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Let's talk about Jick..

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Let's talk about Jick..

Postby nietzsche on Sun Jul 29, 2018 8:40 pm

This has gone too far.. Jick is every day badmouthing me in GC

every day he says something like.. "nietzsche is toxic"

this is an example of a regular day on Global Chat:

rop: trump
chatstevens: nice
rop: MURICA!
chatstevens: rop = good egg
chatstevens: good song
D34TH: hello
Keefie: everybody is warned
Quirk: ZPTF
chatstevens: hi Quirk
Quirk: I was just leaving
Razorvich: 13:21 RZT
llama: lol rop, turn down the suck
D34TH: morning llama
Jick: Hello guys, I just got home blah blah
**more crickets**
chatstevens: trump
nietzsche: my chat
nietzsche: where's the llama?
rop: he's probably doing something canadian
rop: canada sucks
chatstevens: rop = good egg
rop: nice song cat
riskllama: turn down the suck rop
riskllama: nietz
nietzsche: i treat this body like a frigging temple llama
nietzsche: planks, everyday
Jick: who are you talking to rop?
rop: llama
Jick: oh, I foed those two, nietz and llama
Jick: nietz is toxic
Jick: i'm having much better times in GC since i foed them
Jick: best decision in my life
**more crickets**
mrswdk: hi nietz, llama
rop: trump
nietzsche: hello mrs
llama: mrs
Jick: i foed llama and nietz mrswdk
mrswdk: who the **** are you?
mrswdk: nobody cares
Jick: it's just that, i think nietz and llama are toxic
**more crickets**
Raz: 20:43 RZT
chatstevens: nice song
rop: nice song cat
Quirk: ZPTF
rop: trump

as you can see, every comment Jick makes about me is uncalled for. I consider this to be bullying and i think he should be stopped.

And if you're wondering, why does Jick thinks i'm toxic.. I can't tell.. i just can describe events as they happened.. one day Jick and I are talking in GC, everything is fine, he even says i'm funny. The next day, someone asks me what do i think about Englands possibilities in the WC, and I simply gave my honest opinion. I told they had no chance, that the champion would come from the other side of the bracket, that England was just advancing because they got easy games in their side of the bracket, the only good team they had faced so far was Belgium and they had lost. against Colombia, they were lucky, the referee helped them and still they just managed to tie the game, and advanced on penalty kicks. I also said that the PL wasn't so good, that english fans had a strong bias towards their league, thinking it was the best in the world, and had weird fixations on players like Sterling who they've been putting like the next world crack and he's never done anything great.

When I said this, i didn't even know Jick was around, it was not aimed at him, it's just i had been talking to Symmetry and mrs wdk about it, both english, both think the football world revolves about the amazing football or the PL of goalkeeper long pass to the striker, the defender somehow can't deflect the ball to one side at least, and the striker gets it, runs 10 meters and goal. Amazing, 2 seconds goal. And they do the same play after play. Anyway, i was a little annoyed because english fans were saying they were going to be WC champions when they were in the round of 16th. But everything i said was factual.

So Jick loses it, starts saying i'm toxic and threatens to foe me like 10 times, i made the mistake of commenting a little more about england chances because i thought he had already foed me.. but he hadn't so he gets angry again.. and finally foes me.

Every day since that time, he has been telling everyone who would listen that i'm toxic and he has me and the llama foed.

I think this behaviour is not good in GC, and he should be warned.
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Re: Let's talk about Jick..

Postby riskllama on Sun Jul 29, 2018 8:47 pm

:lol: :lol: :lol:

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Re: Let's talk about Jick..

Postby King_Herpes on Sun Jul 29, 2018 8:56 pm

Considering that none of the above listed comments were open for forum viewership until now, I find this all to be intoxicatingly contrived. If we were all on a ship, this conversation could only be dignified at the scuttlebutt. There at the scuttlebutt only.

Since we are online however, it will probably fly.

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Re: Let's talk about Jick..

Postby Jdsizzleslice on Sun Jul 29, 2018 9:07 pm

King_Herpes wrote:My name is Sofia.

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Re: Let's talk about Jick..

Postby King_Herpes on Sun Jul 29, 2018 9:18 pm

Jdsizzleslice wrote:
King_Herpes wrote:My name is Sofia.


I prefer not to be addressed by my government robot name. Thank you for your diligence, it has been processed and stored in my database that you care about thourougness in detail. You possess a fine rigor the one called, Jdsizzleslice. Or would you rather I refer to you by your given name?

My name is Sofia.
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