 Pink, 26-50 2 Cyan, 50-100 5 Orange, 100-128 5 Silver

There are already a ton of prizes in the tournament, including $450 in real money (via the Amazon gift certificates) for the Top 6, and an exclusive Conquer Cup medal that you can't get anywhere else for the Top 12.

I think they felt that gives it a lot of desirability, and adding a pile of little prizes for lower placing might actually make it feel less impressive rather than more.

But I will mention your suggestion to BW for the next one.

amazon gift cards have a cash value and is a direct way to avoid the payout ...
Last edited by zeus111 on Mon Dec 10, 2018 9:58 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Lets start the Conquer Cup

Postby xroads on Mon Dec 10, 2018 9:58 pm

You proved nothing.

I asked you to specifically link the us law that prohibits this and you have failed.
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Re: Lets start the Conquer Cup

Postby TeeGee on Mon Dec 10, 2018 9:58 pm

Zeus, you have abused back, so no point reporting unless you want to be punished also
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Re: Lets start the Conquer Cup

Postby zeus111 on Mon Dec 10, 2018 10:00 pm

TeeGee wrote:Zeus, you have abused back, so no point reporting unless you want to be punished also

do as u wishm8 i really care less if u think its fine run gambling event see what transpires
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Re: Lets start the Conquer Cup

Postby zeus111 on Mon Dec 10, 2018 10:08 pm

xroads wrote:You are the genius spewing garbage, lets see you back it up with fact. ... ing_060607

first 2 lines
If youā€™ve ever thought about visiting a cyber casino, hereā€™s something you should know: itā€™s illegal to gamble online in the United States.thats an fbi site homie

FYI, here are the primary federal laws that govern online gambling:

Transmission of wagering, betting by use of a wire communication
Broadcasting lottery information
Fraud by wire
Mail fraud: Attempt and Conspiracy this is when cc club mails out winnings

For more information on our cyber investigations and operations, see our Cyber Investigations website.

last is also from that link
Last edited by zeus111 on Mon Dec 10, 2018 10:15 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Lets start the Conquer Cup

Postby CatchersMitt14 on Mon Dec 10, 2018 10:14 pm

I thought Zeus said his goodbye and left the site?

11:36:19 ā€¹Swifteā€ŗ #RazYouUselessTwit
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Re: Lets start the Conquer Cup

Postby xroads on Mon Dec 10, 2018 10:16 pm

CC doesnt apply to any of those.

It is not sports betting, it is not betting on card games, nor is it an offshore casino.

But the very FBI link you posted does say this

Whatā€™s allowed? Some free online games, fantasy leagues, and Indian gaming sites that arenā€™t strictly defined as Internet gambling.

So go crawl back into your know it all hole in your mothers basement and have her bring you some pizza with ranch dressing so you can sit your fat ass in your underwear and continue to be a keyboard warrior.
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Re: Lets start the Conquer Cup

Postby zeus111 on Mon Dec 10, 2018 10:17 pm

CatchersMitt14 wrote:I thought Zeus said his goodbye and left the site?


did but other sites really sucked

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Re: Lets start the Conquer Cup

Postby Elaterate on Mon Dec 10, 2018 10:19 pm

zeus111 wrote: ..if site removes cash payouts ill go one step further and pay the remaining empty spots in hope to finally fill this event ..

DIBS on one of those seats ;)
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Re: Lets start the Conquer Cup

Postby zeus111 on Mon Dec 10, 2018 10:19 pm

xroads wrote:CC doesnt apply to any of those.

It is not sports betting, it is not betting on card games, nor is it an offshore casino.

But the very FBI link you posted does say this

Whatā€™s allowed? Some free online games, fantasy leagues, and Indian gaming sites that arenā€™t strictly defined as Internet gambling.

So go crawl back into your know it all hole in your mothers basement and have her bring you some pizza with ranch dressing so you can sit your fat ass in your underwear and continue to be a keyboard warrior.

read into it as u wish this event has been clearly set up as a gambling event but u too obtuse to see that and if runs in current format site runs a huge risk of being shut down plain and simple ....i noticed u left out its illegal to gamble on line in the usa ....this is going nowhere fast ..if site admin does not feel its gambling run event as structured mail out 300 gift card to winner 50 to runners up ,,,,take 500 credits from a member who paid to enter ..profit 500 plis dollars from that event see how that plays out for ya
Last edited by zeus111 on Mon Dec 10, 2018 10:26 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Lets start the Conquer Cup

Postby xroads on Mon Dec 10, 2018 10:22 pm

So what about all the past events CC has hosted and given out Amazon gift cards (Which is a prize and not cash)? They have not been shut down for those.
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Re: Lets start the Conquer Cup

Postby zeus111 on Mon Dec 10, 2018 10:27 pm

Elaterate wrote:
zeus111 wrote: ..if site removes cash payouts ill go one step further and pay the remaining empty spots in hope to finally fill this event ..

DIBS on one of those seats ;)

100 percent ill pay your way in m8
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Re: Lets start the Conquer Cup

Postby zeus111 on Mon Dec 10, 2018 10:29 pm

xroads wrote:So what about all the past events CC has hosted and given out Amazon gift cards (Which is a prize and not cash)? They have not been shut down for those.

man stop talking past u just dont get it site can be closed for those just shhhh man for real ..its a crime to send a payout via mail m8 i know this sounds bad but im genuine no bs ...u keep bringing up past events the can use those too get it.. fact that this has gone unchecked is lucky at best ...if u dont see this as gambling cc club giver telling it is 100 percent second u mailed payouts laws have been broken taking money in any form for the event
Last edited by zeus111 on Mon Dec 10, 2018 10:32 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Lets start the Conquer Cup

Postby xroads on Mon Dec 10, 2018 10:32 pm

SO I along with many other people dont have to pay for membership or entrance fees. You play enough you win stars, which gets you into tournaments that pay out conquer credits.

So if you are winning conquer credits, that you didnt have to pay for, and win a prize, how is that gambling?
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Re: Lets start the Conquer Cup

Postby xroads on Mon Dec 10, 2018 10:33 pm


Your mom called and said you were getting upset and to go easy on you.
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Re: Lets start the Conquer Cup

Postby zeus111 on Mon Dec 10, 2018 10:35 pm

xroads wrote:SO I along with many other people dont have to pay for membership or entrance fees. You play enough you win stars, which gets you into tournaments that pay out conquer credits.

So if you are winning conquer credits, that you didnt have to pay for, and win a prize, how is that gambling?

cc clubs prizes or stars are not tangible or have value the store u can clearly see the value of 500 cedits 7.35 ..issue is the payouts really as the have cash value and is legal tender
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Re: Lets start the Conquer Cup

Postby zeus111 on Mon Dec 10, 2018 10:38 pm

xroads wrote:Oh BTW

Your mom called and said you were getting upset and to go easy on you.

my mom passed of cancer in 2014 thanks tho your a gem ...hammer me all u wish xroads i care less m8 just take all u say with grain of salt and made my point over and over ...if site runs event in current format now u say past events have run this way opens up more charges and strengthens case against site once site took money or in this case 500 cc club coins and made a profit from an illegal action it writes it self ....the we didnt know defense only goes so far ..and now your aware that this is illegal on many levels as small as u may think the matter is i assure you its not keep it up u cost site ability to bank or exist ....if site admin thinks its not gambling look up definition gambling up i posted it here went one step further asked a person who looks into this and ill take her word over yours any day of the week who by the way has emailed me 3 more times today just looking for the chance to look into this ..its sad really for trying to advise site i have to even deal with u lamma ect .....but i can take all u have to say just your mental issues are tough lol

peace out !!!
Last edited by zeus111 on Mon Dec 10, 2018 10:54 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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