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Closed Missing Turn Abuse - chidone [ka]

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Missing Turn Abuse - chidone [ka]

Postby Mad777 on Wed Dec 05, 2018 11:39 am



The accused is suspected being reported about:

Severe Missing Turn Abuse

Game number(s):
Active: (those game below are a little fragment, the list goes on and on and for several months if not years....)

Game 18530059
Game 18683343
Game 18679898
Game 18667226
Game 18646019
Game 18627417


It has been a while chidone is having inconsistency playing his turn, but now it has reached a level beyond the annoyance, it has changed game outcome, from getting those deferred troops after missing couple of turns (mainly on weekends) and coming back Mondays and drop 3 times what his regular drop should be, when you play straight 1v1 it doesn't affect much, other than being annoying however when you play Poly, trench type games it really screw up the gameplay as well.
I have linked couple of his active games to show that not only our games are in question but many others, there is so much I could link using the completed section of his games, I would have to spend several days to write the list (easy readings using game log showing my claim above).

I think I may have wrote 1 or 2 Abuse report (if that) since I'm playing this site, almost 10 years, and I careless about gaining or losing points, but I do care of having a fair result, I don't see myself as a really good player but more being average skill set, and for this I enjoy either my win or my loss as long as the loss is the outcome of a fair game (I include luck which is part of a game like RISK).

I bet my shirt many players had and are facing this same missing turn abuse...

Suggestion were submitted to sanction 3 consecutive missing in Poly type (disregarding player color) a while ago and I'm still pushing admin to make it implemented so far with no success, I know for sure this would help reducing player like chidone to abuse missing turn.
Player have the opportunity to get a sitter even do this may not be mandatory, but when you play an amount of game like he does and register yourself in tournaments you should have and maintain a game spirit and be fairplay with others.

I'm sure this report would only show warning sanction, since this is the way admin treat members with severe annoyance in CC for years, but at least this would have unveil the concern and perhaps help other member to have a better understanding what they will get playing against member like chidone.

Since I rarely play casual game, but mainly Auto Tournament and Clan games ,foe him doesn't add any value...

Thanks for your time reading my concern.
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Re: Missing Turn Abuse - chidone

Postby WALLZ on Wed Dec 05, 2018 12:22 pm

I am a player who does not like to rush my 24 hour turns, so when people play me and wait until a few minutes remaining before playing i am cool with that. However, I feel your frustrations when people miss turns on purpose to gain an edge. Whether it be the last few rounds of tournament games or whenever. It is a strategy that often seems to work however and that just makes it worse. When playing risk around the table we always played a rule that if you were not seated when its your turn we would just carry on and you do not get your reinforcements. Same if a person simply forgot to place reinforcements before attacking. Snooze they loose. I would far rather the consequences of a missed turn to be no troops rather than extra troops the following round. That would stop the missed turns on purpose I am sure. :D
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Re: Missing Turn Abuse - chidone

Postby Mad777 on Wed Dec 05, 2018 12:41 pm

I have claim his missing turn for being an abuse, not really for gaining point (his rank has never gone above what he has now), or any sort of scoreboard manipulation, just to make it clear.
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Re: Missing Turn Abuse - chidone

Postby Donelladan on Wed Dec 05, 2018 12:51 pm

WALLZ wrote:However, I feel your frustrations when people miss turns on purpose to gain an edge. Whether it be the last few rounds of tournament games or whenever. It is a strategy that often seems to work however and that just makes it worse.

Please explain how deferred troops give you an edge, I am curious.

Even better, please, play against me, and miss turn on purpose to get an edge, I think seeing it in action would help me understand better how missing turn can give you an edge in a game.

@Mad I am not sure of what you are accusing chidone.

Are you accusing him to miss turn on purpose to get an advantage, or are you only accusing him to miss a lot of turns and it's annoying.

You said he often miss turn on week-ends and come back mondays and he gets lot of deferred. Based on that, I don't think he is missing turn on purpose, but that he is busy during week-end; therefore he miss turn. Might still be annoying, but not done in purpose.
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Re: Missing Turn Abuse - chidone

Postby Mad777 on Wed Dec 05, 2018 1:33 pm

Donelladan wrote:@Mad I am not sure of what you are accusing chidone.

Are you accusing him to miss turn on purpose to get an advantage, or are you only accusing him to miss a lot of turns and it's annoying.

You said he often miss turn on week-ends and come back mondays and he gets lot of deferred. Based on that, I don't think he is missing turn on purpose, but that he is busy during week-end; therefore he miss turn. Might still be annoying, but not done in purpose.

I am posting my report for the abusing of missing turns that are weekends but not only weekends, it is visible he is missing turns during weekdays as well, my report is not based on cheating but on the fact that whatever you do, Poly, trench games gameplay does change when you deal with a player who don't care playing his turn and get that amount of deferred deferred troops that cause the inconsistency of the gameplay.
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Re: Missing Turn Abuse - chidone

Postby chidone on Wed Dec 05, 2018 7:54 pm

I'm just going to say One thing in my weekend I like to go to the woods rivers oceans and There is no WiFi Thank you and sorry
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Re: Missing Turn Abuse - chidone

Postby chidone on Wed Dec 05, 2018 7:57 pm

I don't know what is the problem with these people they won the games anyway
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Re: Missing Turn Abuse - chidone

Postby WALLZ on Wed Dec 05, 2018 10:44 pm

"Please explain how deferred troops give you an edge, I am curious.

Even better, please, play against me, and miss turn on purpose to get an edge, I think seeing it in action would help me understand better how missing turn can give you an edge in a game."

Like all things on CC it depends on the settings. 1v1/ 1 team vs another team doesnt make a difference that I have found. Where I have found people succeed with missing turns for an advantage are games with a round limit and a bunch of people.

A few times in speed games when I used to play them there would be 3 players left, fog of war and one player missed two of the three last turns and dropped the troops down and won by troop count by just a few troops when he was the 3rd player. The other guy thought he was going to dead beat so he attacked only me instead.
The 2nd time that happened I saw what was going to happen, but the other player still tried to kill me and left the 3rd player to win by troop count after missing 2 turns of the last 3. So this example is during speed games. You have less time to consider details like that when it is almost a stalemate. Fog or no Fog.
Another situation where I have found it recently is with a flatrate classic event I am in. during the round with several players and again with 9 players most games are going the full 50 rounds. A good few games have had players miss those 2 turns and try swoop in and win with troop count. I think one of two guys did manage to pull it off, and that 1 win can be enough to get to the next round and win a few hundred points in the mix.
I think it is a cheap strategy and I do not like how much of a gamble it is. But if a lower rated player pulls it off in a 9 player game they win really big.

Make sense?
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Re: Missing Turn Abuse - chidone

Postby TeeGee on Wed Dec 05, 2018 10:51 pm

Is this an actual report or a request to change the existing rule? Because as it stands I can't see what actual rule has been broken.
Annoying? yes, but still within current rules.
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Re: Missing Turn Abuse - chidone

Postby Donelladan on Thu Dec 06, 2018 4:40 am

WALLZ wrote:"Please explain how deferred troops give you an edge, I am curious.

Even better, please, play against me, and miss turn on purpose to get an edge, I think seeing it in action would help me understand better how missing turn can give you an edge in a game."

Like all things on CC it depends on the settings. 1v1/ 1 team vs another team doesnt make a difference that I have found. Where I have found people succeed with missing turns for an advantage are games with a round limit and a bunch of people.

A few times in speed games when I used to play them there would be 3 players left, fog of war and one player missed two of the three last turns and dropped the troops down and won by troop count by just a few troops when he was the 3rd player. The other guy thought he was going to dead beat so he attacked only me instead.
The 2nd time that happened I saw what was going to happen, but the other player still tried to kill me and left the 3rd player to win by troop count after missing 2 turns of the last 3. So this example is during speed games. You have less time to consider details like that when it is almost a stalemate. Fog or no Fog.
Another situation where I have found it recently is with a flatrate classic event I am in. during the round with several players and again with 9 players most games are going the full 50 rounds. A good few games have had players miss those 2 turns and try swoop in and win with troop count. I think one of two guys did manage to pull it off, and that 1 win can be enough to get to the next round and win a few hundred points in the mix.
I think it is a cheap strategy and I do not like how much of a gamble it is. But if a lower rated player pulls it off in a 9 player game they win really big.

Make sense?

Completely make sense.
But it wasn't the case described in the OP. ( as far as I understood it).
My point was in a 1vs1, one team vs one team, missing turn doesn't give an edge. Seems we agree. I thought with your previous post you were going this way.
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Re: Missing Turn Abuse - chidone

Postby owenshooter on Fri Dec 07, 2018 2:40 pm

chidone wrote:I'm just going to say One thing in my weekend I like to go to the woods rivers oceans and There is no WiFi Thank you and sorry

How. Dare. You? How. Dare. You? Good Sir. How. Dare. You!-Jésus noir

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Re: Missing Turn Abuse - chidone

Postby Mad777 on Fri Dec 07, 2018 3:33 pm

chidone wrote:I'm just going to say One thing in my weekend I like to go to the woods rivers oceans and There is no WiFi Thank you and sorry

With that being said you pretty much confirm you intentionally miss your turns since you don't use sitter, thank you Sir.

BTW here was another one Game 18676940

2018-12-06 11:52:25 - chidone missed a turn

your weekend seems to be random and any day, just saying, so come up with with better argument because so far it's more about you just careless about playing and annoying others...
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Re: Missing Turn Abuse - chidone

Postby king achilles on Fri Dec 07, 2018 5:47 pm

What I can see as a possible violation is when someone repeatedly intentionally misses turns on one game while he takes turns on another game or if he is actually online but is doing something else like chatting or posting in the forums, etc. and letting himself miss his turns.

This doesn't look like the case here.
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Re: Missing Turn Abuse - chidone

Postby zeus111 on Sun Dec 09, 2018 2:53 am

missing turns is not abuse this member is a casual player not taking risk seriously as some do .. the dead beating issue has gone to new levels of comprehension ... maybe start there ,,its become so common place in speeder 6 player baltic games 4 out of 6 normally db as its put .maybe instead of resign button a stand up button could be implemented so that feature can be used in all games not just 1 v 1 trench after round 10 ... with the few speeders playing to chastise them for dead beating would most certainly kill that side accommodate them with the stand up feature....

if we as a community have gotten to posting on a member missing turns really only hurting his game we need more help then once thought .. :ugeek: :ugeek:
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Re: Missing Turn Abuse - chidone

Postby king achilles on Sun Dec 09, 2018 9:12 pm

Expanding the Resign Feature to other types of games is not far fetched and who knows if it is already in the horizon but this is already a different topic from this report.


I agree that being a not-so dedicated player or responsible enough to find a sitter is not something that is in line for some disciplinary action right now. Nevertheless, chidone has been contacted to find a sitter on those days he knows he will be unavailable to take his turns.
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