delilahplay2 wrote:I really don't enjoy this post-apocalyptic USA map I'm playing in this autotournament. Is there any way to resign from an autotournament? I think I misunderstood the structure - I thought I played a round of three games and then I had to actively request to play again. But it appears I get automatically signed up to play this same map over and over again,endlessly. Apologies if I misunderstood-but I need a way to not play this map anymore (without having to deadbeat if possible). cheers, D
There's no way to resign from an autotournament. Once they roll, they keep rolling.
However, you're now in Round 5 of 6, so you're almost to the finish line. Even if you hate the map, tough it out. There's only one more round after this one and you never know when you might get a lucky kill. Score-wise, you're right in the middle of the pack, so you're not doing as badly as you might think.
If it's any consolation, I've learned to hate that map too...