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Will CC someday just be turned off?

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Re: Will CC someday just be turned off?

Postby zeus111 on Sun Oct 14, 2018 2:24 pm

@ magnus well said
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Re: Will CC someday just be turned off?

Postby xroads on Sun Oct 14, 2018 6:08 pm

Dukasaur wrote:
xroads wrote:
zeus111 wrote:i sent 5 players this week here ..i could not post how to begin games on there wall ..all had a guide in there game but left site very soon after signing up ..would it be possible to make a very short video covering those basics ??? looking into more new recruits first games many log on and off with in mins never to come back ....i see most all guide games the guide welcomes them again all most all have no reply as if they dont see that chat ...perhaps if possible a short video can be made to introduce all new members on the basics ,,,plus one said he saw red circles pulsating and could not figure out how to start turn clickable maps installed for new recruits ?

I suggested how to you tube videos long long ago.

It was ignored by ownership

I've been suggesting tutorial videos for eight years. Ownership said "go right ahead. Make it and we'll be happy to post it." That's not exactly the same thing as ignoring. It's saying that he (and by "he" I mean all three owners, because I've served under all three and they all agreed) doesn't have the time or the {insert any of a number of excuses} but would be happy to support it with links on the site, etc.

I know, this is something that should be a management responsibility, but volunteers have done what management should be doing forever, and there's no reason we couldn't do this one also. I lack the technical knowlege to do video screen captures (I know how to do static screen captures, but for this I think we need live) but if somebody could teach me and direct me to some kind of freeware software for video capture, I would gladly take a stab at it.

EBConquer has already volunteered two years ago to do the final edit and turn my spew into something professional-looking.

I've been told I have a good radio voice and I've done public speaking, so I'll be happy to do my own narration. All I need is some software to do video scree captures.

This is the pathetic reason why CC is dying.

The owner wont do something they should do, and instead expects his customers to do it.

This is like asking customers at a restaurant to cook their own meal and wash their own dishes.
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Re: Will CC someday just be turned off?

Postby riskllama on Sun Oct 14, 2018 6:24 pm

yeahbut, isn't that the way it's always been around here?
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Re: Will CC someday just be turned off?

Postby Dukasaur on Sun Oct 14, 2018 6:31 pm

xroads wrote:
Dukasaur wrote:
xroads wrote:
zeus111 wrote:i sent 5 players this week here ..i could not post how to begin games on there wall ..all had a guide in there game but left site very soon after signing up ..would it be possible to make a very short video covering those basics ??? looking into more new recruits first games many log on and off with in mins never to come back ....i see most all guide games the guide welcomes them again all most all have no reply as if they dont see that chat ...perhaps if possible a short video can be made to introduce all new members on the basics ,,,plus one said he saw red circles pulsating and could not figure out how to start turn clickable maps installed for new recruits ?

I suggested how to you tube videos long long ago.

It was ignored by ownership

I've been suggesting tutorial videos for eight years. Ownership said "go right ahead. Make it and we'll be happy to post it." That's not exactly the same thing as ignoring. It's saying that he (and by "he" I mean all three owners, because I've served under all three and they all agreed) doesn't have the time or the {insert any of a number of excuses} but would be happy to support it with links on the site, etc.

I know, this is something that should be a management responsibility, but volunteers have done what management should be doing forever, and there's no reason we couldn't do this one also. I lack the technical knowlege to do video screen captures (I know how to do static screen captures, but for this I think we need live) but if somebody could teach me and direct me to some kind of freeware software for video capture, I would gladly take a stab at it.

EBConquer has already volunteered two years ago to do the final edit and turn my spew into something professional-looking.

I've been told I have a good radio voice and I've done public speaking, so I'll be happy to do my own narration. All I need is some software to do video scree captures.

This is the pathetic reason why CC is dying.

The owner wont do something they should do, and instead expects his customers to do it.

This is like asking customers at a restaurant to cook their own meal and wash their own dishes.

This is the way it has always been. The site basically provides a game engine and not much more. A skeleton for the forums, but no content.

Every improvement in CC has come from the community. At least 95% of the maps were community-generated. The site just provides a bare framework for the maps but does little or nothing to support mapmakers. All the fun in the forums comes from the community -- the site just provides a very limited level of support for moderators to keep it from degenerating too far. The things people love the most -- tournaments, clans, and challenges -- all began as community-based initiatives and only later was some level of bureaucratic and technical support provided by the site to support them.

Robert Ringer wrote:Reality isn't the way you wish things to be, nor the way they appear to be, but the way they actually are. Either you acknowledge reality and use it to your benefit, or it will automatically work against you.

This is the way it has always been. The site provides a rudimentary skeleton. All the flesh and skin and clothing needed to make the monster is hung on those bones by the work of volunteers in the community.

You might say this is unethical. There's a lot of people who do -- people who refuse to participate in crowdsourcing and other ways that for-profit businesses get the benefits of free labour. It is definitely your right to choose not to give up your labour for someone else's benefit. But you admitted several posts back that you love the place, and the things you love -- your favourite maps, the tournaments you enjoyed, etc. -- were put there by volunteers who went before. It might be said that you are enjoying the benefits of free labour as much as the site owners are, so you cannot criticize too much. Even in its heyday, CC didn't make enough money to pay fair market value for any of the things that went into it. It wouldn't be what it is without the labours of the volunteers.
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Re: Will CC someday just be turned off?

Postby xroads on Sun Oct 14, 2018 6:40 pm

You know, it would be different if we didn't PAY $30 a year.

If this was a totally free site, and survived on donations I would agree with you 100%. But this is a freaking business who charges its customers to play here. So you shouldnt expect the customers to fix and develop your company.

Which brings me back to my original post.

CC is slowly dying, no one can deny that. So when will the plug be pulled? Or will it just decline until there are about 300 people left.
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Re: Will CC someday just be turned off?

Postby iAmCaffeine on Sun Oct 14, 2018 6:47 pm

naruto will be the last player here, still logging all his dice results in self notes vs bots
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Re: Will CC someday just be turned off?

Postby zeus111 on Sun Oct 14, 2018 7:48 pm

@ duk most sites use its members like i said im a mod on poker stars we dont get paid we choose to do what we do for the site ...we do receive some benefits but see were x roads is coming from this site s owners goals not to profit ?? u said prior u have approached the 3 owners with an idea and they said they did not have the time . i m confused as to why a company would start a biz see its in deep doodoo and not try and save it ...if owners dont have time why start the whole site to begin with ..for 8 yrs u said u have mentioned this idea and to date its a very big issue ..maybe im wrong and 3 ppl got together built a site for entertainment is that the case here if so i get it ..however if there too busy as it was stated and see there creation out right on life support why on earth should we it sits its my belief the site has to see the majority of its new recruits are not getting the handle here ..i seen it this week with 5 referals ...pls explain cause if its a biz fro profit and they dont have time to improve it i m out meaning no more support on my behalf ...i know 50 ish gifted premium accounts isnt much but strongly feel if sites owners wont address the issues neither should we ......... theirs another biz were the one person collects the dough on others backs it looks like bw is a pimp and us members are the bitches ,,just does not sit well
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Re: Will CC someday just be turned off?

Postby riskllama on Sun Oct 14, 2018 8:06 pm

zeus111 wrote:@ duk most sites use its members like i said im a mod on poker stars we dont get paid we choose to do what we do for the site ...we do receive some benefits but see were x roads is coming from this site s owners goals not to profit ?? u said prior u have approached the 3 owners with an idea and they said they did not have the time . i m confused as to why a company would start a biz see its in deep doodoo and not try and save it ...if owners dont have time why start the whole site to begin with ..for 8 yrs u said u have mentioned this idea and to date its a very big issue ..maybe im wrong and 3 ppl got together built a site for entertainment is that the case here if so i get it ..however if there too busy as it was stated and see there creation out right on life support why on earth should we it sits its my belief the site has to see the majority of its new recruits are not getting the handle here ..i seen it this week with 5 referals ...pls explain cause if its a biz fro profit and they dont have time to improve it i m out meaning no more support on my behalf ...i know 50 ish gifted premium accounts isnt much but strongly feel if sites owners wont address the issues neither should we .........

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Re: Will CC someday just be turned off?

Postby HitRed on Sun Oct 14, 2018 10:15 pm

Can someone guess at a price or valuation? Or what is sold for before.

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Re: Will CC someday just be turned off?

Postby riskllama on Sun Oct 14, 2018 10:59 pm

i'd give him about $6CDN for this place, as is. maybe $7...
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Re: Will CC someday just be turned off?

Postby HitRed on Sun Oct 14, 2018 11:09 pm

5,100 members times $31 = $15,810 -kingA -owner -web hosting -free premiums handed out and on and on. It might be $3,000 (20% profit) to $4,500 (30% profit). Most business run on much lower profit margins but I'm talking brick and mortar. A buyout even with a premium would be less than a new car. We're not talking impossible anything. You have to look at unlocking the value.
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Re: Will CC someday just be turned off?

Postby Keefie on Sun Oct 14, 2018 11:22 pm

HitRed wrote:5,100 members times $31 = $15,810 -kingA -web hosting -free premiums handed out and on and on. It might be $6,000 to 10,000. A buyout even with a premium would be less than a new car.

Your math sucks. More like 158,100.

You've also wrongly assumed that all members are premium. In fact there are only approx 1700 paying members here.
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Re: Will CC someday just be turned off?

Postby HitRed on Mon Oct 15, 2018 12:05 am

Keefie wrote:
HitRed wrote:5,100 members times $31 = $15,810 -kingA -web hosting -free premiums handed out and on and on. It might be $6,000 to 10,000. A buyout even with a premium would be less than a new car.

Your math sucks. More like 158,100.

You've also wrongly assumed that all members are premium. In fact there are only approx 1700 paying members here.

Sorry about that. Then 1,700 x31 = $52,700. Again not impossible. The question still remains is or can it have more value.
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Re: Will CC someday just be turned off?

Postby riskllama on Mon Oct 15, 2018 12:06 am

Keefie wrote:
HitRed wrote:5,100 members times $31 = $15,810 -kingA -web hosting -free premiums handed out and on and on. It might be $6,000 to 10,000. A buyout even with a premium would be less than a new car.

Your math sucks. More like 158,100.

You've also wrongly assumed that all members are premium. In fact there are only approx 1700 paying members here.

cut him some slack, Keefie - he's making a calculator-themed map as i type this.
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Re: Will CC someday just be turned off?

Postby EBConquer on Mon Oct 15, 2018 12:23 am

So as Duke said, I've offered to cut together an introductory video to help newbies get started and shouldn't be very hard at all considering I edit video every day for a living and the offer is still on the table.

If somebody would like to spearhead this project, I can help you see it through. Basically the hardest part is coming up w/ an outline of what processes is going to be shown and what is going to be said. I'll do all the screen captures, editorial and sound on my end.

After we come up w/ an outline and script (and also approved), then we'll start roughing things together w/ a scratch voice over and go from there.

Hosting the video is another question as I think it would need to live on this site and not a YouTube link embedded whereas the end user has to watch a little tiny embedded video on the forums. They should be able to watch it full resolution perhaps when they sign up and also get the link via email.

Perhaps it should be just a bare bones short vid aimed only at getting a newbie started then have continuation videos to delve further into the other advanced features that aren't too obvious.
01 - Getting Started
02 - Joining and Starting games
03 - Taking Turns Advanced, setting up the panel interface
04 - Central Command
05 - Settings and Control Panel

Just an idea.
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Re: Will CC someday just be turned off?

Postby riskllama on Mon Oct 15, 2018 12:54 am

EBConquer wrote:So as Duke said, I've offered to cut together an introductory video to help newbies get started and shouldn't be very hard at all considering I edit video every day for a living and the offer is still on the table.

If somebody would like to spearhead this project, I can help you see it through. Basically the hardest part is coming up w/ an outline of what processes is going to be shown and what is going to be said. I'll do all the screen captures, editorial and sound on my end.

After we come up w/ an outline and script (and also approved), then we'll start roughing things together w/ a scratch voice over and go from there.

Hosting the video is another question as I think it would need to live on this site and not a YouTube link embedded whereas the end user has to watch a little tiny embedded video on the forums. They should be able to watch it full resolution perhaps when they sign up and also get the link via email.

Perhaps it should be just a bare bones short vid aimed only at getting a newbie started then have continuation videos to delve further into the other advanced features that aren't too obvious.
01 - Getting Started
02 - Joining and Starting games
03 - Taking Turns Advanced, setting up the panel interface
04 - Central Command
05 - Settings and Control Panel

Just an idea.

EB wins this thread... =D> =D> =D>
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Re: Will CC someday just be turned off?

Postby IcePack on Mon Oct 15, 2018 6:36 am

Dukasaur wrote:
xroads wrote:
zeus111 wrote:i sent 5 players this week here ..i could not post how to begin games on there wall ..all had a guide in there game but left site very soon after signing up ..would it be possible to make a very short video covering those basics ??? looking into more new recruits first games many log on and off with in mins never to come back ....i see most all guide games the guide welcomes them again all most all have no reply as if they dont see that chat ...perhaps if possible a short video can be made to introduce all new members on the basics ,,,plus one said he saw red circles pulsating and could not figure out how to start turn clickable maps installed for new recruits ?

I suggested how to you tube videos long long ago.

It was ignored by ownership

I've been suggesting tutorial videos for eight years. Ownership said "go right ahead. Make it and we'll be happy to post it." That's not exactly the same thing as ignoring. It's saying that he (and by "he" I mean all three owners, because I've served under all three and they all agreed) doesn't have the time or the {insert any of a number of excuses} but would be happy to support it with links on the site, etc.

I know, this is something that should be a management responsibility, but volunteers have done what management should be doing forever, and there's no reason we couldn't do this one also. I lack the technical knowlege to do video screen captures (I know how to do static screen captures, but for this I think we need live) but if somebody could teach me and direct me to some kind of freeware software for video capture, I would gladly take a stab at it.

EBConquer has already volunteered two years ago to do the final edit and turn my spew into something professional-looking.

I've been told I have a good radio voice and I've done public speaking, so I'll be happy to do my own narration. All I need is some software to do video scree captures.

I’m sorry, but there’s a big fucking difference here. The community putting third party scripts or forming teams / clans to war is one thing. But if the guy making money off the site can’t be assed to fill the seats around here it’s gone to a whole diff level of “community support”. That’s not supporting / innovating on a site that’s thriving, it’s people doing his job and keeping the doors open for him

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Re: Will CC someday just be turned off?

Postby zeus111 on Mon Oct 15, 2018 7:27 am

Keefie wrote:
HitRed wrote:5,100 members times $31 = $15,810 -kingA -web hosting -free premiums handed out and on and on. It might be $6,000 to 10,000. A buyout even with a premium would be less than a new car.

Your math sucks. More like 158,100.

You've also wrongly assumed that all members are premium. In fact there are only approx 1700 paying members here.

1700 paid memberships for real ?????? how do u get that number ...
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Re: Will CC someday just be turned off?

Postby xroads on Mon Oct 15, 2018 7:34 am

IcePack wrote:
Dukasaur wrote:
xroads wrote:
zeus111 wrote:i sent 5 players this week here ..i could not post how to begin games on there wall ..all had a guide in there game but left site very soon after signing up ..would it be possible to make a very short video covering those basics ??? looking into more new recruits first games many log on and off with in mins never to come back ....i see most all guide games the guide welcomes them again all most all have no reply as if they dont see that chat ...perhaps if possible a short video can be made to introduce all new members on the basics ,,,plus one said he saw red circles pulsating and could not figure out how to start turn clickable maps installed for new recruits ?

I suggested how to you tube videos long long ago.

It was ignored by ownership

I've been suggesting tutorial videos for eight years. Ownership said "go right ahead. Make it and we'll be happy to post it." That's not exactly the same thing as ignoring. It's saying that he (and by "he" I mean all three owners, because I've served under all three and they all agreed) doesn't have the time or the {insert any of a number of excuses} but would be happy to support it with links on the site, etc.

I know, this is something that should be a management responsibility, but volunteers have done what management should be doing forever, and there's no reason we couldn't do this one also. I lack the technical knowlege to do video screen captures (I know how to do static screen captures, but for this I think we need live) but if somebody could teach me and direct me to some kind of freeware software for video capture, I would gladly take a stab at it.

EBConquer has already volunteered two years ago to do the final edit and turn my spew into something professional-looking.

I've been told I have a good radio voice and I've done public speaking, so I'll be happy to do my own narration. All I need is some software to do video scree captures.

I’m sorry, but there’s a big fucking difference here. The community putting third party scripts or forming teams / clans to war is one thing. But if the guy making money off the site can’t be assed to fill the seats around here it’s gone to a whole diff level of “community support”. That’s not supporting / innovating on a site that’s thriving, it’s people doing his job and keeping the doors open for him

Agreee 100%

And BW would just laugh his ass off and think "I knew I could get them morons to work for free" Cha Ching
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Re: Will CC someday just be turned off?

Postby Keefie on Mon Oct 15, 2018 7:36 am

zeus111 wrote:
Keefie wrote:
HitRed wrote:5,100 members times $31 = $15,810 -kingA -web hosting -free premiums handed out and on and on. It might be $6,000 to 10,000. A buyout even with a premium would be less than a new car.

Your math sucks. More like 158,100.

You've also wrongly assumed that all members are premium. In fact there are only approx 1700 paying members here.

1700 paid memberships for real ?????? how do u get that number ...

Count them on the scoreboard
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Re: Will CC someday just be turned off?

Postby zeus111 on Mon Oct 15, 2018 8:06 am

@keefie ok thanks i am just surprised at that...that stat gives hope i would have lost a bet on that one ..and kinda proves my thought process wrong ..if we have that many paid members im wrong ..speed real time play isnt the draw to premium i was so sure on...
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Re: Will CC someday just be turned off?

Postby KoolBak on Mon Oct 15, 2018 9:47 am

I only play to meet Canadians :lol:
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riskllama wrote:Koolbak wins this thread.
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Re: Will CC someday just be turned off?

Postby Dukasaur on Mon Oct 15, 2018 2:44 pm

KoolBak wrote:I only play to meet Canadians :lol:

Can't go wrong!

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Re: Will CC someday just be turned off?

Postby zeus111 on Mon Oct 15, 2018 3:49 pm

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Re: Will CC someday just be turned off?

Postby IcePack on Mon Oct 15, 2018 4:43 pm

So people can’t farm noobs

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