leechunsonnn wrote:I think sometimes the CC interface does not work pretty well on iPad or on my phone.
2dimes wrote:Did it crash while you typed up this thread?
elfish_lad wrote:2dimes wrote:Did it crash while you typed up this thread?
Shit. I’m too old and grumpy to, actually, laugh out loud. At this stage? I’m more of a “grunt in derision” kinda guy.
I may have even peed a bit to boot...
xroads wrote:the key to playing it on mobile is turning off the user interface, then it is actually usable.
But no, BW will never ever make this an app or anything similar.
DoomYoshi wrote:For one thing, the mobile is way better than it used to be. The biggest problem is that sme of the maps are just too big to be easy to deal with on mobile. That's the biggest problem I think. On iPad, there is quite a bit of wasted space where stats could go, but that would probably ruin the phone experience. Can you outline how you think it could be improved?
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