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Change My Mind

Postby IcePack on Mon Oct 15, 2018 4:45 pm


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Re: Change My Mind

Postby zeus111 on Mon Oct 15, 2018 5:08 pm

i wish i could ..multi player speeders are toast last week alone seen 4 lifers go freemium cant even contact my referrals in its design is set to fail ...seems like its some one with a very negative outlook is ruining cc club ....u said i cant reach my referrals so they cant be trolled by members takes away ability to not only guide them but to communicate with them , why is it this sites solutions are creating more issues then need be. its looking for the worst not accepting the best from its members thanks for clearing that up for me

seems owner ship as it was put to me doesn't have time to improve its flaws ..its relying on non paid volunteers to maintain it and now the bug logging us out mid turn ,,yikes !!!! its just my opinion but all that remains worth playing is clan wars /tournaments ..the auto tournaments are geared toward premium once those tournaments start to decline would be a good indicator of sites end ...... so on this we agree .

people are playing risk online a lot of them yet this site is having issues filling up a simple 6 player speed game
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Re: Change My Mind

Postby riskllama on Mon Oct 15, 2018 5:09 pm

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Re: Change My Mind

Postby zeus111 on Mon Oct 15, 2018 5:21 pm

riskllama wrote:gay.

maybe but its looking bleak ..irky
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Re: Change My Mind

Postby CatchersMitt14 on Mon Oct 15, 2018 5:26 pm

Have the llama shoot it and put us all out of our misery. I hear he is available for these types of situations.
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Re: Change My Mind

Postby riskllama on Mon Oct 15, 2018 5:28 pm

CatchersMitt14 wrote:Have the llama shoot it and put us all out of our misery. I hear he is available for these types of situations.

i'm not allowed to possess firearms, sorry... :?
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Re: Change My Mind

Postby Swifte on Mon Oct 15, 2018 6:22 pm

Breaking: 12 year old RISK websites (especially ones with no mobile interface) aren't in demand.

And you know, at the end of the day, it won't be the worst thing. What else have you played 7,000 games of? We got way more out of it than we probably ever should have. It makes sense people are deciding every day they're ready for something else. There's no other game from 2006 I still play :P

That said.. there's still plenty of people around to have a good game with. It might be dying but it seems far from dead.
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Re: Change My Mind

Postby DoomYoshi on Mon Oct 15, 2018 6:34 pm

Swifte wrote:Breaking: 12 year old RISK websites (especially ones with no mobile interface) aren't in demand.

And you know, at the end of the day, it won't be the worst thing. What else have you played 7,000 games of? We got way more out of it than we probably ever should have. It makes sense people are deciding every day they're ready for something else. There's no other game from 2006 I still play :P

That said.. there's still plenty of people around to have a good game with. It might be dying but it seems far from dead.

People still play Doom every single day. When I got a new supercomputer, the first thing I did was play Doom II to test out my amazing graphics cards.
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Re: Change My Mind

Postby riskllama on Mon Oct 15, 2018 6:55 pm

Doom isn't CC, DY... :roll:
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Re: Change My Mind

Postby DoomYoshi on Mon Oct 15, 2018 10:05 pm

That's the problem. Not enough Doom on this site.
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Re: Change My Mind

Postby Silly Knig-it on Tue Oct 16, 2018 2:09 am

Remember that the leading cause of death is birth.

Then everything else can be recognized for what it is. Just something along the journey.

So enjoy the games. (Except for the f*$%ed up dice.)

I for one don't hardly play the speeders. (7+ years to a silver speeder medal) (346 complete speed games out of 12434 games played (<3%))

So the arguement that we have to have speeders for the site to thrive makes no sense to me. I do believe it is important to some but definitely not all. Not everyone enjoys first person shooter games. More power to those that do. We all have things that we enjoy. CC manages to make most of us at least happy enough to keep coming back regularly and to make us upset when we think it is trouble.

The opposite of love is indifference not hate. Passions would not rise if we didn't care. Even our trolls would miss this site. They would have to learn new triggers for new sites.

Our Scoreboard list about 1 x 10 to -9th percent of the world's population. We could shoot to round that up to a -8 and we would have no trouble playing. (Well maybe a denial of service because of the number of players.)
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Re: Change My Mind

Postby KoolBak on Tue Oct 16, 2018 5:19 am

I am honestly sick of hearing one person's pissing match about speed games. Who cares? I don't play speed games, so the site is fine and good :lol:

The core of our group has been playing risk together since the late 80's. We set up here when Brian started it...first group on CC I believe. Still here...still happy.

So...anyone else wanna judge the state of the entire site on their personal situation?
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riskllama wrote:Koolbak wins this thread.
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Re: Change My Mind

Postby TeeGee on Tue Oct 16, 2018 10:07 am

KoolBak wrote:I am honestly sick of hearing one person's pissing match about speed games. Who cares? I don't play speed games, so the site is fine and good :lol:

The core of our group has been playing risk together since the late 80's. We set up here when Brian started it...first group on CC I believe. Still here...still happy.

So...anyone else wanna judge the state of the entire site on their personal situation?

Very well said

There is a core group of players here that will leave when we die

Until then, the site will exist. Doesn’t matter if there is only 2 of us left, that’s all that is needed to play.
Compare our numbers logged in at anytime to other sites like land grab and Majcom, they are still around with less than 10 users online at most times... and the dots... don’t forget the dots ....
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Re: Change My Mind

Postby Lord Arioch on Tue Oct 16, 2018 10:43 am

Why not make positive suggs aimed to solving problems instead of complaining? I for one is kind of tired on all the negative comments ... work around it, and be positive ... aim to solve instead of aim to well something else...
I like CC sure the dice hates me sometimes but thats life :)
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Re: Change My Mind

Postby IcePack on Tue Oct 16, 2018 1:57 pm

TeeGee wrote:
KoolBak wrote:I am honestly sick of hearing one person's pissing match about speed games. Who cares? I don't play speed games, so the site is fine and good :lol:

The core of our group has been playing risk together since the late 80's. We set up here when Brian started it...first group on CC I believe. Still here...still happy.

So...anyone else wanna judge the state of the entire site on their personal situation?

Very well said

There is a core group of players here that will leave when we die

Until then, the site will exist. Doesn’t matter if there is only 2 of us left, that’s all that is needed to play.
Compare our numbers logged in at anytime to other sites like land grab and Majcom, they are still around with less than 10 users online at most times... and the dots... don’t forget the dots ....

The numbers are going down every day. I know you were exaggerating, but there still needs to be enough people here to keep it profitable, or it won't still be around.
People choose this site over land grab and MajCom because of the Community. Not because it looks better, plays better, or innovates more. But that Community is rapidly shrinking, 1000+ players per year. Theres only 5,100 players left, so eventually if all things are equal, they may not choose this place anymore. Because the draw to here was the large playing community, and it won't be here forever. If all communities are small, then they are going to choose the best one. This one does have the most maps, but it also clearly has dice issues, functionality / bug problems, server issues, etc etc etc.

Once the community is small enough, how fun will it be to play the same people over and over and over? When the clan community dies or can't support more then a few clans, how fun will it be playing the same 3-4 clans on repeat? Eventually that will get old, and those people too will leave. There aren't new maps being developed like they used to be either, so theres less and less for vet players to be interested in.

Lord Arioch wrote:Why not make positive suggs aimed to solving problems instead of complaining? I for one is kind of tired on all the negative comments ... work around it, and be positive ... aim to solve instead of aim to well something else...
I like CC sure the dice hates me sometimes but thats life :)

I'm not complaining, I got into a debate whether or not this site was "dying" and they couldn't provide a strong argument against it. So I thought, for all the people who believe the site ISN"T dying, maybe they could provide a better argument of why this site is alive and growing / thriving.

I've been involved on TeamCC for years, I spoke to the owner hundreds of times and provided a ton of positive suggestions. Theres a whole (dead) forum full of positive suggestions if they want to dig through it. My intention here isn't to provide positive suggestions, they are everywhere. The owner doesn't read the forums. So he wouldn't see it even if I bothered to do it. What good does it do to shout positive things at a wall that doesn't hear you?

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Re: Change My Mind

Postby zeus111 on Tue Oct 16, 2018 2:37 pm

A public forum? Last I looked it was privately owned. We have 100% control on who can and can't post.

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its main issue is its volunteers have gone power crazy ...whoever is making the changes like disabling our ability to wall sites new recruits welcoming them to the community to stop farming as it was put are looking at the negitive side of its members he figures site will remain with 2 players just make no biz sense..its was said site has 1700 ish paying members thats first positive news i have heard , i sent another 3 referrals of pogo site all couldnt grasp the basics ..thats 8 players playing realtime daily that opened new accounts only to log on and off with in 5 mins ..with the ability to contact them to try and advise on how to begin taken away i give up trying to do my part ...after all with the its a private site mentality with its volunteers controlling it with a piss poor attitudes quote we control 100 percent who may or may not speak out who wants to try and support that crap ...BRAVO TEEGEE U MAY JUST GET YOUR PRIVATE SITE ALL TO YOURSELF!!
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Re: Change My Mind

Postby TeeGee on Tue Oct 16, 2018 3:29 pm

IcePack wrote:
TeeGee wrote:
KoolBak wrote:I am honestly sick of hearing one person's pissing match about speed games. Who cares? I don't play speed games, so the site is fine and good :lol:

The core of our group has been playing risk together since the late 80's. We set up here when Brian started it...first group on CC I believe. Still here...still happy.

So...anyone else wanna judge the state of the entire site on their personal situation?

Very well said

There is a core group of players here that will leave when we die

Until then, the site will exist. Doesn’t matter if there is only 2 of us left, that’s all that is needed to play.
Compare our numbers logged in at anytime to other sites like land grab and Majcom, they are still around with less than 10 users online at most times... and the dots... don’t forget the dots ....

The numbers are going down every day. I know you were exaggerating, but there still needs to be enough people here to keep it profitable, or it won't still be around.
People choose this site over land grab and MajCom because of the Community. Not because it looks better, plays better, or innovates more. But that Community is rapidly shrinking, 1000+ players per year. Theres only 5,100 players left, so eventually if all things are equal, they may not choose this place anymore. Because the draw to here was the large playing community, and it won't be here forever. If all communities are small, then they are going to choose the best one. This one does have the most maps, but it also clearly has dice issues, functionality / bug problems, server issues, etc etc etc.

Once the community is small enough, how fun will it be to play the same people over and over and over? When the clan community dies or can't support more then a few clans, how fun will it be playing the same 3-4 clans on repeat? Eventually that will get old, and those people too will leave. There aren't new maps being developed like they used to be either, so theres less and less for vet players to be interested in.

Lord Arioch wrote:Why not make positive suggs aimed to solving problems instead of complaining? I for one is kind of tired on all the negative comments ... work around it, and be positive ... aim to solve instead of aim to well something else...
I like CC sure the dice hates me sometimes but thats life :)

I'm not complaining, I got into a debate whether or not this site was "dying" and they couldn't provide a strong argument against it. So I thought, for all the people who believe the site ISN"T dying, maybe they could provide a better argument of why this site is alive and growing / thriving.

I've been involved on TeamCC for years, I spoke to the owner hundreds of times and provided a ton of positive suggestions. Theres a whole (dead) forum full of positive suggestions if they want to dig through it. My intention here isn't to provide positive suggestions, they are everywhere. The owner doesn't read the forums. So he wouldn't see it even if I bothered to do it. What good does it do to shout positive things at a wall that doesn't hear you?

Have you logged into ladgrab or majcom lately and compared numbers? No exaggeration, just facts.. I haven’t seen more than 10 online users at either of those sites in a long time, and they both have forums and somewhat of a community. CC is also doing well above google analytics results for searches of Risk online. Do some research, in the scheme of things the site is doing ok, and you know wham has no intentions to close it
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Re: Change My Mind

Postby IcePack on Tue Oct 16, 2018 3:48 pm

TeeGee wrote:Have you logged into ladgrab or majcom lately and compared numbers? No exaggeration, just facts.. I haven’t seen more than 10 online users at either of those sites in a long time, and they both have forums and somewhat of a community. CC is also doing well above google analytics results for searches of Risk online. Do some research, in the scheme of things the site is doing ok, and you know wham has no intentions to close it

Yes actually, I started an account with one of them the day the site choose hate speech and racism as being more important than two longtime volunteers. As promised, I stopped supporting it the moment they made that decision. They are getting my $$$ (as are a variety of other games) and time now.

I’ve done research on it, google analytics is only a portion of the puzzle picture. When a site loses 20% of its user base in a single year and doesn’t do anything to reverse that trend, I don’t hold much faith that it’ll last much longer.

I don’t know that wham has no intention to close it actually. The last time him and I talked about it, paraphrasing (the site was approx 8,000 users at the time)
“It’s not that big of a concern, conquer Club will be open even if it has 1/2 its user base”. Well, that’s 4,000 users. A number we are rapidly approaching. So that might not be “the line”, I don’t claim to know anything beyond under 4,000 has the potential to be reconsidered.

At the time, it was believed the site could be grown still. There was hope for something to change. Conquer Forces isn’t going to drive the growth, which is what much of his effort over the last year+ has been poured into. So while I don’t believe he will ever INTEND to close the site down, at some point it becomes the practical / financially prudent thing to do. It certainly isn’t practical to believe that he would choose to lose money indefinitely.

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Re: Change My Mind

Postby iAmCaffeine on Tue Oct 16, 2018 4:43 pm

zeus111 wrote:i wish i could ..multi player speeders are toast last week alone seen 4 lifers go freemium cant even contact my referrals in its design is set to fail ...seems like its some one with a very negative outlook is ruining cc club ....u said i cant reach my referrals so they cant be trolled by members takes away ability to not only guide them but to communicate with them , why is it this sites solutions are creating more issues then need be. its looking for the worst not accepting the best from its members thanks for clearing that up for me

seems owner ship as it was put to me doesn't have time to improve its flaws ..its relying on non paid volunteers to maintain it and now the bug logging us out mid turn ,,yikes !!!! its just my opinion but all that remains worth playing is clan wars /tournaments ..the auto tournaments are geared toward premium once those tournaments start to decline would be a good indicator of sites end ...... so on this we agree .

people are playing risk online a lot of them yet this site is having issues filling up a simple 6 player speed game

send a PM..
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Re: Change My Mind

Postby KoolBak on Wed Oct 17, 2018 12:24 am

Yo Icey-P.....

"How fun will it be to play with the same people over and over?"

Lmao. Guess you didn't read my post. I believe I'm the seniormost person posting. We have the first group made in CC. We only play with each other for the most part. That's the value of this site. If I had to play with the public? I'd be gone tomorrow.

So perhaps you should expand your mind....or we don't matter. Don't actually care....just pisses me off.
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riskllama wrote:Koolbak wins this thread.
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Re: Change My Mind

Postby IcePack on Wed Oct 17, 2018 12:56 am

KoolBak wrote:Yo Icey-P.....

"How fun will it be to play with the same people over and over?"

Lmao. Guess you didn't read my post.

I read it. And do you think it applies to the entire community or just your group?
I’m talking site wide, not you & a few buddies specifically. Most are looking for varied / high level competition not the same thing over and over w the same few people. The topics about the site, not just you.

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Re: Change My Mind

Postby zeus111 on Wed Oct 17, 2018 1:24 am

iAmCaffeine wrote:
zeus111 wrote:i wish i could ..multi player speeders are toast last week alone seen 4 lifers go freemium cant even contact my referrals in its design is set to fail ...seems like its some one with a very negative outlook is ruining cc club ....u said i cant reach my referrals so they cant be trolled by members takes away ability to not only guide them but to communicate with them , why is it this sites solutions are creating more issues then need be. its looking for the worst not accepting the best from its members thanks for clearing that up for me

seems owner ship as it was put to me doesn't have time to improve its flaws ..its relying on non paid volunteers to maintain it and now the bug logging us out mid turn ,,yikes !!!! its just my opinion but all that remains worth playing is clan wars /tournaments ..the auto tournaments are geared toward premium once those tournaments start to decline would be a good indicator of sites end ...... so on this we agree .

people are playing risk online a lot of them yet this site is having issues filling up a simple 6 player speed game

send a PM..

thanks ...i did seems most all new recruits a little time is needed before there walls activated some point farming was an issue so to combat that site made changes to allow guides a chance to educate them ...seems like 36 hours then we can wall /join there games

here is site admins reply

Sent: Tue Oct 16, 2018 4:46 pm
From: king achilles
To: zeus111
You can now post on Brudin's wall.

My theory is right that you have to give it some time before you can post on a newly registered member's wall.

Also be careful to be reported for farming if you are having too many games with NR's. There is always the Society of Guides that you can join.

Last edited by king achilles on Tue Oct 16, 2018 4:48 pm, edited 2 times in total.

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and my reply

Sent: Wed Oct 17, 2018 12:10 am
From: zeus111
To: king achilles
ok to be clear here i am sending nr here and if i play them i can be booted for farming ..thats just soooooooo wrong , yet site s loosing them to not knowing how to get the hang of sites basics ..its the time its taking walls to activate that s causing site loosing majority of its new recruits ... ... 2TE8qCAPUQ ... jreload=10 ... 2TE8qCAPUQ [not sure why this link is only one that plays ] ... me-online/

every site that has risk all have a video tutorial covering there sites basics not chastising its members in any way for playing a new recruit ..this site in its design is set to fail its volunteers have the philosophy is do as we say not as we do not all but most ..i cant believe a member trying to bring new life to this site was even warned about farming its ridiculous ......u want to know why members are leaving this site this is one of them ...not to mention its retention of its new recruits ,,,one volunteer has said he has said for 8 yrs site needs a video tutorial of its basics approached ownership and i quote "i dont have the time " was response well its simple if the site owner does not have time to care for there biz neither do i nor should its non paid volunteers..

thanks for offer to join the guides but respectfully decline not only i am having a hard time with this but this years xmas 12 free premium accounts i normally give to freemiums is highly unlikely ...

sorry ice pack to cloud your post however this goes to show just how messed up this site has become ...

Last edited by zeus111 on Wed Oct 17, 2018 4:34 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Change My Mind

Postby iAmCaffeine on Wed Oct 17, 2018 2:55 am

Why dont you just PM the people you invited..?
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Re: Change My Mind

Postby zeus111 on Wed Oct 17, 2018 4:10 am

iAmCaffeine wrote:Why dont you just PM the people you invited..?

if they cant grasp the concept of starting a turn and now am told i can be banned for farming i gave up caff ..this is what i mean by sites set up to fail ...the owner wont take time to do what all risk sites have done and create a video explaining there sites basic s.. if they cant figure how to start a turn how can we entice new recruits into paid members .then rely on non paid volunteers to govern site has caused this sites issues

i take time generate 12 referrals only to lose them to sites complex beginning was eye opening to say the least .now get a pm telling me careful im not spotted as a farmer and in its design i can be banned WHY EVEN BOTHER .

Come on cc club cant u see the flaw in this ..
Last edited by zeus111 on Wed Oct 17, 2018 4:36 am, edited 1 time in total.
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