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medal s

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medal s

Postby zeus111 on Sat Oct 13, 2018 1:31 pm

is it possible for powers at be to look into medal criteria ...for or new members speed medal is going to be very very hard to achieve as are most medals they require unique opponent wins and as of late that is a tall order .....
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Re: medal s

Postby riskllama on Sat Oct 13, 2018 2:12 pm

perhaps you'd like it if every swinging dick who creates an account gets a participation ribbon? HOORAY4EVERYONE!!!
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Re: medal s

Postby riskllama on Sat Oct 13, 2018 2:13 pm

*inb4 move to suggs*
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Re: medal s

Postby zeus111 on Sat Oct 13, 2018 2:30 pm

riskllama wrote:perhaps you'd like it if every swinging dick who creates an account gets a participation ribbon? HOORAY4EVERYONE!!!

lol u a funny faak ...irksome but funny
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Re: medal s

Postby iAmCaffeine on Sun Oct 14, 2018 11:52 am

It would be quite hard to get platinum or even gold speed nowadays. Last I checked very few people even have gold poly and I was one of the first. Unfortunately with the site numbers dwindling this will just become more common with more medals.
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Re: medal s

Postby Dukasaur on Sun Oct 14, 2018 11:57 am

I've been here 8 years and I don't have my gold in Speed. I'll get it eventually, but it might take 20 or 30 years. Still, that's because I'm not much of a Speed player. If it was something I was really into I could do it. Might have to drag a lot of people into speed games, especially during things like the Easter event when there's a lot of freemium-exemption speed tournaments, that kind of thing.
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Re: medal s

Postby zeus111 on Sun Oct 14, 2018 12:36 pm

iAmCaffeine wrote:It would be quite hard to get platinum or even gold speed nowadays. Last I checked very few people even have gold poly and I was one of the first. Unfortunately with the site numbers dwindling this will just become more common with more medals.

maybe if we loose the unique wins part and raise the number of games to compensate it may give newbs a fighting chance to obtain ..with limited players the unique part is making it almost impossible to obtain ......
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Re: medal s

Postby iAmCaffeine on Sun Oct 14, 2018 3:43 pm

I don't see it as a major issue since new players will enjoy getting basic medals while they're getting to grips with the game. Nobody joins and decides their goal is to get platinum medals.
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Re: medal s

Postby xroads on Mon Oct 15, 2018 8:02 am

Another dumb thought

Do medals need some tweaking, maybe some new ones? Yes.

But anyone can get the base medals, the golds and platinums takes work and dedication, they are handed out like participation trophys.

And your speed arguement holds no water. As a test I started one this morning, and it was filled within 1 minute.
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Re: medal s

Postby zeus111 on Mon Oct 15, 2018 8:38 am

xroads wrote:Another dumb thought

Do medals need some tweaking, maybe some new ones? Yes.

But anyone can get the base medals, the golds and platinums takes work and dedication, they are handed out like participation trophys.

And your speed argument holds no water. As a test I started one this morning, and it was filled within 1 minute.

medals in there design u need to beat different players and lmao to 1 min game fill in 5 to 6 player game its just bull shit if u come here to spout dribble least make it believable .....yesterday alone barney rubble starts classic speeder at 430 pm as of 945pm it was dropped ..633 pm bigbullets opens 6 player baltic fog trench 1 min game ,,,sits till around 10 games dropped that time hottlingers openes 5 plyer baltic game 745 games dropped ....i opened 3 speed games one baltic filled in 45 mins other 2 dropped no action ......yet u can fill one in 1 min is just a out right horse shit story .......put it up or shut it up ull even join the second after ya to see this amazing game fill in 1 min ...what a dick....lmfao looked threw your games not one multi player speeder .....
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