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Announcements from Keefie & Groovysmurf

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Announcements from Keefie & Groovysmurf

Postby Keefie on Tue Jul 24, 2018 8:54 am

After 5 years of serving this site as a Clan Director I'm very sad to say it's time to go, as my position here is now untenable with the current Clan leadership. I made a big mistake a few weeks ago in handing back the opportunity to be Head CD. One that I will regret for a very long time.

See you on the battlefield.

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Re: Announcement

Postby Lindax on Tue Jul 24, 2018 9:06 am

Ouch, you'll be missed. If anybody put in a lot of work for the clan world, it's you.

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Re: Announcement

Postby Mad777 on Tue Jul 24, 2018 9:11 am

wooooch...well thanks for all your hard work for sure...I know what is all about.

Hope you will enjoy the peasant life within CC now, :)
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Re: Announcement

Postby Donelladan on Tue Jul 24, 2018 9:49 am

I thought that CD worked as a team, not as a dictatorship. WTF happened in just a couple of weeks !?!
If there is such an incompatibility problem between you both, how is it you are the one leaving and not dave, you have way more experience as a CD than he does. Not making and judgement on dave's skill, but it seems a bigger loss to see you go.
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Re: Announcement

Postby xroads on Tue Jul 24, 2018 10:10 am

Couldnt be the fact that you and Icepack are good friends and still determined to hurt clans as much as possible is it?

Sounds like someone is butthurt because they didnt get their way.
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Re: Announcement

Postby Keefie on Tue Jul 24, 2018 10:15 am

xroads wrote:Couldnt be the fact that you and Icepack are good friends and still determined to hurt clans as much as possible is it?

Sounds like someone is butthurt because they didnt get their way.

You know nothing of what has gone on my 'friend'. I just wish you could see my SKYPE conversations. But I can assure you this has nothing to do with Icepack.

Put it this way mate. A few days ago I was contacting BigWham to get him on board with revisiting the work we did to automate the F400. Not something that someone with an axe to grind would be doing.

Anyone who knows me will also tell you that I would do nothing to hurt this site or the clan world. I'm just in a completely untenable position that leaves me with no option but to resign. I can assure you that I'd rather stay.
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Re: Announcement

Postby groovysmurf on Tue Jul 24, 2018 10:16 am

I will also be stepping down as a CD, after a little over a year. I've really enjoyed working with everybody and am very sorry it has come to this. Believe me, this is the last thing I wanted. :cry:
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Re: Announcements from Keefie & Groovysmurf

Postby HitRed on Tue Jul 24, 2018 10:21 am

You were always nice to me! O:)
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Re: Announcement

Postby Mad777 on Tue Jul 24, 2018 10:31 am

groovysmurf wrote:I will also be stepping down as a CD, after a little over a year. I've really enjoyed working with everybody and am very sorry it has come to this. Believe me, this is the last thing I wanted. :cry:

Another good asset victim by the poor management and understanding from admin
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Re: Announcements from Keefie & Groovysmurf

Postby djelebert on Tue Jul 24, 2018 10:34 am

ouch! So now dave is the only CD left?

We will miss you Keefie and groovysmurf, you have done a lot of good work!
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Re: Announcements from Keefie & Groovysmurf

Postby IcePack on Tue Jul 24, 2018 11:04 am

:( very sad news to wake up to, and Iā€™m very sorry to see what has come :(

Keefie it has been a pleasure serving with you for so many years. While we didnā€™t always agree, we did always found a way to mutually respect & move forward on issues. How hard you have worked through the years always inspired me to not get complacent and know there was always more I could do. Thank you for all the work you have done

groovysmurf while you were newer to the position you dived right in. Thank you for all your efforts while working together, thank you for saving my bacon on more then one occasion when I got in over my head w ambitious workloads lol and being able and willing to learn my crazy games lol I know they werenā€™t easy and took up a lot of time. Thank you for that effort and sacrifice on your part, it was always very appreciated.

=D> =D> =D>

xroads wrote:Couldnt be the fact that you and Icepack are good friends and still determined to hurt clans as much as possible is it?

Sounds like someone is butthurt because they didnt get their way.

Please donā€™t drag them through the mud on my behalf. They disagreed with my actions just as much as any, and our friendships have been strained since I left. While we remain in partial / seldom contact and trying to remain friends, I was surprised as any when I saw this and sad to see this happen :(

I can tell you 100% that I had nothing to do with their departure, and that they would never intentionally hurt clans. Iā€™m not sure whatā€™s happened since Iā€™ve left but there is no way that is their aim. To suggest otherwise is a huge disservice to all the effort and work theyā€™ve done for Clans as a whole over the year(s)

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Re: Announcements from Keefie & Groovysmurf

Postby Vid_FISO on Tue Jul 24, 2018 12:46 pm

Given that the CD department is down to one that presumably can't manage everything single-handed, how did clans work before they were absorbed into CC control?
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Re: Announcements from Keefie & Groovysmurf

Postby MTIceman41 on Tue Jul 24, 2018 2:05 pm

Thanks for your hard work...CC is more fun with the hard work you guys have contributed.

That being said Iā€™m not worried...Dave is a solid dude and will get things rolling. Change is good, sometimes we need others to step up, take breaks, etc. I took a 4year CC break and it was great. Ironically Icepack, teegee, riskllama were some of the first to welcome me back (and are pivotal in some of the drama :lol: )

Anyways thanks for the hard work, and looking forward to the new team!
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Re: Announcements from Keefie & Groovysmurf

Postby betiko on Tue Jul 24, 2018 4:51 pm

MTIceman41 wrote:Thanks for your hard work...CC is more fun with the hard work you guys have contributed.

That being said Iā€™m not worried...Dave is a solid dude and will get things rolling. Change is good, sometimes we need others to step up, take breaks, etc. I took a 4year CC break and it was great. Ironically Icepack, teegee, riskllama were some of the first to welcome me back (and are pivotal in some of the drama :lol: )

Anyways thanks for the hard work, and looking forward to the new team!

Riskllama wasn't around 4 years ago though!

Anyways, I ve never dealt with BW in person, but seriously... it seems like you couldn't have worse managing skills than he has.
I've heard so many ex mods rant about the way they have been treated by BW... so many quit or decide to hang out on forums and never play again...
At some point if you keep breaking what others are building for free, just because you can... how do you expect to renew your freebie mods? Who is going to do the dirty work if they are going to be treated like shit after many years of service?

BW doesn't even bother to communicate with newsletters or anything since many years. Basically, it just looks like he's realised a couple of years ago what a shitty financial decision it was to buy this place and that nothing he tried worked to increase traffic, so he's just put CC under the rug and working on other stuff.

This will be a real ghost town within a year.
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Re: Announcements from Keefie & Groovysmurf

Postby xroads on Tue Jul 24, 2018 5:42 pm

betiko wrote:
MTIceman41 wrote:Thanks for your hard work...CC is more fun with the hard work you guys have contributed.

That being said Iā€™m not worried...Dave is a solid dude and will get things rolling. Change is good, sometimes we need others to step up, take breaks, etc. I took a 4year CC break and it was great. Ironically Icepack, teegee, riskllama were some of the first to welcome me back (and are pivotal in some of the drama :lol: )

Anyways thanks for the hard work, and looking forward to the new team!

Riskllama wasn't around 4 years ago though!

Anyways, I ve never dealt with BW in person, but seriously... it seems like you couldn't have worse managing skills than he has.
I've heard so many ex mods rant about the way they have been treated by BW... so many quit or decide to hang out on forums and never play again...
At some point if you keep breaking what others are building for free, just because you can... how do you expect to renew your freebie mods? Who is going to do the dirty work if they are going to be treated like shit after many years of service?

BW doesn't even bother to communicate with newsletters or anything since many years. Basically, it just looks like he's realised a couple of years ago what a shitty financial decision it was to buy this place and that nothing he tried worked to increase traffic, so he's just put CC under the rug and working on other stuff.

This will be a real ghost town within a year.

100% agrer
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Re: Announcements from Keefie & Groovysmurf

Postby MTIceman41 on Tue Jul 24, 2018 7:25 pm

betiko wrote:
MTIceman41 wrote:Thanks for your hard work...CC is more fun with the hard work you guys have contributed.

That being said Iā€™m not worried...Dave is a solid dude and will get things rolling. Change is good, sometimes we need others to step up, take breaks, etc. I took a 4year CC break and it was great. Ironically Icepack, teegee, riskllama were some of the first to welcome me back (and are pivotal in some of the drama :lol: )

Anyways thanks for the hard work, and looking forward to the new team!

Riskllama wasn't around 4 years ago though!

You assumed...
I left the site 2013...came back he was around
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Re: Announcements from Keefie & Groovysmurf

Postby Dukasaur on Tue Jul 24, 2018 10:12 pm

Many thanks for all you have done, Keefie and Groovy!

You will be missed.
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Re: Announcements from Keefie & Groovysmurf

Postby shoop76 on Wed Jul 25, 2018 1:52 am

What is going on here. Is Dave driving everyone away? Or is something else happening? From the little interaction I have had with Dave he seems like a good guy, but as you guys have said, we don't know the whole story (or maybe any of it).

Keefie its a shame that you are leaving. You and IP were what made clans run.

As for the additions, yikes. I see a couple of people that have showed in the past that they are not very impartial.

Hopefully, they will come with many great ideas and the clan world will flourish.
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Re: Announcements from Keefie & Groovysmurf

Postby hopalong on Wed Jul 25, 2018 11:07 am

shoop76 wrote:As for the additions, yikes. I see a couple of people that have showed in the past that they are not very impartial.

who are the additions?
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Re: Announcements from Keefie & Groovysmurf

Postby Jdsizzleslice on Wed Jul 25, 2018 11:54 am

hopalong wrote:
shoop76 wrote:As for the additions, yikes. I see a couple of people that have showed in the past that they are not very impartial.

who are the additions?

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Re: Announcements from Keefie & Groovysmurf

Postby iAmCaffeine on Wed Jul 25, 2018 1:59 pm

So, the two best CDs are gone. Some random prick is in charge, and brought back another random prick who is known to gossip about mod information to regular members. Good stuff!
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Re: Announcements from Keefie & Groovysmurf

Postby Jdsizzleslice on Wed Jul 25, 2018 2:48 pm

iAmCaffeine wrote:So, the two best CDs are gone. Some random prick is in charge, and brought back another random prick who is known to gossip about mod information to regular members. Good stuff!

Should there be riots in the streets?

Let us know your opinion!
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Re: Announcements from Keefie & Groovysmurf

Postby iAmCaffeine on Wed Jul 25, 2018 2:58 pm

Jdsizzleslice wrote:
iAmCaffeine wrote:So, the two best CDs are gone. Some random prick is in charge, and brought back another random prick who is known to gossip about mod information to regular members. Good stuff!

Should there be riots in the streets?

Let us know your opinion!

Despite our differences I do think you could be a good CD. It's a shame you've been dragged into this shit show.
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Re: Announcements from Keefie & Groovysmurf

Postby Extreme Ways on Wed Jul 25, 2018 3:33 pm

iAmCaffeine wrote:
Jdsizzleslice wrote:
iAmCaffeine wrote:So, the two best CDs are gone. Some random prick is in charge, and brought back another random prick who is known to gossip about mod information to regular members. Good stuff!

Should there be riots in the streets?

Let us know your opinion!

Despite our differences I do think you could be a good CD. It's a shame you've been dragged into this shit show.

I dont say this often, but I second Caff here (though I dont have differences with JD that I know of)
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Re: Announcements from Keefie & Groovysmurf

Postby iAmCaffeine on Wed Jul 25, 2018 4:04 pm

You should say it more.
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